The group finally returned to Xilin City safely and gathered in Wu Jun's courtyard.

This time there was a lot of trouble, and there are still people talking about it on the Internet, so everyone decided to temporarily Closed Door Training for a period of time in order not to cause trouble to the country.

Wu Jun also took a rare break for two days, and then opened the system mission this time.

Host: Wu Jun.

Level: Level 43 Celestial Master.


Upgrade task: Please take good care of the Universe tree. After completing it, you can upgrade to Level 44 Celestial Master.

Take care of the Universe tree?

Wu Jun looked at the Universe tree in the yard that was already three stories high, and felt that this task was too vague and general?

How to take good care of a tree?

Give it artificial fertilizer every day, or give it two hundred yuan of pocket money every day?

"System, can this task be explained more clearly?"

System: "It's already clear, what the universe tree needs, you just give it what you want."

Wu Jun suddenly remembered the tragic scene before, and his heart sank.

No, let it suck again?

Since he got the system, he hasn't been afraid of anything, but only about the Universe tree... it's scary if you think about it.

No matter how much celestial energy, physical strength, or mental energy, it is guaranteed to be sucked cleanly, which makes people ecstatic.

"Wait," Wu Jun suddenly thought of a question, "What if this tree grows too high?"

He didn't want a tree several hundred meters high to suddenly pop up in the yard, it would be too noticeable.

"No, the host will know it naturally."

Wu Jun settled down. If he doesn't grow taller, it's okay, it's just that he's a little bit tired.

However, it may not be as powerful as before, after all, his current celestial energy is very abundant, and the various coefficients of his body have reached 99.

So he put down the tea cup in his hand, came to the Universe tree, and stretched out his hand.


After a short while, Wu Jun only felt black in front of his eyes.

This Universe tree is really a bottomless pit.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Wu Jun holding the tree swaying, Fang Heng ran over quickly. Wu Jun was too fast to stop him. He grabbed his hand and tried to pull him away.


When he reached Wu Jun's hand, Fang Heng's eyes went dark.

"What happened to the two of them?"

Zou Hai and Fan Peng, who were sitting in the grass drinking tea, and Master Jinglin looked at each other.

Didn't you see that there were wires on that tree? Besides, electrical shock touched Wu Jun like this?

The three of them came to them cautiously. Although they didn't understand what was going on, they couldn't let them lie on the ground, so Zou Hai wanted to pull them up.


Zou Hai's eyes were also dark, and he shook and fell to the ground.

Master Fan Peng and Jinglin were terrified, this is abnormal, absolutely abnormal!

"Hurry up and get a wooden stick!"

Fan Peng was holding a dry wooden stick and wanted to separate Zou Hai and Fang Heng, but as soon as the stick touched Zou Hai's body, he heard a buzz in his head.

It's over, I won the bid too!

This time, the old monk is anxious, and he can't use a wooden stick. What should I do?

But the high monk deserves to be a high monk. With the experience of his predecessors, he did not rashly touch the person who fell on the ground.

His Mental Energy is more sensitive, and he feels that the Mental Energy of several people is empty and boundless, and it may be that he is in serious trouble.

Yes, there must be something wrong with this tree suddenly.

So he sat in the Lotus Position, muttering words in his mouth, and released Mental Energy to see if he could awaken everyone's consciousness and stay away from this tree.


Lao Niu and Da Hei hurried over when they heard the sound. When they saw the four people lying on the ground, their faces turned pale.

Wu Jun had no energy and spirit at this time, and his breath was weak. This was obviously a bad rhythm!

Master Jinglin is chanting sutras! is it good?

At this time, Wu Jun finally recovered, and got up from the ground with difficulty. He was also bewildered when he saw the scene in front of him.

"You are..."

Seeing that he was awake, Lao Niu was instantly overjoyed, and tears almost fell: "It's good if you don't die, it's good if you don't die!"

Wu Jun: "...Am I so easy to die?"

"No, I mean it's okay."

Without Wu Jun's connection, Fang Heng and the three of them slowly woke up, and several of them staggered back to the grass house, their faces pale as paper.

"Master, what the hell is going on?" Zou Hai asked, "it scared us just now."

"Don't worry, I'm just fertilizing this tree."

Everyone: …Who has ever seen fertilization and fertilization, are you fertilizing your life?

However, after gathering the power of a few people, Wu Jun found that although the Universe tree did not seem to have changed, he always felt that it had grown taller again.

"Do you think this tree has grown a bit taller?"

Everyone took a closer look at the Universe tree, and finally shook their heads.

Even if you use life to fertilize, you can't grow taller as soon as you fertilize, right?

But Wu Jun believed that there was nothing wrong with own, so he used Tianji Eye on the Universe tree.


Universe tree, a magical tree that can lead to any place in the Universe, the current height: 11153.28 meters.

More than 10,000 meters tall?

No way, so powerful?

But he took a closer look, but no matter how he looked from the outside, the tree was only three stories high.

This is very magical.

No wonder the system made him not worry about it. It seems that the Universe tree still has space capabilities, and I don't know if it will grow to the moon in the future.

The distance between the earth and the moon is 380,000 kilometers. It takes more than 30,000 times to "fertilize" one time for a length of 11 kilometers.

According to his current rate of recovery, he can "fertilize" 15 times per hour, which means he needs to sleeplessly for three months.

According to the previous missions issued by the system, the most difficult mission was completed in three months, so he felt that it was very likely that the Universe tree could grow to the moon, and he was only considered complete this mission.

But this is just a guess after all, and it doesn’t really matter whether it will grow to the moon or not.

Let alone whether he currently has the ability to survive in outer space, he does not want to leave the earth for the time being anyway.

Yujian flying hasn't learned yet, Fengqi hasn't found it yet, and his girlfriend hasn't yet!

God knows if he can find a suitable girlfriend in Universe, so he still plans to get the longevity fruit quickly, and how to have a vigorous relationship before leaving.

"Fang Heng," he said to Fang Heng, "You still build me a shed under the tree as you did last time. I want Closed Door Training."

"I know, I'll get it right away."

After Fang Heng left, Zou Hai asked, "How long will it take to Closed Door Training this time?"

"I don't know," Wu Jun replied, "Anyway, the day you close it is the same day. It's not a retreat. I can deal with anything at any time."

After thinking about it, he said again: "By the way, you shouldn't neglect cultivation recently. Judging from this incident, you still lack some self-protection ability."

Several people in Zou Hai nodded, and they were true.

If it weren't for Fang Heng's strength this time, they might not even be able to get out of the casino gate, so they should practice well.Especially Zou Hai, who really didn't help much this time, he was still a bit ashamed.

He decided to close the tea shop in the city first, and brought Jiang Qi to live here, anyway, the master has a lot of empty houses here, the key is that Feng Shui here is good, it will be good for children in the future, and he can also concentrate on cultivation.

He doesn't think about it too much, at least he won't hold back when he encounters such a thing again this time.

"The old monk will also close Closed Door Training." Master Jinglin said.

"Since everyone is Closed Door Training, then I will also Closed Door Training." Fan Peng said, "This time I will try to thoroughly understand the fourth-level Feng Shui Stone Insight."

Speaking of Feng Shui stone, Wu Jun remembered that there was one more thing he hadn't done. He had to take a day to deal with it and install Feng Shui stone to provide it with continuous Spirit Power.

Although they got the information from Lee's card, people like King cruelly cut off all contact with the outside world, and even Lee gave up, but God knows if he is conspiring behind it.

Let the ancient large formation continue to operate and monitor it all the time, which is equivalent to having a global radar, as long as there is any abnormality, he can know it.

After arranging these, Wu Jun began to take care of the Universe tree.

It kept being sucked up, kept resting and recovering, and sucked up again... it repeated and continued, and it was the end of the year in a blink of an eye.

It was a rare sunny day and the sky was bright. Everyone was concentrating on Closed Door Training in Wu Jun's yard. An extended car parked at the door of the yard.

A long-haired girl came down from the car, looking twenty-four or five years old, with a Bufan temperament, wearing expensive furs, and two tall men behind her, who were also luxurious and low-key brand names.

The old cow sitting at the door basking in the sun saw someone visiting, so he lazily asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, old man." Although the temperament girl looks like a lot of money, she is still humble and polite. "Excuse me, is there a Mr. Wu Jun living here."

"Yes," Lao Niu replied, "but he is not at home now."

The temperament beauty was taken aback for a while, and then asked: "Where did he go and when will he come back?"

"I don't know, the master is very casual," Lao Niu said, "it may not come back for a few years, and it may appear in front of you in the next second."

The temperament beauty felt a little anxious, she finally found Wu Jun's address, and wanted to pay him a new year, but she couldn't meet anyone.

"What about his phone?"

"Are you looking for him?" Seeing that she was in a hurry, the old cow asked, "The phone cannot be reached. If you are in a hurry, you might as well leave a call and I will tell you when he comes back."

"Thank you so much," said the temperamental beauty and took out a business card, "I am a friend of the master, and there is nothing important to come here this time, just to come to visit for a new year.

"He pointed me before, and it can be said that without him there would be no where I am today."

Lao Niu took a look at his business card:

Xu Min, general manager.

Sophia International Co., Ltd.


"Grand hotel?" Lao Niu asked curiously, "hotels will also hire agents?"

"No, it's not a hotel. We make cosmetics," Xu Min said in a slightly proud and aggravated tone, showing incomparable confidence, "WeChat business!"

The old cow took a breath between his teeth, but he didn't expect that this girl was a talent!

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