The one who came on stage first was the last one. Although everyone said hello in advance, everyone knew that they were also acting, but this shy-looking woman was still a bit embarrassed.

After all, she is only in charge of a small county-level city, and there are only more than 100 stores now. Compared with other cities, the sales are really small, so small that she doesn't want to talk so much.

"Our XX city branch has a total turnover of 108 million this year... I know this is very rare, and it has failed the trust of the boss and colleagues. I am deeply ashamed..."

When Xu Min and Li Zhi heard these words, they really wanted to hit their heads to death on the table.

With a turnover of more than 100 million, I still feel ashamed. How do you want people in the world to live?

"She used to be a waiter," Wei Han introduced to Xu Min without losing the opportunity. "It's the kind that specializes in serving dishes in hot pot restaurants."

Xu Min was taken aback again, this is another example of a successful counterattack!

"Actually, I am working as more than 500 city managers, and most of them are from Xilin City," Wei Han said. "They used to be either chefs or waiters, and the most was a store manager."

Xu Min:......Does your team specifically target the workers in other restaurants?

But to allow so many people to achieve their current position from the bottom, aside from personal abilities and efforts, presumably the resources provided by the master are also very generous.

No backing, counterattack a ghost!

At this time, the sales champion took the stage excitedly, and was the first manager Li from the provincial branch.

As the provincial capital of Shu, although the population can only rank fourth in the country, sales are far ahead.

For no other reason, Shu people never treat themselves badly in this aspect of eating.

"Haha, you are all old acquaintances, so self-introduction is not necessary." Manager Li was proud of Chunfeng on the stage, "Oh, this year our provincial capital is not very profitable. The key is to take more than half a month vacation, so the total sales The amount is only a little over 3.5 billion, oh, sorry, everyone, I really let everyone down..."

Seeing Manager Li screaming on the stage, Xu Min and Li Zhi's heart is about to fail.

3.5 billion!

Their annual sales this year is just over five billion, which is equivalent to a fraction of others.

This person really has no way to compare with other people.

It’s very quiet during the meal. Everyone talks quietly. Actually, everyone doesn’t want to be busy, but Su Haoran told me before. Today, there are special personnel present. Everyone just relax, don’t talk about work, you’re not careful. It's troublesome to say that you miss your mouth.

So this meal didn’t have the same passion as in the past, but everyone knew that the two bosses had important things to do, and both were more attentive and didn’t even drink much alcohol.

"How about Boss Xu?" Seeing that the meal was about to be eaten, Wei Han brought up what he said last night, "What is your final opinion on cooperation?"

Xu Min had been waiting for him a long time ago. Hearing what he said, he immediately said: "It is an absolute honour for us to be able to cooperate with the master's team!"

"Haha, don't say such polite words," Wu Jun said, "Well, it's going to be the Chinese New Year. Years ago was a good time for sales. Why don't you keep a batch of goods this time? Don't go by yourself. I’ve sold it, and now give it to me. I’ll sell it for you today, and then everyone will have a good year in peace."

"Today?" Xu Min was a little surprised.

"It's better to hit the sun when you choose," Wei Han also said, "how many products do you have now?"

"Actually not many, ten thousand sets."

"So little?" Su Hao didn't miss the opportunity to interject, "Then I don't think it will take much time. I guess it will be enough if the meal is not finished."

Xu Min and Li Zhi were taken aback again, did they say these words too much?Ten thousand sets of cosmetics, the price they got from the head office is 750, and the selling price is at least close to 1,000 yuan, which is not cheap anymore.

As a result, the boss of Su said, can this meal be sold out if it is not finished?

"You don't believe it?" Su Hao said calmly, "It's right not to believe, because you don't understand us."

Xu Min said in his heart that I am understanding?

"Give me your promotional materials," Su Haoran put down his chopsticks, "I will send out the product now, and you will be able to feel it yourself."

Xu Min nodded to Li Zhi, and soon some information was sent to Su Haoran, who reposted it in the group for a while, then walked to the stage and picked up the microphone.

"Please pay attention, everyone, read what I posted just now, and then immediately post the task."

"I know Mr. Su!"

Everyone immediately put down the tableware and chopsticks. This is what they would have known before, so it is called a quick action for everyone, and the "group performances" of the branch in the country have been waiting for a long time.

As soon as Su Hao returned to his seat, he saw Manager Li on the table next door stand up: "Manager Su, I have sold 100 sets here!"


Su Hao almost squirted the rice out, the scene of this stuff is too full.

It is indeed for you to do the show, but please don't overdo it, okay, you will give me a hundred sets in less than a minute, and no one will believe it!

So he looked at Xu Min quietly, the girl's eyes widened at this time, and she was full of an emotion called fiery.

Fortunately, it seems that there is no doubt.

Soon, the voice of Baojie came to mind from all directions: "President Su, these ten sets of mine are out!"

"My 19 sets!"

"My 75 sets!"


With the voice of everyone reporting the number, the phone kept ringing.

"Alipay arrives, 9980 yuan!"

"Alipay arrives, 99,800 yuan!"


Although I don't know why a WeChat business team would use Alipay to pay, Xu Min has to admit that this is definitely the most beautiful voice in the world.

At this moment, Xu Min only felt goose bumps all over his body, and even had the urge to cry.

Every corner of the banquet hall was filled with such sounds, which was so shocking and moving.

This is the power of the team!

This master's team is simply her ultimate dream!

"Boss Xu." Wei Han whispered when he saw Xu Min in a daze.

"Excuse me," Xu Min quickly recovered, "I have never seen such a scene before, and I'm a bit gaffe."

"Hehe, if you are willing to cooperate with us for a long time, it's all trivial."

"Well, we must cooperate, we must cooperate!"

"Then you can arrange the delivery now," Wei Han said, "the express delivery will be on holiday in two days."

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away," Xu Min said to Li Zhi when he remembered that business matters were important, "You call, no, you go back immediately and supervise the delivery personally. There can be no mistakes!"


Li Zhi left quickly as he said, it was like a wind under his feet.

In just a few minutes, he and Xu Min made millions!

This is faster than robbing the bank!

Before, Su Hao said that he could sell out the food without eating. He didn't believe it, but in just a few minutes, he slapped him in the face.

This face is well slapped, so cool!

If someone slapped me in the face every day, that would be great!

Li Zhi left, but the scene couldn't stop at all.

After dividing up 10,000 sets of cosmetics, it is just foreplay, and the real highlight is yet to come.

"Mr. Su, is there still in stock?" Dramatic manager Li continued to serve as the male number three.


"When will it happen?" Manager Li asked. "Just now the manager below me said that he still wants five hundred sets."

Su Hao Ran: ...Don't act anymore! Stop acting! Stop acting!

"President Su, I still need 20 sets."

"I want to add one hundred more sets. I didn't expect this time to sell so well."


In a blink of an eye, the inventory of 10,000 sets has not yet begun to print the courier list, and there are thousands more orders here.

"Don't worry," Su Haoran said, "Tell your manager, rest assured that you can place an order and the supply is sufficient."


Su Hao Ran can be regarded as temporarily over here, the next step is to look at Wei Han.

"Boss Xu, you have seen it too," Wei Han said, "Or you can contact the manufacturer now, we want 300,000 sets, and it's best to complete it within half a month, otherwise you will miss the Spring Festival gold sale. Expect."

"so much?"

"How much is this?" Su Hao then said in a low voice without losing the opportunity, showing his boss' true qualities.

Xu Min smiled awkwardly.

Yes, how many consumers are facing a sales team of one million people?

Even if a person has only five customers, there are also a huge consumer group of five million people.

A mere 300,000 sets, that's really nothing.

"Okay, then I can get in touch this afternoon, you know there is a time difference."

Wei Han nodded, and then said to Su Hao calmly: "Is the money in place? Just pay as soon as it is in place. Don't delay the first time business."

Soon, Xu Min received the 8.5 million transfer, and his heart fell completely.

She sells goods quickly and gives money even more quickly. What can she worry about?

The only thing she worries about now is whether the head office can deliver goods in time.

"One more thing," Wei Han said, "Boss Xu, you are also a businessman, and I won't be circumspect. This time we will not pay for 200,000 sets of cosmetics in advance, but we promise to see the goods. Before unloading, these The money will be transferred to your account as soon as possible."

Xu Min frowned, which made her a little embarrassed.

For 300,000 sets, she needs 225 million to get the goods from the head office. She definitely can't advance the money. Even if there is so much money, she won't be able to advance. The risk is too great.

If you don’t make advances, the head office will not necessarily agree, and at least a deposit is required.

Even if it is charged at 10%, it will cost more than 20 million. She also cannot afford this risk.

"Brother Wei Han, can't you make some advance payment?"

"Don't tell me you, Mr. Xu," Wei Han said, "No one who does business with us will ever charge us the advance payment. They are always rushing to supply us with the goods. We will only give them how much we sell. If you can't sell it, you will be responsible for recycling.

"We also see that you are a friend, so we will pay when we see the goods."

Xu Min thinks this is the same reason, let alone a team of one million people, that is, her team of only more than 20,000 people, that is also often owed money, when the capital turnover is over, we will give it.

Therefore, it is really no problem that Wei Han can give this condition.

But what to do? If the head office doesn’t agree, isn’t this more than a big business?

Seeing her face embarrassed, Wei Han said: "Actually, you don't have to worry at all. If your head office disagrees, you can let their boss come in person, and I will help you negotiate and ensure that they agree."


Xu Min was overjoyed, but felt wrong again in a blink of an eye.

If Wei Han were to meet with the head office, would he take the opportunity to get rid of her as an agent?

As if seeing her concern, Wei Han slowly said, "Don't worry, your cosmetics are just a side dish for us. Besides, you can't believe in being a master?"

Yes, Xu Min suddenly found that he was a little bit like a villain to save the abdomen of a gentleman.

How big is the master’s business? It’s a trillion-dollar business in a year, so you still need to calculate her small amount of money?

This is clearly based on the previous relationship, I want to give her a hand.

She was really ashamed that she was still skeptical about this and there.

"Well, I will talk in the afternoon first. If the head office disagrees, I will invite the person in charge to come to China immediately."

Wei Han nodded, the girl seemed to completely believe it.

This is really true. Since ancient times, business has not been easy to do, only routines are popular.

Simple, too simple, and pure heartache.

I don't know if she should be happy for her or sad for her, let alone if she knows the truth, will she cry like a child like last time.

But now that the plan has been implemented, there is no room to look back, and now it's time for Sophia to take the bait.

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