When Wu Jun heard that Han Meimei was going to cross Amazon and he needed a teammate, he immediately said generously: "You can choose Da Hei and Jasmine, or you can bring them together."

During the Chinese New Year, I should give them a vacation. It is also good to go outside for a tour.

Unexpectedly, Han Meimei did not come to borrow dogs, but said: "Master, although pets can be brought in this competition, a team of two or more is required."


"So, I want to invite you to join me in the competition."

Please me?

Wu Jun widened his eyes and looked at Han Meimei. Xindao girl, isn't it okay for you to do this?

Let me go to the game with you. Doesn’t this mean carrying a super invincible plug-in?

This is really unfair to the other contestants, so girl, I advise you to be kind and just take a dog.

Seeing Wu Jun not speaking, Han Meimei continued: "Master, don't you have time?"

"There is time."

"Actually, I can't find you," Han Meimei sighed. "The Amazon basin is full of dangers. I don't know many people. I really can't find other teammates."

This is the reason you want to open it?

But Wu Jun still admires her.

A little girl who does live broadcast dares to challenge Amazon. Let alone whether she can succeed, how many people in the world can have just this courage?

So he thought for a while and asked, "How many people can you have in your team?"

"At least two and at most five people." Han Meimei shook her fingers and replied, her expression a little sad, "but I have sent out invitations to all those who are a little bit possible, including the popular domestic broadcasters who survive in the wild, but don't Speaking of a five-person team, even the two-person team can’t get together, hey!"

Wu Junxin said that most of those are taken by posing, so it's weird to be able to go to Amazon with you.

But for a team of five people, he can have four people on his side, but he can organize it to see who is willing to play.

After all, such opportunities are rare. It’s good to see the river with the largest flow in the world, and eat caiman and electric eel.

"Don't worry," Wu Jun said as he took out the phone, "I'll help you ask and see who I am free here."

"Thank you Master."

As a result, Wu Jun made a round of calls, and everyone was not as active as he expected.

First of all, Zou Hai will not go. The reason is to accompany Jiang Qi for a pregnancy test. The real reason is that his physical strength is not enough. He may die in the tropical rain forest for one or two months or more.

Su Haoran and Yang Ningning have to take care of the business, and Fan Peng is too busy going abroad to make money.

Needless to say, Wei Han's group of people, Xizhilin's shops have not been opened to all the towns in the country a day, and they will not stop for a day.

The old bull and the old monk are too old to be suitable for this kind of thrilling game. Hou Yongping doesn't like dealing with strangers.

In the end, only Tan Xiaoyu and Fang Heng were left.

These two are not very familiar with Han Meimei, and he is not very happy to ask Fang Heng to take the two girls.

Does this master really want to go out in person?

In fact, he still wants to go, the world is so big, he must go to these places.

However, the current upgrade task is not known when it can be completed, and it is not possible to cross the Amazon basin in a few days.

"Let's do it," he said, "I have two people here for the time being, and I will go there if I have time. When will your game start?"

"After half a month!" Han Meimei's eyes lit up when Wu Jun was likely to go, "Master, do you really want to go?"

"It depends on fate, there should be no problem."

There is still half a month, there is hope.

"Then I will help you to report the name, and I have to go through some audits, but because I am the captain and have passed it, you will have no problems."


"Then I will start preparing now," Han Meimei looked very excited, "If it is a team of four, then we need to prepare more things. The tropical rain forest is not fun."

"You go home and celebrate the New Year. You can't pay your parents for a few days at the end of the year," Wu Jun said, "I will make people prepared for everything. You just need to tell me those things you can bring and those things you can't. "

"That's a lot. I'll give you the official website address. You can download detailed instructions on it."


Looking at the webpage on the computer screen, Zou Hai looked solemn, and he stopped talking several times.

Regarding Wu Jun's plan to participate in this competition, although he could not go, he was very concerned.

Finally, after several considerations, he said, "Master, isn't it a bit strange this time?"

"How to say?"

"Although Discovery and Communications companies often do this kind of programs, but for such a large-scale game, all teams are broadcast live globally, which costs a lot of money.

"And once there are casualties, they can't walk around.


"So you worry that someone is targeting me?"

"There is indeed such a worry." Zou Haidao.

Wu Jun shook his head. He had also thought about this issue before, but he denied it in the end.

After all, the other party can't tell whether he will go, and if he wants to target him, with Feng Qi's mind, he will inevitably make a more complete plan and make him have to go.

So this time, he felt it was really an ordinary game.

As for whether the Fengqi people will take the opportunity to make trouble, it has nothing to do with the game itself.

"Don't worry, it's just a tropical rain forest. What other moths can be made?"

He now has a 41-meter big knife on him, and is looking for a chance to give it a try.

"Okay," Zou Hai didn't say much. He knew what Wu Jun decided and would not change his mind easily. "I just checked the website and the requirements this time are relatively loose.

"You will start from Pucallpa, Peru, and follow the Ucayali River downstream to the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The whole journey is about 4,000 kilometers."

"Can a boat be used?"

Wu Jun asked, would it be easy if a boat could be used, a boat would go down the river directly, 4,000 kilometers, and it would be a few days away?

"It is clearly stated on the official website that the things you can bring, such as communication equipment, camera equipment, and medicines, are provided by the official. You must prepare everything else by yourself. You cannot bring vehicles, boats and other transportation tools. Participants must arrive before Manaus. , And you can’t make your own vehicles.

"But when you get to the main stream of the Amazon River, you can make your own raft, canoe, etc., to complete the journey behind."

Wu Jun nodded.

The first half of the journey still needs to be walked. In the second half of the journey, there are more people along the coast, as well as large cities and industries. Walking is not suitable anymore, so the policy is relatively loose.

"Then look, what are you going to prepare?"

"There are more things to prepare," Wu Jun said as he took out a piece of paper with densely written words, "They are all here, you can check if there are any prohibited items, and then let someone prepare them."

Zou Hai took it and saw that his face was about to rot.

Tents, hunting knives, ropes, these are all necessary, nothing to say.

But a one-meter iron pot, barbecue grill, charcoal, chili powder, pepper noodles, oil-salt rice noodles, soy vinegar tea... Are you really going to explore the Amazon?

Should I carry a generator and bring the induction cooker and rice cooker with me?

"Master, are these things a bit too much?" Zou Hai couldn't say straight, he could only remind from the side, "After all, you only have four people. Will these things be too heavy if you add them together?"

"It's okay. Except for Han Meimei, everyone has a lot of energy," Wu Jun said, "and Dahei and Jasmine can also go, they can carry a lot of things."

Jasmine: ... I suddenly didn't want to go.

Well, Zou Hai can only nod silently.

In fact, he is not actually worried about the weight of the things, but these things are subject to strict inspections before departure, and will be broadcast live to the world at that time.

With so many useless things, it is really eye-catching, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of people who will complain.


In order to be able to go to Amazon, Wu Jun didn't waste too much time. This year, he saved even the Chinese New Year. He kept fertilizing the Universe tree every day. Finally, on the tenth day, the system sent a message that the mission was completed.

Host: Wu Jun.

Level: Level 44 Celestial Master.


Upgrade task: Please climb 100 meters on the Universe tree, and you can upgrade to Level 45 Celestial Master.

Climbing a tree?

Looking at these two words, Wu Jun couldn't help but feel a little scalp numb.

If it's a normal tree, it's okay, how can this Universe tree climb?

Whenever he touches it, he will be sucked away from the body's physical strength and energy, and it will make him ecstatic in a few seconds.

Not to mention 100 meters, he estimates that he can only climb 10 meters at most now, and the first 9 meters is the kind of jumping up.

Forget it, let's ignore this task for now, and go to Amazon to spend a good vacation, and then consider this headache problem for him.


Pucallpa is located on the banks of the Ucayali River. It is a small city in Peru with a population of only a few hundred thousand.

The industry here is mainly tree-cutting, and there are a small number of oil refineries. However, the locals are very disgusted with the oil industry. Many people living in forest towns and small villages are very unfriendly to the United States people who explore oil.

So in this small city, you can see heavily armed mercenaries everywhere, who act as bodyguards and guides for oil prospectors.

When Wu Jun and his party arrived, the other teams and staff were all in place, and the final repair and confirmation were in progress.

Discovery Communications has dispatched a huge team of more than 300 people this time, and invested 300 million pounds as an activity fund. Various equipment and equipment are stacked on the lawn, like a hill.

Dahei looked at the ten helicopters parked there with a little envy, but it knew that it would definitely not be able to drive this time, and that those helicopters were not enemies.

There are a total of 10 teams participating in this competition. Except for Wu Jun and their group, which has only 4 people, the other 9 teams are full, so a total of 49 people participated in the competition.

These people come from all over the world, and they are all men, so the appearance of Han Meimei and Qin Xiaoyu suddenly became the focus of attention of major media.

Han Meimei showed off her proud figure with a leather vest, shorts, and boots, with a long bow and quiver on her back, a hunting knife on her waist, a dagger on her calf, and the paint on her face. Make her look like a tough Amazon warrior.

But this warrior had the face of an Oriental, as well as a pair of clear black eyes.

She was driving her own live broadcast. At this time, a dense barrage appeared on the screen of her mobile phone, and various planes and rockets were swishing.

Contrary to her, Qin Xiaoyu dressed more plainly, a well-fitting blue sportswear, a huge backpack, standing beside Wu Jun is not eye-catching at all.

According to the process, Discovery Channel reporters will conduct routine interviews with them, and their live broadcast will begin at this time.

This kind of showy matter will naturally be handed over to Captain Han Meimei to deal with it.

A fat female reporter brought the photographer to Han Meimei.

"Hello, ¥#@…***………"

Han Meimei: "Hello, the first is ours!"


"Yes, the first is ours!"


"Don't worry, the first is ours."

Reporter: ...Who can find an interpreter for me?

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