In fact, it doesn't matter whether the helicopter overhead hits or not. What Zou Hai is worried about is that they have been around the city for more than half an hour, but they still haven't been able to break through the siege.

Although the Bugatti Veyron is comfortable to drive, it is still two hundred kilometers away from the master, and it can't be driven without enough fuel.

Those LVPDs will not give them time to cheer.

"Fan Peng," Zou Hai said while driving, "have you found a problem?"

"what is the problem?"

"Don't you think the building in front is a bit familiar?"

"Lonely big lion!" Fang Heng said from the back seat.

"We've been around for a long time, and we are still standing still," Zou Haidao, "you have to quickly ask your grandpa grandpa to find a way."

Fan Peng asked me where I can do it. Feng Shui compass instructed him like this. He has tried his best to find a safe way.

"Why don't I call Master?"

"let's hit."

So Fang Heng dialed Wu Jun's phone again.

"Where are you?" Wu Jun asked.

"Master, we are still in that MGM hotel."

Wu Jun heard that his heart is going to be bad. It's been half an hour. You haven't left yet?

"No, we came back again," Fang Heng said, "but there are too many LVPDs, and the road out of the city is blocked. We can't rush out!"

It turned out to be surrounded, but the encircled circle seems a bit big.

Wu Jun thought for a while and asked, "Is Fan Peng showing you the way?"


"Are all four of you in the car?"

"Yes, Master Jinglin robbed a Bugatti Veyron."

Wu Jun: ...I haven't seen you for a while, this old monk is still fashionable.

However, according to the situation provided by Fang Heng, their situation is not optimistic.

He estimated that there were King people in the LVPD and even the high-level people. It was not easy to dispatch the black Vajra in broad daylight, so that the entire LVPD would set up roadblocks on the way out of the city.

In this way, unless the Bugatti Veyron grows wings, it can only wander around the city, and as soon as the night arrives, it can send a powerful guy out.

But since he knew it, then naturally they wouldn't let their tricks succeed.

"Fang Heng, get off."


"You get off the car and clear a way out of the city on the west side of the road. Isn't that enough?"

After hearing this, Fan Peng suddenly woke up: "Yes, why didn't I expect it! The four of us moved with Feng Shui compass, naturally there is only a silver lining, but if Fang Heng leaves the team, maybe we can find another way?"

"Okay, I will go now!"

Saying that Fang Heng opened the door, no matter how fast the car was, he jumped out, and after a few rolls on the ground, he ran to the west.After the NYPD drove half a street after him, Fang Heng was nowhere to be found, and he turned around depressed and continued chasing Zou Hai and the others.

Fang Heng ran for a while, and he saw a road out of the city. Several rows of roadblocks had been erected. All cars that wanted to go out of the city had to be checked by the heavily armed LVPD. There was a long line of convoys in front of the roadblocks.

What to do, now that Master Jinglin is not there, no one will deal with those LVPDs.

If only there was Spirit Power.

But in this place, where can I find Spirit Power?

Finally, he looked around and felt that it was impossible. He could only figure out a way to distract these LVPDs first, and then secretly demolish the roadblocks.

But how can we lead people away?

He looked around and found that there was a large shopping mall not far away, and he immediately had an idea.

He quickly walked into the mall, came to a fire box, smashed the glass with a bang, took out the fire hose inside and connected it, and then unscrewed the valve.

The fire hose that no one controlled suddenly seemed like a long dragon wagging its tail, and high-pressure water jets sprayed everywhere.

The crowd in the mall was frightened and fled from the scene screaming. Then Fang Heng heard the fire alarm and the whole scene was in chaos.

Those LVPDs downstairs didn't know what happened, and immediately sent two people to check it out. As a result, they heard the panicked crowd shouting: "Terrorist attack!"

The two policemen hid behind a door on the spot. The word here is more powerful than the "atomic bomb."

After consulting their superiors, they felt that Zou Hai and his car were still far from here, so they asked the people present to deal with it as soon as possible.

Seeing that everyone had gone, Fang Heng quietly ran out of the hiding place, pushing all the roadblocks to the side of the road.

Those cars waiting in line for inspection, saw the chaos of the nearby shopping mall, where they dared to stop more, they ran away like greased soles, and the whole road quickly became empty.

Hey, Fang Heng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If this is in China, people who watch the excitement will probably block the road.

Now that the roadblocks were cleared, he didn't dare to wait here any longer, but walked straight ahead and found a place to hide temporarily.

At this time, Fan Peng looked at Feng Shui compass, and he suddenly looked happy: "Turn left, go straight, go straight all the way!"

Zou Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Fang Heng had succeeded.

Soon they came to the place where the roadblock was just erected. Those LVPDs who came out of the mall found that the roadblock had been removed. Only then did they know that they had been fooled and were hurriedly recovering.

As a result, two were just placed, and a blue Bugatti Veyron whizzed past.

"Run, they are out of town! Ask for support!"

"Asshole, what did you do?"


Fang Heng saw Zou Hai and the others coming from a long distance. They were running on the side of the road. Zou Hai slowed down slightly, and Fang Heng leaped on the roof of the car, and then swiftly got in through the car window.

"Good job!" Zou Hai couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

But in fact, their danger officially came after leaving the city.

The people on the two helicopters overhead can now fire at them without scruple, and those of the Black Vajra can also appear to attack them at any time.

At this time, the two helicopters had flown to their side, the hatch opened, and someone was aiming at them with a sniper rifle.


Fan Peng yelled, and Zou Hai quickly turned his direction, and a serpentine shape appeared on the highway.

Bang bang--

With two gunshots, the bullet fell through the road, leaving two deep pits the size of an egg.

And Fan Peng continued to yell: "Left, left, right, left..."

Zou Hai's heart is breaking. You are on the right track. This car is almost impossible to drive!


The glass in the back row burst, and the bullet passed by the tip of Fang Heng's nose, frightening him out of sweat.

"No, we are very dangerous if this goes on, we must get rid of them!"

This time the old monk did not continue to object, he could go to death generously, but he was not alone in the car.

While Fang Heng was speaking, he was also pondering in his heart how to destroy the two planes.

When they left the city, the two guys moved a distance away from them, or a hundred meters away, as if they were worried that they would have offensive weapons.

Even if he is strong enough to throw the fire extinguisher in the car, his head may be useless.

"Amitābha, it's still an old monk."

At this time, the old monk sighed softly. So many precepts have been broken today, so why not break it again.


As he chanted in a low voice, the two helicopters suddenly swayed in the air, and the sniper was also dizzy.

"Go away, stay away from them!"

The driver was so frightened that cold sweat broke out, and he hurriedly manipulated the control stick to climb to the sky, and when he returned to normal, he did not dare to continue chasing.

"Report, this is not something we can solve."

"Yes, the vertigo just now is really evil, those people must have super powers."


Getting rid of the tracking of the helicopter, the people in the car can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and Fan Peng is even more limp.

Although just looking at Feng Shui compass, Feng Shui compass is not so good-looking.

When in the city, the speed of Feng Shui compass was dazzlingly fast. Not only did he always pay attention to the movement of Feng Shui compass, he also had to keep calculating the position in his heart.

As long as there is a slight mistake, it will be lost.

The last time he calculated the gas gathering field with Xiaoyou, he still had at least one pencil, but this time it all relied on his mental arithmetic.

It seems that in the future, when he cultivates, he has to be like Zou Hai.

"Hey Master," Fang Heng called Wu Jun again and began to report the situation, "We have already come out, we will come to you soon."

"Oh, I see."

Wu Jun had not guarded the entrance of the underground base at this time, but was standing on the tallest stone above the canyon, looking solemnly at the surrounding empty desert and Gobi.

According to the updated video just now, there will be some great things coming soon!

After Fang Heng and the others have experienced a speed of life and death, should it be his turn?

Is there any way to solve it?

"Don't worry, come slowly." So he said to the phone, "If you find something is wrong, look back quickly."

"Master, what happened?""It's okay, a little trouble," Wu Jun said, "If you can't run away, there is still a Jade Slip on the old monk. You can borrow it and use it. You must ensure everyone's safety."

Old monk: ...... Little master, you are wrong, you even need to know a little privacy of the old monk?

"I know Master."

"In addition, I now teach you how to use Spirit Power armor. Time is limited. I can only say it once. You have to remember it."

Fang Heng was overjoyed when he heard that, Master had to teach him skills again: "I'm listening, Master, tell me!"

After hanging up the phone, he recalled carefully and silently, Fang Heng felt that he should be able to master the Spirit Power armor initially.

At this time, the old monk had already handed the Jade Slip into his hand, and Fang Heng found that the Spirit Power contained in this Jade Slip was much more abundant than Van Peng's.

"Brother Zou Hai, can you drive faster," Fang Heng said sternly while holding Jade Slip, "I'm worried that there is danger on the Master's side. I have to go over and help."

Zou Hai heard Wu Jun speak just now, and felt that his tone was wrong, so he stepped on the accelerator pedal silently.


At this time in the underground base, Lee received a message from King.

"The capture plan failed. Now start plan B."


Lee frowned: "We have so many people in the city, why let them run away?"

King: "Someone called the police."

"Call the police?" Lee replied, "Didn't you say that half of the LVPD is yours?"

"You can't lose big because of small things, these people can't be exposed for the time being," King replied, "Plan B has been launched, and you are ready to evacuate."

Lee glanced at the surveillance screen unwillingly. Although Wu Jun was no longer there, he knew that Wu Jun would not go far.

After spending so much thought this time, he even prepared to abandon his body, and finally made decorations. He was really unwilling.

But in the end, he opened another underground passage. This passage was parallel to the underground base, which was a depth that Wu Jun could not detect, and it went straight to more than 20 kilometers away.

There, two helicopters survived 24 hours, and they could take him out at any time.

Even if Plan B didn't work on Wu Jun, he would have run away without a trace by then.


Wu Jun put the phone away. Now this phone doesn't need to be charged, so it can't be like before. It doesn't matter if it breaks.

The key is that he is worried about Zou Hai and the others, keeping his mobile phone in order to keep in touch and paying attention to their safety at any time.

As soon as the phone was put in place, the voice of the system came from the sea of ​​knowledge: "Disharmonious factors are found, please clear the host as soon as possible."

Wu Jun looked around and saw that on the horizon in the distance, some huge beasts suddenly appeared out of the sand, roaring and running towards him.

Some huge birds appeared in the sky, the speed was comparable to that of airplanes, and they were densely packed, obscuring the sky.

But what Wu Jun cared the most was that he was mixed in the ground team, something he had never seen before.

It was a dark creature with eight legs like a spider and a tail several meters long like a giant scorpion.

The body is covered with this black carapace, and the white pattern on the back makes people shudder at first glance.

What makes Wu Jun most strange is that it does not have obvious eyes, but the width of its mouth is about the same as the body, and its mouth is full of sharp fangs.

He didn't know that this was something weird made by King and the others, but there was no doubt that this was his main goal this time.

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