The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 809 Life is so lonely

At the agreed time, Irene came to Gao Xing's company again, and then used his abilities on Gao Xing.

After she left, Wu Jun used Tianji Eye on Yu Gaoxing again.


Name: Yu Gaoxing...

Remarks: I fell down today and died.

Tsk tsk, it seems that Irene has a deep resentment towards Gao Xing and wants to kill him both times.

It can be seen that this woman's heart is not so pure when she was in the hotel.

"Master, how is it?"

"Do you really want to jump off the building now?" Wu Jun asked.

No way, jumping off the building again?

Is my brain sick?

But let alone being said by Wu Jun, he really feels a bit wanting to jump off the building.

No, Yu Gaoxing shook his head vigorously. What happened to daddy? Why did you want to jump off the building again? The building didn't offend me.

But despite thinking like this, he felt a sense of loss after another, and he felt that living in this world was really boring.

No, no, if this goes on, something will definitely happen!

So he hurriedly said: "Master save me, that woman is so evil, why do I want to jump off the building every time I see her?"

"It's okay, just go jump if you want."

Yu Gaoxing:...

"But not now," Wu Jun said, "After Su Haoran and Zou Hai make arrangements, they will notify you."

Talking about Wu Jun, he didn't stay too much, and used the energy of the heavenly master to clear the contaminated part of Yu Gaoxing's soul field, and then quietly left Yu Gaoxing's company.

Yu Gaoxing sat in the office in a daze after a while, still wondering why he wanted to jump off the building just now, but now he doesn't want to jump anymore?

Could it be that he was destined to jump off the building and was then cracked by Wu Jun?

Oops, why am I such a bastard?

Yu Gaoxing slapped his thigh abruptly, thinking that the master was going to use me for something, but he didn't realize that the master had saved his two lives!

Thinking of this, he no longer felt distressed about the deal with Irene. No matter how much money, his own life is important?


At the beginning of Hua Deng, Zou Hai and Su Hao had prepared everything, and then informed Yu Gaoxing that they could start.

Yu Gaoxing is also a great dramatist. He came to the top of the building alone, smoked a few cigarettes on the edge of the roof, and then sighed heavily into the air.

"Oh heaven, you let me make so much money, what use is it for me to use it!"

"Life is so lonely, I might as well die!"


After being addicted to drama, Yu Gaoxing threw down a dummy that had been placed on the rooftop for a long time.


This dummy was made more delicately, with a large amount of blood hidden in it, falling from the height of the twenty-story building, splashing a large pool of blood on the ground.

"What was the sound just now?"

The security guard of the building ran out of the guard room in a panic, and saw a man lying in a pool of blood at a glance, his hair stood up in fright.

"There...someone jumped...120, hit 120!"

"What if you hit 120? It's all broken into meat sauce. If the gods come, they can't save them. Hurry up and call the police!"

"Who can't think about it so much?"

"Looking at the clothes, it seems like the boss of Shutian Foreign Trade Company. No way, such a rich person would jump off the building?"


Everyone was talking about it, and the police car and ambulance rushed to the scene. After a period of turmoil on the scene, the dummy on the ground was sent to the ambulance.

Several security guards waited until the police car had gone far to recover. This action was too fast, right?

This is a dead man who jumped off the building!

After the bloody dummy was sent to the hospital, he was directly sent to the ICU. All procedures were followed by regular procedures. The ward was in chaos. Several doctors treated a dummy as a real person in the rescue.

The police are still guarding the door of the ward, which looks like the real thing.

This is all carefully arranged by Zou Hai. Only he can unite the hospital and the police in the provincial capital to do the whole thing seamlessly.

Irene, who had been guarding not far away, was very surprised when she saw Yu Gaoxing really jumped down from the stairs and fell into a meatloaf.

As expected, Wu Jun was a cold-blooded animal. For his own purposes, he really let Yu Gaoxing die.

But this is fine, even if her task is completed, two million dollars will be credited to her account soon.

The next step is to return to China and wait for Wu Jun to go to New York City to find her.


At this time, Wu Jun had already returned to Wangzi Mountain. Since he was going to go abroad, he naturally had to prepare well.

He was considering whether to take Big Black Jasmine this time.

If he doesn't bring it, he can fly there and save trouble, but these two guys may be sulking again.

If you want to bring it, you can only pass through the Bering Strait.

And with both of them, the target is too big, which is equivalent to telling the enemy that he has arrived.

So after repeated weighing, he decided to go alone.

This time he might go to the enemy's lair, so he still needs to prepare.

"Master," Lao Niu knew that he was going to the meeting alone, so he quickly moved out his own treasure chest, "I only have these things here. You can bring it if you see anything that works."

"Or I will bring you my Feng Shui compass." Fan Peng said, and the real estate generously took out his ancestral Feng Shui compass.

"It's better to bring a few guns," Zou Haidao, "the guns in United States are not strictly controlled, so you can use them as you please."

Dahei also silently took out an alloy knife, which was captured from Ivan last time.

"Amitābha, the old monk thinks that these things of you are all external things and useless," the old monk said, "Little Master, you should let the old monk go with you."

Wu Jun:...

Seeing everyone's concern, Wu Jun felt warm.

He has no relatives in his life, but he feels very satisfied with so many friends who really care about him.

But just like the old monk said, these things are still useful to deal with ordinary things, but this time the opponent is playing brains.

"Thank you for your concern, you can keep these things for yourself," Wu Jun said, "I have prepared a lot of things myself, which should be enough."

"Master, what have you prepared?" Lao Niu's eyes lit up when he heard that, the things the master prepared must be extraordinary.

"Ahem, where's Jasmine," Wu Jun glanced around, "Why haven't he come back?"

At this moment, Xiao Liu drove the car and parked at the door. Jasmine ran to Wu Jun holding a cardboard box, and smashed the contents of the box to the ground.

Chili powder, pepper noodles, boiled fish seasoning, hot pot base, old godmother...

Everyone's faces are pale, is your old man planning to go on a picnic?

"Master," Xiao Liu also walked over with a few big boxes at this time, "This is our bobo chicken, an authentic free-range chicken, take it slowly on the road!"

Wu Jun:...

"By the way, I'll go pick some fresh vegetables."

Fang Heng said he was about to run to the backyard, but was stopped by Zou Hai.

"Okay, it's really going to travel!"

Zou Hai also Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It seems that everyone had a lot of confidence in Wu Jun, and they didn't realize how dangerous he was this time.

"Okay, that's it." Wu Jun took the packing box in Xiao Liu's hand, feeling quite heavy, "I will be back after a few days, and now the phone will not be powered off, so I can contact you at any time."

"Amitābha," the old monk said, "Little Master, are you sure you don't let the old monk go with you?"

"No need, so be it, I'm leaving."

Speaking of Wu Jun putting all kinds of spices in the pockets of the Celestial Master’s vest, Boboji held it with his hands, and after waving everyone, his feet suddenly exerted force. Everyone felt a gust of wind blowing in front of them and lost it. The figure of Wu Jun.

Looking at the direction in which he disappeared, everyone stood there in silence for a long time.

In the end, Zou Hai took the lead in breaking the silence and asked, "You said, will the master go well this time?"

"Master, it must be okay, right?"

Lao Niu's tone was not very sure, because he knew that Wu Jun's opponent this time was extraordinary.

A woman who can make people jump off a building silently, is actually just a little girl!

He himself played Mental Energy, so he naturally knew how terrifying it was.

So how powerful should the person behind this woman be?

"Master will be fine."

Fang Hengdao, Jasmine also nodded frankly, fearless to those who don't know, and they have absolute confidence in Wu Jun.

"I don't worry about the others," Zou Hai sighed lightly, "but I suddenly remembered that we all overlooked a very serious problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Master, he doesn't speak English."


"Amitābha," the old monk folded his hands together, "I knew that, the old monk should have gone with him just now."

"Master, do you already speak English?"

"No," the old monk said, shaking his head, "the old monk has translation software."


"How about this," Fan Peng made a suggestion after pondering for a long time, "Let's go too, what if we can help?"

Everyone glanced at each other, and finally nodded together, but Wu Jun didn't say not to let them go anyway.

But everyone knows that this time the matter is no trivial matter. There cannot be too many people to go, and there must be a certain degree of self-protection ability.

The old monk first signed up: "Amitābha, I'll go! The little master has helped several times, and the old monk must have something in return."

"I will go too," Fan Peng said, "I have an ancestral Feng Shui compass, and I can look for auspicious positions."

"I am definitely going!" Fang Heng quickly raised his hand.

"Or I will go too," said the old cow. "I also have some acquaintances over there. It's okay to get some information."

"Uncle Niu, you don't want to go," Zou Haidao, "you go again, who is watching at home?"

The old man nodded when he heard it. Zou Hai's words were very reasonable. Everyone came out of the nest, but it was really shameful that the old nest was taken by someone.

"Where are Da Hei and Jasmine," Zou Hai asked, "Are you going?"

Jasmine just wanted to nod, but was stopped by Da Hei: "We're not going."

Jasmine frowned, what do you mean, Lao Hei?

How dare you not help with such a big matter as the master? Are you trying to rebel?

"Jasmine, don't make trouble," Da Hei said in dog-like language at this time, "It's not that we don't go, we go by ourselves."

Jasmine's eyes lit up when she heard it, it sounded fun!

Okay, old black, I'm messing with you this time!

"Then it's settled," Zou Haidao, "Master Jinglin, Fan Peng, Fang Heng and me, the four of us will prepare tomorrow. I will handle the visa matters, and Houtian can leave in the early morning."

After discussing some details, everyone left Wu Jun's house.

Dahei and Jasmine saw that all the people were gone, so they called Jasmine out of the bed and quietly stepped out of the wall.

Watching their shadows disappear into the dark night, the old cow sat at the door with a light sigh.

Dahei and Jasmine are both grown up, and it's time to get some experience on their own.

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