Liu Heng's investigation was very fast, with results within ten minutes.

According to the information he found, the foreign cosmetics company named Sophia was registered in September last year, and it has not been half a year.

And there is indeed the Sophia brand internationally, but it is not cosmetics, but a hotel. The brand is not very loud.

As for their products, you can only see some of them on their official website.

"Weito, I just hacked into their company's accounts. Guess what else I found?"


"Hey, this company is absolutely amazing," Liu Heng said. "They don't have a factory at all, and they haven't sold a product at all from the beginning to now!

"In other words, they are not ready to sell products at all. There are only a few people in the entire company who maintain their website every day.

"I have also checked. The sales data of several hundred or several thousand on the official website are all modified by themselves from the background. They are fake data!"


Wei Han frowned slightly. No wonder the master wants him to investigate. It seems that there is a real problem with this company.

But he heard from Xu Min just now that their first batch of goods has been sent over. These days, they are letting the sales team build momentum, and they have also spent money to put advertisements on some domestic websites and self-media, preparing for a wave of small businesses. Hunger marketing.

If Sophia does not produce products, where do these things come from?

"Okay, I see," Wei Han said. "Besides, you continue to dig to see if there is nothing worth noting."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Han looked at Xu Min, who was chatting with Wu Jun in the Caolu, with a ruddy face, and he couldn't help sighing. The girl was still too young and inexperienced.

Maybe they didn't even go to the site to make a decision in a hurry.

In fact, we can only blame the domestic micro-business market in recent years for being so good. I don't know where to find a brand, and it can sell very hotly.

Some Chinese people always have honey trust in foreign things. This Sophia cosmetics probably also saw this opportunity, so I found Xu Min.

So he walked into the Cao Lu and nodded to Wu Jun.

Knowing that the investigation had resulted in results, Wu Jun updated Wei Han's image with the eyes of the heavenly machine, and quickly learned what Liu Heng had found.

So he asked Xu Min: "How much did you spend on the agency this time?"

"Um... there is no agency fee," Xu Min said, "but a one million euro deposit is paid."

A guarantee deposit of one million euros...girl, you are really a fool and a lot of money!

"Then how much did you get for the first batch?"

"One million euros," Xu Min said, "Look at the market reaction first."

This is two million euros, and it is 15 million in RMB. Girl, you are so rich!

"Then can you return these deposits and goods?"

Xu Min was stunned when he heard it, but it hasn't started selling yet!

And why retreat, a brand-new international brand, after many hard work, she stood out from more than a dozen competitors, and then won it!

Seeing that the opportunity to make a lot of money is right in front of you, even if your family is bankrupt, you must continue to do it.

Seeing her face stiff, Wu Jun smiled again and said: "Don't mind, I just ask casually, right, do you have samples of your cosmetics?"

"There is it in the car, master, what are you..."

"Oh, don't you think it will be the Chinese New Year right away? I want to buy some gifts for my friends, but I don't know what to give. Since you are a new international brand, the quality must be very good."

"Master wants to give it to his girlfriend, right?" Xu Min immediately understood, "No problem, Li Zhi, you go to the car and get a full set for the master."

Li Zhi quickly brought a lot of cosmetics over, and Wu Jun used the eyes of heaven on these things.


Some silver cards appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge. Wu Jun opened these images and found that these seemingly high-end packaging came from a small, broken factory.

A row of houses that looked a bit like public toilets when they were young, filled with various large barrels marked with letters he didn't recognize.

A few shirtless guys weigh these ingredients and put them into a blender, mix them evenly, then put them in a big bucket that hasn’t been washed for a long time, and carry them to a very long table. A large spoon was distributed in front of the workers in charge of filling.

Wu Jun doesn't know what the cosmetics factory should look like, but it is absolutely impossible to look like this.

If this is really a regular manufacturer of cosmetics, Wu Jun would dare to take off his head and kick it.

And, the most important thing is that this factory is not in Italy.

Judging from the appearance of the workers, this is in India!

India, my brother, is it made with the freshest Ganges water?

Of course, this ragged place is only the first process. After putting the blended paste into the bottle, it will be sent to another place that looks cleaner, labelled, and placed in a beautiful packaging box. Then transport to China.

Wu Jun understood why the system asked him to rescue Xu Min.

Who dares to use these cosmetics?

Once something goes wrong, then what Italian company has a butt shot, and the person is gone. In the end, who is to bear the responsibility?

Obviously Xu Min's company.

But how do you do it now?

Tell Xu Min all the truth directly?

This is indeed possible, his task can be completed in an instant, but what will Xu Min, who knows the truth, do?

The return of the goods is definitely not refundable, and the security deposit is definitely not available, so she must be in a loss for the 15 million.

If it's buying stocks or something, Wu Jun thinks she will lose if she makes a loss.

But now this is the case, isn't that Sophia company for nothing?

In less than half a year, I rented a small office, bought a few computers, and made more than 10 million yuan. Maybe the wages in India are still owed to others.

Even if Idali filed a case for you to investigate, it is estimated that there is no more than a hundred years, that is why it is impossible to find out why.

You eat something in your mouth and expect to spit it out for you?

So the end result of doing this can only be that a large group of people were cheated on money, and then Xu Min went bankrupt and was scolded to death, and those scammers were at large, eating sweet and spicy food every day, maybe they could do it again with a change of vest.

This time it was discovered by a coincidence that he could kill things in the cradle, but if not, how many people would be unlucky?

Leaving aside whether it is harmful to the body, the money must be spent in vain.

It seems that the system's mission this time is not just as simple as rescuing Xu Min and Li Zhi.

Those who need to be rescued are those who can't tell the truth from the fake and blindly believe in foreign brands.

Actually it is not said that foreign goods are not good, but at least you have to return to rationality and keep your eyes open when you buy things.

"You..." Wu Jun pondered his words and said slowly, "Have you visited this company's factory?"

"I have been," Xu Min said happily immediately, "I decided to take this agent after seeing it."

"Oh why?"

"In fact, it is like this," Xu Min said, "Master, you should know that many of these cosmetics companies are processed by OEMs, and they only master the core parts."

Wu Jun nodded, which is correct.

Division of labor and cooperation, you produce this, he produces that, and then blended together is a complete product.

"The real manufacturer of Sophia is the factory that manufactures Armani Beauty. So although this brand is new, the quality is absolutely guaranteed."

Wu Jun: ...girl, you are being tricked!

It is conceivable that this must be Sophia who took her to Armani’s foundry for a walk in order to deceive her.

As for the commercial contract, isn't it a matter of a printer and a few carrot head seals?

Is there any other competitor, maybe there are also child care arrangements arranged by the other party, right?

No wonder he used to think that Xu Min was a smart girl, how could he be deceived this time, because the other party had prepared a series of routines.

The matter has been thoroughly figured out.

What needs to be considered now is how to make Xu Min recover his losses, to make those scammers be punished, and to make some of the bewildered people be vigilant.

After much deliberation, Wu Jun had a plan.

Didn’t the other party want to deceive, then send it to the door to let him deceive, and then uncover their deception in front of the people of the whole country.

However, to implement this plan, he needs to take some time to prepare. At least he must first establish a cosmetics production factory and form a micro-business team.

The team is easy to handle. Xizhilin now has more than 300,000 stores and millions of employees. Su Hao can call for it. It is not easy to organize hundreds of thousands of people casually.

The factory is going to be a bit more troublesome, this matter can only be left to Wei Han to figure out a solution.

After telling Wei Han about the plan, Wei Han instantly understood the key points.

"Don't worry, Master, this must be done."

When Wei Han walked out of the yard, he even had a faint expectation. He was right. This time it was his turn to do a big job.

So he immediately called his team and assigned the tasks.

Xu Min stayed for a while, leaving behind a lot of gifts, and was about to leave.

"Boss Xu, can you take me for a while?" Wei Han said.

"Very happy to."

Wei Han followed Xu Min into the car. There was still a strong smell in the car. It seemed that the car had not been bought for long.

After arriving in the city, before getting off the car, Wei Han said: "Why? Boss Xu, in fact, the master has been doing micro-business business, or you can play for a few more days, and we will try to cooperate."

Xu Min widened his eyes in disbelief: "No, didn't you say that... was fake last time?"

"It's true when it's fake, and it's true when it's fake," Wei Han said unpredictably, "Boss Xu, let's tell you, the master's current business is beyond your imagination."

"Really?" Xu Min didn't know that Wu Jun was the boss of Xizhilin. In fact, in the past two years, she has been busy owning business for more than half of her time. Team, how many people are there?"

Wei Han smiled and stretched out a finger.

"One hundred thousand?"

"Hehe, boss Xu, you look down on the master too much." Wei Han shook his head and said, "You have had a relationship with the master, you know that he does things, or he doesn't do things, or he must do his best.

"It took you more than two years to start from 400 people and develop a team of more than 20,000 people.

"Then you think that the master already had a mature sales team of thousands of people, how many can it grow up to now?"

" it one million?"

"Just a lot more." Wei Han said.

Xu Min was a little surprised, a team of one million people!

Even if everyone helps him earn a dollar every day, that would be a daily income of one million!

To be honest, since making money, she hasn't felt this kind of heartbeat for a long time.

"How about Boss Xu, are you interested?"


This must be there. If you don’t, you’re a fool!

"Well, you guys rest early today," Wei Han said, "tomorrow I will take you to see the master's team."

Watching Xu Min's car leave, Wei Han couldn't help sighing in his heart.

What is the fate of this girl, why is she cheated in good faith every time she meets a master?

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