Back at Wangzishan, Wu Jun punished Jasmine to catch the three glass jars of ants, and then carefully released Mental Energy to continue trying to control the ants.

However, the ants are too small, and Mental Energy is so weak that it can hardly be sensed. It took him a lot of time to finally find the sea of ​​knowledge of the ants.

If the sea of ​​consciousness of a person is as big as a small bowl, then the sea of ​​consciousness of an ant is smaller than the tip of a needle.

Had it not been for the control of the celestial master's energy that he had trained before, he had been able to perceive extremely subtle things, I am afraid he would really not be able to detect it.

But when I found it, every time I tried to influence its Mental Energy, the sea of ​​consciousness of the ants was instantly crushed and killed on the spot. In a blink of an eye, all three jars of ants died cleanly.

"Jasmine, go catch the ants."

Jasmine almost fell from the tree. How long was this?

Three jars of ants, there are thousands of them, let alone, and you will lose them all?

Although the ant is small, it is also a life. Master, you are really committing evil!


Jasmine reluctantly jumped down from the tree, took a few glass jars and went out.

Wu Jun drew a bucket of well water and was about to make tea for himself to adjust his mood, when suddenly he found that there was another surviving ant on the table.

So he put down the kettle in his hand, ready to continue experimenting with this ant.

He carefully released Mental Energy, and approached the ant's sea of ​​consciousness in the gentlest and gentlest posture.

Hey, this time I don't seem to be dead.

Wu Jun couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he operated Mental Energy more carefully, and finally successfully entered the sea of ​​knowledge of ants.

He was overjoyed, and as a result, Mental Energy fluctuated slightly, and the ant seemed to be severely frightened and ran wildly on the table.

According to his experience, this ant is crazy.

It seems that this mental energy exercise is more difficult than the previous two connections.

Not only is it required to control Mental Energy to be extremely subtle, but it must also not have any fluctuations.

Mental Energy does not fluctuate, which means to control your emotions, no matter what you encounter, you must feel calm.

This is simply making people become Buddhas.

Do you have to meditate into concentration again like the old monk?

It doesn't seem right.

Meditating and entering concentration is equivalent to turning off the six senses, so how do you control the ants?

At this time, the water in the kettle had already boiled. He picked up the kettle and poured water into the cup. After half a cup, he suddenly understood.

What if the six senses are closed, the heart is as stop water, and only a trace of Mental Energy stays in touch with the outside world?

Just like pouring water, the kettle is his sea of ​​consciousness, the cup is the ant, and the flowing water poured out is Mental Energy.

Moreover, he can now extract very fine celestial energy. If the celestial energy is used as the medium, mental energy can maintain continuous even if it is subtle!

Thinking of this, Wu Jun couldn't help but feel suddenly enlightened. The systematic arrangement of the order of this exercise is not unreasonable!

Try it now!

Did Jasmine go to the Tibetan area to dig for ants? Why didn't he come back?

No, don't be anxious, the more this time, the more calm you have to be.

So he picked up the kettle again to make tea, and after drinking a few cups of tea, his mentality had slowed down to a state of no happiness and no sadness.

Jasmine also came back carrying the three big jars of ants. This time it became ruthless and directly put the ant nests into the jars. Now the ants inside did not know what natural disasters they encountered, and they were crawling everywhere.

In order not to be disturbed, he decided not to practice in the Cao Lu this time, but went to the third floor.

And told Lao Niu and Fang Heng not to disturb him no matter what.

After sitting down on the wooden floor, Wu Jun selected a strong soldier ant, released a trace of celestial energy to connect with it, and then began to meditate into concentration, and soon entered the quiet mode.

Everything in the outside world was isolated. In Wu Jun's sea of ​​consciousness, there was only the presence of the heavenly master energy at this time. He released a trace of Mental Energy. Following the trace of the heavenly master energy, he easily found the sea of ​​consciousness of the soldier ant.

After several trials, it finally successfully entered its sea of ​​consciousness again.


There seemed to be a slight vibration in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Wu Jun suddenly realized that the whole world had become completely different.

The picture in front of me seemed to be separated by a low-magnification magnifying glass. The middle of my sight was clearer, and the surrounding circle was very blurry.

And no matter what, it looks like it's drawn on a piece of paper, and it's all monotonous gray.

He could also see the "picture" next to it moving. It was something with irregular shapes and some ants.

This surprised him greatly. Did I enter the perspective of the soldier ant just now?

He had never imagined that he could see the world from the perspective of an ant.

This feels really amazing!

As a result, because of this slight feeling, the picture in front of me suddenly became confused.

Come on, another crazy one.

But it didn't matter. With the previous experience, he easily controlled an ant again.

This time he was cautious, his heart stopped, and Mental Energy was as stable as still.

Through this ant, he "sees" the ant world and "hears" the ant's voice.

In fact, it is not a voice, nor is it a communication of Mental Energy, it is a kind of self-consciousness.

After the initial chaos, the ants gradually calmed down, and every ant knew what to do.

Those who move mud, those who transport grain, those who transport grain, and those who look for food look for food.

Everything is so orderly, full of a sense of order.

This made him sigh with emotion. Humans call themselves higher creatures and have built a civilized society, but in many places they are not as good as a group of ants.

In the end, because of this little emotion, the ant he had controlled for several hours went crazy again.


In the next time, Wu Jun devoted himself to completely turning himself into an ant. Then, according to the nature of the ant, he went outside to find food, tried to climb up from the inner wall of the glass bottle, and occasionally carried a few ants. egg.

I don't know how long it took, but a familiar voice suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness: "Congratulations to the host, this upgrade task is completed."

Huh, can it be done so soon?

Wu Jun let go of the ant that he had controlled for 100 hours, awakened from the quiet mode, and then fell into contemplation again.

In the past few days, in addition to Mental Energy's more condensed, stable, and free control, the character has been fully tempered.

He feels that even if his naivety collapses now, he won't be a little anxious. Isn't that too much of a Buddha?

But looking back, this is not a Buddha, he is calm.

Yes, it must be so.

After summing up, he returned his consciousness to the sea of ​​consciousness to see what the next upgrade task was.

Host: Wu Jun.

Level: Level 42 Celestial Master.


Upgrade task: The cultivation way, pay attention to the degree of relaxation, please relax the host and eliminate the 2 discordant factors. Upon completion, it can be upgraded to Level 43 Celestial Master, and the current progress is 02.

Seeing this task, Wu Jun couldn't help being speechless, saying that the discordant factor was like a dish of bean sprouts.

Up to now, he has encountered two discordant factors, each time he settled after hardships.

Although there is no life worry, it is definitely not easy.

It can only be said that this system is getting more and more skinny.

"System, where should I look for this discordant factor?"

System: "Disharmony factors often have the characteristics of cunning, secretiveness, etc., good at disguising, deceiving and confusing, and finding them is also the duty of the Supreme Heavenly Master."

It seems that I can't ask for any information.

But he was not in a hurry.

First, after a few training sessions, he felt that he still needed time to settle and stabilize.

And now he knows that the biggest discordant factor is Fengqi.

There are also two Mental Energy prisoners in the ring. Now his Mental Energy is so powerful, maybe he can interrogate something, and then follow the vine to find the discordant factor.

Thinking of this, he first took out the ring that held Mary, and then let his consciousness enter the ring.

Mary, who was locked in the ring, chaotically did not know how long it had passed, and finally "seeing" someone coming in, she suddenly shrank into a corner nervously.

"come out!"

Wu Jun shouted sharply, and at the same time, the powerful Mental Energy was like an entity, shocked Mary trembling.

Mary came to him cautiously, and Wu Jun suddenly discovered that he seemed to be able to "see" Mary's Mental Energy now.

Just like seeing the world through the eyes of an ant, Mary’s Mental Energy is a chaos, but obviously there are two colors.

One is bright yellow and the other is black, intertwined like a mess.

The bright yellow Mental Energy belongs to the original Mary, and the black one should be separated from Fengqi.

Since he could see clearly, he didn't say much, controlling the energies of the celestial master, so he separated them first.

Although it was messy and complicated, Wu Jun, who had just been trained by Mental Energy, had a very good temperament and was more patient. He cleaned up the mess without hurriedly.

I don't know how much time it took, and the two kinds of Mental Energy were finally completely separated by him.

"Ah, why did I do this?" This was Mary's voice.

" actually separated our Mental Energy?" This is Fengqi's voice, "How did you do it?"

Wu Jun released the Mental Energy coercion and instantly shattered Mary's Mental Energy. This woman dared to make people mess around in China, and even dared to steal his celestial vegetables. It would be a pity to die.

Seeing that Jasmine was wiped out instantly, a trace of Mental Energy in Fengqi was silent.

Wu Jun said solemnly: "Tell me what you know!"

"I know, you already know." Feng Qi said, "You can kill me now."

Wu Jun frowned slightly.

If he is facing a living person, he can also judge whether the other person is lying or not by his tone, look in his eyes, mental energy fluctuations, etc.

But facing a trace of Mental Energy, he hasn't had such experience yet.

So how do you tell if it is lying?

He suddenly thought of a way. Before reading novels, there was a kind of soul-searching method, which seemed to be to scan other people's sea of ​​consciousness or mental energy. I didn't know if it was feasible.

Whether it works or not, he thinks it is necessary to give it a try. Anyway, there are more Mental Energy separated by Fengqi. This one is broken, and there is one on Lu Yuanhao's side.

So he let own Mental Energy separate countless small and dense silk threads, like a big net to wrap the Mental Energy of Fengqi.

Search for souls!


A painful voice sounded in the sea of ​​his consciousness. The Mental Energy of Fengqi was cut into countless small pieces, scattered like a pile of dust in the black space, and soon annihilated without a trace.

To Wu Jun's joy, countless information flooded into his sea of ​​knowledge and formed a black card.

This card has no pictures and sounds, only some memorized information, but it is more convenient to look up than images. You only need to move your mind, and the information on it can be clearly known to him, without a trace of omission.

Yes, I have mastered another method of using Mental Energy, and then I will encounter a stiff-mouthed guy and use this method to search his soul directly.

However, this method also has shortcomings. Once used, the opponent's Mental Energy will be annihilated instantly, and the soul will be scattered.

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