Sima Qianli opened his eyes and saw that thick black smoke was rolling outside the window, and the corridors outside were in turmoil. The waiter was knocking on the door everywhere to inform the residents to evacuate quickly. The piercing sirens of the fire truck sounded faintly in the distance.

Why did it catch fire suddenly?

Sima Qianli felt bad in his heart. Could this sudden fire have anything to do with the induction just now?

But if it catches fire, he will have to evacuate.

So he cleaned up a bit and opened the door calmly, only to find that the pony suddenly fell into his arms, and standing behind him was a woman who looked about thirty years old.

From the perspective of dressing, it is rich or expensive, and the skin is well maintained, tall and well-proportioned, with outstanding temperament.

When Sima Qianli saw her face, he felt as if he had met before, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had met.

But this is not important for the time being. What reminded him was that she was holding a delicate pistol in her left hand.

Sima Qianli instantly released Mental Energy, but found that she could not have any influence on her at all.

This made his heart sink, and it was the first time in history that he had encountered such a situation.

Sima Qianli has no resistance to bullets, he is not a superman, his body is only better than ordinary old people of the same age.

That's why he found a reliable person like Xiao Ma to be his bodyguard.

He believed that his own Mental Energy, coupled with Pony's alertness and Bufan's skill, few people could hurt him.

But this confidence is now completely broken by a young woman, giving him a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be this woman who responded to the induction just now?

"who are you?"

Sima Qianli held the pony in one hand and watched the woman vigilantly.

"Don't you recognize me?"

The woman smiled at her, but her lips closed tightly. Obviously, she didn't say this sentence through her mouth, but communicated through Mental Energy.

Sima Qianliton was shocked. He had been thinking about the possibility of using Mental Energy to communicate, but he didn't dare to try it easily. He didn't expect to experience it in person today.

If it wasn't for this woman who was bad, he might have to drink a small glass to celebrate.

At this time, Wang Ying continued to use Mental Energy to communicate with him: "You forgot who changed your liquid every day when you were in the hospital? At that time, you said that I had a good heart and I would definitely find a good husband."

is her!

How can this be?

Sima Qianli suddenly remembered.

Thirty years ago, after he was hospitalized in a car accident and woke up from a coma, there was a young nurse intern, who seemed to be called Wang Ying.

At that time, Wang Ying had just graduated from the health school and was less than 20 years old. He changed liquids for him every day and asked him to take medicine on time.

The medical conditions at that time were far worse than they are now, the ward conditions were very poor, and the hospital still had an iron rice bowl system. If you want to be a nurse in the hospital, you have to go through many relationships.

Wang Ying didn't enter the hospital by guanxi, so she was squeezed out at the time. If something went wrong, she was severely criticized by the head nurse, and her eyes were often red and swollen. .

The head nurse speaks really hard to hear, acrimonious, and Sima Qianli still has a deep memory.

He really couldn't see it. He felt that Wang Ying was actually working hard, so he comforted him a few times.

Unexpectedly, more than thirty years have passed, but the two will meet again under such circumstances.

Now he is very old, but Wang Ying's appearance has not changed much. He looks so young. If she hadn't reported herself to her family, Sima Qianli would never have thought that this was the little nurse who often cried.

I don’t know what happened to Wang Ying after he was discharged from the hospital, and how he became what he is now

He didn't hear any fighting outside, let alone the pony calling for help.

In other words, Wang Ying easily stunned the pony who had been retired from the special force, and it could also give him an unprecedented strong feeling.

This woman is very powerful, and most of them are not kind!

Sima Qianli asked in a deep voice, "What can I do if you come to see me?"

"You'd better use Mental Energy to communicate with me," Wang Ying's voice resounded in Sima Qianli's mind again, "otherwise our dialogue cannot continue."

Sima Qianli nodded.

Wang Ying tilted her head and looked at the empty corridor.

At this time, the residents on this floor had already been evacuated, and the thick smoke from downstairs filled the air, and the air was full of burnt smells.

Before the fire engine arrived, the fierce fire was downstairs, and the floor of the room began to heat up. The temperature in the room had become very high, and the huge floor-to-ceiling glass was also blackened.

"Mr. Sima Qianli," Wang Ying said, "or I should call you Mr. Sima, or Mr. 1, and let the guests stand at the door. Is this your way of hospitality?"

Sima Qianli frowned: "What is No. 1? What are you talking about?"

"Do you want to know?" An indistinct smile appeared at the corner of Wang Ying's mouth. "We can go to the room and take a moment to talk."

Sima Qianli knew that he could not run away, his Mental Energy was not effective against Wang Ying, the other party had a pistol, and there was a comatose pony in his arms.

"You can talk to me, but I must send him out first!"

"There is no need," Wang Ying said with a smile, "Didn't you find out that he is dead now?"

Sima Qianli's heart was shocked, and he quickly checked the status of the pony, and found that he really had no breathing and heartbeat.

How could this be?

Sima Qianli trembled slightly, Xiao Ma followed him for several years, doing everything with all his strength, but now because of him, it just died!

Did this woman do it?

"Hurry in," Wang Ying's face suddenly fell cold, and she shook the delicate pistol in her hand, "I don't have much time to waste with you."

Sima Qianli clenched his teeth, retreated into the room holding the pony, and temporarily placed him on the sofa.

Enduring the grief in his heart, Sima Qiannei looked at Wang Ying grimly.

"Just say what you want to say."

"Don't be so nervous," Wang Ying didn't seem to care about the fire downstairs at all, so she sat on the bed for a while, "Don't you want to know why I am looking for you, in fact, I am here to confirm your condition."

"What's happening?"

"You know it in your heart," Wang Ying said, "I already knew when you were at the door just now. You and I are of the same kind."

Sima Qianli laughed, his old face densely wrinkled, squeezing deep wrinkles.

He was wondering just now that this Wang Ying could quietly kill the pony, a person in his fifties, and still maintain such a young face, there must be some adventure.

It was already obvious that the foreign Mental Energy in his mind did not hurt her at all.

Wang Ying has something to do with the mental energy in his mind.

In retrospect, it is also very possible. When he got this Mental Energy, he was in that hospital, and it happened that Wang Ying was also there.

For so many years, he has also been trying to figure out what is going on.

So he asked in a deep voice: "What the hell is going on?"

"The current situation is not very good. Let's make a long story short," Wang Ying said. "Thirty-five years ago, when you were hospitalized, a foreign doctor named Lee came to our hospital. You should remember him."

Sima Qianli frowned. Of course he knew about it. He remembered the foreign doctor named Lee, who was superb and kind.

If he hadn't rescued him, he might have lost his ashes now.

I didn't expect this incident to have something to do with him.

"You are the number one subject Lee selected," Wang Ying continued, "but unfortunately, King didn't get the result he wanted."

"What result does he want?"

"Like me," Wang Ying replied unabashedly, "Accepting his experiments, possessing some special abilities, and vowing to be loyal to the organization forever."

"Organization?" Sima Qianli frowned, "What organization are you?"

"You don't need to know this for the time being," Wang Ying said. "After discovering that you were unsuccessful, Lee gave up on you and left you to fend for yourself, because in his estimation, you should not live for long.

"But what I didn't expect is that after thirty-five years, you are still alive, and you are still alive so well."

Sima Qianli suddenly thought of the pharmaceutical factory. Could it be that the incident caused him to be noticed by people like Wang Ying?

This is the only possibility. He has been cautious all these years and has never shown his own ability in front of others, even his family does not know about it.

"I have to say that you have hidden well over the years. If it weren't for the last time you used Lee's ability in your pharmaceutical factory, I am afraid we would not be aware of it."

Is it true?

Sima Qianli thought about it, and it seemed that some of those arrested had passed the news out in the first place.

Damn it, why is it like this?

Obviously he had seen the hope of getting rid of that mental energy, but he had not met Wu Jun twice, so Wang Ying came to the door.

Is this fate?

"So now you know, what are you going to do?"

"Now I can confirm that you still have the abilities that Lee has given you, but you are not loyal to the organization."

Sima Qianli sneered in his heart.


I'm afraid it was controlled, right?

Over the years, he and the Mental Energy have been fighting openly and secretly, naturally knowing that it wants to control his mind and body.

It is estimated that Wang Ying was also implanted with that kind of Mental Energy, and let that kind of Mental Energy dominate the mind.

So Wang Ying in front of him is no longer the little nurse who loves to cry.

"Yes, I have no loyalty to your organization, I am still me, or the person you saw 35 years ago," Sima Qianli said, "So, what are you going to do? It is to kill me directly. , Or take back that share of Mental Energy?

"If you can take it back, I beg you to hurry up. I have been bored enough for these years."

Wang Ying smiled lightly and said: "We will not take it back, nor will we kill you directly, we can give you a chance."

Sima Qianli sneered and said, "I won't be loyal to organizations that secretly make hands and feet in other people's minds. I am me and will not become someone else, so you still don't want to dream."

"Why? This is your only chance to survive!" Wang Ying asked, "Although you are a failed product, logically you don't need any reason at all, you should be directly obliterated.

"But you are lucky, there is something that can only be done by you, so you can get this opportunity.

"It's not easy to survive, I advise you to cherish it!"

"Haha," Sima Qianli chuckled, "Then tell me, what can only be done by me?"

"I think you should know Wu Jun." Wang Ying said, "If you promise me to approach Wu Jun and follow our instructions, then you will not only be recognized by the organization, but you can also be like me, young and not old. !"

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