Several people at the table next door were suffocated by Fang Heng's internal injuries and felt so angry and funny.

A soil bun from the country actually made them pay attention to their quality?

This joke is enough to contract for a month of jokes!

The boy who spoke just now wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, and then stood up.

"Brother Huan, don't you need it?" Xiaoli asked worriedly.

"It's okay," Brother Huan smiled, "I just think these two are very congenial and want to make friends with them."

As he said, he quietly blinked at the person at the table, and everyone instantly understood.

Brother Huan is trying to tease people, it's too bad!

As expected of Brother Huan, there seems to be a good show today.

Thinking of waiting for the next two soil buns to be teased around, a faint excitement grew in the hearts of several people, and they gave him a thumbs up quietly.

Brother Huan came to Fang Heng's table in a few steps and said with a smile, "Are the two also Chinese?"

"Yes," Fang Heng said, "Do you also listen to the accent?"

Brother Huan was happy, listen to the accent?

Man, this is Las Vegas, what accent would you tell me?

Do you think this is a greeting from a fellow villager in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou?

Brother Huan resisted the urge to laugh again, and said, "That's right, not right, I'm actually from HangKong."

"Aviator?" Fang Heng's eyes suddenly became eager, "Did you fly an airplane or build an airplane? Or have you been in space?"

Brother Huan: "...not important, not important!"

"Oh yes!" Fang Heng looked around and whispered, "Keep it secret!"

"That's it," said Brother Huan. "While going out, it's not easy to meet... fellow villagers. I think you are just here, right?"

"Yes, I just came this morning," Fang Heng said. "This is the first meal."

"Then you must have not had time to walk around?"

"I want to walk around, but I don't know the way."

Brother Huan clapped his hands lightly: "It just happens to happen, we are also destined, why don't you go and play with us?"

"Where to go to play?" Fang Heng asked, "We still have something to do and can't leave the hotel."

"No need to leave, just outside the entertainment plaza."

Entertainment Plaza? It sounds good.

However, Fang Heng didn't make any claims, but asked Fan Peng with his eyes.

Fan Peng originally didn't want Fang Heng to be troublesome. After all, he was away from home and knew his face and didn't know his heart. The words of these people just now were full of disdain and contempt. At this time, they would not have any good intentions to invite Fang Heng to play together.

However, since he can use the ancestral Feng Shui compass, he has habitually looked at the Feng Shui compass in advance before making a decision.

So he took out the Feng Shui compass and saw that Brother Huan took a breath from his teeth.

He still knew Feng Shui compass, but he never expected to see something like this here.

It's like a lump of cow dung, appearing in a Roman palace as out of date.

"Where is the entertainment square?" Fan Peng asked.

"It's over there," Huan Ge pointed in the direction, but his eyes kept falling on Fan Peng's Feng Shui compass, wanting to see what his tricks are, "It's not far, up to three hundred meters."

Fan Peng researched the Feng Shui compass, and found that it was actually in auspicious position over there.

It is not easy to appear in the position of auspiciousness. Van Peng thinks that he can go and see, maybe he will have some adventures.

So he gently nodded to Heng Heng: "You can go."

Fang Heng was very happy when he heard that such a big hotel was decorated like a palace. He just wanted to look around, worrying that no one would lead the way.

Now he is well, this person looks Bufan, he is enthusiastic, and he speaks well. It is best to have him lead the way.

"Then let's go quickly."

"Okay," Brother Huan immediately smiled upon seeing him agree, "You come with me!"

Speaking of a group of people walking towards the outside entertainment hall.

Fang Heng and Fan Peng walked behind. Fang Heng didn't know where the entertainment hall was, but Fan Peng went abroad all the year round. He was knowledgeable and knew that it was a place for gambling.

So on the way, he whispered to Fang Heng, "Just wait and see, don't get started."

"Which hands?"

"You'll know when you go."

Following Brother Huan to the entertainment hall, I saw a few rows of slot machines densely placed at the door, and there were all kinds of slot machines. At this time, many people were sitting there and playing.

Where did Fang Heng have seen so many slot machines put together, he was shocked by Deva.Seeing him look like a bun in the world, Huan brother group couldn't help laughing secretly.

"How about it," Huan asked with his arms around Fang Heng's shoulders, "isn't it fun?"

Fang Heng is not stupid, knowing what it is, so he asked: "This...this thing is for money gambling, right?"

"It's not a gambling, it's just the entertainment provided by the hotel for guests," Huan Ge said generously, "Are you interested in giving it a try?"

Fang Heng remembered what Fan Peng had just said, and shook his head quickly: "Forget it, I'll just check it out."

"Don't," Brother Huan beckoned to the person next to him, who immediately sent a lot of chips, "It's okay to play, it's worthless, I'll treat you!"

As he said, Brother Huan stuffed a lot of chips into Fang Heng's hands, and the eyes of Xiaoli beside her began to turn red.

Regardless of the fact that there are not many chips, but they are all large denominations, this one is at least 100,000 yuan.

She couldn't figure it out. Why is Brother Huan being so generous to a stranger? Is it just for fun?

Fang Heng took a handful of chips and looked at Fan Peng again, meaning can I play?

Fan Peng shook his head without a trace.

Once gambling is fascinated, it is terrible.

"Let's go, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you lose, you didn't pay for it anyway, did you?"

Of course, Brother Huan couldn't let him just let him go. He put his arm around Fang Heng's shoulder and walked towards the slot machine, and at the same time handed a color to several of his accomplices.

Fan Peng was about to step forward to stop him, and the two beautiful girls smiled and took his arm, and dragged him to go inside: "This Dage, let's go inside and have a drink!"

Wherever Fan Peng could afford this treatment, he hurriedly broke free of the two, a black face suddenly turned red in darkness, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

He quickly took a look at the Feng Shui compass, hey, is there still a good luck?

This...or else go take a look?

He looked back and saw that Fang Heng and Huan brother had also followed, and followed the two beauties towards the inside.

What's more inside is the table, what roulette, baccarat, blackjack...the crowd is surging, there are countless.

Some people applauded loudly, with joy, some sighed, frowning, and some were old and steady, not happy or sad.

In short, the world is so diverse that it is dizzying.

It was the first time for Fang Heng to come to such a place. Young people were curious and he was naturally attracted by the attention.

Seeing him gradually becoming interested, Brother Huan took advantage of the opportunity to push him onto a blackjack table, and the dealer immediately gave him a sweet smile.

"Try your luck," Brother Huan also sat down beside him, "I will play with you. If you don't understand, just ask me."

Although Fang Heng was dazzled and fascinated, he remembered Fan Peng's words in his heart and shook his head.

Brother Huan didn't persuade too much, and took a handful of chips and started playing.

He believes that as long as Fang Heng sits down, it will be sooner or later to place a bet.

At this moment, Fang Heng felt a vibration in his pocket, and quickly took out the phone to see that it was Wu Jun.


It turned out that Wu Jun was worried about their safety, and it was very boring to stay alone in the desert, so he estimated time to call and ask about the situation: "What are you doing now?"


"Well, what is the sound around you?" Wu Jun's hearing is sensitive, and he can hear the question right away, "Are you in the casino?"

Fang Heng felt tight.

It's broken, if the Master knows that he is coming to the casino, will he be scolded?

But he didn't dare to lie, so he had to replied faintly: "Master, we and Fan Peng just came in to take a look. We really didn't have any money to gamble."

"How did you get to the casino?" Wu Jun asked.

"Yes, we looked for a hotel last night..."

Fang Heng simply told what happened last night until now, Wu Jun couldn't help but frown.

Why is this casino safe? Are people like King still afraid of the background of the casino?

It should be impossible. How many mafia would be afraid of people who can even get gunboats?

Casinos are more profitable than doing foreign trade. King's organization burns so much money. Is it possible that this casino is also one of their industries?

This possibility is very high. It may be that these people feel that Fang Heng's staying in this hotel is equivalent to entering one of their nests, so they are not ready to do anything for the time being, but just monitor them and wait for the opportunity.

Therefore, Fan Peng's Feng Shui compass will temporarily indicate that this place is auspicious.

It doesn't matter if it isn't, the casino is not a good thing, and someone has already put chips in his hands.

Just over a hundred kilometers away, how can he ensure that Fang Heng wins?

Then call Fan Peng later, and let him make sure that Fang Heng wins anyway today. He has the Feng Shui compass from his ancestors. This little thing shouldn't bother him, right?

So he said to Fang Heng: "Don't be nervous, since I'm in Las Vegas, I naturally have to play a few, and I didn't say not to let you play."

"But Master..."

"Okay, you can play with confidence," Wu Jun said, "but you don't pay for the chips yourself, don't borrow chips from others, you push up all the chips every time, remember?"

"Well, I know Master."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Heng realized that he was already sweating, and the pressure to talk to the Master was simply too great.

But fortunately, the Master didn't blame him, and let him play at ease. If this is the case, then he will try?

At this time, Fan Peng had already received Wu Jun's call, and walked towards Fang Heng in strides. He also had a big head after hearing Wu Jun's request.

If the Master knows that he used the Feng Shui secret technique of his ancestors to gamble, I wonder if he will kick off the coffin board and crawl out of the ground with anger?

But when Wu Jun spoke, he couldn't help but listen. He could only bite the bullet and stood beside Fang Heng, holding his jade pendant in one hand.

Soon, the atmosphere of the entire casino began to slowly change, and all the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere gathered around Fang Heng.

Fang Heng placed a handful of chips in front of him neatly, and then started asking for cards like Brother Huan, and soon got a twenty points.

I was thinking about not wanting it, but suddenly I heard Fan Peng say: "Keep asking."

Fang Heng was taken aback after hearing this.

Even if he doesn't know how to play, he knows that this point is already very high.

Blackjack, it's 20 o'clock now, the next card will explode except the A, and if it explodes, you will lose.

But since Fan Peng had said everything, he could only bite the bullet and nodded.


An A was slid from the table by the dealer.

No way, that's okay?

Fang Heng couldn't believe his own eyes, how could such a coincidence happen in the world?

Wow, a few chips were pushed in front of Fang Heng. Although he didn't know how much the chips were worth, Fang Heng was still very happy.

After all, he won. Even if he wins a bunch of beer caps, he is happy.

He returned the bargaining chip that Brother Huan had just given him, leaving only one for himself.

The Master said that he can't borrow other people's chips to play, so he can start with this one winning chip.

If you win, you will continue, if you lose, you will leave.

In the next few rounds, Fang Heng won in a row under the guidance of Fan Peng, won ten hands in one go, and took several black jacks!

With this kind of luck, the eyes of the gamblers at the same table are about to fall, and even the smile of the sensory croupier begins to stiffen.

Brother Huan, who was sitting next to him, was even more beeping in his heart. He originally wanted to lure Fang Heng into the game and let him lose the bargaining chips. He kindly loaned him a little more, and then forced him to pay back.

As a result, Fang Heng's momentum was like a broken bamboo, and his luck was simply overwhelming!

What's more evil is that I don't know if this guy doesn't know the value of these chips, or is really crazy, every time he puts all the chips in front of him.

In just a few minutes, from a 1,000-dollar bargaining chip, he won 1 million US dollars!

And looking at him, this one will continue to put all the chips up!

No matter how crazy gamblers are, they dare not play like this!

Is this guy really lucky, or is he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

"Brother, take your time!"

Brother Huan was a little scared. Fang Heng's play like this must have attracted the attention of the casino. Those people are not easy to provoke.

"It's okay, I will leave when I lose," Fang Heng said with a smile, and then turned over his own hole card, "Black Jack!"

In a blink of an eye, Fang Heng's one million became two million.

Brother Huan feels that his heart is not good, Dage, do you look like you are about to lose?

And what made him fall apart was that Fang Heng pushed all the chips out again.

When it was over, brother Huan was sweating coldly on his body, and he had to retreat. If this kid had anything to do with him, he would be unlucky later.

In the monitoring room, several people were facing several display screens, studying Fang Heng from all angles.

After Fang Heng won a few games in a row, these people began to pay attention to him, and even Fan Peng, who was standing behind him, was thoroughly observed.

But so far, they have not found any signs of Fang Heng cheating.

Seeing that Fang Heng won a few more in a row, the chips in front of him were already 8 million US dollars, this one won again, it was 16 million!

There shouldn't have been such a big victory, but Fang Heng really won too fast, and it was already like this when they reacted.

"Quickly, call the boss right away!"

"No need," a tall black man walked in at this time, pointing his stout fingers at Fang Heng and Fan Peng on the screen, "Notify the Security Department and arrest these two men!"

"This... Mr. Harry, we still have any evidence of their cheating..."


Harry slapped the technology worker on the face, slapped him a few times, his nosebleeds flowed out.

"I said to catch up, are you deaf?"

"Yes, send someone to the scene immediately!"


"Hey, I'm really lucky today," Fang Heng happily turned over his own cards, "It's blackjack again!""Wow, this is a miracle!"

"It's incredible, is this young man God's darling?"


Amidst the exclamation of the crowds onlookers, the sensory dealers almost fainted, turning their heads to look at the camera on the wall frequently.

What are the people upstairs doing? If there are no more people, she can hardly stand it!

At this time, Fang Heng pushed the bargaining chip in front of him again, which caused another exclaim.

This is more than 10 million U.S. dollars, if you double it again, it will be more than 30 million!

The people present were all rich people who had seen the world, but they were also amazed at this time.

Although Fan Peng didn't know how much these chips were worth, he knew a lot from the audience's reaction.

So he dialed Wu Jun's phone: "Master, it should be all right?"

"So fast?" Wu Jun asked, "how much did you win?"

"I don't know, but it must be a lot, at least a few million."

"That's not enough, continue to win," Wu Jun said, "Don't worry, someone will come out to stop you soon."

Fan Peng: ...That's why you need to worry more, okay?

Why not take advantage of this to leave now, that way there is at least a few million in income!

"Then what should I do when someone comes?"

"Are you willing to be taken away by them?" Wu Jun asked.

"Of course I don't want to, what good things can there be to be taken away?"

"That's right. If you don't want to be caught, then resist. The bigger the noise, the better. It's better to smash the casinos," Wu Jun said, "but you two are not enough. Also call, the four of you together are enough for this kind of small scene."

Fan Peng: do you feel that you are deliberately trying to find fault?

At this time, the sensory dealer had already slid the two cards over with trembling fingers. Fang Heng flipped over his hole cards and couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Sorry everyone, I am Black Jack again!"

A fat aunt next to me felt like she was going to be dizzy: "God, this is simply a great miracle!"

At this time, a dozen strong men separated from the crowd and surrounded Fang Heng and Fan Peng with a cold expression. Someone said in blunt Chinese: "I'm sorry you two gentlemen, please come with us."

"Where to go?" Fang Heng frowned, "What are you going to do?"

"You are suspected of cheating."


No way?

The onlookers couldn't help but retreat, and they started talking. Some people believed it, but others were not angry. They thought it was because the casino lost too much money, and they said so deliberately.

Fang Heng looked at the bargaining chip in front of him, feeling very wronged in his heart, he really didn't cheat.

How to do?

So he looked at Van Peng.

Fan Peng sighed. Since Master Xin Dao asked him to make trouble, what else could he say?

Do it!

So he grabbed a lot of chips from Fang Heng and slapped it on the man's face: "I'm a nun!"

Seeing him do something, these security guards in suits had even more excuses, and they tried to take them down.

But how could Fang Heng let them succeed? Wow, he swung up a chair and swept the few people in the front to the ground.

These people are so bad that they not only wronged him for cheating, but also wanted to cheat less?

"Brother Fan Peng, what should I do?"

Fan Peng had already taken out the ancestral Feng Shui compass at this time, and it was spinning fast and dripping: "You run with me while you smash!"


Fang Heng was taken aback for a while, what you said was smashing, is that smashing it?


With Fan Peng's words, Fang Heng was relieved at once. Anyway, it was exactly what Fan Peng said, so he started to smash.

So he followed Van Peng in the casino, while turning two chairs around, smashing everything he could see.

The guests of the casino saw that the two of them were crazy, and they ran outside in terror, while the security guards chased and intercepted them from all directions, but they didn't know what was going on. No matter how they outflanked them, the two would always find a breakthrough.

Seeing that the entire hall was smashed into a mess, someone shouted: "Shoot! Shoot!"

More than a dozen security guards quickly pulled out their pistols from their clothes, but before they opened the insurance, they heard a Buddha's name: "Amitābha, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha! Mum..."

These gunmen only felt a dizziness in their heads, staggering and staggering, even standing still, let alone shooting.

The other security guards also had a headache, and instantly lost the ability to attack, leaning against the wall and the table.

The strong black man standing in the monitoring room saw this scene, kicked a chair violently, turned and walked into the hall.

Even a child and an old man can’t handle things that are not useful. What is the use of raising your pigs?

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