The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 819 You want to save the lost again?

With the character of an old cow, if ordinary people come to the master, then he really doesn't bother to take care of it.

I don't know what's going on. Recently, there are a lot of fortune tellers who come to look for masters, and they are all famous domestic businessmen, bosses of major companies, and so on.

All these people were turned away by him one by one, because the master is in Closed Door Training, can you tell your fortunes during Closed Door Training?

But since Xu Min is the old master's deceased, it is different, this is to be treated differently, at least not let people go back like this.

He knew that the master was actually awake every day, and occasionally he would come out to drink some tea from that small shed.

"Let's do it," the old man thought for a while and said, "Since you are a friend of the master and come from afar, please sit inside."

"This... is the master coming back?"

"I don't know," Lao Niu said, "didn't I just say that, he may not be back in a few years, or he may appear in front of you in the next second, so it all depends on fate."

"All right."

So under the leadership of Lao Niu, Xu Min and the big man Li Zhi walked into the yard together.

When I first saw Wu Jun, Xu Min remembered that he said he grew vegetables and lived in the mountains. She had never believed this, except that Wu Jun was deliberately joking with him.

But now it seems that what Wu Jun said was true at the beginning. He really lives in the mountains, but not the kind of deep mountains and old forests she imagined.

And this place feels really comfortable.

In this winter, the yard actually gave people a spring-like warmth, as well as an inexplicable calm and peacefulness.

"Come and sit in the Cao Lu," Lao Niu said, "The master usually entertains guests here."

I don't know why, it is obviously a simple cottage, but Xu Min and Li Zhi can't help being a little cautious, which reminds them of Wu Jun's first treat when they stand in front of the hotel.

After the two of them sat down, Lao Niu boiled water to make tea again, but he didn't deliberately tell Wu Jun that someone was coming. He knew anything in the yard and could not escape the master's eyes.

If he meets, he will naturally come out to meet.

While making tea, Su Haoran and Wei Han hurriedly walked in.

New Year's Eve is about to come in ten days, and there are too many people booking New Year's Eve dinner in West Forest this year, so many people may only get a place for one in ten.

When the two saw such a good opportunity, they couldn't be wasted in vain, so they prepared to launch a take-out New Year's Eve dinner.

But this will increase the amount of vegetables from the Celestial Master, which requires Wu Jun to nod himself.

Xu Min's eyes lit up when he saw Wei Han, and he quickly stood up: "Hey, isn't this Brother Wei Han!"

"It's you!" Wei Han didn't forget, and he recognized the girl at a glance. "If you remember correctly, your name is Xu Min, right?"

"Yes, Wei Han has a good memory, you still remember me for more than two years."

Wei Han smiled inwardly, this is all a trivial matter, but it seems that this girl has developed well in the past two years, and she has bought all the stretch cars.It seems that the "wealth" that the master left her at the beginning has greatly increased in value.

Xu Min also has a good memory. After seeing Su Hao, he quickly recognized him: "This must be Brother Ran, right?"

"Have we... met?"

Su Hao is a bit strange, but in his impression, he has never seen such a person.

"I haven't met, but you haven't met me," Xu Min said. "But I have seen your circle of friends. At that time, you were the biggest agent of the master!

"You don't know, at that time your villa, luxury car, beach, beautiful women, but I envy me miserably!"

Su Hao suddenly remembered, that time the master asked him to help in acting and made a micro-business group.

But that was only three days. In the past two years, he had been doing so many things every day, and he had long forgotten about it.

"What kind of villas, luxury cars, beach beauties, those are all illusions," Su Hao also recalled that period of ignorant youth, and said with a touch of sentiment, "Looking back now, it was quite silly at that time."

It's quite stupid, Xu Min also said in his heart, but who hasn't been stupid yet.

Who is in this business now, who doesn't play this routine?

Fortunately for her company, under her strict management and control, there hasn't been any such thing as the "Xiti luxury car" in the 4S store yet, so I just show off on a daily basis.

But the behavior of many colleagues, it really opened her eyes, it is not too exaggerated.

Thinking of this, she was actually a little proud in her heart.

Because of the things she once envied, she now has them, villas, luxury cars, travel, more than two years of hard work, and the original team of more than 400 people, has made her Life into the ranks of high quality.

This is true success, not the kind of false show off.

"How about it," Wei Han asked with a smile, "you seem to be developing well."

"It's all thanks to the master's teachings back then," Xu Min said very humbly. "In the past, we used to be small and small, selling some domestic cosmetics, but because our team is big enough and has a pretty good historical performance, so This time I successfully obtained Sophia Cosmetics' general agency rights in China."

"Yes, it will not be easy for you to develop into this in more than two years."

Wei Han's praise was sincere. In fact, he did not expect that the little girl who was deceived could really develop to this point.

A network marketing team with more than 20,000 people can earn tens of thousands of yuan a day, right?

But what about Sophia, he hasn't heard of it, maybe he doesn't understand cosmetics.

After chatting for a few more words, Wei Han asked Lao Niu again: "Master is not coming today? We have important things to look for him."

"I don't know, I will come when I should."

Wei Han nodded. In fact, he didn't want to disturb Wu Jun's Closed Door Training, but this time the matter was very important, and he and Su Hao could not easily make the decision.

Let's talk for a while, maybe the master will be free later.


At this time, Wu Jun was still sitting in the shed in front of the Universe tree, repeating the fate of being sucked up-restored-sucked up.

This Universe tree really looks like a big pit, it's been so long, and it's still unsatisfactory.

Hey, I knew that when I was free, I should come and be sucked by him often, and there was no need to accumulate so much at one time, which made him want to die.

When I exited the retreat mode and was about to let the Universe tree suck, the silent system in the sea of ​​knowledge jumped out.

System: "There is a new temporary task."

temporary assignment?

Wu Jun blinked, shouldn't it be "Congratulations on completing the task"?

And this time it’s a bit strange. He used to have to go out to occasionally encounter temporary tasks. This time sitting here for cultivation, the task will automatically come to the door.

So he let his consciousness return to the sea of ​​knowledge.

Temporary task: ask the host to save these lost people.

Who are the lost people?

By the way, this temporary task feels so familiar. Have you done it once before?

Forget it, go take a look first.

So he stretched his waist, opened the door, and saw Xu Min and Li Zhi sitting in the grass cottage drinking tea from a long distance, and two golden cards in the sea of ​​knowledge emerged automatically.

Aren’t these the two ship sellers that I met when I was in Ohara City?

Girl, are you addicted to being rescued?

So he quickly updated Xu Min's video and found that she had developed well in the past two years. He worked as a small domestic cosmetics agent and made a lot of money.

A few days ago, I signed a contract with an international cosmetics company to sell goods as an agent in China, which seems to be fine.

Wu Jun can't figure it out a bit, is there something wrong with the system's brain?

System:...Sorry, I have no brains, so there will be no problems!

Wu Jun looked at the make-up brand, Sophia, who looked very fashionable, but he didn't know any cosmetics, but the general agent shouldn't be a bad thing, right?

There is no question how to save him. Is it possible for him to say to Xu Min: I want to save your body?

Impossible, no one himself has come to save him yet.

Finally, he focused his attention on Xu Min, and the wheel of fortune emerged, with some gray and black threads in the shining light, stretching out to the distant sky.

According to his experience, Xu Min is going to encounter some troubles, but it may not be revealed in the near future, and it will take time to ferment.

And this kind of wheel of fortune with black lines shows that someone is against her.

Then see who it is.

So he followed these small black lines to look for it, and in a blink of an eye, it was nearly 10,000 kilometers, and landed in Naples, a small coastal city on the Apennine Peninsula.

Coincidentally, these black lines point to a building that is not very large at the same time, and the people connected to the black lines just walked into the office and started a new day's work.

Are these few people harmful to Xu Min?

Is this too far apart?

Finally, on the glass door of the office, Wu Jun saw a "Sophia" log.

It seems that it has something to do with Xu Min's agency this time, but at best, acting as an agency is not doing a good job, not opening up the market, and losing some money.

According to his experience, even if Xu Min loses her money, the system will not let him save her.

Only the kind of people who have gone in the wrong direction in life but still have medicine to save, will he be saved.

It's useless to think more, just ask, let Wei Han investigate this Sophia cosmetics by the way.

So he walked to the Caolu, Xu Min's eyes were sharp, and when he saw him from a long distance, he quickly walked out.

"Master! I finally saw you again!"

"Well, hello, what a rare guest!"

"What do you say to the master," Xu Min is still the same as before, with a sweet smile, "In fact, I should have visited the master long ago!"

"sit down."

"Master," Li Zhi said angrily at this time, "I wonder if the master still remembers me?"

"Of course, Li Zhi, it looks good now."

"Haha, it's all the masters who gave good advice," Li Zhi also seemed to be in a good mood. It seemed that he was doing well with Xu Min. "If you didn't wake us up in the first place, we still don't know what it is. ."

After a few polite remarks, Zou Hai and Su Hao then mentioned the New Year’s Eve dinner a little bit, and Wu Jun nodded silently.

Anyway, Tianshi vegetables are now publicly sold across the country. It doesn’t matter if you sell them a little bit longer during the New Year, as long as everyone is happy to eat.

"What about the price?" Su Hao asked quietly, "Do you want to raise the price?"

"No," Wu Jun said, "but don't forget the employee's overtime pay and Chinese New Year red envelopes."

"This is natural." Su Hao said, "Then I will arrange it. Do you want me to arrange a table for you at Wangshan Fish Village at noon?"

"No, they are all acquaintances, so just eat at home." Wu Jun said, "In addition, Wei Han, you stay, everyone is now a friend, you have a good chat with everyone, by the way, you can ask Liu Heng to check it out for me. matter."

"Well, I happen to be free today."

Wei Han said so, but he knew in his heart that the things that Liu Heng was going to investigate must not be ordinary things.

Sure enough, when Wu Jun sent him to investigate the Sophia Cosmetics Company, he knew that this time it would not be easy.

This made him look forward to it. The last time Zou Hai and the others made such a big noise outside, it was a pity that he didn't participate. This is a pity.

It seemed that it was his turn this time.

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