The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 803 Who Enters The Underworld?

Deal with Wu Jun?

Sima Qianli frowned, and instantly figured out some key points.

This Wang Ying and the organization behind her are Wu Jun's opponents.

Because Wu Jun is very powerful, I am afraid that Wang Ying would not dare to deal with him directly.

But he was different. Although Wu Jun did not see him, from the current situation, at least he was not malicious.

So Wang Ying wanted to take advantage of this, to the detriment of Wu Jun.

It's no wonder that Wang Ying has always asked for Mental Energy to communicate, because this communication method is difficult to be known to the outside world.

No matter how good Wu Junli is, he probably won't be able to see what other people are thinking, right?

It is possible for people to be there, but at this time Wu Jun is at least more than a hundred kilometers away, separated by such a long distance. If Wu Jun can still know what they communicated with Mental Energy, then he is not a human being. It's a god.

There is no god in this world.

Hehe, the opponent's abacus is still pretty good, and the conditions offered are quite attractive.

Youth is not old!

The other party grasped his psychology very accurately. For an old man in his twilight years, what could be more tempting than being young?

Emperor Qin and Hanwu, as an emperor, would inevitably pursue immortality, let alone ordinary people?

And they sent Wang Ying, probably because of ulterior motives.

Because he knew Wang Ying and knew her real age, it was more convincing.

But these people are afraid that they have forgotten, what kind of person is Sima Qianli, how can he do things that hurt others for his own selfish desires?

Not to mention dealing with Wu Jun, even if he was asked to attack an ordinary person, he would definitely not agree.

Moreover, Wang Ying killed Xiao Ma, the enemy of life and death, how could he deal with it indifferently, when nothing happened?

With this alone, it is impossible for him to get along with these people!

But the situation is critical at this time, Wang Ying has a gun in her hand, and Mental Energy is useless to her, and she seems to be in desperation.

How to do?

"Sima Qianli, you have ten seconds to think about it." Wang Ying's voice resounded in his mind again, "If you agree, then we will pretend to be a robbery now, you will pay me a large sum of money, and then I will release You leave so that Wu Jun will not have doubts.

"If you don't agree, then this room will be your grave!"

Sima Qianli sneered, Wang Ying's calculation was good, and even the future was well calculated.

But how could he make her wish?

Her last words just now show that Wu Jun has the ability to know their conversation.

In this case, he can tell the truth about the facts now, even if he is killed in the end or burned to death here, Wu Jun can know the truth of the matter and help him and Xiao Ma take revenge!

"Wu Jun!" Sima Qianli said loudly without hesitation thinking of here, "This woman is..."

But before he finished the sentence, a cold mental energy suddenly rushed into his brain, and the mental energy that was originally in his brain suddenly popped out, and it was in harmony with Wang Ying's mental energy.

Under internal and external troubles, Sima Qianli was surprised to find that he had lost control of his body!

A few words that clearly reached his throat, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't say it!


Sima Qianli is not afraid of death, but he can't just die worthless, he must pass the information!

Although he didn't know much about Wu Jun and Wang Ying, Wang Ying killed people easily and acted ruthlessly, which was definitely not a good show.

She might have set the fire downstairs too, and the purpose might be that he would destroy the corpse if he didn't agree to cooperate!

So in any case, he couldn't let Wang Ying succeed!

But he can't speak now, let alone just how capable Wu Jun is, how can he deliver the information in an effective way?

"Since you don't want to live, don't blame me for being polite!"

As he quickly thought of a solution, Wang Ying continued to increase the output of Mental Energy. Sima Qianli's brain was as painful as being pierced into a thousand steel needles, and his whole body was trembling with the pain.

But he did not give up in the slightest, still gritted his teeth and resisted, trying to control his own fingers, writing some characters in the air with difficulty.

He didn't know if it was useful, but it was the only thing he had done so far.

But Wang Ying quickly noticed his movements and couldn't help but sneer: "I have to say that you are very smart, but you are just a defective product, you can't fight me at all!"


Sima Qianli only felt a loud bang in his brain, like a huge mountain falling from the sky, crushing every cell of him to be unable to move.

Almost immediately, he seemed to have returned to the state he was in a coma after the car accident.

Nothing feels at all, only a trace of consciousness can function normally.

And this trace of consciousness was still besieged by a cold Mental Energy, even if he resisted forcibly, he couldn't prevent his consciousness from getting weaker and weaker.

So tired!

This is his only thought at the moment. Thirty-five years ago, when he was in a coma after a car accident, he was only able to function normally when he was in a coma.

Only this time, his final consciousness and Mental Energy will be wiped out, and he will never be able to wake up again.

This is probably the so-called destiny!

He has nothing to linger, and nothing to regret.

Thirty-five years ago, if the doctor named Lee hadn't saved his life, he would have died.

Over the years, he did his best to do a lot of things he wanted to do and helped many people in need.

His funeral has also been arranged long ago. After his death, all his property will be taken care of by a foundation to continue his charity work during his lifetime.

So for him, these 35 years were actually earned in vain.

It's worth it, and it's enough.

It's just a pity that Xiao Ma, a nice young man, died in vain.

I hope Wu Jun can avenge him in the future.

Under the crush of Wang Ying Mental Energy, Sima Qianli's last trace of consciousness will also disappear. Suddenly in the void, there is a bang---sound.

It was like a quiet, mirror-like surface of water, falling into a small stone, and it was startled by tiny ripples.


The voice was still Tathagata above Nine Heavens, and Sima Qianli's consciousness that he was about to "sleeping" was instantly awakened.

This is the sound of wooden fish!

It's the wooden fish sound of the old monk!

Has he left yet?

At the same time, Wang Ying, with a gloomy face, suddenly shook all over.

The uniform and long-distance wooden fish sound was like a sharp ice sword to her, mercilessly beheading her Mental Energy who knew Feng Qi in the sea.


Wang Ying couldn't help screaming, feeling that his brain was being cut by a sharp blade, and it was painful.

The young and beautiful face was distorted at this time, and those hidden wrinkles came out from under the skin, and instantly covered her face, making her tens of years old in an instant!

"Who! Who is it! Get out of me!"

Wang Ying roared sharply, her eyes cracked, Mental Energy frantically searched for the source of the wooden fish sound throughout the building.

"No need to look for it, the old monk is here."

Suddenly an old voice came, and Wang Ying looked back. The door that had been lightly closed just now was pushed open, and an old monk was standing at the door with a red face.

He held a wooden fish in his hand and was tapping gently.

"Monk?" Wang Ying raised his pistol, her eyes red, "Stop quickly, otherwise I will kill you!"

"Amitābha!" The old monk whispered the Buddha's name, "Why the female benefactor, the old monk is helping you purify Heart's Demon!"

"Go away! I don't want you to be purified. If you don't stop, I will really shoot!"

"If you were to kill the old monk, you would have shot it a long time ago, and you won't wait until now."

Wang Ying listened for a moment, yes, she knew that this monk was doing the trick, why didn't she shoot?

As long as she moved her finger lightly, the monk would die, she would no longer knock on the broken wooden fish, and her head would no longer hurt!

But why did she want to shoot so much in her heart that her fingers just didn't listen?

"Don't doubt the female donor. The reason you didn't shoot is because your heart has not been completely corroded by Devil, and there is still a trace of kind thoughts," the old monk said. "If you are willing to listen to me reciting a Buddhist scripture, maybe you can. Go Heart's Demon!"

Struggling appeared in Wang Ying's eyes, as if sitting in a very complicated heart struggle.

She was bullied and excluded in the hospital. Dr. Lee helped her, so she voluntarily accepted Lee's experiment and was the first person to successfully integrate two mental energy.

So for so many years, she has never resisted Fengqi's Mental Energy, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with doing so.

But in the sound of the old monk's wooden fish, this perfectly integrated Mental Energy cracked for the first time, allowing her to regain a trace of her nature.

"No, I don't want any nature!"

Wang Ying whispered, she didn't want to live the life of being bullied!

Speaking, she raised her arm again, her heart firm as iron, and she was about to pull the trigger at the old monk.

The old monk didn't seem to see the murder weapon in her hand, closed his eyes lightly, and chanted: "Mum..."


The sound of chanting is like the waves of the Yellow River, coming from Nine Heavens, rushing through Wang Ying's soul.

The pain of tearing the soul alive made Wang Ying completely plunged into madness.

At this time, Wang Ying had a disheveled hair and an old face.

A person who was already in his fifties is now more like an old woman in his nineties, with the flesh on his body quickly drying up, his eyes sunken and blood-red.

This is no longer a human being, but a crazy Devil. He has long lost the reason he should have. He didn't know where he threw the gun in his hand, and threw his teeth and claws towards the old monk.

The old monk kept the wooden fish in his hands, and the chanting in his mouth became faster and faster, but facing the pounce of a mad woman, he took a few steps back.

This is the most difficult opponent he has ever encountered in his life. He exhausted all his energy and could not purify it for a while.

At this time, the fire was spreading downstairs, and the thick smoke in the corridor made him cry, sweating on his head, and coughing again and again.

Hey, my Buddha, you can't recite this scripture anymore. If you can see all the life with your eyes, then lower the Magic power and get rid of the Devil in front of you!

But the Buddha didn't respond, and the old monk sighed in his heart. Are you going to die with this Devil today in this sea of ​​flames?

Amitābha, since the Buddha refuses to take action, let the monk do it himself.

If I don’t enter The Underworld, who will enter The Underworld?

He held up the wooden fish in his hand, hit Wang Ying's head and smashed it down.


With a muffled sound, Wang Ying, who rushed forward, staggered, but her body was different from ordinary people. The old monk didn’t start very hard, so she just paused for a second, and Wang Ying punched him. Chest.

The old monk snorted, Wang Ying's fist was full of strength, and when he changed to an ordinary person, he was afraid that his breastbone would shatter.

If he hadn't learned Wu Jun's physical training, he would have gone to see the Buddha just now.

But even so, at this time, he was still churning with blood, almost vomiting blood, there was not even a trace of blood on his body.

I am afraid that I am going to see the Buddha today.

The old monk's heart is like still water, throwing away the wooden fish in his hands, and put his hands together.

Even if you die, you must be solemn and decent.

But he did not feel Wang Ying's fist for a long time, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a young figure standing in front of him, kicking Wang Ying to the ceiling with one foot.

This figure is...little master?

And Zhao Guangwu, his unnamed apprentice, also rushed up behind him.

The old monk felt relieved.


Buddha walks slowly, the old monk’s house has guests today, so he won’t go with you.

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