The people who were still sighing just now couldn't help but their sights fell on this ordinary glass jar, and the Venus stared in their eyes.

Even if this ant can't produce gold, it's comfortable to keep a jar of golden ants!

It's more valuable than any koi!

Where did this dog find such a good thing?

Zou Hai and Jiang Qi glanced at each other, and the situation changed so quickly that neither of them had expected them.

Yu Gaoxing at the next table snorted disdainfully.

Not to mention a jar of ants, even a jar of gold is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

What other batteries do not need to be recharged are simply sensationalizing.

If there is such an advanced thing, I am afraid that I would have applied for a patent and made a lot of money.

That's all for grandstanding!

Hey, why are there such people everywhere in this world?

I don't know how this Zou Hai messed up. At any rate, he was also a big leader before, and he actually got mixed up with a bunch of Rivers and Lakes crooks and two dogs.

I feel sorry for his niece, and it is estimated that there will be hardships in the future.

He felt that it was necessary to remind Jiang Qi, it would be considered as his mother-in-law's heart.

So he asked Sister Yu Yao to call Jiang Qi over, and said earnestly: "Jiang Qi, today is your day of rejoicing. You shouldn't have said these things, but uncle really can't watch you jump into the fire pit. I won't remind you a word."

Jiang Qi's eyebrows frowned slightly, what is meant by jumping into the fire pit, is this a bit serious?

But when my uncle speaks, Junior still has to listen.

Yu Gaoxing continued: "In this society, there are too many swindlers, and Zou Hai can’t see clearly. As his wife, it is necessary to help him distinguish right from wrong. Don’t believe everyone. If you are fooled by a little trick, you will be convinced. Orally, even the bottom of the family was taken out.

"You have to remember that in the world that is good to you, there will always be only your parents and relatives, and everything else is fake!

"Uncle drank some wine today and spoke a bit unpleasantly, but it was all from the bottom of your heart. If you can listen, you can listen, and if you can't listen, you will be treated like your uncle's drunkenness."

"Uncle, thank you for reminding, but things are not what you think." Jiang Qi said, "Zou Hai and I have a sense of measure."

"You still have a sense of measure just like this?" Yu Gaoxing sighed and shook his head, "Forget it, since this is the case, I won't say more, you guys can do it yourself.

"I have a headache, Yuyao, Yuyao, stay with your sister, I will leave first."

Speaking, Yu Gaoxing picked up the handbag and walked outside, leaving Jiang Qi standing there with an embarrassment on his face.

Wu Jun saw all this clearly and heard it clearly, but he felt something wrong in his heart.

In any case, Yu Gaoxing is Jiang Qi's uncle, so he shouldn't just walk away just because a word is wrong. This is really not what a successful businessman should do.

Moreover, it has only been a few minutes since the banquet started. He hasn't drunk much at all. Could it be that his own guess was wrong before that he didn't break his leg because he drank too much?

Heavenly Eyes!


The image of Yu Gaoxing was updated. Before Wu Jun could check it carefully, he found that it was different from before.

Name: Yu Gaoxing,...

Remarks: I jumped off the building today and died.

Sure enough, as he expected, Yu Gaoxing's fate had changed, and he was about to jump off the building again.

After he left the banquet hall, he did not go home. Instead, he went directly to the top of the hotel, sat on the rooftop and smoked a cigarette, and then jumped directly.

Why is this happening?Wu Jun recalled that he hadn't said a word to Yu Gaoxing from beginning to end, and didn't even look at him again, so he probably didn't change Yu Gaoxing's future.

No, maybe he didn't change it directly, but did he change it indirectly?

Was it someone close by, because Yu Gaoxing mocked him, and attacked him?

There are only veterans who have this ability.

"Did you do it?" he asked.

"What?" Lao Niu listened for a moment, not knowing what he was asking.

It seems not anymore.

Since it's not an old cow, who would it be?

Wu Jun looked around, and finally his gaze fell on Da Hei.

"Is it you Da Hei?" Wu Jun released Mental Energy and communicated with the dark, "What did you do to Gao Xing just now?"


Da Hei thought for a while, and then said: "It's not completely absent. I just thought this person was very annoying, thinking that he was not worthy to live in this world. But I just thought about it. I didn't do anything, even Mental Energy. It didn't release a trace."

Da Hei didn't release Mental Energy, Wu Jun still knew, otherwise he would have discovered it a long time ago.

But just thinking about it, can you make Yu Gaoxing jump off the building?

Is this too exaggerated?

Could it be that Spiritual Qi absorbed too much last night and evolved new abilities?

If it is, that's an incredible ability!

People say that mental energy kills and mental energy kills are already very powerful.

As a result, Dahei didn't even use Mental Energy, and wanted to kill you directly!

Just ask if you are afraid!

This is similar to the concentric technique, but it does not require any ring, and it is more secretive, weird and extreme.

If this is not well controlled, the consequences will be disastrous.

So he said to Dahei: "Although this person is annoying, he is not guilty of death."

Da Hei nodded. In fact, he just thought about it just now, and it came true without thinking, which he didn't expect.

"Let's go," Wu Jun said, standing up, "Let's go and see what's going on."


Yu Gaoxing was sitting on the edge of the roof, half of the cigarette in his hand was burned, and one foot was hanging outside.

Just now, I might have seen that Zou Hai was deceived by a group of people, and suddenly felt emotional, feeling that this world is full of ugliness and deceit.

This reminded him of his overseas trade business. Recently, he has suffered frequent problems. His wife is also considerate of him. Every day, he knows how to make beauty and mahjong. The two daughters do not understand him as a father, except for asking him for money. , I don’t even go home at ordinary times.

In the whole family, only Jiang Qi is better, sensible, and capable, but unfortunately he doesn't listen to him anymore.

What he said to Jiang Qi just now was indeed from the bottom of his heart.

After speaking, I felt more empty in my heart, so I wanted to go back and rest under the excuse of drunk too much.

He didn't know what was going on, but when he got to the elevator, he suddenly thought of taking a break from the top of the building.

Seeing the bustling city in front of him, Yu Gaoxing lit a cigarette.

He suddenly left Jiang Qi's banquet, and the whole family saw him almost, but until now, no one has called or sent a message to ask him what's going on.

This made his already chaotic mood even more lonely.

In this world, it’s hard for Daoists to see, only money? Is there no trace of real warmth?

If this is the case, what is the meaning of living in this world?

Looking at the street downstairs, Yu Gaoxing suddenly felt that even if he jumped and died now, maybe no one would care, right?

At most, he would cry fakely at his funeral, and then he was busy dividing up his property.

Haha, what an ugly world!

The more Yu Gaoxing thinks about it, the more he feels that he has nothing to love, one foot has been stretched out of the roof unknowingly.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the corridor, which made him happy.

Is this someone who found something wrong with him and found him?

who can that be?

Is it his wife or his daughter?

As a result, when Wu Jun's figure came to the top of the building, Yu Gaoxing felt as if he had knocked over the condiment bowl, and suddenly the five flavors were mixed.

How could it be him?

"You...what are you doing here?" Yu Gaoxing asked.

"It's okay," Wu Jun smiled, "I just passed by, you continue."

Yu Gaoxing: ......You look at me so directly, how can I continue?

"Do you know I want to jump off the building?"

Wu Jun nodded: "Forget it, but I really didn't mean to hinder you. I'm just a little curious. I haven't seen anyone jump off a building in my life."

Yu Gaoxing took his feet back from outside the rooftop.

Look at Nimei!

Watching you like that, daddy's mood for jumping off the building is gone, no more!

Seeing him put his feet back, Wu Jun smiled and asked, "Why, don't you jump anymore?"

"Ahem, I'm just here to relax." Yu Gaoxing replied stiffly.

"Then can I interview you, what's the matter with you?" Wu Jun asked, "Your career is going well, your family is happy, your two daughters are not married yet, and you still want to hold your grandson, why suddenly you think of jumping off the building? Looking for death?"

"I said I am not going to jump off the building!"

Although Yu Gaoxing continued to have a stiff mouth, he seemed to wake up suddenly in his heart, and he felt very strange and puzzled.

Yes, why did daddy jump off the building to think about it?

Are you tired of living?

Impossible, obviously he still finds it interesting to take a sauna every day.

As for the setbacks in business, the wife is not considerate, and the daughter doesn't go home or something. Isn't it always the case?

When did Daddy's mind become so fragile?

"Let's talk about it," Wu Jun smiled, "What do you think in your heart?"

Yu Gaoxing frowned and said: "I don't know either. Just now inexplicably, I suddenly had such an idea, and then I came here unknowingly!"

As he said, he looked at the outside of the rooftop with lingering fear: "What the hell is going on with me? Could it be that I am hitting an evil?"

Yu Gaoxing suddenly felt chills in his heart and got goose bumps all over his body.

If it's really hit the evil, then he really has to thank this young man.

Had he not come suddenly, he might have fallen into a pool of flesh now!Thinking back to his performance in the banquet hall just now, and the way Zou Hai and his wife treated him respectfully, Yu Gaoxing suddenly woke up.

Is it possible that this young man is an expert?

Yes, Yu Gaoxing almost slapped himself twice. If there is no expert help, can Zou Hai's illness be cured?

He was also dizzy today, and when he saw the discussion in the family group, he became angry and preconceived that Zou Hai didn't know the general idea!

Really wise, confused for a while, he is not usually like this.

It seems that something is wrong today!

Wu Jun didn't know what he was thinking, but continued to analyze it. It seems that jumping off the building really wasn't Yu Gaoxing's original intention, but was affected by something.

As for whether it was affected by the Great Black, it is still hard to say.

It may be, but it is more likely that by coincidence, he doesn't think Da Hei will suddenly become so powerful.

So he used Tianji Eye on Gao Xing again to update the image.

Name: Yu Gaoxing,...

Remarks: None.

The remarks have become "none", not only do you need to die, you don't even have to suffer injuries.

This change of fate has become a little...

So use Mental Energy to send a message to Dahei: "You think about letting him die."

Da Hei nodded, recalling Yu Gaoxing's cynicism just now, and his anger quickly ascending: This kind of guy is not worthy to live in this world!

Wu Jun concentrated all his attention and paid close attention to everything about Da Hei, but found nothing.

"Are you still dancing?" Wu Jun asked.

"Don't jump, don't jump!" Yu Gaoxing took a few steps to the middle of the roof again, "Thank you, sir, if it weren't for you to come up, I might... just below, I didn’t know Mount. Tai, there is a lot of offense in his words, please don't be offended, Mr.!"

"These are all trivial things." Wu Jun said, "Since you are all right, go down and eat."

"This..." Yu Gaoxing's thoughts whirled, and he smiled, "Why don't you go down with me, sir, I will toast you a few glasses of wine, and I'll accompany you."

"It's not necessary, you go down first, and I'll be there later."

Yu Gaoxing turned back to the top of the building after only two steps, while Wu Jun took Jasmine to the corridor on the highest floor.

Judging from the situation just now, Yu Gaoxing shouldn't have jumped off the building because of the influence of Da Hei, but he has to find someone to try again.

So they found a hotel attendant and experimented again.

The result was the same as Wu Jun expected. No matter how hard Dahei worked, it did not affect the waiter in any way.

"System, can you explain it?"

System: "Host, please work hard to upgrade, you will know immediately."

"Since you can know right away, can't you reveal a little bit in advance?"

"Soul Force Field."

Soul force field?

Wu Jun frowned. Although he had heard this word more than once, he had never seen what a soul force field was.

This should be an advanced thing, after all, it can hide his perception.

But he still felt a little pity, it really wasn't what Da Hei had awakened.

"Then how can I see this thing?"

System: "The host should be able to see it after completing Mental Energy training."

Wu Jun knew in his heart, it seemed that the rhythm of this cultivation still needed to be non-stop.

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