Xu Min returned to the hotel alone and immediately contacted the head office, requesting an immediate increase in orders for 300,000 sets of products.

In response to this sudden good news, the few people in the small office far concerned about Dali almost snapped off the ballpoint pen in their hands.

Marco is the leader of this group. He has long narrow gray eyes and a thin face, always giving people a gloomy feeling.

Marco, in his thirties, has an extremely shrewd mind and a heart of getting rich overnight, but he has not encountered a suitable chance, so these years have not been ideal.

Half a year ago, he set his sights on China, and he felt that this was his opportunity.

After some investigations, he spotted the cosmetics industry and got a deeper understanding of a sales model called "micro-business".

This sales model, which can only exist in China, immediately made his eyes shine.

So he found three partners and spent more than a month preparing to plan a huge sales scam.

And as he wished, they didn't put much effort into finding the target at all, and a person named Xu Min took the initiative to contact them.

When they knew that Xu Min had a sales team of 20,000 people, and their annual sales reached 7.8 billion yuan, they tailored a group of childcare for her and competed with her for an agency.

Xu Min, of course, won in the end, and paid a deposit of 1 million euros, and also took a lump sum of 1 million euros.

Marco really didn't expect that the Chinese people would make so much money and it would go so smoothly.

The total investment of a few of them is no more than 100,000 Euros.

The most difficult part is to find the foundry of f*ck makeup and let them visit Xu Min, which cost half of their investment.

Ask the designer to make some packaging and find someone to produce it, which cost 30% of the cost.

As for the small factories and raw materials in India, the production licenses, quality inspections, etc., that are really trivial things.

Everything is worth it, and this has allowed them to get a generous return, which has been earned back ten times.

And Xu Min just sent another message, adding 300,000 sets of products.

300,000 sets!

Calculated at the price of 100 euros per set, it is 30 million euros, and the cost is only a few hundred thousand euros.

Marco never dreamed of earning so much!

"But Marco, Xu Min said that he would only pay if he saw the goods," an accomplice noticed this question in surprise, "Is there any trick in this?"

"This is indeed worth considering," Marco quickly calmed down and said, "You tell her, I promised her request, but this batch of goods will be divided into ten supplies."

300,000 sets of products can not be produced in a short while, or even if the small factory in India operates 24 hours a day, it will definitely not be produced in half a month.

Moreover, it is too risky to provide one-time supply.

But Xu Min quickly returned the news and did not accept this condition, because there is still half a month to be the Spring Festival of China, and the batch supply will miss this golden period.

So either 300,000 sets of products are sent together and paid on the spot, or the business does not need to be negotiated.

Marco frowned deeply.

He always felt that Xu Min was a woman with little cleverness but no great wisdom, so he was confident to play with her in applause.

But this time Xu Min's attitude was extremely firm, which was beyond his expectation.

"What do you think?" Marko asked, "Should we fight for the greater benefit?"

"This money must be earned," said an associate, "but we must take precautions and strengthen safeguards."

"How to do it?"

"For example, we send people to China in person, so that they may be less likely to play tricks."

"We also owe the money we need to pay, so that our investment will be very small."

Several people came up with some ideas, and finally Marco decided that he would go to China in person.

I can't go anymore. With such a big business, he doesn't want to make any mistakes.

And even if you just produce some fakes, the cost is quite a lot. Don't make a little money just now and then lose money later.

"I will try my best to negotiate with her and get some deposits," Marco said. "It's best to get the production costs, so that we can be sure of everything.

"In addition, Frank, when I go to China, you need to help me contact some big bosses. If things are not well discussed but can be operated, we may need a large amount of money temporarily."

"Don't worry, no problem."

In this way, Marco boarded the flight to China on the same day.


Xu Min's company is headquartered in Beijing, so Marco took the flight to Beijing.

While he was flying in the air, Wei Donghai also boarded the plane to the capital. This time the master gave him a mission, which made him feel happy.

He didn't want to do real estate anymore, but wanted to do things with the master, but he has been suffering from no chance and can only get some sporadic tasks.

But he is also very satisfied, at least he can help the master, and the benefits in the future are obvious.

When he got married last time, the master gave him a big gift, which is a benefit that money cannot buy.

So this time he looked forward more and vowed to complete the task.

According to the information provided by the master, after Wei Donghai arrived in the capital, he checked into a hotel very smoothly, and the man named Marco lived next door to him.

But he is not in a hurry, and there are some things that can be done without being in a hurry.

When it was time for dinner, Wei Donghai walked to the restaurant alone according to the time provided by Wu Jun and sat down in a specific position.

Then he opened the backpack and took a beautiful sculpture from it and placed it on the table.

This is the first-level Feng Shui stone he bought from the master for 3,000 yuan. The master has explained that this thing is of great help to his affairs today.

A few minutes later, he saw Marco had also come to the restaurant and sat in a seat a distance from him.

This caused Wei Donghai's heart to move slightly, and the master was indeed an exhaustive plan. Even if it was time for Marco to come to the restaurant, there was still a place to sit.

So he quickly sent a message and asked the person he arranged to call him in two minutes.

Marco ordered some food at random. Although the boat was too busy, but after an afternoon's rest, there was 30 million euros beckoning him. He was in good spirits at the moment.

"I'm looking into the distance, above the sun..."

It was a ringing of a huge cell phone ringing, which made Marco looked sideways in dissatisfaction, only to see a middle-aged man with a flamboyant dress, who was picking up a huge phone with his fat hand.

Is this the local boss of China? There is really no ethics, and the ringing of mobile phones is so loud in public.

What broke him even more was that the voice of the local boss was louder than the ringtone of his cell phone!

"What are you talking about? 200,000 boxes of face cream?" Wei Donghai said to the phone very exaggeratedly, "Okay, no problem, it's just such a small matter, I will arrange the workers to work overtime immediately, and you are ready to pick up the goods in three days!"

"Haha, Boss Wang, who of us is with whom, we have been in friendship for several years, you tell me that money will not be affectionate anymore."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I didn't need the money before. Let's talk about it after the Spring Festival, shall we?"

"Thank you, and happy new year!"

Although Wei Donghai's voice was very noisy, it smoothly attracted Marco's attention.

This person seems to be producing cosmetics, and can produce 200,000 boxes of creams in three days. This production capacity should not be underestimated.

Unfortunately, he already has an Indian factory, and he may not be able to cooperate this time.

But what about later?

Marco is a foresighted person, and he couldn't cooperate this time. That doesn't mean he won't work next time.

And the market in China is so good, he also has his own plan.

Although the money comes quickly, the scam is also very risky. If you get caught, you will go to jail.

But what if he makes some formal products in the future?

In the name of Idali, find someone to produce in China and label them own. Even if the profit is not as high as it is now, it will win in the long run.

Thinking of this, Marco got up and came to Wei Donghai, smiled and said, "This gentleman, are you the boss of cosmetics?"

Seeing that he had come to talk to him, Wei Donghai couldn't help but glance at the Feng Shui stone on the table.

This thing is so good, he blew a few words to the phone, and this person took the bait!

However, the master explained that he wanted to welcome or refused, so he pretended to be very arrogant, looked up and down Marko, and then asked: "Forget it, are you okay?"

"Actually, I am a micro business."

Wei Donghai frowned. This guy can really talk. You, a foreigner, can still be a micro-business in China. I believe in your evil.

"Then what?" Wei Donghai asked.

"You tell me," Marco sat down very naturally, "I have a marketing team of 20,000 people."

Wei Donghai almost sprayed a sip of tea on his face.

Not wanting face, really not wanting face!

Is the team of 20,000 people yours?

Did you use it without saying hello?

"Oh, a team of 20,000 people sounds good," Wei Donghai said, "but I don't understand this."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand," Marco smiled, "I think we may have a chance to cooperate in the future."

"what chance?"

"I can ask my team to help you sell products!"

"Haha, this is unnecessary," Wei Donghai smiled, "I am a foundry, and I don't label it myself."

Marco's eyes lit up when he heard it. Isn't that just what he wants?

No, although this person is arrogant, he still has to keep his contact information. Maybe he can really cooperate in the future.

So the two chatted casually while eating.

Wei Donghai tried his best to play the image of a local boss. Marko was good at dancing with long sleeves and was greeted everywhere. The two talked very happily. Wei Donghai ordered an extra steak for this.

Finally, Wei Donghai said: "Since they are all businessmen, I don't have to distinguish between national borders, right?"

"Yes, now the whole world is integrated. In the words of your China, let's make money together."

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be a China expert."

Marco thought, if I don’t know China at all, would I dare to come and do business?

"Let's do it," Wei Donghai said as he took out the business card he had prepared. "I am a person who likes to be a Taoist person. Whether we do business or not, I will make you a friend."

"Okay, thank you Boss Wei," Marco said, "maybe we can start working together soon."

"Well, just come to me if you have something to do. I, Wei Donghai, do things and I will definitely not slacken my belt."

Watching Marco leave the restaurant, Wei Donghai reached out and touched the Feng Shui stone on the table.

This is really a good thing. It can actually allow a big international liar to be played around by him.

After sitting for a while, he got up and went back to the room.

In order to give Marco another shot, he deliberately answered another call in the hallway before returning to his own room.

Marco, who was next door, heard his call clearly, and no longer doubted Wei Donghai's identity.

It seems that this trip to China, he is destined to have huge gains.

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