The next day, Marco took a good night's sleep, and then slowly left the hotel, but he was not at the door of the hotel and saw the car coming to pick him up.

When he came to China last time, Xu Min sent two charming female publicists to accompany him throughout the journey, as well as a luxurious car at any time, making him feel like a spring breeze, a feeling of an ancient Chinese emperor.

No wonder people in ancient China wanted to be emperors, and that felt really good.

As a result, there was nothing at the entrance of the hotel today, Xu Min did not come, the big man did not come, the public relations beauty did not come, the stretch car did not come, and even the taxi did not help.

The treatment suddenly dropped to this level, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Do you think you can be arrogant if you have an order?

Marco sneered.

Idali is famous all over the world for luxury goods. Those big brands, no matter what your agent, you want it, don't pull it down, some people want it.

Although his "Sophia" has not yet reached the level of a brand, it is not a small micro-business agent and can be a reason to be arrogant in front of him.

It seems that it is necessary to maintain an arrogant image today, and take a good look at the general agent of China, otherwise the future business will be difficult to do.

Thinking like this in his heart, Marco called a taxi and hurried to the location of Xu Min's company.


In the tidy office, Xu Min and Li Zhi were a little uneasy.

They had planned to invite people to visit Marco last night, but they were stopped by Wei Han, and they were not allowed to pick him up this morning.

They don’t know why Wei Han did this.

The last time they met Marco, they knew that Marco is not a good talker. If you say it is nice, you will be fine-tuned and strive for perfection. If you say it is not nice, it is a bit like being picky and picky.

But even if he doesn't like this person very much, he is the boss of the head office, even on the surface, he should be a little more polite.

What if he gets angry and turns back?

Wei Han didn't want to explain to them, the liar named Marco, faced with a huge sum of thirty million euros, how could he go back unless he had a brain disease?

As for Face, whoever controls the right to speak is qualified to speak Face.

While Xu Min and Li Zhi were waiting anxiously, the front desk of the office building called and said that Marco had arrived.

Xu Mingang wanted to go out to meet him, but was stopped by Wei Han.

"Brother Wei Han, it's not so good, everyone is at the door of the company."

"Yeah," Li Zhi said, "This Marco is a bit irritable and arrogant. If he is unhappy later, the next business will not be easy to discuss."

"Irritation?" Wei Han smiled and shook his head. "It's just to make him irritable. It's best if he can get angry on the spot, so that we can talk easily."

Xu Min and Li Zhi glanced at each other. In the past two years, they had discussed a lot of business and had contacted various people, but they had never heard of this kind of business method.

The other party is irritable and unhappy, so how can we talk about it?

"Brother Wei Han, I don't want it anymore. Kindness makes money, kindness makes money!"

Wei Han's heart is right, you are kind, he makes money.

"Stop talking, just do what I said," Wei Han said. "You two remember, and you will assume that nothing happens later. If he gets angry, you will not hear it. Everything is fine. Leave it to me."

Xu Min and Li Zhi just sat down, feeling anxious.

But in the end, Wei Han came on behalf of the master this time. Strictly speaking, he is God, so they can only let it go.

The two of them prayed in their hearts at the same time, hoping that Wei Han would be more reliable when he waited, and that he would make this deal more than business.

Marco waited downstairs for a while, but no one came to greet him, his brows were frowned.

What's happening here?

Think that with an order of 300,000 sets of products, it can be so arrogant and arrogant?

Even the most basic etiquette is ignored?

He took out his cell phone and quickly dialed Xu Min's number.

Seeing that it was Marco calling, Xu Min couldn't help but feel her throat dry and she didn't know if she should answer the phone.

"give it to me."

Wei Han answered the call and just pressed the answer button, he heard Marko's angrily voice: "Xu Min, what do you mean?"

The Chinese is quite authentic.

Wei Han said to the phone, "There is an elevator in the building. If your foot is not crippled, you can come up by yourself."

After speaking, Wei Han hung up and turned on the airplane mode.

This...Xu Min and Li Zhi's faces are pale, Wei Han, are you too domineering?

Not only did he not even have a single word of kindness, but he also said that he was disabled, even the best temper might have to turn his head and leave!

But Wei Han sat there motionless, as if he didn't say the sentence just now.

What do you need to be polite to such a liar?

Marco felt that he had suffered a great humiliation today, and his dry hands almost smashed the phone.

Bastard, these white-eyed wolves who turn their faces and don't recognize people!

Okay, wait, I will make you look good!

Marco made up his mind to stop the negotiation today!

Why do you have to delay him for two or three days, who is anxious when that happens!

Thinking of this, he said to the two beauties at the front desk: "You help me tell Xu Min that today's negotiation has been cancelled."

The two beauties at the front desk turned white smoke in their hearts, is this foreigner insane?

"Sorry sir, we are the unified front desk of the office building and are not responsible for conveying such information."

Marco almost vomited blood, f*ck, even the front desk bullied me?

Okay, daddy called Xu Min himself.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

"Sh*t! F*ck! Do! #@…*%¥……"

The beauty at the front desk: "Sir, in public, please pay attention to your words and deeds!"


Marco had never been so angry before, and his eyes were puffing out.

To say that he still wanted to threaten Xu Min a little bit earlier and asked her to change her attitude quickly, but now he really made up his mind not to talk about it.

Buy a plane ticket and go back right away!

He walked out of the office building angrily and waited for ten minutes in the cold wind.

In order to be decent, he is wearing a luxurious suit today, but what he didn't expect is that there is no taxi!


Why are there no taxis in the capital of China?

The cold wind cut through his thin shirt like a knife, making him tremble all over.

Wu Jun and Wei Donghai were sitting in a car not far away, and they couldn't help laughing when they looked at Marco.

This is the capital city, and the temperature is several degrees below zero, so I actually dress so thinly for the sake of demeanor.

It can be considered very desperate, and I don't even want my life in order to cheat some money.

However, it is not a long-term solution to use concentricity to "drive away" the nearby taxi, and Marko still has no plans to look back, so Wu Jun decided to give him something more.

The wind is coming!

The rain is coming!


The bigger wind came, and it was mixed with icy rain. Marco looked up at the damn god, screaming in his heart.

This horrible place, everything is full of malice towards him!

If this continues, he will freeze to death!

It's all the damn Xu Min!

Thinking of this, Marco turned around resolutely and walked back angrily.

No, today I definitely cannot leave like a bereaved dog!

He wants to go back and see, what exactly does Xu Min mean!

After all, there is still a 30 million euro contract. He is not a real luxury goods owner. He is just a liar to make money.

"Haha, this kid still can't hold his breath," Wei Donghai happily watched Marko frozen like a dog, then ran back again, laughing heartlessly, "Master, you said he was angry. It's like this, can you talk about it today?"

"If you rely on talking, it must be bad." Wu Jun replied.

"Then our plan can't be done?"

"No," Wu Jun said, "because we didn't plan to talk to him at all, this time he has to cooperate."

Wei Donghai felt even more happy.

Just a little liar, the master himself sits down, and you don't want you to kneel, you have to kneel obediently!


Xu Min and Li Zhi waited for more than ten minutes, but still didn't see Marco go upstairs, they really couldn't sit still.

"Brother Wei Han, do you think he really won't be angry and leave?"

"Yes, let's go," Wei Han said, "but he still has to come back."

Xu Min was puzzled, and was about to ask again when he saw a tall figure coming from the corridor, it was Marco.

I saw Marco, who was once handsome and trembling with cold, and his face turned pale.

But his eyes were full of anger, and he was mad at a glance.

Xu Min and Li Zhixin said that they are not good, and the boss is so angry now, what should I do?

"Xu Min!" As soon as he stepped into the office, Marco immediately screamed, opening his mouth and roaring, "What the hell do you mean?"

Xu Min quickly stood up: "Mr. Marco..."

"You two go out first and buy a cup of hot coffee downstairs."

Huh, go out?

Xu Min and Li Zhi glanced at each other, but Wei Han's voice was beyond doubt, so he smiled apologetically at Marco and walked out of the office, closing the door gently.

Li Zhi wanted to stand at the door and listen, but Xu Min eventually pulled him away.

Since Wei Han said so, they had better not do unnecessary things. They believed that Wei Han would take care of it, and they believed that the master would not play around.

After the two left, Marco was also a little confused, not knowing what was going on.

He was ready to get angry, but Xu Min and Li Zhi left like this and left...

It made him feel uncomfortable because he couldn't find a place to vent his stomach.

There is a person sitting on the sofa, but he doesn't even know him. How did this happen?

But he is also a astute person. From Wei Han's tone just now, and Xu Min's obedient attitude towards him, this person must have a background.

Just see what tricks you want to play.

Marco found a chair and sat down in an arrogant posture. There was heating in the office, and he suddenly felt more comfortable.

"Mr. Marco," Wei Han didn't want to delay, and said, "Are you the boss of Sophia Company?"

Marco slanted his eyes and glanced at Wei Han. The meaning in his eyes was obvious: Who are you, why should I answer your question? Don't daddy's arrogance stop?

Seeing that he was silent, Wei Han took out a document from his briefcase and threw it on the coffee table in front of him.

"Do you know Chinese, see for yourself."

Marco frowned and glanced at the papers on the coffee table. He was suddenly cold and his head buzzed.

This is the quality inspection report of Sophia Cosmetics?

What does this young man mean by taking this out?

Marco felt erratic, picked up the test report and looked at it, and almost scolded his mother.

These damn Indians are really unreliable in doing things!

Heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury, antimony, and cadmium have all seriously exceeded the standard!

What annoyed him most was that a large number of E. coli was also detected!

This is cosmetics, it is a chemical product. Asan, is your bacteria's viability so strong?

At this time Marco had all the desire to kill.

Are these Asan really cosmetics made from Ganges water?

The Ganges water is five yuan a bottle, so they are not afraid that the cost will exceed the standard?

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