In Zou Hai’s villa, Wu Jun arranged for the old monk and Sima Qianli to rest, and then found a quiet room by himself, ready to interrogate Wang Ying’s Mental Energy.

Perhaps it was because there was nowhere to escape. In the black ring space, Wang Ying's Mental Energy shrank, but he did not forget to absorb the Spirit Power in the ring to strengthen himself.

But all this is in vain. The strength of Mental Energy is not a matter of overnight. Even if she is allowed to breathe here for decades, she is still not Wu Jun's opponent.

"Wang Ying!"

Wu Jun screamed when he entered the ring space. This is also a method of deterrence.

Sure enough, after feeling Wu Jun surrounded her from all directions, Wang Ying shrank even more in fright.

"Frankly explain, what the hell are you!"

Wu Jun could forcefully separate the spirits of Wang Ying and Feng Qi, but it was too troublesome to do so. Anyway, Wang Ying was destined to be wiped out, and it was not worth his effort.

"You don't want to know anything from me!"

Wu Jun had long guessed that she would say this, and when he was about to use the soul search method on her, he heard Wang Ying say: "Wu Jun, don't be too mad!

"If you want to get information from me, you can only say that you are wishful thinking!

"There is a kind of you kill me right now, and someone will avenge me soon!"

Wu Jun frowned when he heard this, and even dared to threaten me. Are you mad or me?

And you are a small villain, and you are so eloquent and righteous. Daddy feels like a big villain.

I bother--

"Wang Ying, a trash that kills people and creates disasters at will, you dare to speak up."

"Huh, it's just some ants, kill them," Wang Yingdao, "As for the disaster, if you didn't obstruct us, we would only change the world quietly and imperceptibly, and lead the world to unity and glory! "

Hey, you deserve to be Fengqi’s Mental Energy clones, each of whom will rule the earth.

In the past ten thousand years, Fengqi has not touched on new technology and has more ambitions?

The earth is a little bigger, so if you want to do it, you can do black holes, white holes, the Milky Way or the Universe!

Always thinking about ruling the earth, have you considered how the earth feels?

"You people, you will never understand!" Wang Ying continued, "Only absolute rule can eliminate unfairness from the root and protect the weak from bullying!

"However, you intervened time and time again, sabotaged our plan time and time again, hindered our great feat, so we have to use this extreme method.

"Wu Jun, these are all caused by you, and all of them are caused by you!"

Wu Jun took a breath from his teeth.

This time he has a long experience. Is this the logic of the legendary bandit?

Although he doesn't understand any philosophy, Wu Jun also knows that absolute fairness is nothing but fart.

Letting these people rule the earth is the greatest unfairness to everyone.

It seems that Wang Ying has been brainwashed very seriously. This kind of thinking is deeply ingrained. Even if she stripped off her original Mental Energy, she would not wake up like Lu Yuanhao.

But through Wang Ying's words, he already knew that he was facing a bunch of lunatics.

A group of lunatics who take madness as their concept, treat evil as a dream, and think they have the truth.

Naturally, ordinary methods cannot be used against lunatics.

So he no longer talked about Wang Ying, directly involved in the Mental Energy network, and wrapped it up.

Search for souls!

"Ah-Wu Jun,"

Wang Ying, who suddenly felt wrong, finally felt the real panic.

She didn't expect Wu Jun to be able to chop up her Mental Energy and get her memory.

This is more unwilling to let her be a hundred times more than just letting her go away!

"... Wu Jun, I won't let you go if I become a ghost!"

Wu Jun said in his heart, at this point, there is no way to become a ghost.

After a short while, a black card belonging to Wang Ying appeared in his sea of ​​knowledge, and his mind opened gently, and all the memories belonging to Wang Ying were clearly seen by him.

This Wang Ying and Sima Qianli were still acquainted. After Sima Qianli was discharged from the hospital, Wang Ying had a bad life in the hospital. She was bullied by a veteran nurse and scolded by the head nurse, but it didn’t matter because she didn’t have a backstage. Dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Under such bullying for a long time, it is inevitable to feel resentment and feel that the world is extremely unfair.

But for Life, she still persisted.

By an unintentional opportunity, she came into contact with the foreign doctor Lee and became his second experiment.


In Mary's memory, Wu Jun had seen this name.

Jon, Lee, Bob, King and Mary, these five people often communicate on the dark web.

It is now certain that this Doctor Lee had already started serving Fengqi more than 30 years ago.

In other words, he is also a mental energy division of Fengqi.

Because he can plant a trace of Mental Energy of Fengqi in the brain of others, and then assimilate or control it.

Lee first chose the dying Sima Qianli for the experiment, but for some reason it was unsuccessful. Judging from the current situation, it should be that the amount of Mental Energy he planted was not taken into account. Instead, Sima Qianli suppressed the planted Mental Energy.

But Wang Ying is different.

Wang Ying was very young at the time, with weak willpower, and willingly accepted the experiment without any resistance, so the experiment went smoothly.

According to Lee's request, Wang Ying has been lurking in China, using her own ability to earn a lot of money and providing a lot of funds for Lee and the organization behind him.

According to Wang Ying's memory, Lee did more than two experiments in China.

He was a brilliant surgeon. In that era, such a foreign friend was very popular. This gave him the opportunity to travel to major hospitals and choose many experimental subjects.

But Wang Ying only knows a general outline of these matters, not the specific situation.

So how many people like Wang Ying there are in China, and whether there are such people in other parts of the world, it is impossible to know.

But what is certain is that Dr. Lee went to more advanced hospitals, and the people he came into contact with would not be ordinary roles.

Coupled with Fengqi Mental Energy's ability, after more than 30 years of development, these people will inevitably be the rich, or occupy high positions, hold great power, or even control the military.

No wonder Wang Ying dared to speak wild words and clamored to rule the world, which seemed to be a little emboldened.

If Dr. Lee and his comrades spent more time that year, arranging tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people like Wang Ying around the world, after decades of development, and then suddenly work together, maybe it can really change The pattern of the world.

Gee, it's a little troublesome this time.

With so many people all over the world, God knows who is Fengqi, he can't ask one by one, right?

If these people are blatantly coming towards him, it would be a relief, and he will take them as many as they come.

But judging from the current situation, Feng Qi didn't plan to do that at all. He should at least be prepared to do a two-pronged approach, on the one hand to deal with him, on the other hand to continue to develop his "domination" plan.

No, Wu Jun suddenly realized that maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought.

No matter how powerful Fengqi's Mental Energy is, it can't be divided without restriction, right?

If he could do that, the whole world would already belong to him when he first unearthed.

When was Fengqi dug out?

According to William's memory, it was about 130 years ago, but why didn't Lee come to China to conduct his experiments until more than 30 years ago?

What is Fengqi doing for nearly 100 years?

Wu Jun felt that he should be hiding, waiting for recovery.

But cultivating Mental Energy is not an easy task. Even if it takes a hundred years, it may not have much effect. If you want to recover or grow quickly, you need one of the most critical things.

Spirit Power!

Only with a large amount of Spirit Power as a nutrient can Mental Energy recover quickly. Without the nourishment of Spirit Power, pure Mental Energy will even die out.

But Spirit Power is rarer than anything else, so Feng Qi spent 100 years collecting Spirit Power and recovered to a certain level before starting his plan.

Therefore, it is destined that Fengqi's Mental Energy split body will not be too much.

Thinking of this, Wu Jun felt relieved for the time being.

He was really worried that tens of thousands of people like Wang Ying would suddenly appear in China, which would really cause chaos in the world.

Therefore, it is useless to think too much. As long as Feng Qi Ze Zei's heart is not dead, there will always be clues that he can follow.

Walking out of the room, both the old monk and Sima Qianli were sober.

"Amitābha, little master, today you saved the old monk again."

"Master Jinglin is serious," Wu Jun said with a smile, "how did you stand up to this matter?"

"It's also fate."

It turned out that after traveling in northern Xinjiang, the old monk was ready to return to Shu as the new year was approaching.

He didn't want to walk on the street with Zhao Guangwu. Suddenly, he felt intimidated and asked Zhao Guangwu to find a place to stay at random. He then entered the big hotel and prepared to save Sima Qianli.

"Can you sense his abnormality?" Wu Jun asked.

"This is actually not," the old monk said, "I talked with Mr. Sima just now, and tried it. It was he who sensed me first, so I could sense him."

Wu Jun looked at Sima Qianli, his ability made him shine.

So he asked: "What can you sense?"

Sima Qianli thought about it in his heart, and then slowly replied: "People with strong Mental Energy should be able to feel it."

"What about me?" Wu Jun asked.

"This..." Sima Qianli shook his head and said, "It should not work, otherwise I would not miss the master when I was on the plane last time."

Wu Jun is a little depressed, this ability is not good, my Mental Energy is so powerful, you can't feel it?

"What about him?" As he said, he pointed at Zou Hai and asked.

Sima Qianli still shook his head.

Isn't it okay?

Is it because Zou Hai’s Mental Energy is too weak?

Too strong can't be sensed, too weak can't be sensed, does it have to be just right?

Forget it, it doesn't make sense to entangle this, Sima Qianli can sense Wang Ying's Mental Energy, and this is what he values.

"Master, I haven't met you twice during my two visits. Since I met you today, Sima has something to ask for."

"Say it."

"You should know that there is a problem with my Mental Energy," Sima Qianli said, "I beg the master to take action and help me get that thing out of my mind!"

Wu Jun frowned slightly as he drove Fengqi's Mental Energy out of Sima's Sea of ​​Consciousness, did his "sensing" ability disappear?

I also count on him to help find someone.

Seeing him groaning silently, Sima Qianli felt unsure. If Wu Jun couldn't do anything about it, then he would have no hope in his life, he could only fight to the death with the guy in his head.

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