The Supreme Sword

Chapter 923: 】Do not want to be the enemy

【Chapter 923】I don't want to be an enemy


"Two people, this is the route map to the Central Continent. It shows the safest route and the quickest route that is relatively safe. (

Not long after Xuantian and Geng Yuqing were invited to the Tiger Mountain, the Qinghu Demon Emperor drew a map and handed it over.

Xuantian took the map and took a look. It was more than 120 million miles away from Zhongzhou.

The land of Central Continent is very vast, but the surrounding sea area is even wider, only the sea area in the northwest direction, from the land of Central Continent to the edge of the region, there are more than 120 million miles.

Xuantian and the two came from Yunzhou, naturally at the edge of the Central Continent area.

The sea area is vast, and the territory of the Transforming Demon Race is mainly on the huge islands and the sea areas between the islands that are close to each other. Those sea areas without a large island in a radius of tens of millions of miles must not be transformed. Shaped monster site.

The demons, the transformation and non-transformation factions are also incompatible, fighting very fiercely.

On the map, some particularly dangerous vast sea areas are marked. There are untransformed monsters and monsters. There are terrifying monsters. Some sea areas with a radius of 20 million miles. There is not even an island with a radius of more than 10,000 miles. The quasi-emperor monster is hidden.

Moreover, some powerful forces of the Demon Race also indicated that, compared to Xuantian and Geng Yuqing, there must be a place to avoid, there are seventh, eighth, and ninth-level demon emperors.

Soon, Xuantian read the entire map and had two routes in his mind.

The safest route, the distance is relatively long, going around, it may take 200 million li to return to Central Continent.

A fairly safe shortcut requires passing through an island called Turtle Snake Island.

Turtle Snake Island is a large island with a radius of more than 300,000 miles. However, it is relatively far away from other large islands. It is like an isolated island in the vast sea, standing in the land of indestructible monsters.

However, Turtle Snake Island is too big, and there are many transformation monsters living on it, and it is not far from the Middle Continent, there are also human races, it is a meeting point of the monster and the human race.

On both sides of Turtle Snake Island, there are two huge non-transforming monsters, the Ba Snake and the Black Tortoise. It is said that they are at least level nine or even higher.

These two monsters turned the turtle island into a critical point, dividing their territory.

Ba Snake and Black Tortoise rarely appear on the edge of the territory, but the monsters under their command often cross the boundary and fight. Therefore, there are often monsters and beasts fighting, and occasionally they will fight to the turtle snake island.

Therefore, it can only be regarded as relatively safe.

When the monsters fight, the human race and the transformation monster race are likely to be involved in the battle, but they cannot fight back. Once the monsters fight back, the two horrible old monsters, the snake and the mysterious turtle, may appear. Killer races and transforming demons.

"Even if it takes a shortcut to return to Central Continent, it will take more than a month to take the safe route, about two months or so. Anyway, we are not in a hurry, just take the safe route. It doesn't matter if we go farther, otherwise we will be out of luck. I encountered the two old monsters Ba Snake and Xuan Gui, and that was bad." Xuan Tian said.

Although Geng Yuqing had no decision-making power, he nodded in agreement.

Ba Snake and Xuangui are at least the 9th-level monster beast emperor, and they look like Quasi-Emperor monster beasts, which is terrible.

"Cyan Tiger Demon Emperor, thank you very much!" Xuantian put the map away, clasped his fists to the Green Tiger Demon Emperor, and then looked at Geng Yuqing: "Let's go!"

"Two people go slowly!" Qinghu Demon Emperor said politely, because of the existence of Xiaohu, he regarded Xuantian and Geng Yuqing as guests.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Xuantian and the two had just walked out of Huwei Mountain and left the scope of the mountain protection formation. Suddenly, eight rays of light fell from the sky and turned into an eight-pole banner, which was inserted ten miles away from the two of them.


A breath enveloped, the surrounding void seemed to have changed.

"Eight-door lock empty array——!" Geng Yuqing exclaimed, his expression changed.

He delved into the formation, naturally knowing what the eight-door lock void formation is, it is a large formation that confines the void.

With that Mo Ming's breath, the space of twenty li in a radius was imprisoned.

Above, three people walked out of a white cloud.

One is a double ten woman, very charming, with a snow-white foxtail behind her, the other two are men in their 50s, one is thin and long and cold, the other is thin and light.

These three people are the Fairy Yuhu, Snake Snake, and Cicada Jie, who were clearly hidden in the white clouds just now.

If Xuan Tian used Emperor Dao Tian's eyes, the three of them would definitely not be able to hide their whereabouts, but opening the Emperor Dao Tian's eyes would consume energy, and Xuan Tian couldn't open them all the time.

Therefore, this was just a surprise attack by the formation of the Jade Fox Fairy trio.

"Cuckl...!" Fairy Yuhu twisted her waist and walked towards the eight-door lock empty array, with a cheerful expression, and said: "You are trapped, you can't escape."

"Fairy's formation is really powerful, and it imprisons the void for twenty miles in an instant. These two human races are caught in their hands."

"Hehehehehe...! It seems that the son is really lucky. Someone will give a pillow when he is going to sleep. At the critical moment of his blood cicada divine art practice, the human flesh and blood is sent up, hehe... or the flesh and blood of the fourth-level emperor. , Good luck!"

Cicada and Snake followed Fairy Yuhu to the left, laughing.

"One third-level demon emperor, two fourth-level demon emperors...!" Geng Yuqing looked at the three Jade Fox Fairy, and his nervous expression suddenly relaxed.

Geng Yuqing is good at fine arts, and it takes a while to break the eight-door lock empty formation. If the enemy is too strong, he may be killed before breaking the formation, but only the few demon emperors in front of him, with Xuantian The terrifying green sword gun was obviously not enough for Xuantian to kill by himself.

"Fairy Jade Fox, Snake Demon Emperor, Cicada Demon Emperor...!" Seeing this, the Azure Tiger Demon Emperor flew out of Huwei Mountain and said, "These two human races are my guests."

"Humans are your guests? Hulk...!" Fairy Yuhu smiled, looking at the Qinghu Demon Emperor with shining eyes, and said: "This is the food of Young Master Xuechan, Huyan, don't be troublesome. Oh……!"

The Green Tiger Demon Emperor was a little fascinated at once, attracted by Fairy Jade Fox's charm, stopped talking, and stepped aside.

Beside Xuantian, Geng Yuqing's expression was startled, "What a terrible charm."

Fairy Yuhu didn't look at him just now, but he also felt in a trance for a moment.

As for Xuantian, his face was calm and calm. He practiced swordsmanship. Since the battle with Yin Shaoqi, his swordsmanship has been firmer. He has vaguely stepped into the hall of swordsmanship. What kind of charm is ineffective to him. .

He had a sword in his heart, and he cut it down with one sword, and all thoughts were cut into nothingness.

Xuantian glanced at the three demon emperors, and said: "The two of us are just passing through the territory of the demon clan, we don't want to be an enemy of the demon clan, three, take the formation, you go."

"This little brother is so handsome, but what he said is really funny, giggling...!" Fairy Yuhu twisted, walking towards Xuantian step by step, his eyes flashing.

The Snake Demon Emperor and the Chanjie Demon Emperor also laughed and said, "Human Race, that is your territory in Zhongzhou. My Monster Race is murdered by the Human Race, but here is my Monster Race's territory. The Human Race is here. Want to leave alive? Hahaha............!"

Xuantian's breath gradually became sharp, like a peerless divine sword, drawn out of the scabbard bit by bit, and with every bit of it, the sharp aura became stronger.

Vaguely, in the air around Xuantian, some tiny cracks appeared, as if invisible sword energy was shuttled and cut the void.

Geng Yuqing, who was next to Xuantian, closed his eyes, not looking at Fairy Jade Fox.

"Hmm...!" Fairy Yuhu walked into the formation, but seeing that Xuantian's expression remained unchanged, but rather sharp, not at all affected by his charm technique, she couldn't help but let out a shock. .

"That fourth-level emperor only bears the aftermath of my charm technique, he has to close his eyes to endure it. This handsome young man does not squint, but looks directly into my eyes without moving indifferently. How is this possible?" Fairy Yuhu was surprised. , For the first time doubted his own charm.

"This kid's concentration is so powerful...!"

"He is surrounded by sword qi fluctuations, and he seems to be a kendo master. It is said that a swordsman with a sword heart is not only firm in his heart, but also extremely sharp. No evil thoughts can attack, and he will be split by the sword of his heart!

Snake Snake Demon Emperor and Cicada Demon Emperor also discovered Xuantian's abnormality, showing surprise.

"Chuck chuck...!" Fairy Yuhu laughed again, and said: "It is enough to resist the strong concentration of my charm, but to resist the ultimate move requires real strength...!"

"Well, it's just a quasi-emperor. Pinching him to death is like pinching an ant. The fourth-level emperor next to him is a bit more troublesome to kill." Snake Demon Emperor said coldly.

"Things that do not live or die!" Geng Yuqing curled his mouth and sneered in his heart. He knew how strong his master was.

call out----

What greeted the Snake Demon Emperor with a sneer was a green sword gang.

Suddenly there was an imperial sword in Xuantian's hand. With a wave of the sword, his body suddenly burst into green light, and a green sword slashed towards the Snake Demon Emperor.

The air in front of split into two, rushing to both sides, setting off two waves of air, which is overwhelming.

An extremely sharp aura immediately enveloped the Snake Demon Emperor, causing him, who was speaking coldly, to chill all over, and his heart trembled, a feeling of danger surged into his heart.

The Snake Demon Emperor was taken aback, and suddenly a black long whip appeared in his hand, and he drew it toward the green sword gang.


The black whip suddenly split into two and shattered.

The green sword gang split the black long whip, its strength was weak, but the speed was still extremely fast, it slashed forward and hit the body of the Snake Demon Emperor.

A string of sparks splashed, and a layer of snake scales suddenly appeared on the body of the Snake Demon Emperor, which blocked the green sword, but a white mark appeared.

Looking at this seal, the Snake Demon Emperor was sweating in his heart. The opponent was just a quasi-emperor, but the power of a sword was even stronger than him, a fourth-level emperor.


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