Xu Min, who returned to the hotel, didn't have any thoughts to rest at all. All he thought about was Wu Jun's team.

As her most loyal assistant, Li Zhi was also fidgeting, so the two got together to discuss today's matter.

"I think it's very problematic," Li Zhi first expressed his opinion, "Sister, have you seen a one million micro-business team?

"Anyway, I haven't heard of it before, it's too unrealistic.

"If there is such a big team, how much money does he have to make?"

Xu Min nodded and asked, "Then tell me, he made a fake last time to get us out of the ship's den, then this time? What is his purpose?"

"Money!" Li Zhi said, "What is more attractive than money in this world?"

"I don't think so," Xu Min said. "You saw it today. The car in his yard, a three million-plus SUV, had its shell removed and used it as a dog's toy. Would such a person be short of money?"

so smart?

Li Zhi couldn't help being speechless. More than three million cars were dismantled and used as toys for dogs. The idea of ​​a rich man is really hard to describe.

However, he insisted on his own watch and said: "Not lack of money does not mean that you don't want to make money. Let's assume that if he really has such a large team, can he be willing to be our downline agent?

"Will he hear that we got this good agent and want to replace us and work directly with Sophia?"

Xu Min thought for a while and said, "That's not necessarily true. He has such a large team now, and he must be selling other things. Is selling our products just incidental?

"Nowadays, the idea of ​​rich people is no longer the same as before. They think about eating alone anymore. What is more important is to make money together."

"Why do you want to earn together?"

Li Zhi is very puzzled. Isn't it good to make money by yourself?

"Let you read more books, you will know to sing," Xu Min said angrily, "do you understand the truth that eggs can't be put in a basket?

"Speaking of making money together, but also sharing the risks together, and there are more people and more channels, and the network of relationships is also opened. Oh, what use is I telling you now."

Li Zhi thought for a while. Although he felt that it made sense, he still felt that something was wrong in his heart.

But what is wrong?

Finally he looked back and finally understood: "Sister, what do I think, why do you keep talking to him?"

Xu Min was taken aback when he heard it, yes, why should I speak for him?

"No, standing in his field is so that we can discuss this issue more deeply," Xu Min found an excuse for himself, and finally said, "Actually, I think it's useless if we say more here. Everything will be clear tomorrow.

"A team of one million people is not as simple as last time, just find someone to fool it.

"Since Wei Han dare to say that, they at least have considerable strength, otherwise wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

Li Zhi nodded in agreement, and at the same time looked forward very much: "If it is true, then we will grow bigger this time! Not to mention this master, it is really a bit like our noble person, every time I meet him, I feel There are good things."

Xu Min smiled bitterly. It seemed that she felt the same way last time, but it turned out not to be that way in the end.

Will this time be the same as last time?


In order to perform the trick more perfectly, the annual meeting of the Xizhilin City Managers Group was held one day in advance, and the venue was also set at the largest hotel in Xilin City.

The next morning, Wu Jun rode a battery car to the door of the hotel, just to see Xu Min and Li Zhi also driving over.

Wu Haoran and Wei Han are in formal wear today, waiting at the hotel entrance.

Seeing Wu Jun's battery car, Xu Min suddenly felt like the past. This master still likes to ride a battery car so much. He rode a battery car that year, from Xilin City to Dayuan City.

And it seems that the original car is still the same, this person is really low-key.

"Master, you are here."

"Well, are everyone here?"

"I'll be there soon," Su Hao said, checking the time. "Because the incident happened suddenly, the notice was only sent at 8 o'clock yesterday. Most people can drive there, but if you missed the plane, it might be in the afternoon. ."

"It's okay, it's not bad for those few, let them pay attention to safety."

As he was talking, a small car with a provincial license plate slowly stopped in front of the hotel, and the co-driver came down to a middle-aged man who was full of energy.

"This is the city manager of our provincial capital, Manager Li," Wei Han introduced to Xu Min in a low voice. "He was one of our first employees. Two years ago, he was just a little chef."

Xu Min and Li Zhi couldn't help being taken aback.

A little chef became a city manager in two years. This is not uncommon in the micro business industry.

But this manager Li drove more than one million cars, and the total amount of clothes, accessories and bags on his body was at least more than 100,000!

To reach this level, it is more difficult.

"Master, President Su! And President Wei!" Manager Li came to everyone with a smile, "Why are you standing here in this cold weather?"

"This is the new regulation this year," Su Hao said with a smile, "You have worked hard all year round. It is also right for us to stand here to greet you."

"This...isn't it great?"

Li Jingyou said that we have worked so hard. Being a city manager sounds very busy, but Xizhilin's management system is so perfect, the division of functions is clear, and the employees are dedicated to their efforts. They simply can't worry about it.

Last time, the master took them abroad to make a lot of money, so that they, who are managers, can live more comfortably than gods every day.

"This is the respect you deserve."

"Haha, the boss is serious," Manager Li looked up again, "Hey, we won't hang banners this year..."

Su Haoran hurriedly glanced at him. Manager Li suddenly recovered. He is going to act today, so naturally he can't put the signboard of Xizhilin.

They are now a micro-business team, so you can't mention the three words of Xizhilin!

But he still looked at Xu Min curiously. Is this beauty really a friend of the master? How come he doesn't even know that the master is the big boss of Xizhilin?

"Yes, yes, look at my memory, we have to be low-key and low-key!" Manager Li is also an active person, and then said, "Or else, Master and Su, you go in and rest, don't blow the cold wind here. , I'm here to greet all colleagues?"

"No, that's not good."

Su Hao smiled, but he was saying in his heart, do you think I am willing to stand here and blow?

Isn't it to act a play for others?

Last time the master sold the company once and made a lot of money, so each city manager has a standard car with more than one million. If you are sitting in a hotel, how can you see it?

Manager Li is a little embarrassed. The master is standing here and blowing the air. Can he sit inside alone?

That is absolutely impossible!

Without the master and President Su, where can he be today?

So this must be accompanied, even if the sword is in the sky, so Manager Li stood silently next to Su Hao, blowing air with everyone here.

"Why don't you go and sit inside first," Wu Jun said to Xu Min at this time. "It's cold here. It won't be good to catch a cold later."

"No need, we want to blow the air too."

Xu Min didn't want to blow the air, she wanted to see Wu Jun's team more intuitively.

Soon, managers from nearby cities rushed over. Seeing that these cars were all driving the same style but with license plates from different cities, Xu Min and Li Zhi couldn't help but exchange glances.

This is the license plate of more than 20 cities, or a uniform style car. If this is a fraud, is it too expensive?

And even if you have money to cheat, do you have time?

They only arrived yesterday afternoon, and it's only a dozen hours now. How much energy does it take to make such a complete set?

It seems that Wu Jun has a team, which can basically be ironclad. Now it's time to see how big this team is.

But what made Xu Min admire was that, although these city managers were very high-profile when they came, they all honestly gave Wu Jun and Su Hao a New Year greeting. When they were over, they lined up behind them and followed them to blow the air. No one ran alone. Sitting inside the hotel.

In less than half an hour, hundreds of people lined up at the entrance of the hotel, and there were cars coming in non-stop outside, and there were long lines in front of the hotel.

They are all cars of the same style, but with various license plates!

This made Xu Min and Li Zhi unable to calm down and asked Wei Han in a low voice, "Brother Wei Han, how many city managers do you have in total?"

"More than six hundred," Wei Han said lightly, "for some reason, there are more than 30 cities that we haven't settled in yet."

Had it not been for more than a hundred people on the scene, Xu Min would have almost kneeled.

More than 600 cities, this is equivalent to covering every inch of the country!

Is this really possible?

If it is true, then the master is definitely a role model for China's micro-business community!

Originally thought that she could form a team of more than 20,000 people, it is already very difficult, but compared with others, it is simply Yinghuo and Haoyue contending for glory!

Thinking of this, Xu Min couldn't help but look at each other with Li Zhi.

From now on, there will be absolutely no fakes.

Who can make such a big show of fraud, I'm afraid it's not a problem with his brain?

Just so many cars are 700 or 800 million!

At this moment, the two of them were even a little excited. If they could really cooperate with the masters, what would they worry about the market?

Isn't that money coming in a splash?

So the two did not feel that the wind was cold, and they were still warm in their hearts.

After another two hours, seeing that noon was almost here, the managers who came over almost squeezed the door of the hotel, so Wu Jun asked Su Hao to arrange for everyone to enter.

After Xu Min walked in, he thought the banquet hall with five or six hundred people would be noisy.

But when I walked in, I found that everyone was looking down at their mobile phones. Except for occasional noises, the scene was basically breezy and quiet.

Look, this is the quality!

Once upon a time, Xu Min also wanted to have such a team, everyone is united and working hard... But the reality is very cruel. There are also dozens of managers under her, but just these dozens of people together, it is like a sparrow marrying a girl. Yes, the twitter keeps talking.

She wants to speak a word, she has to use the microphone several times to be quiet.

The gap, this is the gap!

Xu Min and Li Zhi really want to record the scene and show them to their managers to take a good look at what their team looks like.

Su Hao was on the middle stage, after a little summary of the situation this year, according to the previous procedures, he was about to start eating.

But if you want to act this year, naturally you have to do a lot of tricks.

So he greeted the sales champion and the last one in advance and asked them to report their results on stage.

This is a link that never existed in the past. In the words of the master, as long as everyone works hard enough, they are all good employees.

Earning more and less is not a personal issue, but an environmental factor.

Who doesn't want to make more money for the company, right? But some cities have 20 million people, and some have only one million people. The resources are inherently unfair. How to compare?

Therefore, regardless of the environment and resource tilt, it is purely a hooliganism just to compare the sales performance.

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