Jiang Yeshan also saw the red spot, and his face became nervous and weird.

She has been guarding here for several years, and encountered two abnormal situations in total. As a result, she had just walked from the edge of life and death. The first time she came here, she encountered it again.

"Where is this?" Wu Jun asked.

"It's... the provincial capital," Jiang Ziyan made a little judgment and got the result. "It's not far from us. I will inform my grandpa now and let him send someone to check it out!"

"No," Wu Jun asked, "Under normal circumstances, if an abnormality is found in your place, will there be a time difference when an abnormal situation occurs?"

"According to the previous two experiences, it should be a little bit, but not too much," Jiang Ziyan said. "Like the last time I was in Northern Ireland, when I found out the situation, she rushed over as quickly as possible. Met you guys."

That is to say, the time difference is only twenty hours at most.


"There are other factors to consider," Jiang Zishan said, "because we are not patrolling every day, so it depends on the time of the last inspection."

"When was the last time?"

"This is going to ask my dad, if the last time was three days ago, then the abnormal situation this time may be happening now."

The two hurried out of the big array, and after questioning, the last inspection was indeed three days ago.

In other words, there is not much time now.

"Fortunately, the provincial capital is not far away," Wu Jun thought for a while, "Well, I will handle the matter this time. Your main task is to send someone to find a suitable place inside the big formation. Find a big rock to move in and put it away."

"Move rocks?"

Even though Jiang Shangjiang was very old and experienced many things that ordinary people could not imagine, he was still stunned by Wu Jun's words.

The master's behavior pattern really made him a little bit unable to keep up with the rhythm.

"But I have walked on this mountain for decades. I dare say I know every tree here, but I just didn't see any big rocks."

Wu Jun smiled and replied: "If there is no today doesn't mean that there won't be tomorrow. Maybe a piece will fall from the sky at night? So when it's dawn, you will look for it carefully, there will always be something."

After talking about Wu Jun, he didn't stop much. After walking for a while, he asked the system for a rough 4th grade Feng Shui stone and placed it in a bush.

After dealing with the abnormal situation in the provincial capital, I will come back to engrave and see if I can continuously provide Spirit Power to the Great Array.

After placing the stone, he released the energy of the celestial master, and the kilometer around him instantly and clearly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then exerted his feet and ran towards the provincial city at the fastest speed.


Sima Qianli sat in a quiet room. He had many properties in the provincial capital, but he had no place to stay.

These properties of his were rented out to others at a price lower than the market price, and every time he came here, he would live in a hotel.

At this time, Hua Deng started to come on.

Sima Qianli put down a thick book in his hand and came to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the fascinating scenery of the provincial capital.

Although located in the interior, as the economic center of Shu, the provincial capital is not comparable to ordinary cities.

The neon lights all over the city, the constant flow of traffic and bustling people on the streets, and the smell of hot pot floating in the air all signify the prosperity here.

At this moment, Sima Qianli made a move in his mind for no reason, as if something touched a sensitive nerve, causing him to cast his gaze on a figure on the street.

He has excellent eyesight, even if it is hundreds of meters away, he can still see this person clearly.

The figure was thin, dressed in a simple monk's clothes, and his steps were not hurried.

Looking at it from his perspective, it happened to be able to clearly see the ring scar on the top of his head.

This made him feel curious. There are not many monks who still burn ring scars on their heads these years, and they can attract his attention. This old monk should be a virtuous monk.

But at this moment, the old monk walked across the crosswalk and walked straight into the hotel.

The monk would also live in such a good hotel?

The virtuous monks shouldn't be so ostentatious, right?

Could it be that he read it wrong, this is not a virtuous monk at all?

will not.

Sima Qianli is very confident in himself. Since he has a new consciousness in his mind, his feeling has never gone wrong. This is why he has never been disadvantaged no matter what investment he makes over the years.

And if the old monk is not a virtuous monk, he won't be so far away, it will attract his attention.

But soon he laughed at himself. What age is it now? It doesn't seem like a big monk lives in a five-star hotel, right?

Isn't money a thing?

If you keep this thing by your side too much, it will naturally make you feel uncomfortable, and you have to spend it.

From another point of view, letting these Adu materials enter the market can at least promote economic circulation, and it is better than moldy in the basement of a temple.

"Boss," the assistant pony shouted at the moment when he knocked on the door, "it's time to go to dinner."


Sima Qianli picked up his mood, went to the restaurant for some light dinner, and then went for a walk in the small garden downstairs before returning to his own room.

After a few sips of tea, Sima Qianli sat down on the sofa, preparing to enter the Meditation state.

Said it is Meditation, in fact, it means not thinking about anything, so that oneself enters a state of emptiness.

He learned this from his grandfather when he was very young, because he learned Meditation from his grandfather after dinner every day, so he didn't need to wash the pot and wash the dishes.

Moreover, the children at that time still expected to be able to practice peerless magic, so they just persisted.

Over time, he gradually formed a habit. As long as nothing else was delayed, he would sit quietly for two to three hours after dinner every day.

Of course, this did not allow him to practice any peerless magical skills. It is just that meditation every day for a while, can refresh his spirit, and it is enough to soothe the trauma caused by the bad Life environment at that time.

It wasn't until he was in his forties that there was a serious car accident.

He remembered that at that moment, a cold and unfamiliar consciousness slipped into his mind.

This consciousness was not friendly, it occupied most of the space and made him feel very uncomfortable.

He was afraid of being completely eroded, and thus lost his own consciousness, so he struggled.

At this time, the long years of Meditation finally came in handy.

His Mental Energy is much stronger than ordinary people, so this unfamiliar consciousness was completely counterattacked and crushed by him after the early stage dominance.

However, this consciousness has been integrated with his consciousness at this time, and if it were to be completely wiped out, then he would also suffer a very serious loss.

Of course, Sima Qianli only figured out these things later. At that time, after he defeated this consciousness, he found that some changes had taken place in himself.

For example, the intuition becomes very accurate, and it can even predict the direction of major events in the short term, and can easily judge who suspects malicious or goodwill towards him.

At that time, he felt that this was a good opportunity given to him by God, because there is a blessing after death in a catastrophe, so after he was discharged from the hospital, he sold his house decisively and devoted himself to the financial market.

Later, he slowly understood that the consciousness that broke into his brain, or Mental Energy, actually entered while taking advantage of the emptiness and was unpredictable.

However, it may not have expected that the result would be to steal the chicken and not lose the rice, but to achieve Sima Qianli's career.

When his career has reached a certain stage, as he grows older, his energy is not as good as each day.

But that Mental Energy is stubborn. It has never given up its original intention of "anti-customer-oriented" and has been looking for opportunities.

This made Sima Qianli feel a little tired. He used to inquire about metaphysical experts, consulted world-class hypnotists, and even went to Kunlun Mountain to find outsiders in the name of tourism.

But in the end there was no result.

Until recently, he learned from an old friend for many years that the Supernatural Forces Institute had discovered a new person, his name was Wu Jun.

After inquiring, he knew that Wu Jun was only 21 years old, and he didn't take it too seriously at the time.

He has seen too many seniors in these years, and there are some who have real skills, but none of them can detect his strangeness.

But in the end he still came to Shu, ready to give it a try.

As a result, on the plane, he met Wu Jun by chance and helped him do some calculations.

It was also this chance encounter that made him pay more attention to Wu Jun, and made people feel Wu Jun's bottom a little.

He did discover what happened at the pharmaceutical factory this time, but after confirming that it had nothing to do with him, he did not rush to do it at the time.

He thought that Wu Jun would take care of it himself, but it turned out that two friends of Wu Jun and a very powerful dog with Mental Energy were waiting.

This changed his view of Wu Jun again. He felt that this young man in his early twenties could really solve the problems that had plagued him for so many years?

Only two visits were made, but Wu Jun himself was not seen.

Maybe fate hasn't arrived.

Sima Qianli was not in a hurry, freezing three feet was not a day's cold. This problem had troubled him for more than 30 years, and he was not in a hurry.

He gently closed his eyes and was about to let go of his consciousness. Just about to enter the Meditation state, he suddenly heard the sound of Muyu.


The voice is crisp, distant, far in the sky, and close in front of my eyes.

Sima Qianli opened his eyes and Muyu's voice disappeared.

But when he prepared for Meditation again, the wooden fish sound came over again.

This made him strange. He used to be in a downtown area. As long as he wanted to enter the Meditation state, he would automatically block all the outside sounds that he didn't want to hear.

But the sound of the wooden fish seemed to have incomparable penetrating power, penetrated through the walls, and directly passed into his mind.

He thought that the old monk he saw before, would it be him?

If so, why did he knock the wooden fish to him?

Although he was puzzled, Sima Qianli found that he did not dislike the sound of the wooden fish, but listened to this sound, which made his mind more open and distant.

Could it be that this virtuous monk found me strange and came to save me specially?

Shouldn't that follow the voice and ask this high monk to teach the opportunity face-to-face?

Thinking of this, Sima Qianli's brain suddenly stabbed, although it was only a flash, but it made him vigilant.

Based on his thirty years of experience, he will feel this way when he encounters some special situations or special people.

For example, I used to see Huang Geng, the president of the Xuan Society, or the monk downstairs just now, or encountered a difficult opponent in the market.

But no time has it been as strong as before, and the sting is like a steel needle, directly piercing into his brain.

Could there be any great people appearing?

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door, and the voice of the pony outside was slightly flustered: "Boss, the room downstairs seems to be on fire, go downstairs!"

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