After many twists and turns, Wu Jun's feet finally stepped on the land of America.

After leaving the airport, before I could see the surroundings, I took a deep breath.


Isn't it said that the air here is sweet, but what is inhaled is the smell of car exhaust, bad review!

Irene left him an address, but before going to find Irene, he had to disguise himself. After all, it was inconvenient for him to appear next to Irene in his current appearance.

So he found a secluded corner, chose a blond hunk as the target, used Mental Energy to make him lose consciousness for a short time, and took all his documents.

When he appeared on the street again, he was already disguised as that blond hunk.

Jon Reese, the name is very good.

Stopped a taxi and arrived at the apartment address Irene gave him, but no one came to open the door for him after knocking for a long time.

No, is this woman letting him dove?

So he called Irene again, and as soon as he connected, he heard loud music coming from the phone.

After inquiring, I learned that Irene was partying in a bar now.

Gee, this woman is real, it's past three o'clock in the morning!

I didn't want to buy a house first when I got the two million dollars, but went to the bar to be chic. I really didn't know what was going on in my mind.

Fortunately, the bar where Irene is located is not very far away, and he walked past only ten minutes.

Before I walked into the door of the bar, I heard deafening music coming from it, and a strong smell of alcohol came to my face.

The bar was crowded with men and women, and there were all kinds of people. Seeing a tall and mighty handsome guy coming in, some girls kept winking at him.

Wu Jun directly ignored these temptation eyes and quickly found Irene.

"Irene, can you go back now?"

Irene was sitting in a booth with a couple of men and women drinking, when she suddenly saw a stranger talking to her, she didn't react for a while.

Several boys were wary of this hunk who broke in suddenly, especially the girls present who looked at him with a nymphomaniac expression, which made them agitated.


Someone asked, but Wu Jun only understood one word.

But it’s okay. He doesn’t understand or speak English, but he has no plans to communicate with these people at all.

So he released a trace of Mental Energy and said to Irene: "I am Wu Jun."

Only then did Irene react, and quickly got up from the sofa, and followed Wu Jun to go out.

As soon as Irene was called away, a few boys might have drunk too much and rushed up very dissatisfied. Someone even pushed Wu Jun's shoulder from behind.

Wu Jun frowned, thinking that I came to the wrong place. Didn't it mean that the people here are very peace-loving, so why each one is like a fighting nation with blood?

A few people quickly surrounded him. Irene didn't discourage him when he saw it, but just stood aside with a smile and looked at Wu Jun with interest.

What does it mean?

Could it be that whoever wins, who will she go to spend the night with?

Sure enough, it's a vulgar party.

Well, if that's the case, then he would be a bit rude not to follow the customs.

So he slapped a few backhands, knocked a few young men to the ground, and showed everyone Jon Reese's muscles.


No one cared about the person who fell on the ground, everyone looked at Wu Jun's face.

The female face was idiot, and the male face was terrified, watching Irene holding Wu Jun's hand and swaggering out of the bar.

Wu Jun was still very strange until he came to the empty street. He hit several people just now, but no one called the police?

And those people are not Irene's friends, why were they beaten by him, but Irene was indifferent and thought he was a hero?

Is it really a place bigger than a fist?

Back to Irene’s small apartment, I have to say that the girl looks very beautiful in appearance, but the private life is really not good. The room is messy, the close-fitting clothes are thrown on the sofa and the floor, and the table is full of various items. All kinds of wine bottles, wine glasses.

Irene went to the bathroom to take a shower and walked out wrapped in a towel.

"Master, how did you do this?"

"You don't have to worry about it," Wu Jun asked. "Did those people send you messages?"

"No," Irene said, "but the money came, so I kept my promise."

Wu Jun frowned slightly. If the other party keeps not contacting Irene, will he wait here forever?

Looking at Irene's scorching eyes, he was worried that the other party would not be able to control it.

Forget it, if you come, you will be safe, wait for it first.

So he didn't care about Irene's various hints, and finally tidied the sofa, and soon entered the retreat mode.

This lying down is three days and three nights.

Irene is also a night owl. She sleeps during the day and goes out to play wildly at night. She comes back drunk every day.

But Wu Jun didn't care. The more natural Irene behaved, the lower the other party's alertness.

On the fourth day, Irene finally received a text message, someone asked her to meet somewhere, and asked her to go alone.

"What should I do?" Irene asked.

"Of course I want to."

"What should I say when I go," Irene asked again, "what if they don't mention the thing that asked me to join?"

"Don't mention it," Wu Jun said, "but I don't think this should be possible. If you just let you do something, you don't need to meet at all."

"Then you want to go with me?"

"Need not."

Irene didn't say much, changed her clothes, and went out alone.

At the moment when she closed the door, Wu Jun used the eye of heaven to her profile and updated her image.

Before Irene went downstairs, Wu Jun was already in the sea of ​​knowledge and saw the details of her meeting.

As he expected, the other party really came to invite Irene to join, and the person who met her was actually the guy named Lee.

This surprised him greatly.

It stands to reason that Lee is a high-level figure in the other party's organization. Why did he appear so easily?

Is it really important to Irene, or is it worried that Irene's weight is not enough, so another heavyweight figure is thrown out, so that Wu Jun can continue to investigate?


Rather than saying that the other party was using a conspiracy this time, it is more appropriate to say that it is a conspiracy.

Because as long as Lee showed up, Wu Jun would definitely pursue it.

But Wu Jun didn't rush out, and continued to look back at Irene's image.

According to Wu Jun's request, Irene agreed to join Lee and the others, so after coming out of the meeting place, she got in Lee's car to the airport and boarded the flight to Las Vegas.

Of course, they are not going to the casino to go crazy. After getting off the plane, they drove to Death Valley.

This is a good place. Because of the dry and high temperature, Death Valley is not inhabited at all. Although there are many tourists every year, it is still a barren area in general.

Entering the depths of Death Valley, Wu Jun saw Lee lead Irene into a hidden canyon, and then walked into a huge underground fortification.

It seems that this place is a destination specially prepared for him.

That's interesting.

Wu Jun exited the video, went to a nearby supermarket to buy a lot of ingredients, and then waited until night fell before rushing towards Death Valley.

He calculated the time, and after Lee and Irene entered the underground fortification, he slowly rushed to the canyon.

Finding a place to sit down, Wu Jun dissipated the celestial energy, and in a flash, everything within a kilometer in diameter clearly surfaced in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The upper part of this underground fortification is very simple, just an elevator that leads down to the underground, extending to a distance of 500 meters underground.

Is it so deep? Actually they are beyond the scope of his perception.

But this didn't bother him, so he called up Irene's image to check the situation of the underground fortifications.

But as he expected, because Irene's movement here is limited, and after going down, she is locked in a room, so the things that can be seen through the image are limited.

But at least it shows that this underground fortification has more than one elevator, and there is still a lot of space underneath.

What should we do now?

Open the elevator door and rush down?

Wu Jun shook his head, he was not stupid.

The other party sent someone like Lee to show up, definitely trying to lead him down, maybe in the underground, specially prepared a trap to deal with him.

Judging from the current situation, only one elevator can go up and down, and the depth exceeds 500 meters. As long as the elevator shaft is exploded, the gods can hardly escape.

Maybe there is something more powerful below?

For example, the space below is actually very small, but the surrounding area is full of two-meter-thick steel plates. As long as the door is closed, and then the ignition, explosion, or poisonous gas is released, even he can't stand it.

So you can't take this risk.

Besides, he decided before, and when he can use his brain, don't do it.

So he went around to find some dry wood and started to make a fire and cook.

Anyway, if he has time, he will set up a camp here and live for ten days and a half month to see who can survive....

Inside the fortification 600 meters deep underground, Lee looked through the monitor screen and saw a blond hunk, kebab leisurely.

Lee, who is in his nineties this year, looks like he is only in his thirties. He exudes an icy breath, with blue eyes, and he can't feel the taste of life at all.

He has been here with Irene for three days.

He knew that the blond hunk man outside was Wu Jun. He thought he would rush down three days ago, but he knew that now, Wu Jun had no plans to come down.

Even if he didn't come down, he still made a tent with branches at the entrance of the fortifications, ate some meat skewers every day, and occasionally beat two small animals to eat in a different way.

Across the screen, he could even smell the strong chili.

This made Lee feel deeply that his own IQ was greatly insulted.

After the organization went through many things, summed up experience, conducted various research and analysis on Wu Jun's abilities, and then decided to abandon this underground base and set it up as a trap with no return.

He himself intends to abandon the present body and die with Wu Jun.

As for Irene, this innocent girl who coveted 200 million US dollars was a victim from beginning to end.

Everything was prepared so perfectly, but Wu Jun didn't come in when he reached the door!

In the East China Sea, on that unnamed island, and the hotel in the provincial capital of Shu, he took the initiative to attack. He was extremely fierce and impulsive. He was not even afraid of machine guns.

Why did he start barbecuing when he got here?

Is it because Death Valley is a place suitable for barbecues, or he knows that this place is a dead place and he can't get out when he comes in?

It's impossible. According to the information obtained before, Wu Jun's perception range will not exceed 500 meters. After Irene got down, he has been kept in this hut.

So it stands to reason that Wu Jun shouldn't know what's going on.

And with his arrogance, he shouldn't care about this danger, right?

Chinese people are so cunning, even their personalities change back and forth, which is elusive.

"You said, why didn't he come down?"

Irene, who was sitting behind him, was taken aback for a moment, and asked me in my heart, who should I ask?

This girl has eaten dry bread for a few days!

"Huh, do you think I can't help it?"

Lee turned on the computer as he spoke, and boarded the dark web.

In order to be able to access the Internet here, they had spent a lot of effort at the beginning, digging a channel of more than 20 kilometers from the underground, and pulling the network cable from the outside.

Soon he got in touch with King.

"I want to start implementing Plan B."

King quickly replied: "Don't worry, I have a way to let him go down by himself. This place has been prepared for so long, so it's a shame to give up like this."

"How to do it?"

"It just so happens that some of his friends are here, and I have someone arrest them and send them to your base."

Lee stretched his eyebrows a little now. Wu Jun is a man of love and justice. If he can really catch his friend, then he won't worry about getting down.

As soon as he walks into the elevator, he can start implementing their plan.

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