The Supreme Sword

Chapter 924: 】Unforgiving

【Chapter 924】

The imperial sword in Xuantian's hand pointed at the three of them, and said coldly: "Give you one more chance, you can get out. (

"Fairy, this kid is evil." The Snake Demon Emperor said to Fairy Jade Fox.

With the sword of the quasi-emperor, it actually broke the attack of the fourth-level emperor. What is that not an evil?

Facing Xuantian's sword head-on, the Snake Demon Emperor felt fear of Xuantian in his heart.

Even his real master, "President Blood Cicada", could not have such a terrifying power when he was a quasi-emperor.

Fairy Jade Fox and Demon Emperor Cicada had a solemn look in their eyes. It turned out that they had always regarded the four-level emperor as the principal and the key point. Unexpectedly, the real strong man turned out to be this handsome young man who looked young. , Just the quasi-emperor?

"Humans actually have such enchanting geniuses. They are even more terrifying than the five perverted enchantments. This person is a great threat to the son, and he is still above the five perverted enchantings. Now he is in the territory of my monsters. Let him live to Central Continent." Fairy Tianhu spoke to the Snake Demon Emperor and Cicada Demon Emperor.

"Yes, fairy!" The Snake Demon Emperor and the Chanjie Demon Emperor replied through voice transmission.

In the eyes of the three people, fierce killing intent was revealed at the same time.

Xuantian and Geng Yuqing felt the killing intent.

In Xuantian's eyes, Li Mang flashed and said, "You really want to die!"

This is already the third time, and Xuantian's voice also has murderous aura, he will not say it a fourth time.

"I can't help myself!" Geng Yuqing still sneered, but he knew that Xuantian's true strength was far more than the sword just now.

That sword is just a reminder, if it strikes with all its strength, I'm afraid the Snake Demon Emperor will be seriously injured if he is immortal.

Geng Yuqing came from the Yunzhou Demon Sect, but he would not speak to remind the three of them. He would only gloat. If he were Xuantian, he would not say so many words, I am afraid he would have killed him.




Fairy Jade Fox, Demon Emperor Snake, and Demon Emperor Chanjie yelled at the same time, and shot instantly.

I saw Fairy Jade Fox twisted, and the snowy white fox tail swelled rapidly behind him, divided into six, stretching out for nearly ten miles.

The six foxtails flickered and turned into the most terrifying weapon, and formed a Liuhe big formation in the air, which doubled the attack power and slew towards Xuantian.

The Snake Demon Emperor opened his mouth and saw that he was still a human body, but his head suddenly turned into a pitch black snake head much larger than his body.

The snake's head opened its mouth and spit out a red tongue. This red tongue was nearly ten miles long, like a blood-red long sword, piercing the void, not only extremely flexible, but also as fast as lightning, stabling Xuantian from the side.

As for the Cicada Demon Emperor, people rushed up directly and saw that behind him, a pair of almost cicada wings suddenly appeared. They were a pair of very thin red wings, almost transparent, but brought out a bright Feng Rui Gangmang.

Seeing the wings trembled, the speed of the Demon Emperor Cicada Jie suddenly increased, and his body speed was not much slower than the attack speed of the foxtail and snake tongue.

The pair of nearly transparent cicada wings cut through the void in an instant, cutting out a big arc in the air, smelting a path, like a sword of death, cutting towards Xuantian.

As soon as the three of them took action, they all used their own natal treasures and used their most powerful tricks, causing Xuantian to die in an instant.

The foxtail, snake tongue, and cicada wings are all natal weapons. Some demon races are not good at using weapons, but they will train certain parts of their bodies to be as powerful as the treasures. The natal treasures of the demon king, Naturally it is equivalent to a royal treasure.

The seemingly weak foxtails, snake tongues, and cicada wings become extremely strong after training the life treasures, and their attack power is also surprisingly high, not weaker than the human race holding the royal treasures, and this life treasure It grows on the body and is more flexible and handy to use.

It is most suitable for sudden attacks.

"It's really your sorrow to meet the master...!" Geng Yuqing chuckled lightly, and his body retreated suddenly.

And Xuantian, the green light in his body at this moment was suddenly stronger, shining ten times more than just now.

Xuantian did not move on the spot, but he held the imperial sword in his hands and suddenly used his sword moves. In an instant, there were three brilliant green sword gangs that cleaved out.


The first green sword gang slashed with the six foxtails that formed a large array, and with a burst, the large array of foxtails was broken open, and only three of the six foxtails were retracted and cut off. half.

In addition, the three retracted ones were all bare, and the sharp sword aura cut off all the fox fur.


The second green sword chopped with the blood-red snake tongue. In an instant, the red tongue split into two halves. One half was directly smashed by sharp sword energy, and the other half was faster than lightning. Retracted into Shekou.

A bright red blood was left in the void, which was several miles long.


The third green sword pierced with the almost transparent cicada wings. The cicada wings were extremely sharp, cutting the void like a leisure, and contained a strong Taoist rhyme. However, the rhyme and sharpness of the Taoist rhyme are compared to the three-turn sword. Dan was very different, and the cicada's wings instantly split into two during the explosion, and Xuantian cut off one of its wings.

Blood splattered!


In an instant, all the attacks of the three were broken by Xuantian.

Fairy Jade Fox is okay. Her tail can be longer as long as it is not cut off all at once, but the snow-white fox tail was cut bare, which is really ugly. Moreover, three fox tails were cut off, almost Fairy Yuhu lost half of his Gang Yuan instantly.

The Snake Demon Emperor and Cicada Demon Emperor were much more miserable than Fairy Jade Fox, and both suffered injuries.

The Snake Demon Emperor turned into a human form, his mouth was full of blood, his tongue was cut in half, and he screamed and couldn't even speak.

The most injured was the Cicada Demon Emperor. His wings were cut in half and his entire arm was bloody.

At the imperial level, whether humans or monsters, their self-recovery ability is extremely fast. Even if the undead body does not heal itself instantly, as long as it is not fatal, it can recover quickly.

But after being cut by Xuantian's green sword gang, it is difficult to recover. The power of the sword's profound meaning remains in the wound, and it has been destroyed. The wound cannot heal itself for a while, with the three-turn sword pill's sword profound meaning, After the attack, at least a hundred breathing time remains.

This is definitely a terrifying thing for a warrior who has not cultivated the immortal body to be injured under the Xuantian sword.

"Go--!" Fairy Yuhu exclaimed.

The three wanted to teleport, but they were surprised to find that the surrounding space was imprisoned and could not teleport.

The inability to teleport is equivalent to killing them.

call out----

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a bright green sword gang swept across.

The three of them were terrified, and Xuantian's combat power was terrifying beyond their expectations.

What avenue suppressed, under the attack of this terrifying green sword gang, disappeared, and everything was cut into nothingness.

"Spare--!" The three screamed at the same time as they fled quickly.

However, the battle has begun, and if these three demon emperors escape, they will definitely bring in more powerful rescuers. If it is a fifth-level emperor or a sixth-level emperor, Xuantian can't resist it.

Therefore, Xuantian is not tolerant of his actions, and since these three demon races do not live or die, he kills them with the momentum of thunder, and then quickly flees.

Without these three demon kings, they fled back to rescue the soldiers, but let the news spread naturally, and the speed must be much slower. When a strong demon clan came to know the news, the two of Xuantian would not know where to go. went.

call out--

The green sword Gang cut through the Demon Emperor Cicada Jie, and directly cut him into two pieces.

He rushed over to Xuan Tian just now, and killed Xuan Tian with the cicada wing natal treasure, so he was the closest to Xuan Tian and was the most injured, and he was the first to withstand Xuan Tian's counterattack.

Xuantian flew forward with all his strength, electric glow on his body, a two-kilometer step, once again swept across with a sword, and the green sword slashed towards Fairy Jade Fox and Demon Emperor Snake.

Why is it so fast? Fairy Jade Fox and Snake Demon Emperor felt hairy in their hearts, facing Jian Gang cut by Xuantian, unable to avoid them.


Suddenly a Dao Talisman appeared in Fairy Jade Fox's hand, and she saw a green light flashing. After the light passed, Fairy Jade Fox instantly disappeared.

But the Snake Demon Emperor didn't have that kind of treasure. He jumped up, but couldn't avoid it completely. The green sword slashed across and cut off his pair of calves.


The Snake Snake Demon King was in pain, and suddenly transformed into its original shape. It was a two-kilometer-long black giant snake. The tail of the giant snake was cut off for hundreds of meters, and it fell to the side and twisted. The giant snake body twisted , Continue to flee.

The snake's vitality is tenacious, let alone become the Demon Emperor. Even the Cicada Jie Demon Emperor who was cut into two pieces just now was only a serious injury, not dead.

Xuantian ignored Chanjie and handed it to Geng Yuqing.

Xuantian was chasing after the Snake Demon Emperor, the scope of the holy cauldron's imprisonment was constantly moving, and the Snake Demon Emperor could not escape.

call out--

call out--


Xuantian chased after him, and the green sword gang slashed out with one sword and one sword. The Snake Demon Emperor was agile, but his body was too frequently with swords and blood flowed wildly.

Finally, after Xuantian chased and cut out the Ninth Sword, the Snake Demon Emperor had been severely injured, his flexibility declined, and the entire snake head was cut down by the green sword.

The 2,000-meter-long snake had wounds on its body. The Snake Demon Emperor fell to the ground and was still struggling.

But there is no doubt that the Snake Demon Emperor is dying and won't last long. Death is only a matter of time.

"It's a pity that the fox demon escaped. It seems that this time in the territory of the monster race, it is really dangerous. I have to leave as soon as possible. I can only take the fastest shortcut." Xuantian changed his mind.

The little tiger on his shoulders leaped down at this moment, his body was maximized, and he began to eat the huge body of the Snake Snake Demon Emperor. The fourth-level Demon Emperor was definitely a supplement to the little tiger.

Xuantian flew towards Geng Yuqing. The Demon Emperor Chanjie was severely wounded and was captured by Geng Yuqing, who was being tortured by him.

The three people had said about Son Cicada before, and there was obviously a stronger force behind them.


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