The System Grants Me Longevity, Get Married And Have Children First

Chapter 018: The First Lesson Of Immortal Cultivation

"The forbidden area of ​​the city tower, idlers are not allowed to enter."

At the gate of the North Tower, a soldier stopped a father and daughter.

"This official, we are looking for Lord Immortal Master, is he there?"

"Master Immortal Master is also what you want to see? Hurry up, if you offend Master Immortal Master, your lives are not enough to pay for it."

The soldier looked impatient, and immediately issued an order to evict the guests.

There are many mortals who want to see the immortal master every day, so can everyone see the immortal master? If he was blamed, his life would be in danger.

"Guan Ye, please do me a favor. We were also recommended by a friend who knows Master Xianshi."

Boss Li hurriedly took out ten taels of silver from his pocket, and took out a wooden sign to flatter him.

"This wooden sign is that friend's token, and the immortal master will definitely recognize it when he sees it."

"Really?" Seeing Yinzi, the soldier's tone softened a bit.

"Really, I would like to ask the official to pass on a message, thank you for your hard work."

"Okay, if it's fake, you know what will happen." The soldier hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the wooden sign. He was familiar with this wooden sign. It was the wooden sign of the mason on the tower, but the texture of the wooden sign was from a long time ago. Yes, it's true.

The soldier looked suspiciously at the father and daughter, then turned and walked up the tower.

"Daddy, is it really okay?" Li Shuang'er next to her was already extremely nervous, and she was very scared.

"Now we can only gamble. Since the young man can recommend us, we must trust him."

Old man Li said firmly, even if it was fake, he would admit it, and if the young hero wanted to harm them, there was no need to spend so much effort.

After a while, the soldier came back with a smile on his face.

"Master Immortal promises to see you, follow me up."

Hearing this, old man Li looked overjoyed, and Li Shuang'er was also very excited.

The two followed the soldiers to the tower, and immediately saw an old man in gray robe sitting cross-legged on the tower.

At this moment, Immortal Master Yi Shuo was looking at the wooden token in his hand with great interest.

"Xiaomin pays homage to Master Immortal Master."

Boss Li and Li Shuang'er walked up to them nervously, cautiously.

"Who gave you this wooden sign?"

Yi Shuo looked at the father and daughter and asked calmly.

"Yes, a friend who once worked as a mason here, and he said you knew him."

Boss Li replied honestly.

"Oh? A mason? What's his name?" Yi Shuo became interested. There were many masons on the tower, but he couldn't remember whose name.

"This Xiaomin doesn't know either. He said that Xiaomin's daughter has the aptitude to cultivate immortals, so he recommended Xiaomin to find Master Immortal Master."

Boss Li looked nervous, and immediately pulled Li Shuang'er forward. Li Shuang'er was also sensible, and immediately called out obediently, "Xiaomin Li Shuang'er, pay homage to Master Immortal, and ask Master Immortal to accept Xiaomin as his apprentice."

These words made Yi Shuo even more surprised. He turned his eyes to Li Shuang'er, raised his hand to pinch Li Shuang'er's wrist, and a spirit energy penetrated into her wrist.

"Single water spirit root..." Yi Shuo was shocked. He really didn't expect that this girl's spirit root aptitude is really good, and she has the potential to cultivate immortals.

Such a talented girl, why didn't that man take it in himself, instead, he took advantage of this bad old man.

You know, after the monks in the cultivation world know that they don't have much room for improvement, they will think of recruiting more apprentices to become famous all over the world.

If he can take in an apprentice with good qualifications, he will become famous in the cultivation world in the future, and the master will also have glory in his face. If he surpasses the master, then he will be the master's backer.

He is not afraid of enemies coming to his door, and his inheritance will not be lost. If his descendants are not up to date, they can be protected, which can be said to be a lot of benefits.

For a good seed like Li Shuang'er, as long as he works hard and the resources can keep up, the worst in the future will be the cultivation of the Foundation Building Stage. Not to mention how much he can achieve, at least he will be much better than ordinary people in the future.

It's a girl again, if she marries with the Xiuxian family, it will be a strong alliance, and there will be no harm.

If Li Shuang'er's Dao heart is strong, it is not impossible to break through the Core Formation Stage in the future.

Such a good seed, to Yi Shuo, is like picking up a leak in the antique circle.

Yi Shuo immediately asked about the mason's voice and appearance in detail, but unfortunately, Yi Shuo thought for a long time but couldn't remember who this person was.

Immediately, he took the two of them into the sky and flew towards the east city.

Soon, the three of them landed at the entrance of the restaurant. Zhou Man was very excited when he saw that the immortal master had really come.

"Where's the mason?" Yi Shuo asked immediately without going around in circles.

"Reporting to Master Immortal Master, he left after eating, and he may have left Xiadu by now."

Zhou Man said carefully.

This made Yi Shuo feel disappointed. He wanted to meet this mason very much. He was able to detect that Li Shuang'er had Immortal Body qualities, and he generously gave him this good seedling, which made him hard to understand.

At this time, a group of mortal thugs came from a distance, there were hundreds of them, all of them were vicious.

"This is the store, guys, smash it for me."

Yi Shuo frowned when he saw hundreds of thugs coming in.


A majestic coercion spread out, and in an instant, hundreds of thugs all fell to their knees with a plop.

"Xian, Master Xianshi..."

"This restaurant is guarded by this old man. You are acting recklessly at the foot of the imperial city. You really don't know how to live or die."

During the speech, a strong man in the lead was directly grabbed by the air, Yi Shuo's eyes turned cold, and under the eyes of everyone trembling, the strong man was directly crushed into a pile of rotten meat.

"My dear disciple, this is the first lesson I'll teach you as a teacher, the strong are respected."

Li Shuang'er stared blankly at this scene. The thugs who were so arrogant just now were trembling like ants, unable to fight back at all. Yi Shuo's methods were decisive and ruthless. power of life and death.

The thorny problem for mortals was easily solved by the immortal master, which made Li Shuang'er more determined to cultivate immortality.

Only by becoming a cultivator and a strong person can she protect her family.

The immortal master settled the matter and left. He gave Li Shuang'er three days to say goodbye to his family and stepped into the ranks of immortal cultivators.

"Girl, you take this."

In Li Shuang'er's boudoir, Zhou Man carefully took out a jade box from her arms and stuffed it into her daughter.

Li Shuang'er opened it and found three black fruits lying inside, with a look of surprise on her face, "Mother, where did these come from?"

"The young hero gave this to your mother before leaving, and asked her to pass it to you. This is a spiritual fruit. The young hero said that this spiritual fruit will help your cultivation aptitude. You must keep it safe. Don't let others know, otherwise it may lead to death."

"Mother, what's his name? Will I still meet him in the future?"

Li Shuang'er put away the jade box gratefully, hugged it tightly in her arms and asked.

"We will definitely meet, you are destined."


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