When Yu Gaoxing returned to the banquet hall, he quickly found Jiang Qi who was toasting.

Upon asking, he knew that the young man just now turned out to be a fortune-telling master and the boss behind the scenes of West Forest, his face flushed with anxiety.

"I said niece, aren't you trying to cheat Uncle?" Yu Gaoxing said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier that he is such a powerful character? I don't know if you have offended him now. It's not easy to do this now. what!

"It's also to blame me, I don't know what's going on today, it seems that nothing is in the state."

Jiang Qi was also helpless. It's not that I don't want to say, but that you didn't give me a chance at all, okay?

"It's okay," Jiang Qi said, "Master is not such a prudent person."

"No, no, I have to think of something to make up for it."

Speaking, Yu Gaoxing returned to the table, picked up the wine glass and bottle, and came to the table of Wu Jun and the others, first in front of Lao Niu.

In his opinion, Lao Niu is the oldest among them. If you want to set up a relationship, naturally you will find his old man first.

"Old man, thank you for coming to my niece's wedding," Yu Gaoxing smiled very sincerely, "I was wrong just now, and there was some offense in my words. I am here to apologize for your old man! I am punishing three glasses! "

Talking about Yu Gaoxing's mouthfuls, and even toasting three cups, the old cow he got is a bit unclear.

What's the matter with this guy, why is it like a new person in a blink of an eye?

After three glasses of wine, Yu Gaoxing began to wrap up almost: "Old sir, I don't know what you and that Master Wu Jun... should be called?"

"Oh," said the old cow, holding a rock candy hoof and putting it in his mouth, "I'm here for the master's house."

Yu Gaoxing almost fell under the table.

The gatekeeper?

This... Is it the wrong person?

But now Yu Gaoxing has returned to his former shrewdness. Although he has a lot of thoughts in his mind, he is still quiet on the surface, flattering one after another.

"Haha, you laughed, old man, how could it be the gatekeeper?"

For his flattery, Lao Niu smiled and said nothing.

He lived at this age and hadn't seen any big winds and waves. In his opinion, Yu Gaoxing didn't even enter the door.

After chatting with Lao Niu again, Yu Gaoxing began to toast and apologize one by one.

He is indeed a person who runs a foreign trade company, and his face is thick enough, he can put his face down, and his words can be regarded as witty words, and the atmosphere on the table has become active for a while.

Even Wei Donghai at the next table turned around to gather the excitement.

He knew that Yu Gaoxing's attitude had suddenly changed, and he knew that he must have been "cleaned up" by the master.

It's not good to provoke someone, but to provoke the master, it's strange if you don't get rid of it.

However, he is not too big to watch the excitement. He felt that it was not enough for the master to clean up, so he cheerfully said, "Boss Yu, I think you drank a lot during this lap, massive!"

"Hehe, Boss Wei just laughed," Yu Gaoxing did drink a lot, feeling a little dizzy in his head, "My drink is really far worse than Boss Wei."

On the wine table, humility is not a shame, everyone only sees the truth in the cup.

But Wei Donghai was not in the mood to drink with him, but whispered: "Don't say I didn't remind you, did you forget something with this punch?"

Yu Gaoxing was taken aback, what did I forget?

He didn't feel that he had forgotten. Even the uncle who took care of the door drank three glasses. Is there anything wrong with it?

But since Wei Donghai said so, there must be a claim, so he asked sincerely, "Boss Wei, please give pointers."

"Hehe, I can't tell you," Wei Donghai mysteriously leaned to his ear and whispered, "You forgot that there is another one, the master's favorite!"

Love pets?

When Yu Gaoxing's eyes lit up, he saw Jasmine eating his hoof in an instant.

Yeah, how did he forget this dog!

Isn't this a pet?

If you don't love it, it is impossible to let it eat on the table!

And now it looks like this dog is very spiritual and extraordinary!

Has anyone ever seen a dog eat meat with a knife and fork?

But Yu Gaoxing was still a little worried and asked, "But does it drink?"

"I don't know either," Wei Donghai said, "but I don't think it's important to drink, the most important thing is to be sincere. You don't know, the master values ​​his two dogs very seriously.

"Last time, a friend of mine wanted to ask the master to do something, but the master was not in the mood. Later, I gave him the idea and asked him to buy a bunch of delicious dogs for the master. Guess what?"

"What's wrong?"

"Hehe, of course the master was in a happy mood, so he solved his problem easily and saved him millions!"


Yu Gaoxing was fooled so that both eyes were shining. Although everyone on the table heard it really, they just held back a smile, feeling that Old Wei was stunned.

Not enough for Gao Xing, this guy just ridiculed, now let him go to provoke Jasmine, it would be better to suffer a little bit.

After being "instructed" by Wei Donghai, he took the wine glass and came to Jasmine.

"Um...Mr. Jasmine..."

Jasmine frowned and looked at Yu Gaoxing with an unkind expression. You are the husband, and your whole family is the husband!

"It's a lady!" Wei Donghai reminded in a low voice.

Yu Gaoxing also quickly realized: "Look at me, I look so beautiful, so naturally I should be a lady!"

Jasmine's expression is a little better now. Even if you can speak, this king won't remember the villain as an adult.

"Then Ms. Jasmine, I was offended just now, and now I am punishing myself for three cups to show my guilt!"

Jasmine frowned. Is this going to drink with her?

But the wine has been drunk, it's awful, and it has a spicy tongue.

So it turned its head aside and didn't drink it!

Yu Gaoxing was taken aback for a moment, what was the situation, did not accept it?

This is a bit embarrassing. Why is he also a successful person, and he toasts a dog, but people still ignore it?

"Jasmine, you can't be so rude."

Qin Xiaoyu whispered, among those present, she was the only one who dared to say that to Jasmine.

Jasmine thought for a while, and suddenly thought of a clever trick, she turned her head around.

It must not be able to drink wine. If this guy wants to toast, please order.

So it brought the remaining plate of hoofs in front of him, looked at the table again, and put a plate of cold pig ears in front of Yu Gao Xing.

Come on, do this dish!

Yu Gaoxing was taken aback, is this for me to do a dish?

He looked at the cold pork ears in front of him. The meat inside was almost eaten, leaving only a plate of green onion, ginger, garlic and chili, and a layer of red oil.

This... how can you eat it!

Jasmine raised her hoof and held it high.


Then half of the hoof, even the bones, was poured into the mouth by it, swallowed with a few clicks, and then showed a satisfied expression.

It’s cool enough to eat like this, what kind of knife and fork to use!

Yu Gaoxing turned pale, looking at Jasmine's expectant eyes, recalling the sound of chewing bones, sweat came out of his forehead.

If I don't eat, will he eat me too?

In the end he bit his head and picked up the chopsticks.

Just eat it. It's not just some chili segments, it's not that he hasn't eaten it before.

So he stuffed the green onion, ginger, garlic and chili on the plate into his mouth.

Jasmine's eyes lit up, and she didn't expect this guy to be quite advanced, she must have another one!

So he took another Laoya Soup for himself and a plate of cold black fungus for Yu Gaoxing.

Jasmine was a wolf swallowing again. After eating a whole duck with its belt bones, Yu Gaoxing had to face bitterly and dry a plate of black fungus.

This guy can!

So Jasmine broke herself a bowl of whole chicken, gave Yu Gaoxing a plate of vegetarian food, served herself a braised turtle, Yu Gaoxing a plate of peanuts, gave herself a plate of meat, and gave it to Yu. Gao Xing's dried chillies left over from a plate of spicy chicken...

After a while, the dishes on the table were swept away, and Jasmine patted her stomach contentedly, feeling happy.

Happily, I've long wanted to eat like this!

Yu Gaoxing also ate so close to his throat.

But he basically didn't eat any meat, he ate vegetarian dishes and seasonings.

Jasmine stretched out her paw and patted Yu Gao Xing on the shoulder.

Not bad, the little things before, the king is magnanimous, so I don't care about you.

At this time, Wu Jun walked back with Da Hei.

Da Hei was about to eat something, only to see that the plates and bowls on the table were all clean and there was no bite of soup left.

This may be the cleanest banquet table in China in recent decades!

And most people are not full yet.

"Jasmine, is this a good thing you did?"

Jasmine looked at Yu Gaoxing innocently: "It's not me, it's him, he forced me to eat it!"

Da Hei: ...I believe you are ghosts!

"I can only blame Zou Hai for his stingy, so little food! Should I ask him to add more dishes?"

Dahei: ...Forget it, I can't afford to lose that dog!

At this time, Yu Gao Xing's cell phone rang, rubbing his stomach to answer the phone, and after hearing a sentence, his face sank.

"What international joke are you making with me?"

"You wait, I will come back to deal with it now!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Gaoxing made a complaint and left in a hurry.

"This person..." Fan Peng looked at his back and shook his head, "Feng Shui is not good."


Su Hao, who was drinking water next to him, really squirted out.

It was the first time that he said that a person's Feng Shui is not good, so do people also have Feng Shui?

"No, I'm used to it," Fan Peng smiled apologetically, "What I want to say is that this person is not right, there is always a black air around him, and things may not go well recently."

Wu Jun looked at Fan Peng unexpectedly. When will this guy look at his fate?

But he was right. Just now he looked at Yu Gaoxing's images in the next few days and found that although he himself is fine and everything is fine, his company, employees, and family members are constantly doing little things.

Could it be that he escaped a catastrophe today, and he didn't even have the injuries he should have suffered, and his bad luck was passed on to others?

It seems we still need to pay attention to it a little bit.

For a long time, Tianji Eye has never made a mistake. Only when he directly interferes with the fate of others can Tianji Eye fail to display accurately and need to update the image.

But today there was something that seemed to bypass him, directly affecting Yu Gaoxing's fate, and Tianji Eye didn't notice it at the beginning.

This made him have to pay attention to it. Perhaps someone like him had quietly come to him.

Of course, it is more likely that that person or that thing changed Yu Gaoxing's fate through him.

But being able to not be noticed by him is also very worthy of attention.

You have to quickly complete the Mental Energy training.

Thinking of training, Wu Jun looked at Jasmine again, this guy took out his ants as a gift, and now he can't practice even if he wants to practice.

Now that there is nothing to eat on the table, go back quickly.

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