The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 807 Do You Have A Boyfriend?

Finding people is a technology job.

Wu Jun now only has a fragment of the power of a person's soul. Wanting to find its owner in the vast ocean through this fragment is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

So he has to lock the range first.

To be able to influence the soul field of others through the power of the soul must be through some kind of contact, such as a few words, at least one glance at the other person in the crowd.

Then this range can basically be determined.

Starting from the day of Zou Hai’s wedding, moving forward one day, anyone who has been in contact with or even appeared around Gao Xing during this time period is possible.

So Wu Jun asked Yu Gaoxing for a quiet office, then called up his image, and began to look for the person in all directions.

Family members and company employees can be excluded for the time being, and on this day Yu Gaoxing did not go to crowded places. In the afternoon, he had a contract to be signed. The other party was an overseas trading company, and the negotiator was a blond and tall foreign country. Beauty.

Knowing from the video, her name is Irene.

When he first saw Irene, Wu Jun decided it was her.

There is no other reason, it is because she is too beautiful, has too outstanding temperament, her figure and skin are so good, and her eyes are flowing, her every move carries an indescribable rhythm.

Without thinking, how could such a woman go to Yu Gaoxing to negotiate a contract?

Soul power is something more difficult to control than Mental Energy, and it can be said to be at least one level higher than Mental Energy.

A person like Wang Ying, in terms of ability alone, can definitely be regarded as a leader among people and a backbone force cultivated by Fengqi, but from the information left by Wang Ying, she doesn't even know that there is a force field of soul. This noun.

Therefore, people who can master the power of the soul are bound to be even more distinctive.

Especially when Irene signed the contract with Yu Gaoxing, and left Yu Gaoxing's office with her assistant, the look with her back facing Yu Gaoxing had already sold her inner contempt and coldness.

It’s just that Wu Jun doesn’t quite understand why Irene wants Yu Gaoxing’s life, what good is it for her?

So he took a screenshot of Irene's photo on the computer screen and called Yu Gaoxing over. If Yu Gaoxing could provide some clues, it would be easier to find it.

"Who is this woman?"

"Huh?" When Yu Gaoxing saw this woman, he was very surprised, "Isn't this Irene Miss? How come her photos are on this computer?"

Seeing that Wu Jun didn't mean to answer, Yu Gaoxing quickly said: "Oh, Irene Miss is our company's nearest partner. We signed a long-term cooperation contract not long ago."

"Do you know her personal information?" Wu Jun asked.

"This... I don't know," Yu Gaoxing said, "I only met her once, that was the contract talk, and it lasted half an hour before and after. How could I inquire about other people's privacy, right?"

"Where is she from? How much do you know about her company?"

"It should be from United States. The company is also from United States," Yu Gaoxing thought for a while. "Our company exports bambooware and some agricultural and sideline products. You know that the recent economic situation is not good, and our company's performance It has dropped by at least half, so Irene and her company, this time is tantamount to helping us."

Wu Junxindao is still giving charcoal in the snow, do you know this woman wants to kill?

But he still didn't understand, even if Gao Xing died, what good would it do to Irene.

"I ask you, if you die suddenly, what impact will it have on your cooperation?"


Yu Gaoxing was stunned, what kind of problem is this?

"You forgot about Zou Hai being on the roof of the hotel on the day of his wedding?"

Yu Gaoxing was even more stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

At that time, he himself was also very surprised, why he wanted to jump off the building when he was good.

But these days there are so many things in the company that he has no time to think about it, and he subconsciously refuses to think about such terrible things.

Now when Wu Jun asked, he began to face this question squarely again.

"If I die suddenly...then the company will be in a mess, this is for sure." Yu Gaoxing said, "Don't look at me, the company is not small, but there are not many really capable people, all of them are relatives.

"That's why I was so angry when Jiang Qi resigned, because she is the only person who can be alone.""What then?" Wu Jun asked, "Does it affect your cooperation with Irene?"

"There must be! If we can't deliver on time this time, our company will pay a large amount of liquidated" Yu Gaoxing suddenly recovered, "Master, don't scare me, you The meaning is that they have to kill me for such a small amount of liquidated damages?

"Even if the liquidated damages were signed this time by a few percentage points more than before, how much is that?"

"This shouldn't be enough," Wu Jun said, "If you think about it again, is there any other impact? For example, has your business abroad touched the interests of others?"

Yu Gaoxing frowned and thought for a while, and finally asked tentatively: "According to what you said, I thought of a possibility."


"Actually, this shouldn't be a big deal," Yu Gaoxing said. "I went abroad to talk about a business last month in New York City. The talks went smoothly this time, and the talks were completed two days earlier than expected.

"At that time, I thought that our company has a partner company in New York City. They have been old customers for several years. Anyway, they are idle and idle. It is better to visit this company.

"You know this is a normal thing in China, but when I called that company, they refused.

"You also know my temper. I even prepared a gift. I wanted to visit but was refused. I was still very angry.

"Later I searched for it according to the address, but when I got there, I found that there was no such company in the office building."

"and after?"

"I came back later."

"This company has worked with you, have there been any problems?"

"That's not true," Yu Gaoxing said. "Every time the goods are delivered to the port, someone will receive it. The money is also in accordance with the contract. I have never been talking about it. It is precisely because I think they have a good reputation, I think about it. I was going to visit, but I didn't even think I couldn't find the office."

Wu Jun understood.

Why did Irene want to put the star high to death? Maybe it is for this reason.

Whether it's Dr. King or Lee, or Mary who is already gone, they will definitely need a lot of money if they want to do something secretly.

Take Mary as an example. She cultivated thousands of murloc monsters just to get some vegetables in the West Forest. She didn't use money as money at all.

And what can be done with money, they will not be stupid to use unconventional means.

So Wu Jun guessed that among the King group, there must be someone who is specifically responsible for making money.

So getting a leather bag company to do import and export trade can be considered a profiteering industry.

However, Gao Xing was a curious person, and was refused to come to visit. He even rushed to look for it. This search found the problem.

In order to keep it secret, the other party did not hesitate to kill Gao Xing's mouth, so he sent Irene over to complete the task and earn a large amount of liquidated damages. This method is really clever.

It's just that they shouldn't have thought that Irene's plan to let Yu Gaoxing jump off the building through the power of soul was inadvertently ruined by Wu Jun.

So where is Irene now?

Have you returned to your country, or will you continue to stay in the provincial capital?

No matter what, she must be found out.

This woman is so capable, she must be the top of their organization, and she is a good breakthrough.

So he used the celestial eye to Yu Gaoxing's office, turned to the image of Irene on the day he came, and followed her all the way to find it.

Although this method is a bit cumbersome, the accuracy rate is 100%, which is much better than blindly trying luck in the crowd.

After leaving Gaoxing's company that day, Irene returned to the hotel, but the hotel is now in ruins.

She stayed in the same hotel as Sima Qianli.

Wu Jun flipped the image directly to last night, and he found Irene's figure in the crowd leaving in a panic.

Tsk tsk, this woman is really confident, and she has been hiding in such a close place until yesterday. It may be the so-called art master who is bold.

But this is good news for Wu Jun. From last night to now, there have not been twelve hours in total. Even if he didn't use the eyes of Heaven's Ji, Da Hei and Jasmine would be able to find her.

Irene in the crowd was calm, without a trace of panic or surprise.

It seems that she should know in her heart what is happening in the hotel and what is about to happen, maybe she has been observing Sima Qianli too, and wants to win this person over.

After all, Sima Qianli is very rich, and if they can fight for the past, it will also be a great help to their organization.

But maybe she didn't expect that although Sima Qianli was old, his bones were so hard that he would not be moved at all.

Wu Jun also collected the images on the street with the eyes of heaven and turned to the moment when he appeared.

At that time, the situation was urgent. He came to Zhao Guangwu's side at a very fast speed and stayed there for only a few seconds.

He freezes the picture in these few seconds, then adjusts his angle of view, looking for Irene in the surrounding crowd.

Sure enough, just over twenty meters away from Zhao Guangwu, Irene stood there coldly, with big aquamarine eyes looking in his direction.

At this time she was no longer so calm, the cold light in her eyes flashed away, and as Wu Jun rushed towards the hotel, she also turned and left the crowd.

Could it be that she knew that Wang Ying was destined to fail, and she didn't even have the mood to stay and see the results?

No, it shouldn't be the case. Even if she knew that Wang Ying's plan was going to fail, she wouldn't be reluctant to wait for even a minute, right?

Wu Jun knew that this woman had some abilities, but he probably didn't have the ability to predict the future.

She was afraid to leave in such a hurry.

Fearing that he would find any clues, he turned around to trouble her, so when he saw him coming, he hurriedly left the scene.

However, it has been less than twelve hours since the hotel caught fire. She probably couldn't run far, or didn't run at all. Instead, she found a new hotel to live in.

As expected, Irene did not return to China, but stayed in another hotel.

Standing in the quiet corridor, Wu Jun knocked on her door gently.

Irene's voice soon came from the room: "Who?"

Yes, when I arrive in China, I still know that I can speak Chinese at any time.

So Wu Jun cleared his throat: "Hello, take out."

I thought that Irene would not open the door to strangers easily, so Wu Jun made a joke about delivering food, but to his surprise, the door quickly opened a gap.

Seeing Wu Jun outside, Irene was stunned on the spot, not knowing whether to open the door for him.

"You know you can't escape," Wu Jun said with a smile, "Why don't you open the door and let's talk?"

Irene hesitated for a moment, and actually opened the door, letting Wu Jun walk in.

I have to say that this foreign girl was really unprepared. She didn't wear much clothes, so she let a big man in.

Is China really safe to this extent?

But Wu Jun still sat on the sofa generously, and first used a celestial eye on her.

Name: Irene Jones, female, 1995...

Remarks: None.

She was only 23 years old. Wu Jun thought she looked young like Wang Ying, but she was in her 50s or 60s.

Like Mary, she was a misstep girl who was deceived by King's gang.

Irene probably didn't expect Wu Jun to come to the door suddenly, and was a little at a loss for a while, and finally calmed down after drinking a glass of cold water.

"Are you proactively confessing, or let me directly charge your memory?" Wu Jun said straightforwardly, "Let's say it first, your soul power is useless to me, so don't make unnecessary struggles."

"You...whatever you want to know, I can tell you." Irene said, "but I ask you not to hurt me."

Wu Jun frowned. He felt a little while ago, and he didn't find any traces of Fengqi in Irene's Mental Energy.

In other words, this woman is just an ordinary person?

Impossible, ordinary people can use the power of the soul?

Or is it her innate ability, which was discovered and used by the King?

It's no wonder that when she saw him just now, she didn't immediately act like running away or resisting, because she didn't have any power to fight back.

"Okay," Wu Jun said, "Now let's talk about what happened to Yu Gaoxing and why you want to kill him.""Well, I'll explain," Irene said frankly, "Someone gave me two million dollars and asked me to sign a contract with Yu Gaoxing on behalf of a company, and then use my ability to surprise him. "

"It was just an accident? Didn't you just kill him?"

"Actually, I don't know this point myself," Irene said. "I have had the ability since I was a child. If I start to hate a person, then that person will have an accident, but I can't be sure what exactly happened.

"It could be a car accident, it could be a finger cut by a knife, and someone suddenly died.

"But I don't know why. I failed this time. No accident happened to Yu Gaoxing. This is something that has never happened before."

Wu Jun asked: "So you stayed and thought of a remedy?"

"Yes, if I can't complete the task, I won't get the reward," Irene said, "but I can't use this ability at any time. It takes at least two weeks for the same person."

This can also explain why she has stayed in the provincial capital and didn't leave. It seems that all the previous guesses about her were wrong.

"Then I will ask you again, when you saw me yesterday, why did you leave the scene immediately?"

"Because someone showed me your picture," Irene said, "They told me that if I want to make more money, maybe after completing the mission in Gaoxing, you will be surprised.

"Not many of them tell me that you are a very powerful person, but the price they give is also very exciting to me."

Wu Jun asked curiously: "How much do you give?"

"If they can hurt you, they will give me ten million dollars," Irene answered honestly, "if you die, I will get two hundred million dollars!"

Only 200 million US dollars, is this price too low?

Just lie to these unmanned little girls.

But Wu Jun is not interested in caring how much money she can make. What he wants to know most now is what is the relationship between Irene and King's gang.

But looking at it now, he may be greatly disappointed this time, and Irene may not know anything.

So he took a moment to look at Irene’s past and found that she hadn’t lied. Irene had never contacted King’s people at all. Instead, after receiving an inexplicable text message, he began to help those People do things.

This is a bit difficult to handle. I thought I could find some clues through Irene, but now it seems that there is no hope.

Now what?

It was agreed that he would take the initiative to attack this time, but the clue was broken before he attacked.

No, you can't just leave it like that.

At last he had an idea and thought of a good idea.

Although Irene is not very proficient in the use of soul power, her ability is still very good. As long as she trains it well, she may become a super powerful killer.

If he is the King group, he will definitely take it very seriously.

If she successfully completes the task this time, maybe King will continue to work with her, or even absorb her into the organization.

So can she use her own abilities to add fuel to the flames, so that she can successfully enter the King's organization, or even the high-level?

Not to mention, this is really a good way.

Organizations like King that are impervious to external defenses can only get inside to get more information.

So he smiled and asked: "Eileen Miss, do you have a boyfriend?"

Hearing these words, Irene nodded a little at a loss, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Wu Jun frowned slightly. Foreign girls are different. They have a boyfriend at the age of 23.

But it doesn't matter, he is just a temporary cameo, not for real.

In fact, it is better to be her best friend, but as a last resort, Wu Jun really doesn't want to become a woman easily.

So he said: "Now I give you two choices. One is to disappear in this world forever, and the other is to do something for me. Afterwards, I will guarantee your safety and make a lot of dollars..."

Before Wu Jun finished speaking, Irene quickly said, "I choose another one!"

Wu Jun nodded in satisfaction, America's girl is really real.

It seems that this time, I am going to United States.

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