On a main road, Li Changsheng walked towards the distance alone.

In front of him, a wooden stick was floating in mid-air.

Sword Flight is the iconic spell that can only be used at will by the Foundation Building Stage.

The monks of Qi Refining Stage can only use it in the middle and late stages, and they will learn levitation first in the early stage.

Guided by the vitality in the body, he mastered small objects skillfully and finally reached the point where he could carry people.

Fencing skills are related to monks' spirit and aura. The stronger the spiritual power, the more stable the fencing skills, the stronger the spiritual power, and the longer the flying of the fencing.

Li Changsheng has practiced for so many years, and his cultivation is still at the first level of Qi Refining, but compared with the previous 30 years ago, he has already stabilized at the first level.

It is as if the meridians in the body are solidified, and it is always a little bit close to breaking through to the second layer of Qi Refining.

"Sure enough, cultivating immortals is really difficult..."

If it is true, he is indeed not a monk, and he does not even have spiritual root qualifications.

The five series of miscellaneous spiritual roots are still recessive, and they are completely without spiritual roots in the cultivation world, and the cultivation world will not recognize such hidden spiritual roots.

Only the manifest spiritual root can be regarded as the real spiritual root qualification, and one can cultivate immortals.

Taking a look at the sky, Li Changsheng quickened his pace, he dared not go out at night.

After all, this is the world of cultivating immortals, and it is very likely to encounter monsters and beasts outside at night.

Soon he found a dilapidated temple, which he had encountered on the way to Xiadu. Now 40 years later, the temple is still there.

The temple was dilapidated, half of the body of the Buddha had been smashed, and there were cobwebs and dust everywhere, completely deserted.


There was lightning and thunder outside, and soon it began to rain heavily.

Li Changsheng found a dry place and built a bonfire. He took out the dry food and dried meat bought in Xiaduli from his storage bag and ate while watching the heavy rain outside.

A squirrel came running from the rain. When it saw Li Changsheng, it dared not come in. It looked at Li Changsheng curiously, and finally it could only hide under the eaves and wait for the rain to stop.

On the roof, several unknown birds were combing their feathers, and some birds were staring at Li Changsheng curiously with their small eyes.

After eating, Li Changsheng sat cross-legged in meditation, preparing to rest for the night.

It takes less than half a year to travel from here to another big city. As long as you rest at night and drive on the road during the day, the chance of danger can be minimized.

There are also some villages and small towns on the way, which can be used as footholds. Li Changsheng has planned that a big city can last for a few decades, and the world is so big that he can live for hundreds of years, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years. Repeatedly, endlessly.

In the middle of the night, Li Changsheng frowned slightly, and looked outside.

Boom, boom, boom...

In the heavy rain, the sound of slow footsteps would be heard from time to time, following the same pace, which seemed extremely strange.

Li Changsheng looked around and saw a black shadow walking towards the temple in the heavy rain.

The resting squirrel saw the black figure chirping suddenly and fled away, even the birds on the roof became irritable.


Another sound of thunder fell, illuminating the sky. Li Changsheng also saw his face clearly. He stood up suddenly and drew out his long sword with a look of shock on his face.

The man was covered in wounds, his clothes were torn, his face was extremely pale, his eyeballs had fallen out of their sockets, and the flesh and blood on his body fell down piece by piece with the washing of the rain, like a pile of dead flesh.


The black shadow approached the temple, through the firelight, Li Changsheng stepped back again and again, his eyes widened.

Who is this person? Only two words "zombies" flashed in my mind.

This is a figure without any signs of life, the flesh on his body is extremely rotten, and there is no life at all.

As the rain fell, maggots wormed their way into his body, even maggots squirmed on that terrifying face.

This made Li Changsheng almost spit out the dry food he had just eaten, and a smell of rotten meat hit his face.

Li Changsheng retreated step by step, while the birds above were also flying around in panic.

The figure looked at Li Changsheng with its eye sockets open, and suddenly, he slowly stretched out his rotten arm, the pieces of flesh flew flying, and the bones were exposed.


With his mouth full of maggots slightly open, he walked towards Li Changsheng.

This scene was still late at night, even though Li Changsheng had seen several disgusting scenes, but this time alone scared him to pieces.

He picked up the pillar under his feet and turned around, only to hear a slap, the humanoid corpse instantly fell apart, and maggots and pieces of meat sprayed everywhere.

Seeing this, the birds on the roof rushed down to grab the maggots and eat them. Li Changsheng was completely overwhelmed by this scene, and immediately vomited.

After the corpse fell to the ground, there was no movement at all, but the smell of rotting flesh lingered for a long time.

The world is really big, full of wonders, do ghosts like zombies still exist in this world?

But obviously this corpse is a mortal corpse, without any lethality.

Li Changsheng looked at the birds with disgust. The birds looked very satisfied after eating the maggots, and then flew to the roof to rest again after eating.

Li Changsheng looked at these birds nervously, and was relieved when he saw that they hadn't mutated or turned into corpses.

Obviously this corpse is not contagious, otherwise the whole world will suffer.

This is a world of cultivating immortals, where there are souls and auras, immortals and monsters, so there must be ghosts and other weird things.

Therefore, it should not be difficult to understand that a corpse crawled out of the grave.

We couldn't stay here anymore, Li Changsheng quickly packed up and rushed into the rain.

At this time, the sky was already bright, which made Li Changsheng feel a little more relaxed.

Recalling the scene in the temple, Li Changsheng couldn't help but think of the horrible indescribable thing he saw in the black mist, which made Li Changsheng even more depressed.

It was already bright, and the heavy rain had stopped. Li Changsheng was walking on the muddy road, walking like flying.

I thought that the human who turned into a corpse last night was just an exception, but unexpectedly, I saw another one on the road.

This disgusted Li Changsheng, so he immediately picked up a tree trunk on his thigh and rolled it up. The corpse was just crawling out, and the whole body was covered with maggots, and it was extremely rotten.

With a stick down, the corpse fell apart, and the flesh and maggots scattered all over the ground, attracting many birds to scramble for it.

Li Changsheng quickened his pace, feeling that the world was becoming more and more disgusting, until he passed a cemetery, and Li Changsheng was completely shocked.

The tombs were torn apart one by one, and some of the tombs still had holes. A corpse was struggling to crawl out of the tomb. This scene was too terrifying.

Why can people who are already dead climb out? The word cremation came to mind spontaneously. If all people were cremated after death, such weird things should not have happened.


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