As soon as Wu Jun reached the edge of the city, he saw a thick smoke rushing into the night sky in the distance.

Is it too late?

Regardless of the crowds on the street, he rushed to the hotel downstairs as quickly as possible, and at a glance he saw Zhao Guangwu looking anxiously in the crowd.

"Why are you here?"

"It's a master!" Zhao Guangwu was surprised and delighted when Wu Jun suddenly appeared, "Master, I am still inside!"

Old monk?

What is he doing in there?

Although only one room in the hotel building seems to be on fire, in this case, no matter whether it burns to the front, you should take it down first, right?

Could something happen to it inside?

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in the sea of ​​his knowledge: "Disharmony factors are found, please clear the host quickly."

Wu Jun didn't have time to ask, the celestial master energy quickly dissipated.


While rushing into the hotel, while relying on perception to look for the old monk's figure, he soon saw the old monk carrying a wooden fish and smashing it on the head of a woman with a disheveled hair.

Hey, I haven’t seen you for many days, this monk seems to have become irritable!

Faced with such a "flower-like jade" female donor, she actually got such a cruel hand.

But the joke was a joke, but he didn't slow down at his feet. Wu Jun rushed up the stairs and kicked at the woman with disheveled hair.

Heavenly Eyes!


Name: Wang Ying, female, 1964...

Remarks: I fell down today and died.

Falling down?

Seeing these two words, Wu Jun suddenly became vigilant and looked at Wang Ying who was still flying in the air.

He kicked very hard with that kick just now. At least the five internal organs were broken by ordinary people, but the feeling on his foot was very strange, like kicking on an empty shell, with a feeling of inattention.

Coupled with this note about falling from a building, he quickly determined that this woman named Wang Ying had not been kicked by her just now.

Not only that, she also jumped off the building!

As expected by Wu Jun, Wang Ying's body slammed into the ceiling, but she suddenly bounced back like an inflated balloon. She grabbed the door frame with her dry fingers, and "flyed" into the house with a swish. .

The movement is light and the body is empty, like a piece of clothing, not a living person.

But now that she knew she was going to jump off the building, how could Wu Jun let her succeed.

If you want to find death in front of him, it still depends on whether he agrees.

When Wang Ying got into the room, he kicked on the wall behind him, and his body instantly chased after him.

At the same time, Mental Energy was released, shocking Wang Ying!

Under the awe of the powerful Mental Energy, Wang Ying's dry body was stiff, but her consciousness seemed to have built a thick wall to isolate Wu Jun's Mental Energy.

At the same time, her figure fell to the ground, quickly recovered, and went straight towards Sima who fell on the ground, obviously trying to kill.


How could Wu Jun let her succeed, and grabbed her ankle with a low drink. Wang Ying's fingers had already touched Sima Qianli's head, but she watched as she was being dragged back, and there was an unwilling roar in her throat.

At the same time, he quickly twisted his body in the air, folding back an incredible sharp angle, his eyes were blood red, his face was crazy and hideous, and his fingers were inserted into Wu Jun's eyes.

Wu Jun even heard the sound of her broken spine, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this woman was so cruel that she really didn't even want her life.


Wu Jun slapped Wang Ying on the head and knocked her to the ground. Wang Ying's body shrank into a ball like an irritated leech, but he did not continue to attack. Obviously, the slap had already slapped her dizzy.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, and Zhao Guangwu, who was following him, had just arrived.

"Take the old monk out first!"

At this time, the fire downstairs had begun to spread, and the air was full of smoke and heat waves. It was really not suitable to stay for a long time.

Zhao Guangwu carried the old monk on his back: "Master, let's go together!"

"Ha ha ha..." Wang Ying suddenly let out a terrifying laugh, "Do you think you can run away?"

Looking at her blood-red eyes, Wu Jun suddenly felt bad.

All this happened so fast just now, he hadn't had time to see the image of the future of this building.

Heavenly Eyes!


Opening the silver card belonging to this room, the eyes were full of blazing flames, billowing from both ends of the corridor.

This is... a natural gas explosion?

It happened five seconds later!

This woman is really cruel, has she prepared such a killer move a long time ago?

No, not just natural gas, there are even more powerful ones. Two seconds later, the entire building was instantly shattered and collapsed.

Sure enough, he was willing to pay for it.

If it was just an ordinary explosion that caused the building to collapse, then he could put on the Spirit Power armor for everyone, and it would be fine to bury it under the ruins for two or three days.

But it is different with the natural gas explosion. The hot air can penetrate the Spirit Power armor and burn out the oxygen in the air, making people suffocate to death.

But obviously, these were not directed at him. After the fishing boat and the unknown island incident, the other party had already understood his abilities to some extent. If he were to use such small means to deal with him, it would seem too brain-dead.

So this should be set for Sima Qianli. It seems that these people take him seriously, and they will put him to death at such a high price.

This style of behavior is really cruel to the extreme.

It's just that Wang Ying shouldn't have thought that not only did he kill an old monk halfway, he also arrived in time due to chance.

As long as he is there, Sima Qianli can't be allowed to die like that anyway today.

Now that he has five living people here, Wang Ying can leave it alone.

Originally wanted to keep her alive and ask more things, but this woman's plea for death was so decisive, she could only retreat to second place, and the Mental Energy who captured her interrogated slowly.

But Zhao Guangwu, carrying the old monk on his back, obviously couldn't escape his birth within five seconds, and there was a comatose Sima Qianli in the room.

It seems that only extraordinary means can be used.

Fortunately, it is now completely dark. Due to the fire, the entire hotel has been evacuated.

So he kicked Wang Ying away and grabbed Sima Qianli on the ground. As for the dead pony, he had no time to take care of it.

"Zhao Guangwu, don't move!"

As he said, he pulled Sima Qianli and rushed out of the room, grabbed Zhao Guangwu by the collar, and ran into the opposite door.

Wherever the wooden door could withstand his impact, it disintegrated into fragments in an instant, and then continued to rush towards the floor-to-ceiling windows of this room.

Zhao Guangwu carried the old monk on his back. Under Wu Jun's drag, his head hit the door frame, bed, and sofa, making him dizzy.

Master, what is this going to do?

Before he came back to his senses, he heard the cracking sound of glass, and then flew into the air.

Zhao Guangwu understands that the master is pulling him to jump off the building.

But there are good stairs, why do you want to jump off the building?

This is the height of a thirty-story building. It would be nice to leave a whole body if it falls down!

But at this time, there was no time for him to worry and be afraid. Suddenly there was a loud noise behind him. The floor where they were staying just now, plus the upper and lower glass floors were all blown to pieces.

Red and black flames shot out from the window, and instantly turned into billowing smoke.


Before people landed, they heard the roar of the entire building. The huge building resembled a block of tofu that had been retaken, shaking, cracking, and fragmented as a whole.

Zhao Guangwu couldn't help taking a sip of water, and a thought flashed in his heart.

It's no wonder that the master is going to drag him off the building. If he walked up the stairs just now, he would have been burnt at this time and would be buried under the rubble of a building.

As expected, the master was like a god, dragging them off the building, at least leaving a whole body.


As soon as he thought of this, Zhao Guangwu heard another muffled sound, his body received a violent impact, but the downward trend suddenly slowed down.

Did this jump into the pool?

So I don’t have to die?

Before Zhao Guangwu had time to be happy, he was dragged by Wu Jun and ran wildly under the water.


At this time, the hotel building collapsed suddenly, and the water in the pool that was not heavily hit was splashed. Zhao Guangwu felt that he was thrown on the flat grass.

And a large number of building fragments happened to hit his feet, emitting a lot of hot smoke and dust, making him cough violently.

He hurriedly stood up, holding the old monk and ran to a safer place further away, only to breathe a long sigh of relief.Recalling the thrilling few minutes earlier, Zhao Guangwu felt a panic in his heart, suddenly limp all over, sitting heavily on the ground.

It's so exciting!

When he was on the front line, he had never encountered such a thrilling thing. If he hadn't met the master today, he and the master would really have to meet the Buddha today.

At this time, Wu Jun also walked out of the smoke and dust, put Sima Qianli and the old monk together, took out the Heavenly Master Pill from his pocket, and asked Zhao Guangwu to serve them separately.

The old monk received a punch from Wang Ying. The bones in his chest were fine, but he still suffered some internal injuries. In addition, he might have been hit a lot earlier, and he was in a coma at this time.

Had it not been for his cultivation of Cultivation Technique, I am afraid that the punch would have shattered the internal organs.

But no matter what, just stay alive.

Speaking of it this time, it was thanks to him. If he hadn't been here for two minutes, when Wu Jun arrived, Sima Qianli was probably already dead, and Wang Ying had also escaped.

But thinking of the way he hit Wang Ying with a wooden fish, Wu Jun couldn’t help but feel a little funny. This old monk has been doing good for his whole life, and he hasn’t trampled a few ants to death. He actually used the wooden fish to smash people’s heads. This is a good idea. Black history.

Seeing that Wu Jun could still laugh, Zhao Guangwu was really convinced. Just now, the lives of a few people were hanging by a thread. If there was a pool downstairs, they couldn't even cry.

"Master, if it wasn't for you today..."

"Don't worry, a little trick can't hurt people."

Small means?

This whole building collapsed, is it still called a small trick?

Wu Jun asked again: "By the way, how do you feel? Are there any injuries?"

"I'm fine."

Zhao Guangwu touched his bare head, seven or eight big bags were already bulging on his dark scalp, all of which were bumped when Wu Jun dragged him away just now.

But it was a blessing to be able to survive this time, and hitting a few bags with his head was nothing at all.

"Let's go." Wu Jun picked up Sima Qianli who was still in a coma, "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

"where to?"

"First find a place to settle down."

Wu Jun called Su Hao Ran, and soon two cars came near the hotel and picked them up from this place of right and wrong.

But what happened just now has spread all over the world instantly through the Internet, causing a huge sensation.

In a five-star hotel, there was a fire and then a big explosion. The entire building collapsed into rubble. This is the first time this kind of thing has ever happened in China.

Fortunately, the fire was before, and all the people in the hotel had been evacuated. Only a small group of people got close to watch the excitement, and a few firefighters who were high in the sky were slightly injured.

Of course, there are Xiao Ma and Wang Ying, these two people were buried deeply under the ruins. Wang Ying’s Mental Energy wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but Wu Jun who had been prepared for it was still caught in a black jade ring. The inside is closed.

Su Hao knew that Wu Jun was involved in this incident, and immediately changed the previous arrangements.

The hotel must not be able to live, God knows if there are any other lunatics besides Wang Ying.

So he drove the car to the newlywed villa where he and Jiang Qi were married. At least there was not that crowded here, and if something happened again, it would not cause too much image.

Zou Hai has just seen the hotel news from the news, and is discussing with Jiang Qi, Wu Jun and the others are here.

Seeing Zhao Guangwu's head full of bags, and the old monk and Sima Qianli unconscious, Zou Hai instantly understood what was going on.

"Look," he said to Jiang Qi, "I said he definitely did it. How can ordinary people make things so big?"

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