Fang Heng opened his eyes abruptly and grabbed the big fist that had come in front of him with his left hand.


Hei Vajra's fists were so powerful that he pushed his whole body back, and the soles of his sneakers rubbed on the floor, making a harsh sound.

It was the first time that Black Vajra had the upper hand. He grinned, revealing a white ring of teeth, and his condescending eyes revealed a little madness.

But soon he couldn't laugh.

I saw Fang Heng, who was still retreating, already clenching his fist at this time. There seemed to be a terrible force gathering on that fist, making him faintly frightened.

This is... supernatural power!

He has seen this kind of power, it is the power that can be controlled only by the upper person of the organization!

Why does this thin and small Chinese also use supernatural powers?

In an instant, all the Spirit Power in Fan Pengyupei gathered on Fang Heng's fist, condensing into four Spirit Power spikes that were more than a foot long.

Seeing that the time had come, Fang Heng punched Black Vajra in the chest.


A seemingly ineffective punch made Black Vajra fly up, and at the same time he showed pain on his face.

He felt his heart pierced with steel, and the intense pain made him twitch.

No, I am not reconciled!

I just turned into a successful one, and I was about to flex my muscles, but I was crippled by a punch!

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are beaten or disabled, but the boss's task is not completed, and the punishment you receive when you look back is even more painful than being disabled!


Hei Vajra eventually fell into a pile of debris, and fainted as soon as his head tilted.

Fang Heng looked at Own's fist in disbelief, confusion appeared on his face.

Such a strong guy was beaten by a single punch by him. This Spirit Power is so powerful!

"Master, I... did I succeed?"

"Yes, you succeeded, not bad."

Wu Jun was also relieved at this time. Fang Heng's talent was still very high, and his previous body training foundation was also very solid, so it was a matter of course.

It seems that if you give him some time in the future, you will be able to reach Jiang Ziyan's level soon.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Wu Jun took a bite of the meat skewers and said vaguely: "Come to me, I have a gift for you."

Give a gift?

Fang Heng's heart moved. The gift the Master gave must be related to Spirit Power. He just felt that Fan Peng's jade Perry Spirit Power had been sucked up by him.

At this time, the old monk was already crumbling, and Zou Hai hurriedly supported him when he saw this: "Master, it's not time to speak, where are you now?"

"I will send you a position."

Zou Hai quickly took a look and found that Wu Jun was almost 200 kilometers away from them. Now it is estimated that the LVPD in the whole city will catch them, and he doesn't know if he can break through.

"Fan Peng, it's all up to you this time."

Fan Peng feels distressed. He has been watching Feng Shui compass. He thought that the situation would change after the black Vajra fell, but now he finds that he thinks too much.

It's still the same now, there are fierce players in all directions, and the doorway is even more fierce!

Seeing that his face was wrong, Zou Hai asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's all fierce, we are dead."

"Aren't you talking about the road to heaven and man?" Zou Haidao, "Why did you fall into death?"

"I don't know this time," Fan Peng encountered this situation for the first time. "Would you like to help me think about it?"

Zou Hai: ...It's all this time, do you want to tease me?

"Brother Fan Peng," Fang Heng said at this moment.

Fan Peng heard a flash of light, right, how could I forget this?

He must be too nervous today, otherwise he would not have thought of such a simple question, and he needs Fang Heng to remind him.

But what happened to Fang Heng was the same at the airport yesterday. He thought of a problem that no one had thought of.

Today, I punched Vajra to faint, and it was an extraordinary performance.

"If this is the case, then we will rush out from the gate!" Fan Peng thought for a while and said, "There is a big murderer, and you will be born after you die. Only by breaking through from there can there be a ray of life!"

Zou Hai swallowed a mouthful of water, thinking that this guy has also become an iron head. There are a lot of LVPDs blocking the door. There may be more outside. It is estimated that there are even more than a dozen sniper rifles.

If you just rush out, will you be beaten into a sieve?

But at this moment, it's useless to say more, just trust the Feng Shui compass left by his grandfather.

"Fang Heng, you go ahead." In order to make a smooth breakthrough, Zou Hai still has to make arrangements. "Fan Peng will follow you and direct the direction at any time, the master will go third, and I will break."

There is nothing behind, you have a broken yarn!

However, Fan Peng had no time to complain at this time, and took his jade pendant from Fang Heng.

But as soon as he got it in his hand, he felt something was wrong. This jade pendant seemed to have no spirituality!

It's broken. If it is not driven by Spirit Power, this Feng Shui compass will not last long. It seems that we must hurry up.

As soon as Fang Heng heard that he was about to take the lead, he immediately held a table in his hand and rushed towards the door.

Those stumbling LVPDs were still struggling on the ground, and he was pushed aside like a bulldozer. Fan Peng and the three hurriedly followed. The old monk chanted all the way, and the LVPDs within a range of tens of meters fell to the ground one after another.

But outside the hotel, the old monk's hooping spell is not very useful. Some LVPDs stand far away. Although his Mental Energy can reach, they can't make them fall. It's just a little dizzy.

Bang bang bang ——

Intensive gunfire sounded, and the other party saw someone rushing out, and he didn't hesitate to be dazzled, and fired without hesitation.

It was time to test Fan Peng. He grabbed Fang Heng's clothes and kept directing directions.

"Three steps on the left! Two steps on the right, ten meters forward..."

In his hasty voice of wisdom, the four of them seemed to be twisting yangko in the square, walking ghostly steps, and rushed out of the rain of bullets.

Seeing that he was about to be on the street, Fan Peng continued to shout loudly: "Five meters forward! Go ahead!"

"Brother Fan Peng, there is a car in front of you!"


Fan Peng looked up and saw several police cars blocking the road.

This...No way, he looked at Feng Shui compass again, at this time the dead place was gone, and a relief appeared in front of him.

But Grandpa Patriarch, is it too much trouble this time? It's a police car!

There are two LVPDs squatting behind the car!

Just when he was stunned, Zou Hai rushed into the cab first: "What are you stunned, get in the car!"

Fan Peng sighed in his heart, this time he really played a big game, and then plunged into the car.

Seeing everyone in the car, Zou Hai stepped on the accelerator and the police car rushed out wow-wow-wow.

However, LVPD is also well-trained, without the influence of the old monk Mental Energy, and soon drove to catch up.

Zou Hai watched the road ahead with full concentration. After playing soy sauce for so long, it was finally time for him to play. He must bring everyone to the master safely.

Fan Peng still controls the Feng Shui compass to guide the direction, but at this time it is much easier. The streets here are very wide and there are not many cars on the road in the afternoon. Zou Hai’s driving technology looks good.

But Fan Peng still felt something was wrong, and it took a long time to realize that the police siren above them was still on.

"Can you turn off the alarm?"

"What are you doing when you turn it off?" Zou Haidao, "It would be great to have a police siren to open the road without any obstruction."

"Aren't you exposing the target?"

"You thought you wouldn't be exposed if you didn't pull the police siren?" Zou Hai smiled, "Then you are too naive. This police car has a remote control device..."


Before they finished speaking, a few people suddenly rushed forward. The police car rubbed a few dark marks on the ground, and the wheels all smoked.

Zou Hai shrugged his shoulders and said, "You see, I am right, the car is locked."

Van Peng:...

The four quickly jumped out of the car again. Now that the car is gone, the police car behind is about to catch up. Although the car is parked on the side of the road, no one will unlock it.

"Amitābha," the old monk Jinglin sighed and murmured, "Broken one precept is also broken, and two precepts are broken, so you should not see the Buddha."

Before they could say anything, a brand-new blue sports car creaked and stopped in front of them. A handsome guy who drove opened the door and staggered from the cab to the ground.

This is also OK?

Zou Hai and Fan Peng looked at each other, and they felt that the old monk was unfathomable, but the situation was critical at this time, and Zou Hai didn't think much about it, and immediately took over the sports car.

Even if Zou Hai is used to the big scene, he is still a little excited at this time. Master Jinglin has a really good vision. This is the Bugatti Veyron.

Buzz - buzz -

With the roar of the engine, the sports car flew out like an arrow from the string, and the eyes of the LVPD tracking behind were all straightened.

"The criminal robbed a blue Bugatti Veyron and was driving in the direction of No. 32 Street. We can't catch up. We ask for support!"

"Don't worry, they can't run away!"


Just as Zou Hai was driving this world-class sports car and speeding freely on the spacious street, a roar suddenly came from the sky.


No, bank robbers are not treated as well, right?

Seeing that there was an intersection ahead, Zou Hai instantly came back to his senses: "Don't be stunned, give me directions!"

"Turn left! Then turn right!"


Not to mention that this car is good, it also comes with a drift function.

But Zou Hai didn't care about drifting anymore, he turned east and west according to Fan Peng's command, avoiding the LVPD that was chasing and intercepting from the front, and at the same time avoiding the helicopter at the top.

Although helicopters will not open fire at will in the urban area, this is a place of freedom. Who can say it clearly?

It's just that Fan Peng, the guide who is very unreliable, made him suddenly turn around for a while, and made him retrograde for a while. The most tragic thing was that they passed through a shopping mall.

Those cars that collided because of evasiveness, there were no one hundred and eighty. The entire Las Vegas was so disturbed by one of his cars that traffic in most of the city was paralyzed.

Hope all those who crashed have bought insurance.

But even so, the situation is still not optimistic. Zou Hai estimates that all police cars in Las Vegas have been dispatched. No matter where he drives, he can hear the harsh sirens.

The old monk and Fang Heng were in the back seat, and they were slapped to the left door and then to the right door.

The old monk sighed in his heart, at this age, he has never experienced such an exciting thing.

"Brother Zou Hai," Fang Heng felt a little anxious when he saw that he couldn't get rid of the chasing soldiers, "Do you want me to shoot down the helicopter?"

The old monk hurriedly said: "You can't play handjobs!"


"Amitābha, handjobs are not the same as cars. A car hits the most and hurts most, but handjobs are deadly!"

Fang Heng nodded, as expected to be an eminent monk who even the Master would call him a master, and it made sense.

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