Wei Han's words were like dropping a blockbuster in Xu Min and Li Zhi's hearts.

The master does not have a micro-business team, this...No way, come again?

"No, no," Li Zhi shook his head quickly, and said, "Brother Wei Han, don't laugh, we were there on that day. Even if you say no, we can't believe it!"

Xu Min also said: "Yes, we are not sure if there is a team of one million, but for more than 500 city managers, it can't be fake, right?"

"And those cars!" Li Zhi added.

"Of course, these are true," Wei Han said, "I just said that there is no micro-business team, but I didn't say that we don't have a team."

"What's the meaning?"

Even Marco doesn't understand, can this master still have a real team of one million people?

Impossible, are you kidding me?

One million people, how dare to think about it?

China Mobile has only more than 400,000 people, and China's power grid is less than one million!

Wei Han said: "If you know what our team is called, you wouldn't be so surprised."

"Ping An Insurance?" Li Zhi couldn't help blurting out, "I know that Ping An has 1.4 million people!"

Xu Min gave Li Zhi a blank look. Are you impatient to live, dare you to say that the master sells insurance?

Wei Han smiled softly and said, "Western Forest."


The three people yelled out at the same time, and the name was like thunderous ears!

The streets and alleys and the Internet have been talking about the New Year’s Eve dinner in Xizhilin these days, and even the police officers are discussing this.

"Aren't you Xizhilin just a restaurant?" Marco obviously doesn't know much about Xu Min. It's just a restaurant with so many people?

"Yes, we are a restaurant."

"Do you really have a million employees?"

"To be precise, 1,325,678 people!"

"Oh, mygod!"

Marco felt crazy.

What kind of Big Mac has he encountered this time, a large enterprise with more than 1.32 million people, this is it!

No wonder the other party uses such a large handwriting without blinking his eyes, because he has money!

Isn't one or two billion in such a big enterprise just a joke?

Take it, take it completely this time!

If he can be planted in the hands of such a big company, he can't accept it. It's not at the same level at all!

At this time Xu Min finally recovered and asked hesitantly: "Then...so...this time is the master...save us?"

"The master said no thanks," Wei Han said. "After all, they are all old people, just a little effort."

Raise a hand... If this can be called a raise of a hand, how big is a hand?

It's just that the dream of making a lot of money before is completely ruined.

This made the two of them wonder how similar it was to this scene more than two years ago!

"I have one last question," Marco said. "Why are you telling me this? Aren't you afraid that I will reverse the case?"

"Because we did it clean enough," Wei Han smiled, "but this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that there is no listening equipment in this room."


"Come on, come on!" Marco suddenly shouted, "Have you heard that they are the real liar! I am innocent, I am the victim..."

Wei Han and Xu Min smiled at each other, this foreigner was really naive.

Since you dare to say so much in front of you, how can you do without some precautions?

It's still a big international liar. He doesn't have this brain. He deserves to be deceived.

"You don't have to work hard," Wei Han finally said, "Marko, haven't you reflected on own mistakes yet?"

"Rethinking? What to reflect on?" Marco said, "Isn't rethinking my technology as smart as yours? But I'm just making a fuss, and I don't have the big handwriting of yours..."

"Murders are always killed," Wei Han said, "but you don't need to worry, you will have free time in the future. China's prison treatment is still good."

Wei Han and Xu Min left, leaving Marco to sit there in a daze.

Wei Han's last words made him feel suddenly thinking of something.

Yes, if I didn't want to deceive, I wouldn't be deceived.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile. This time he came to China not only to go to jail, but also to be taught a lesson.

Are they all called the master?

Sure enough, there is a mountain as high as a mountain, and there is a strong midfielder in the strong.

Never dare to lie again in the future.

But he really wanted to know what kind of person the master was, and he didn't know if he would have a chance to meet him after he went out.


System: "Congratulations to the host, this temporary task is completed, please pay attention to receive the reward."

Wu Jun, who was fertilizing the Universe tree, suddenly jumped out of the system's voice.

Is it done?

It's not easy.

This time, although the result was good, some bad methods were used in the process, and he felt that it was worth reflecting on it.

For example, if Wei Donghai's factory is really interested in investigating, many loopholes can still be found.

Someone called Rocca's Law said: Where there is contact, there must be traces.

In the words of China, it means that you want people to be ignorant, unless you do nothing.

Of course, he guessed that the police also knew about this, but just opened one eye and closed one eye.

This again involves the science of interpersonal relations, which is a long story.

Let's quickly see what the reward is this time.

So he let his consciousness return to the sea of ​​consciousness: temporary task rewards, free to choose a form of secret stick.

Can I choose by myself?

This surprised Wu Jun a little bit.

There are currently only two forms of Tianji sticks, one is a stick, and the other is a telescopic fishing rod.

So what kind of shape do you want this time?

"System, is it possible in any form?"

System: "It is theoretically possible."

"That's still not good?" Wu Jun asked, "what is it not good?"

"Disharmonious form, it won't work."

Wu Jun:...... Your broken system is so dirty, I haven't thought about it yet!

But what kind of shape do you want?

After thinking about it, Wu Jun never thought of a good idea.

It stands to reason that it's good to get an armor. The hardness of the secret stick is not covered, but he doesn't think it is necessary.

Now he can freely convert Spirit Power, and the Spirit Power armor is also powerful, which is a bit repetitive.

What about weapons?

The stick form is actually pretty good as a weapon.

"Where are the heat weapons?"

"Yes," said the system, "but only shapes, no actual functions."

No actual function?

Forget it, it's better to get a water gun.

Finally he looked at the blue sky and suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Can you make me wings?"


Wu Jun was overjoyed and asked, "Can you fly?"

System: "No."

Wu Jun: ... can't fly, what do you call a wing?

Negative Ratings!

Forget it, don't think about it so complicated, just make it simple.

Anyway, the main function of this thing is to help release the energy of the heavenly master, it really doesn't matter what it looks like.

System: "This idea is very good. The most powerful things are often the simplest and most primitive things, such as the celestial energy."

Can you stop blowing the celestial energy?

"Has the host made a decision? What form is needed?"

"I want to make a broadsword that can be stretched arbitrarily between 1 meter and 41 meters," Wu Jun said, "Well, this is simple enough and powerful enough?"

System:...can't be stretched, only fixed length!

"Then 41 meters, don't say you can't do it anymore, then I will despise you!"

System: ...people who despise this system, those who don't exist, are all dead.


Wu Jun took out the secret stick, and with a thought, it instantly turned into a 41-meter-long knife.

The blade was more than a meter wide, green and oily, with a breathtaking blade. With a light wave, several big banyan trees were cut off by the waist.

He didn't even feel any resistance.

Hey, Wu Jun couldn't help but exclaimed, amazing!

When you encounter that kind of "beast tide" in the future, it will be easy to have this thing.

A wave of a hand is a slice, and a wave of a hand is a slice.

At this time, the few big banyan trees felt the "pain" and fell to the ground.

Jasmine, who was lying on a tree branch listening to a song, suddenly felt that the whole world was moving, and her entire hair exploded.

Is it the end of the world?

It suddenly jumped to the ground, looking at its favorite big banyan tree, only one stump was left on the ground, and it couldn't help being stunned.


Who broke this king's dragon chair?

Outrageous, bold!

As a result, when he looked back, he saw that Wu Jun was holding a tens of meters long knife in his hand, and his eyes were about to fall out.

Master, what do you mean... what does it mean to get such a big knife?

"Cough cough." Wu Jun moved his mind and took the big knife back. "Don't worry, Jasmine, it will grow out in a few days."

Jasmine blinked innocently.

This makes sense, as if the king is in a hurry and it is useful, if there is a king, don't mind if there is a hurry.

"Come on," Wu Jun beckoned, "Let's clean up this place together."

Jasmine: ...Why do you want me to clean up? What does it have to do with me? How innocent am I?

Cleaned up the yard, Wu Jun was about to continue fertilizing the Universe tree, and a dark green jeep stopped at the gate.

Is anyone here again?

Jasmine's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the people getting on and off the car.

"Lao Hei will come out soon, our apprentice is here!"

Wu Jun saw that it was Han Meimei.

After not seeing her for a while, the girl seemed to have become stronger, and it seemed that she did not exercise much in the mountains.

"Master, a good Chinese New Year!"

Across a long distance, Han Meimei greeted her enthusiastically, and the old man saw that she was an acquaintance again, so he didn't stop her.

Jasmine pounced affectionately and almost threw her at the door.

"Good year." Wu Jun waved to her, "Why, it's time to go home for the New Year?"

"Well, I always have to go home during the New Year!"

Han Meimei put the gift in Wu Jun's hand, and greeted Da Hei quickly. This was one of her Masters.

After chatting for a while, Han Meimei finally talked about the main purpose of this time.

"Master, do you know that Discovery Communications will hold a world-wide competition this time."

"what match?"

"Hike across the Amazon!"

Wu Jun took a breath from his teeth: "Do you want to go?"

Han Meimei nodded heavily, revealing a resolute look: "I want to go, and I have passed the preliminary test."


"But..." Han Meimei looked at him expectantly, "I lack a teammate."

Wu Jun: ...Jasmine, it's up to you this time!

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