Now that he accepted Irene's cooperation, Wu Jun didn't use the soul search method on her. After all, although this method could obtain complete information, Irene died and the breakthrough he wanted was gone.

But people like Wang Ying and Sima Qianli can use Mental Energy to communicate, so it is very likely that Irene will use this method.

And Irene in front of him felt completely different from the Irene he saw in Gao Xing's image.

How should I put it? At that time, Irene's eyes were definitely very scheming, very ambitious, and very ambitious.

And now Irene didn't even mean to resist when facing him, she was more cooperative than an ordinary person.

This is very abnormal.

So Irene in front of him, maybe it was just a bait thrown by the other party, deliberately revealing such a flaw, and then what incredible trap was prepared for him on the other side of the ocean?

After all, Fengqi is an old monster. He has lived for 10,000 years. What kind of tricks, tricks, tricks, and tricks are not something that can be captured at your fingertips?

But as the saying goes, if you don’t enter the tiger's den, how can you win the dragon?

If you use the plan, I will use the plan. The big deal is to use a few more days.

"Then what do we do now?" Irene blinked with innocent big green eyes, like Renjun arranged.

Wu Jun released the power of her soul and soon returned to Irene's body automatically.

"Hey, I feel that I can use my abilities again!"

Wu Jun's heart moved. He just gave it a try just now. Didn't think it was really okay?

In this way, Irene can immediately use her abilities on Gao Xing to make her plan succeed, and then go back to her life.

But before that, he had to go back and make arrangements first, so that Yu Gaoxing could not really be surprised.

So he and Irene made a plan and asked her to find an excuse to find Yu Gaoxing in the afternoon, and he left the hotel and returned to Yu Gaoxing's company.

After he left, Irene, who was still weak just now, who was picking by Jun, suddenly became soft, and the white skin began to seep out intensive sweat.

There was too much pressure to talk to Wu Jun. When facing him, it was like facing an insurmountable mountain.

Fortunately, the organization's plan was successful. Wu Jun didn't find anything unusual from her, because apart from her abilities, she did not have anything improper.

The transmission of information uses Mental Energy, so there is no need to worry about being known by Wu Jun.

But she felt that Wu Jun did not fully trust her, which made her feel unsure.

Because this person is too powerful.

Last night, she had exhausted all kinds of professional methods and moved around a dozen times. Even the most powerful tracking master would not be able to track her.

As a result, according to the information she got, Yu Gaoxing, who Wu Jun went to find in the morning, found her directly in less than an hour.

The information that those people gave her about Wu Jun did not say that he was so powerful.

Fortunately, Wu Jun didn't do anything to her, instead, as those people said, he was seeking cooperation with her.

Although this kind of cooperation is threatening, at least she is fine.

Now we have to consider what to do next.

According to the plan of those people, she can stop here, and then receive two million dollars and go back to enjoy it for a while.

If she wants to get more 200 million US dollars in compensation, then she has to cooperate with Wu Jun.

Wealth is often accompanied by danger. She knows that this is a potentially terrible thing, but she still can't stop thinking about the 200 million dollars.

That was 200 million U.S. dollars, enough for her to be quite wealthy in her life.

After some thinking, she decided to give it a try.

Because what she has to do next is very simple, just follow Wu Jun's arrangements.

People in China like to be empathetic, maybe Wu Jun can really become her flower protector in the end.


Yu Gaoxing sat in the office, smoking cigarettes, Wu Jun asked him some questions in the morning, and then left without saying anything.

This made him feel up and down, wondering what the master meant.

He asked Zou Hai to help inquire, but Zou Hai knew Wu Jun's style of conduct, and he would definitely say if he could say, since he didn't say anything, it means that some things are still inconclusive.

Just when Gao Xing was in trouble, Wu Jun and Su Haoran finally came back.

Walking into Yu Gaoxing's office, Wu Jun first sensed the surroundings, and found no abnormal Mental Energy fluctuations.

Then asked Jiang Qi to unplug the network cable and take everyone's mobile phones outside to prevent the possibility of eavesdropping.

Seeing him being so careful, Yu Gaoxing's face almost turned earthy, and his throat touched his heart. Could it be that I was involved in something terrible?

Seeing Wu Jun finally sat down, he cautiously stepped forward and asked, "Master, what are you..."

Wu Jun said: "Boss Yu, there are two bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Yu Gaoxing: ...Since both are bad news, does it matter which one you listen to first?

However, his heart is still chilly, and the company has been in trouble recently, and he wonders if he is entangled by some evil spirit.

Now Wu Jun said this again, he has plans to close the company and find a place to hide.

Anyway, it's not easy to do overseas trade recently, and if you have to worry about it, it's better to stop as soon as possible.

"Master, just tell me if you have anything, I...I can bear it."

"Well, let's talk about you first," Wu Jun said, "just tonight, you have something to happen."


Yu Gaoxing had all his desire to cry. He just jumped off the building inexplicably that day. What happened today?

"Master, what...what's the matter?"

"Whatever," Wu Jun said, "it's better to have a broken hand or a hemiplegia. It would be even better if you can become a vegetative."

Yu Gaoxing was so frightened that he almost fell off the sofa: "Master, don't scare me. I know you are here and I will definitely be fine."

"No, you must have something wrong."

Yu Gaoxing: …Master, why don’t you play cards according to your routine?

Other fortune tellers like to scare people so much, but in the end there is always a way to crack them.

Your old man is bad, and something must happen. Are you a fortune teller or a judge sent by King Yama?

Just about to ask carefully, Jiang Qi on one side suddenly interjected: "Uncle, don't talk about it. If the master asks you to have an accident, you will have an accident. The master will definitely not harm you."

Yu Gaoxing's heart was broken.

Is this still my niece?

But I can see that all the people present take it for granted. Yu Gaoxing can only swallow his saliva and say: "Then I will have something wrong? But how can I break my own bones with a hammer?"

"Uncle," Zou Hai also said at this time, "Why can't you turn the corner? It didn't make you really hurt."

Yu Gaoxing's eyes lit up when he heard it. Could it be that the master is preparing to use stealing beams to exchange pillars and peaches to replace Li Zheng?

This is advanced!

It is a well-known master, and such a method can be figured out. It would be nice if I could get acquainted earlier.

Jiang Qi, a dead girl, even such a powerful person wouldn't tell him.

"Yes, right, right, look at my mind, I have been so busy these days." So he quickly said, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely have a big deal with me today, I will be a vegetable!"

Wu Jun nodded and continued: "Then the second thing is now. Although you can avoid the physical pain, the financial loss is inevitable."

"I understand this!" When it comes to money matters, Yu Gaoxing suddenly became clear, "Master, you have helped me so much this time, so naturally you won't be in vain..."

Wu Jun frowned, what is he thinking about?

Could it be that in the eyes of ordinary people, fortune tellers are asking for remuneration as long as they mention money?

Is Wu Jun that kind of person?

"How much do you give?"

"This..." Yu Gaoxing didn't expect Wu Jun to be so direct. He was stunned and then tried to ask, "Two...million?"

"not enough."

Yu Gaoxing took a breath, two million is not enough?

"Let's put it this way," Wu Jun stopped joking with him. "After your accident tonight, your company has no leader and cannot complete the order with Irene. In addition to losing a large sum of money, you have to pay liquidated damages. The development of the country will also have a very bad impact, and bankruptcy is possible."


Yu Gaoxing was really shocked this time, his expression could not help being solemn.

The contract signed with Irene this time, the cost of the goods alone is several million, and now the goods are almost collected, and the supplier’s payment has basically been paid out.

If it is really impossible to deliver according to the contract, then this batch of goods is considered to be in bad hands.

Coupled with the liquidated damages paid, 10 million will be gone!

And once the reputation is damaged, it will be difficult to do business abroad in the future. This is the big loss.

If the operation is not good, it is really not far from bankruptcy.

"Master, do you need this?" Yu Gaoxing asked, "Even if I become a vegetable, this contract can still be fulfilled on time."

Wu Jun smiled and said, "I'm afraid you will deliver the goods, but you won't receive a penny."

Yu Gaoxing was shocked, he really hadn't thought about this possibility.

In the past, he would definitely not believe it.

But since the last time he was in New York City, he discovered that a company that had been cooperating for a few years was actually a leather bag company, and he had become more concerned about it.

Recalling the appearance of this Irene, it seemed something was not quite right. It was clear that the foreign market was in a downturn, but she signed such a big contract as soon as she came.

But the company is his painstaking effort, and there are hundreds of employees who want to eat with him. How can he be reconciled if he is so depressed?

"Master, is there no other way?"

"Uncle," Jiang Qi said at this time, "Don't you understand the principle of making money and eliminating disasters?"

"Yes, uncle," Zou Hai knew that Wu Jun was doing this, and he was definitely trying to do something bigger, so he persuaded him, "Furthermore, the two big bosses of Xizhilin are sitting in front of you now, even if you don't open this The company, afraid that there will be no chance in the future?"


Yu Gaoxing just remembered that Wu Jun and Su Hao were the two bosses of West Forest.

It suddenly occurred to him that these arrangements Wu Jun made to him might not be his bad luck, but what Wu Jun wanted to use his company to do?

So now he helped Wu Jun, he won't ignore him in the future, right?

Even if he is embarrassed, Zou Hai and Jiang Qi can still see whether his brother-in-law is going bankrupt?

Having figured this out, Yu Gaoxing no longer hesitated: "Okay, then everything will be done as the master said."

Wu Jun nodded and said, "Then I thank you in advance. When this incident is over, I will definitely have a good courtesy."

With Wu Jun's words, Yu Gaoxing was even more relieved.

Xizhilin, this is, the business is more than a hundred times bigger than him, just a little bit of his business is enough for him to make a fortune!

Looking at Jiang Qi and Zou Hai now, Yu Gaoxing feels that these two are simply his lucky stars!

If it wasn't for this niece, how could he have a chance to catch someone like Wu Jun?

"Then... what should happen to me tonight?"

"I don't know yet. Let's talk about it after you meet Irene in the afternoon," Wu Jun said, "but you have to remember that this matter cannot be known to anyone, including your wife and daughter."

"Don't worry, Master, you can't tell the secret, I understand!"

After discussing the details, Wu Jun left Yu Gaoxing's company and waited for the plan to begin.

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