The Supreme Sword

Chapter 925: 】Boy Blood Cicada (Complement Nine)

【Chapter 925】Boy Blood Cicada (supplement 9)

The blood cicada island is 9 million miles long and 6.6 million miles wide. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

It is the largest island in the northwestern waters of Zhongzhou. Located in the entire Zhongzhou waters, Xuechan Island is a huge island among the top.

The reputation of Xuechan Island is just as loud as it is, and it is the number one power of the transforming monster race in the Northwest Sea.

The strongest person on the island, the ancestor of the blood cicada, was already a ninth-level demon emperor as early as a hundred years ago, and a great figure who shook the entire Central Continent and the sea.

In the past 100 years, the ancestor of the blood cicada has rarely appeared. According to his life plan, he should be less than 400 years old. It is still the peak age of the emperor. The emperor is only 450 years old. Only when the blood becomes weak.

A hundred years have passed, no one knows whether the blood cicada ancestor's mental cultivation level has broken through that step and become a quasi emperor.

But there is no doubt that when it comes to the name of the blood cicada ancestor, no one knows even the human race of the Central Continent.

Three hundred years ago, when the ancestor of the blood cicada was only in his 50s or 60s, he blew a **** storm in Central Continent. Because of the practice of the blood cicada, he captured a large number of quasi-emperors and emperors of Central Continent and sucked their flesh and blood.

Three hundred years later, there was another genius in Xuechan Island, the son of Xuechan, who was faster than the talent of the ancestor of Xuechan when he was young, and was qualified to practice the magic of Xuechan.

Young Master Xue Chan had become the Demon Emperor before he was forty years old, and now in his early forties, he is already a third-level Demon Emperor, who can compete with the five perverted evil spirits in Central Continent.

Master Xuechan learned the methods of the ancestors of the blood cicada, in order to practice the magical skills of the blood cicada, a year ago, he went to Zhongzhou to arrest the quasi-emperor and emperor of the human race, which also caused a storm in Zhongzhou.

However, this genius of the younger generation of Zhongzhou is even more outstanding than it was three hundred years ago. Young Master Xuechan once met the five perverted evildoers Fengyun Invincible, Zhanlang, and Lu Juechen, and suffered three consecutive defeats. Lu Juechen's men were killed, and Lu Juechen was chased for tens of millions of miles.

After escaping from the dead, Master Xuechan no longer dared to go to the land of Central Continent. He planned to study **** Xuechan Island. He would rather spend a little more time to practice the magical skills of the blood cicada than venture to Central Continent.

Nowadays, when it comes to Blood Cicada Island, whether it is a human or a monster, not only is extremely jealous of the ancestors of the blood cicada, but for the rising son of the blood cicada, that will also be ranked first.

Xuechan Island, Feichan City, and a huge teleportation formation in the east of the city, a beautiful woman wearing white fur suddenly appeared in the light.

This beautiful woman is the Fairy Yuhu. Now the tail behind her buttocks has been put away. Her hairless tail is ugly, not pretty anymore.

However, without the tail blocking, the tall buttocks are completely exposed, which is even more attractive.

As soon as Fairy Jade Fox appeared, he teleported to the guardian of the demon king nearby, one by one, fascinated, and some looked at the tall buttocks, even saliva came out.


Fairy Jade Fox's body disappeared in a flash, and all the guardians of the Demon King were agitated at this moment, as if they had suddenly woke up, licking their lips one by one, as if they were still in the mood.

Tianchan Mountain is located 30,000 miles away from Feichan City. Fairy Yuhu teleported all the way and arrived soon.

On Tian Cicada Mountain, the guard was heavily guarded, with Demon King sentry everywhere, and even the Demon King as the leader of the guards.

Fairy Yuhu went directly to Yuchan Mountain, and no one stopped her.

Fairy Jade Fox was very familiar with Tianchan Mountain, and soon came to a luxurious attic.

"The son...!" Fairy Yuhu exclaimed excitedly, and ran directly to the attic.

"Jade Fox? Come in...!" An excited voice came from inside.

Fairy Yuhu opened the door directly and entered inside, only to see a double ten man in blood, standing up from a sitting position.

"The son...!" Fairy Jade Fox rushed directly into the arms of the blood-clothed man.

This blood-clothed man is the son of blood cicada who has become famous in recent years. Although he is a third-level emperor with Fairy Jade Fox, his combat power is much stronger.

Young Master Xue Chan held the jade in his arms, kneaded his hands on the tall buttocks for a while, smiled evilly at the corners of his mouth, and said: "Jade Fox, I didn't tell you to live on Yunxi Island for a while. Am I going to slaughter Guan to practice the blood cicada magic? Why come back so quickly, Xiao Saohu, is it hard to be itchy here, hehe...!"


As he spoke, Young Master Xue Chan slapped his tall buttocks forcefully.

"Oh...!" Fairy Yuhu exclaimed in pain, struggling out of the arms of Young Master Xuechan, and said: "My son, you are still in the mood to tease Yuhu. Yuhu almost died just now, and I almost won't see him afterwards. Jade Fox."

Young Master Xuechan's face changed and became more serious, and the teasing on his face turned gloomy, and said: "Who dares to be disrespectful to Yuhu? I will kill him to behave like you."

Fairy Yuhu said: "It's a human race. Two human races came to Yunxi Island. One of them is a fourth-level emperor and the other is a quasi emperor. Seeing that the son needs the flesh and blood of a strong human race to cultivate the blood cicada, I want to catch it and give it to the son, but that quasi-emperor...that quasi-emperor...!"

"What's wrong with the quasi-emperor?" Young Master Xue Chan said coldly.

Fairy Yuhu said: "The quasi-emperor is too terrible. Snake and Cicada died under his hand. I am fortunate to have the move rune given by the son, otherwise the quasi-emperor will kill it too...!"

Young Master Xue Chan revealed a shocked look in his eyes.

The quasi-emperor beheaded the fourth-level emperor?

Is there any mistake, the five perverted evildoers in Zhongzhou can't do this!

Those five perverted evildoers have already become emperors, where did this quasi emperor emerge from?

"Yunxi Island, Yunxi Island is far from the edge of the Central Continent region, and the land across the Central Continent is so far away. How could the Humans reach Yunxi Island? Could it be...!" The eyes of Young Master Xuechan suddenly lit up, "Could it be from Yunzhou People coming here?"

As the disciple of the ancestor of the blood cicada, Master Xuechan is naturally knowledgeable and knows the existence of Yunzhou.

"No matter where the human race comes from, when it comes to my monster race territory, even the enchanting genius will die...!" In the eyes of Young Master Xue Chan, a violent murderous aura flared out, "My son's blood cicada magical skill, it seems that soon Practiced."


Behind Fairy Jade Fox is Young Master Blood Cicada, and behind Young Master Blood Cicada is Blood Cicada Island, a super power that is at least a ninth-level Demon Emperor and is suspected of being an emperor.

When Xuantian and Geng Yuqing received these news from the Demon Emperor Cicada, their eyes were shocked.

It was really a big trouble to let that fairy jade fox escape.

There are teleportation formations connected between monster races, continents, or large islands. After all, the king can carve a teleportation array that travels millions of miles, or even tens of millions of miles, in an instant, and the number of demon kings here Many, even the teleportation array that travels tens of millions of miles instantly can be carved out.

Therefore, Fairy Jade Fox went to Xuechan Island and sent strong men to Yunxi Island on Xuechan Island. It would not take long.

Xuantian and the two dared not stay longer, and when the little tiger finished eating the two fourth-level demon emperors, Snake Snake and Chanjie, they left immediately.

Fortunately, he had a map to return to the Middle Continent. Otherwise, he would be chased by the blood cicada island, and the two would rush like headless flies. They really didn’t know where they would go.

The current route was not up to the two of them to choose, they could only take the fastest route, passing Turtle Snake Island in the shortest time, and leaving the Yaozu territory.

Turtle Snake Island is located about 50 million miles away from Central Continent. Humans are strong. It is impossible for all the strong to be in Central Continent. Although the sea monsters are rampant, most of them are 20 to 30 million miles away from Central Continent. It is the territory of the human race, or the territory of the transforming monster race that is friendly to humans.

Thirty million miles away from the Middle Continent, it belongs to the far sea area. The power of the monster race is gradually becoming stronger, but there are also human contacts.

The truly powerful demonic forces are very far away from the Central Continent, such as Blood Cicada Island, which is at least 80 million miles away from the Central Continent.

Xuechan Island is powerful, and the monster clan will surely have a huge teleportation network. The powerhouses of Xuechandao can travel around the islands at will, and Xuantian, it is a bit difficult to borrow the monster clan’s teleportation array. Up.

Therefore, in order to escape the pursuit of Xuechan Island, Xuantian can only rely on ‘speed’.

Even if the whereabouts were exposed, Xuantian would have run out of sight when the monster clan powerhouse chased him. Although the world was so big, although there were many places that he could not go to, there were many places he could go.

It is not that easy to bet an emperor to death, Xuantian is much better than the average emperor.

As Xuantian moved on, thinking about countermeasures in his mind, he suddenly thought of the little tiger on his shoulder, and the corner of Xuantian's mouth curled up: yes!

Let the little tiger rest during the day, and at night, let the little tiger hurry, and he can sit on the little tiger to rest, so that he can travel day and night, and will not be exhausted because of the hurry.

Xuantian took out the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, installed Geng Yuqing in it, and then teleported as fast as he could, and soon left Yunxi Island.

Xuantian had a map in his hand and knew the safe route. A route on the map was not a narrow passage, but a very wide area, which could be hundreds of thousands of miles wide, and sometimes even tens of millions of miles wide.

Within such a large area, Xuantian can completely change the route in a small area, as long as it is within the safe range there is no problem.

Xuantian left the land and flew over the sea within a safe range. Although there must be intransformable monsters in the sea, it is certain that the closer to the islands of the transformed monster clan, the untransformed monsters in the sea. The smaller the strength.

Soon one day passed, Xuantian had left Yunxi Island for more than three million miles.

On the way, Xuantian ate five high-grade Wang Ling pills, and only then did he maintain his physical strength at more than half.

At night, Xuantian let Xiaohu fly, while he sat on Xiaohu's back, took out two high-grade spirit stones to absorb, quickly restored Gang Yuan, and kept his strength at its peak.

The little tiger became three meters long with a pair of wings spread out faster than Xuantian.

With its dark hair, Xuantian also wore a set of black clothes, flying in the night sky like a ghost.

Xuantian's rapid method really worked. During the daytime, the monster clan would occasionally get news about Xuantian's whereabouts, but when he rushed over, Xuantian would have disappeared long ago.


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