After the reporter finished the interview, the staff came to check the equipment they were carrying.

When they saw Fang Heng's black iron pot with a size of one meter and a bunch of shovel, spoon, kitchen knife and cutting board, seasonings and other things, when they saw Fang Heng lay on the ground, the staff's eyes went straight.

"Are you sure you want to bring these?" a Chinese-speaking staff member asked.

"What's the matter?" Han Meimei blinked and asked, "Are these irregular?"

"No, it meets the regulations, but it seems out of fashion!"

At the same time, facing the world's UTB live broadcast platform, in the exclusive live broadcast room of Han Meimei team, countless people began to complain.

"This is a China team, are they sure they are here to explore, not to go outing?"

"It's just grandstanding, I bet 10 bitcoins, they don't want to give up in a day with such a heavy thing."

"This is the Amazon basin, there are swamps everywhere, they are looking for their own dead ends!"

"Just by looking at their equipment, you know that this is very China!"


Of course, some fans of Han Meimei in China have also supported several waves over the wall.

"Haha, worthy of my China expedition, these things are really 6666666!"

"Come on, Meimei, we will release a rocket for you in the domestic live broadcast room!"


Of course, these things on Fang Heng's back are very few. When Da Hei and Jasmine, trying two camels to work hard, put a few large packages of supplies on the ground, the staff would shake their heads.

Hey, these Chinese people have no common sense.

However, the appearance of Da Hei and Jasmine immediately caused the popularity of the live broadcast room to skyrocket.

Their fans are not only in China, but all over the world.

"I didn't expect to see Da Hei and Jasmine here, my goodness, how long have they not been following Xin Weibo?"

"With me, the black king and the white king, this team is set to win!"

"It's just two dogs, as for?"

"Da Hei, Jasmine, I am Mi Si, can you see me?"


After careful inspection by the staff, the things Wu Jun and the others brought were in compliance with the regulations, but according to the requirements of the competition, they had to bring communication equipment and medicines weighing up to 20 kilograms.

Although each team has arranged more than 30 staff members to follow up the shooting and live broadcast of the competition, they are not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, so the team must also have satellite communication equipment and certain medicines.

After picking up the things, there will be one night's rest time, and we will leave on time at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Wu Jun took advantage of this time to take a look at other teams.

But it seems that he didn't see the two people he wanted to meet, one is the bei at the top of the food chain, and the other is the dei who once walked on the Amazon.

It's a pity, why don't they come to participate in the competition?

Wu Jun also agreed to sign an autograph for Su Hao Ran, but now it looks like it's out of the picture.

However, after some observation, there are still two teams that make him more concerned.

One is from the United States. The captain’s name is Mikel. According to the information, he is a former Marine Corps captain. He has received special training in the Amazon rainforest and knows the terrain and climate here. .His teammates are all his former comrades, all of whom are born tall and muscular, and are the favorites to win this time.

But what Wu Jun cares about is not their strength, but the look in their eyes.

The guy named Mikel had deep-set eye sockets and his eyes were like falcons, and most people didn't dare to look at him.

This is the temperament that a person with bloody hands will show, so Wu Jun worried that this guy would use some dark methods.

The other team is from Russia, and now only four people show their faces.

Needless to say, the bodies of these four people are so strong that they can't be stronger, and their equipment is also very sophisticated, and all kinds of knives are made of high-grade alloys.

As for the person who had been hiding in the tent and had not come out, Wu Jun knew it well.

There was no need to look at him at all, Da Hei and Jasmine had discovered him a long time ago.


The guy who had hurt Da Hei, he didn't expect that even his heart was metalized, and he actually survived.

Wu Jun didn't know how he did it, and he didn't want to study it now. Ivan had a grudge with Dahei, and he was not good at being the master to intervene at will.

As for the other teams, Wu Jun didn't pay much attention either. Anyway, he was destined to be defeated, and he didn't deserve too much attention.


No words for a night.

The next morning, Wu Jun was in retreat mode when he suddenly heard a helicopter from far and near, and then the crowd outside seemed to be boiling.

"what's the situation?"

"Master," Han Meimei said excitedly, "Bell and Ed are here! I heard that they will announce the start of the game today!"

No way, really coming?

Wu Jun walked out of the tent and looked at the two figures surrounded by reporters and cameras from a distance. They were really deities.

It's just that there are so many people, not only the staff, but also some bodyguards. How can they ask for signatures?

"Master, don't you go and take a look?" Han Meimei asked, "They are my idols!"

"Forget it, there are too many people, you go."

"What about you?" Han Meimei asked Tan Xiaoyu and Fang Heng again.

"I don't know them." Qin Xiaoyu asked embarrassedly, "Are they famous? Are they movie stars?"

Han Meimei:...No.

"Then you Fang Heng, should we go together?"

Han Meimei thinks that Fang Heng is a boy and should have a better understanding of this aspect.

"I'm not going either." Fang Heng said while packing his backpack.

"Why, don't you know them either?"

"Yes," Fang Heng said earnestly, "but none of them are as good as the Master."

Han Meimei:...Can this compare to this?

What's the matter with everyone, this is Bell, the world-famous food show host, and Ed, who spent two years walking the entire Amazon journey!

Why didn't she even feel a little bit of excitement, so she didn't want to go.

But she can't go if she doesn't. Fans in the live broadcast room saw these two god-tiers coming, one by one seemed to be beaten with blood.

For those who like to live in the wild, and who like to watch survival in the wild, how many people will have no respect for these two?

Especially Starving De, the laughter of "hehehe" every time he finds food is almost magical.

Looking at the lively crowd in the distance, Wu Jun stretched a long waist.

"Pack your things," Wu Jun said, "I will leave in an hour, and it's up to you next."

"What about you, Master?" Fang Heng asked.

"Me?" Wu Jun thought for a while, "Do you think there is still suspense about the outcome if I make a move?"


"Then if I don't make a move, is there any suspense about the outcome?"

Fang Heng thought for a while: "Neither."

"That's not right," Wu Jun said. "So you just treat me as if I don't exist."

But he thought for a while and said, "Of course, if someone cheats, I can do it too."

Fang Heng nodded seriously.

Now he is not as innocent as he was two years ago, and he also knows that Daoist is unpredictable, and some things are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

In such a large competition, the prize money for the first place is as high as 80 million pounds. Someone will definitely think about it.

And Master's words were clearly reminding him.

It seems that from now on, everything must be careful.


As the time passed, the game was about to begin.

Seeing ten teams ready to go, Ed fired his starting gun.


The game officially started.

Nine teams, a large number of film crews, and more than 20 drones walked into the dense jungle at the same time. Only Han Meimei's team stayed in place and did not move.

"Why didn't they go, are they ready to give up the game now?"

"Haha, I guess I brought too many things and I can't carry it anymore."

"In the dense jungle of the Amazon, there is no place for Chinese people!"

"What do you foreigners know, what's the point of fighting for this time for thousands of kilometers?"


The staff in charge of their team did not know what happened.

All the work is done, but the team members are still sitting there with no intention to leave at all. Even Bell and Starving Germany both cast their attention at the same time.

Wu Jun didn't know the cynicism in the live broadcast room. They didn't rush to set off. They wanted to help Su Hao sign autographs after everyone had left.

But he doesn't have any experience in this kind of thing, so this task has to be handed over to Han Meimei again.

Seeing this beautiful female captain, holding two notebooks to find Bell and Starving De for autographs, and then enthusiastically preparing to set off, everyone felt speechless for a while.

"Master, can you go now?"

"Let's go, don't you want to wait for lunch?" After getting the autograph, Wu Jun was satisfied with Su Haoran's wish, so he began to prepare to set off.Fang Heng and Qin Xiaoyu both carried large backpacks, which were packed full of things, weighing at least a hundred kilograms.

But this basically has no effect on the two of them.

Dahei and Jasmine bear the heaviest burden, each bearing at least two hundred catties, but they are also a piece of cake.

Han Meimei and Wu Jun walked behind empty-handed.

After walking into the jungle, Wu Jun said to Han Meimei: "Go ahead, go as fast as you can. We promise not to fall behind."


Han Meimei believed in Dahei and Jasmine, but she didn't know the abilities of Fang Heng and Qin Xiaoyu.

In fact, for her, being able to participate and complete this competition is already very satisfying.

As for what I said before, "I must get first," of course it is all a slogan.

But now that the master said so, she had the confidence to take the first place again, because she was in the woods now, and her moving speed was not so fast.

"Don't worry, Meimei," Qin Xiaoyu also said, "Even if you grow wings and fly, we can follow you."

Seeing Wu Jun nodded, Han Meimei immediately became energetic.

"Okay, let's try it first!"

Saying that she moved her body, making the joints of her body crackle, and then said to the staff not far away: "We are going to speed up. Don't lose it!"

The staff shook their heads. Can you run a snail with so much burden?

Still lost, even if you walk with your eyes closed, nothing like this will happen!

Besides, they also carry a lot of drones, and there are helicopters in the sky to help at any time!

If all this is lost, they can really go home for the elderly.

This little Chinese girl can really tell jokes.

As a result, before they recovered, Han Meimei was like a vigorous cheetah, and disappeared in place with a swish.

When she saw her again, she had already stepped on a branch, volleyed up like a monkey, and jumped to another big tree.

Like Mount Tai, he grabbed the thick vines and swung out twenty to thirty meters in one go!

After a few ups and downs, he ran out for a distance of hundreds of meters.

On the other hand, Fang Heng and Tan Xiaoyu, who carried huge backpacks, did not jump into the tree like her, but ran down to the ground.


Fang Heng opened the road with a sharp hunting knife, like an automated lawn mower, wherever he passed, the bushes were instantly crushed, leaving a clean path one meter wide.

Qin Xiaoyu was not to be outdone at all, and followed him firmly.

Not to mention Da Hei and Jasmine, now the woods are still solid ground, and they are simply strolling in the garden.

Seeing a group of people disappear in front of them in a blink of an eye, the crew of the film crew were dumbfounded.

No way, who are these people!

It looked inconspicuous on the surface, but it turned out to be faster than the monkeys in the jungle with Life!

The person in charge of the squad panicked suddenly. As a professional photography team, it would make people laugh out of their teeth if they lost people as soon as they came up.

"Drone team, hurry up, at least know which direction they are heading!"

"Headquarters, we want to apply for helicopter assistance!"

"No one was injured. The tenth team was too fast. We can't keep up!"

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