The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 806 Soul Force Field

"Master, how is it?"

"Well, it's not that I don't want to help you," Wu Jun said, "but I don't think you need it."

"No, it's very necessary," Sima Qianli said with emotion, "Master, you don't know anything. For more than 30 years, I have fought against it every day and watched out day and night. At first I thought it was interesting, but after a long time, Always get bored.

"Moreover, now that I am old and my energy is declining, I will be careful one day when I inadvertently be turned away by him. What if I use my body to do bad things?

"Although a certain is not talented, he also has tens of billions of assets under his name, and the money is also quite destructive."

This is true.

"But have you ever thought that if you don't have this Mental Energy, you will lose your ability," Wu Jun said. "The people behind Wang Ying have already focused on you, and then you will lose a share of your self. Guarantee capacity."

"Misfortunes depend on blessings, good fortunes fall," Sima Qianli said, "I have lived for so many years, and I have already seen these things thoroughly. As long as I can be the pure me for a day, what does it matter even if a catastrophe is imminent?"

Hearing what he said, Wu Jun stopped persuading him.

Sima Qianli's sensing ability is indeed very useful, but its usefulness is also limited and very passive.

Everyone has ambitions, and he can't force it.

Besides, what Wu Jun values ​​is Mental Energy, which he knows about Feng Qi in the sea. This is Dr. Lee’s first experiment. It must be a little different, otherwise Wang Ying would not be so persistent in killing Sima Qianli. .

As for helping find Wang Ying's accomplices, there are old monks who can help.

Before the old monk knocked on the wooden fish to recite the scriptures, Wang Ying would feel painful. He could use this characteristic to find people like Wang Ying in a targeted manner.

"Well, you have to be prepared," Wu Jun said, "It is not a comfortable thing to divide Mental Energy."

"Please also master to take action."

Wu Jun nodded, released own Mental Energy and entered the sea of ​​consciousness in Sima Qianli.

Fengqi's Mental Energy fought desperately when he saw it, struggling to death, causing Sima Qianli's brain to ache sharply, as if being cut by a knife.

But he gritted his teeth to support, even though he was sweating, he didn't groan.

A few minutes later, Feng Qi's Mental Energy was completely separated, Wu Jun changed his mind into a black card and stored it in the own sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Sima Qianli seemed to be recovering from a serious illness. He looked like he was in his sixties before, but now he seems to be aged to ninety in an instant, and he can't even straighten his back.

But his eyes were very bright, as if he had lifted the burden from his shoulders for many years and let out a long sigh.

"Thank you Master!"

"It's just a small effort," Wu Jun said, "you will do it for yourself in the future."

Sima Qianli nodded and bowed deeply to Wu Jun.

After more than thirty years, he finally got rid of the entanglement of that Mental Energy, and once again lived as an independent and complete self.

This feeling is really good.

Even if some lifespan will be lost because of this, he is willing to do so.

After solving the problem of Sima Qianli, Wu Jun took a look.

Regarding Jiang Qi's younger uncle Yu Gaoxing, he felt it necessary to care about it.

The system said before that as long as he leveled up, he could quickly see the soul force field, but it had been upgraded for two or three days, and he did not see what the soul force field looked like.

Just as Gao Xing was about to jump off the building last time, the system said that the soul force field was imaged, and he felt that maybe he could see something in him.

Moreover, half of the upgrade task is still not completed. He still wants to find a clue from Yu Gaoxing.


Early the next morning, Wu Jun and Zou Hai's wife arrived at Yu Gaoxing's company.

Yu Gaoxing has been so busy these days, his eyes are red, and his face is haggard. It is estimated that he has not slept well since that day.

He is doing foreign trade exports. Recently, the situation abroad is unstable. The sales of exported goods are really not good, and they are subject to various restrictions.

On the day of Jiang Qi and Zou Hai’s wedding, he had a large amount of cargo blocked outside the port, and it took a lot of money to be allowed to unload the cargo. Not only did this batch of cargo lose profit, but he also lost a lot of money.

There are also several capable members of his company who were admitted to the hospital at the same time as if they had negotiated, and even the daily affairs were almost no one to deal with.

This made Yu Gaoxing feel haggard and at the same time sighed that his own luck was extremely bad.

As a result, his eyelids twitched in bed today. He thought something serious was about to happen again. He was fidgeting in the office. He suddenly received a call from Jiang Qi saying that Wu Jun had come to the door in person. It was like a shot at him.

He was still planning last night whether he should go to Wu Jun for help and give pointers.

After all, I heard from Wei Donghai that this one is very good at this aspect.

Without thinking that he hadn't gone yet, Wu Jun came by himself.

"Master, please come in!"

Yu Gaoxing stood at the gate personally to greet him, shocked several security guards and secretaries dumbfounded. He didn't know what was going on with the conceited big boss today. He would stand at the gate and wait for someone like a pupil.

What is the role of the people here?

But after thinking about it, no one dared to ask more. Yu Gaoxing was in anger these days, and no one rushed to touch the mold.

When he arrived at Yu Gaoxing's office, Wu Jun first used Tianji Eye at his desk to learn a little bit about what happened in the past few days before he focused his attention on Gao Xing.

The wheel of fortune appeared behind him, except for some gray spots, there seemed to be nothing abnormal.

But this time Wu Jun didn't want to see the wheel of fortune, what he wanted to see was the soul field.

But no matter what he thinks, there is only the Wheel of Fortune behind Yu Gaoxing, and there is no force field.

"System, what's going on?" Wu Jun couldn't help asking, "Didn't you say that I will be able to see the soul field soon?"

System: "Host, please don't be impatient, the soul field is very mysterious. Now although you have the strength to see it, you have not yet mastered the method to see it."

"What method is needed?"

"The first time you look at the soul field, you need to pay more attention," the system said. "You must have no foreign objects in your heart, only the target person in your heart, and you need the host's Mental Energy to interweave into a curtain, the other party's soul power To be presented."

Wu Jun eliminated the distracting thoughts in his mind, focused all his attention on Gao Xing, and at the same time used Mental Energy to form a "screen".

Not to mention this, the scene in front of me has really changed a little. The outline of a person appears on the Mental Energy screen, but it is very vague, and the color is also gray.

Is this the soul of a person?

"It's just an outline now," the system said, "please the host keep working hard so that you can see clearly after all."

"What's the use of this stuff?" Wu Jun asked.

"Soul force field is the birthplace of mental energy," the system said, "a person's mental energy is produced by the soul force field, or converted, the stronger the soul force field, the stronger the mental energy."

It turns out that this is the case. No wonder the stronger the willpower, the stronger the mental energy.

He thought that Mental Energy was produced by the Sea of ​​Consciousness before, but it doesn't seem to be right now.

But the soul field is illusory, and even Mental Energy can't touch its existence. How can it be affected?

"There are many ways to influence a person's soul field," the system said. "By influencing the other's consciousness, it indirectly affects the soul field, but this effect is small and takes a long time."

Wu Jun deeply believes that it is like making an ordinary person degenerate. It needs to be slowly influenced and changed through material, language, and behavior, and vice versa.

"The second method is to directly interfere."

"How to interfere?" Wu Jun asked, "Is it possible to directly influence the opponent with his own soul field?"

"Yes," said the system, "but the effects of interference are mutual, so the consequences of this method are difficult to predict."

It's like pouring two bottles of different colors of ink together, and the result will be different colors on both sides.

Of course, this also depends on the amount.

If it is a bottle of black ink mixed with a drop of red ink, the result is obvious, and both sides will end up with black ink.

"anything else?"

System: "There is another method that only the supreme celestial master can master. That is to use the celestial master's energy to directly influence the soul field."

Wu Jun didn't expect that the Heavenly Master's energy could be so strong, this is simply cheating.

"But the host, please be aware that even a slight change in a person’s soul field may completely change a person, including personality, habits, hobbies, mental state, life trajectory, destiny, etc., please use this ability carefully. ."

It seems that you can't easily experiment with people, and a little movement may completely change a person.

But it didn't matter. Wu Jun never thought about changing someone's soul in the past. He just wanted to use this ability to find the person who made Yu Gaoxing jump off the building to commit suicide that day, and strive to complete this upgrade task as soon as possible.

According to the system, he determined that it was someone that day, and through the method of "direct interference", it affected Yu Gaoxing's soul field. Therefore, in Gao Xing's soul field, he should also confuse that person's soul field. force.

So he once again concentrated all his attention and carefully checked Yu Gaoxing's soul field. After half a day, he finally made a discovery.

In the fuzzy outline, there is a small part of the color that is slightly different from the surroundings. This is the "polluted" part that caused Yu Gaoxing to jump off the building that day.

Wu Jun estimated that the color of this area at that time should be more obvious.

"The system, how can we clear these things?"

System: "The power of the soul cannot be removed, it can only be dispersed and diluted through the wheel of fortune."

Wu Jun frowned, and he saw a tiny line connecting Yu Gaoxing's wheel of fortune from this area, and then spreading to other places through some thin lines.

You don't need to check Wu Jun to know that these thin lines must be connected to several employees of Yu Gaoxing who are sick and hospitalized.

This can also be regarded as a "self-protection" measure of the soul force field, which reduces one's own risk by transferring bad things to others.

If you can't transfer it out, you have to be unlucky.

It seems that human souls are all selfish as expected.

At this time, the system continued: "As a supreme celestial master, you can also use the celestial master's energy to collect the power of these external souls."

"Why do you put it away, can you sell scraps?"

"No." The system said, "We can only wait for its owner to die, and the power of the soul will automatically dissipate."

In other words, if you want to completely eliminate the power of these foreign souls, you can only kill its owner.

It seems that the Supreme Heavenly Master is not a peaceful profession either.

So he used the energy of the heavenly master to quickly collect the power of these foreign souls together.

Next, it's time to find its owner.

He has always been passively defensive, and this time he has to be proactive, otherwise these people would really treat him as good-tempered.

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