At Newark International Airport, at the crowded exit, Zou Hai's four were particularly conspicuous.

Actually, there are few oriental faces here, but the bald head of the old monk is too eye-catching. Even in this place known for its respect for privacy, the rate of turning heads still exceeds 50%.

A few minutes later, Zou Hai finally broke the silence among several people: "Where shall we go?"

Fan Peng shrugged his shoulders while the old monk watched his nose and his heart. Fang Heng was in New York City for the first time and was looking around curiously.

"The master said he was in New York City, but New City is so big, where should we go to find him?" Zou Hai continued this question, even if it is silent, it cannot be avoided. "Fan Peng, can your Feng Shui compass be found? ?"

"You are too fancy," Fan Peng said, "Feng Shui compass is not GPS, and Feng Shui is not responsible for finding people."

"Where's the master? Can you do it?"

"Amitābha, if the little master is nearby, the old monk can still try to sense it."

"How far can you feel?" Zou Hai asked.

"Two hundred meters," the old monk said, "it won't be any farther."

Two hundred meters...

If Wu Jun is within two hundred meters, what kind of induction would he use? Just let go of his throat and shout!

Finally, Zou Hai looked at Fang Heng again. Forget it, Master Fan Peng and Jinglin didn't move.

"I thought you were sure," Zou Hai sighed, "I don't know the result, so what are we doing here?"

Several people were silent. Anyway, everyone thought in their hearts that they would come to New York City to help the master, but no one thought about how to help.

"Now is the time to use your strengths," Van Peng said. "You can try to use your wisdom to find the master."

Zou Hai: ...My wisdom is not GPS either!

And New York is so big, when people are found by ordinary means, the day lily will be cold!

"Why don't we find a place to live first, and then think of a way."

"Brother Zou Hai, are you looking for my Master?" Fang Heng had already looked around and found that there seemed to be no airport in the provincial capital, and he soon lost interest.


Fang Heng took out his cell phone and said, "Then I will call him."

Zou Hai:...

Van Peng:...

Old monk:...

After all, three adults were actually crushed by a child's IQ.

But everyone is not to blame. Who told Wu Jun to always be unable to get through the phone when he went out before?

Fang Heng saw that the three of them looked wrong, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Ahem, it's okay to hit it."

After the call was made, Wu Jun who was roasting meat was also very surprised. Why did Zou Hai and the others come?

But since we're all in New York City, just treat it as a tourist.

"Let's do it," Wu Jun thought for a while, and said, "You go to Las Vegas to relax, I guess it will take a few days to finish."

"Good master, I see."

In this way, the three took the flight to Las Vegas.

After getting off the plane, several people were exhausted and wanted to find a hotel nearby to stay.

At the door of a hotel, Fan Peng habitually took out his ancestral Feng Shui compass and stood at the door to take a look.

"No, this Feng Shui is not good."

Zou Hai frowned: "That's OK, change one."

Unexpectedly, after changing five or six houses in a row, Fan Peng said that Feng Shui was not good.

Zou Hai felt too sleepy and everyone was falling apart, so he asked: "Then you can lead the way. We can live wherever you say."

"Don't get me wrong," Fan Peng said solemnly, "It's not that I'm picky, but from the Feng Shui compass, there is no good Feng Shui hotel nearby."

Zou Hai feels that his heart is going to be bad, what do you mean?

Does this guy want us to live in the bridge hole or in the park?

Fan Peng looked at Feng Shui Compass and was also puzzled: "This kind of thing has never happened before. Even if we were in a dangerous place last time, we could find auspicious position, but now here, I can't find it at all. This is really hell."

"I know what's going on," Zou Hai really didn't want to continue searching. "Your Feng Shui compass has failed."

"Impossible," Fan Peng shook his head, "I am the ancestral Feng Shui compass. I can only use it after I have penetrated the third-level Feng Shui stone of the master, and it will not break easily."

"Could it be that the whole Las Vegas is in a dangerous place?"

"Amitābha," the old monk also said at this time, "two of you, the old monk also feels something is not right."

"Oh, how do you say?"

"Since Fan Peng said that there is no auspicious position here, does it mean that we are being targeted by someone?" the old monk said, "Where are we going, where will the other party follow?"

Zou Hai thought for a while and thought it was possible.

Wu Jun was not dealing with ordinary people this time.

In fact, this is just right, and it saves them the trouble of finding people everywhere.

But the problem now is that they are tired of horses and horses. The most urgent thing is to find a place to rest so that they can fight mentally.

He was dark in both circles, and he could fall asleep if he gave him a telegraph pole at this time.

When people are sleepy to this level, their brain reactions will slow down, so he didn't even think of the problem that Fang Heng and the old monk could figure out just now.

"Wait," Fan Peng said suddenly, "My Master once told me that the road to heaven is inexhaustible, and we may still have a silver lining."

"Don't say that we are going to die soon." Zou Haidao.

Fan Peng glanced at him meaningfully. The meaning in his eyes was obvious. You are the weakest in the whole team. If danger comes, you can't run.

But after all, he still didn't say anything. In this situation, everyone should be united.

So he took out the jade pendant handed down by Master from his clothes, and quickly got a trace of Spirit Power into the Feng Shui compass.


The sound of the familiar Feng Shui compass turning sounded. Fan Peng looked at it for half a minute before suddenly saying: "Quick, follow me!"

As he walked out quickly, Fang Heng and the old monk hurriedly followed. Zou Hai saw that he was about to walk again, feeling that the sky was about to collapse.

Hey, can't you take a taxi?

Followed Fan Peng through the streets and alleys. After more than an hour, a few people finally came to a bustling golden street. Fan Peng pointed to a building full of green lights and said: “It’s here, according to Feng Shui. From the compass display, this may be the only place we can live."

Zou Hai looked up and couldn't help taking a breath: "Are you sure it's here?"

"OK," Fan Peng smiled, "it looks like the decoration is pretty good."

Zou Hai smiled inwardly, this is definitely not bad, at least ten times better than those hotels just now!

Why are you looking for a place like this?

"MGM?" Fang Heng said to the three huge golden English letters, "What do you mean, be cute?"

"It's not a cuteness, it's MGM!" Zou Haidao, "a world-famous hotel."

At this time Fang Heng said again: "You see that Guardian Lions is so big, but why is there only one?"

Zou Hai didn't know why there was only one, so he couldn't answer his question.

But he took a look at Fan Peng and asked, "Really want to live here?"

"Only stay here," Fan Peng said, "It's so late, can't we go on forever?"

"That's fine, but you have to pay for the room yourself."

Fan Peng frowned upon hearing this. Just one room fee, how much can it cost?

As for being so stingy?

What a generous person Zou Hai used to be, no matter where he goes, he takes care of everything.

It seems that men still can't get married. Once they get married, their wallets will be tightly controlled, and they will start to care about even the room fee.

As a result, when they walked into the magnificent hall and formally checked in, Fan Peng's face turned green.

For the remaining rooms, the cheapest is $5,000, not including service fees!

My goodness, after staying here for one night, his one-year property fees for his villas are gone!

Grandpa Grandpa, are you trying to bankrupt me?

It can only be said that there are too many rich people in this world who do nothing to change their colors.

Seeing him looking upset, Zou Hai couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

This is just staying in a hotel. If you go to the entertainment plaza of the hotel to see those gamblers, your eyes will fall.

The four people finally asked for two rooms, and because it was almost dawn, they booked them directly for two days.

In the end, Zou Hai didn't let Fan Peng pay for it. It was just a joke just now. For him, hundreds of thousands of dollars are still affordable.

However, he was really sleepy until a few times, and fell on the bed when he entered the door, and fell asleep until the next afternoon.

After waking up, he found that Fan Peng was not in the room. He went to Fang Heng's room and looked around. Master Jinglin was meditating and practicing meditation. Fang Heng and Fan Peng went out together.

Just turn around, he just took the opportunity to plan carefully what he should do next.


Fan Peng and Fang Heng originally went to the restaurant to eat, but after seeing the price of the menu, Fan Peng's heart really hurt for a long time.

So little talent, thousands of dollars are gone!

Fan Peng vowed never to come to this kind of place again, he really treats people as pigs to kill!

For Fang Heng, such a small thing can only be stuffed between his teeth, but he also knows that the food here is expensive, it doesn't eat much, and he doesn't know how to go out to buy things.

So he asked: "Brother Fan Peng, you said the food here is not delicious, why are they selling so expensive?"

"Probably there are too many stupid and rich people in this world." Fan Peng replied in a low voice.

That's what he thought in his heart. If it weren't for the special circumstances this time, he wouldn't have come to live in such a place if he was killed.

Unexpectedly, this sentence was heard by a few young people with oriental faces on the table next door. They looked over and saw that their clothes were all rustic, and they couldn't help showing a look of contempt.

"It's really true these days," a well-dressed girl whispered. "The soil buns dare to come to live at MGM."

"Xiaoli, how can you say that?" a boy said sternly, "you can look down on the poor, but you can't look down on their dream of sparing no effort to come to such a high-class place to be extravagant."

The girl named Xiaoli was taken aback for a moment, and then after recollecting the meaning of this sentence, she couldn't help smiling more brilliantly, and gave the boy a sullen look.

Although the two voices were very small, to Fan Peng and Fang Heng, they could hear them clearly.

However, neither of them responded. Fan Peng has no temper. He has been ridiculed many times over the years, and he has long been invincible.

Fang Heng didn’t even understand what they were saying, and continued: “I don’t think our cucumbers are as good as our cucumbers. If you said Master brought the cucumbers, wouldn’t it be possible to sell them for thousands of yuan? ?"


The few people at the table next door couldn't hold back, they laughed directly, and two of them were lying on the table with their stomachs smiling, attracting the guests around to dine.

Fang Heng thinks these people are inexplicable. I'm just telling the truth. As for the laughter so exaggerated?

Take a look, everyone is watching, is it embarrassing?

So he shook his head to several people and said: "Pay attention to quality!"

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