No one thought that Han Meimei would move so fast in the woods. In ten hours, she would travel nearly two hundred kilometers.

In fact, it's not too fast. Someone in other teams can do moves like hers.

But being able to maintain this speed all day is a bit shocking.

The Amazon river basin has a tropical rain forest climate, with high temperature all year round, coupled with the rivers and swamps all over, the air humidity is very high. Ordinary people stand in the woods even if they don't do anything, their clothes will soon be soaked with sweat.

Not to mention ten hours of continuous high-intensity exercise like her, even people like Mikel dare not easily try such a way of traveling.

Occasionally, it’s okay to make a sudden jump, but after a long time, the body will definitely not be able to stand it, and once someone has heat stroke or dehydration, they will basically miss the championship.

But Han Meimei's performance is amazing, Fang Heng and Tan Xiaoyu can only be worshipped.

Each of them was carrying a backpack of more than 100 kilograms, and they were still able to keep up with Han Meimei's speed, which could no longer be described by common sense.

There are also those two dogs, just like two light tanks, forests and swamps, for them there is no To put in one’s eyes.

They even eat chocolate leisurely while walking!

The discussion about them in the live broadcast room never stopped for a moment.

"Have all these Chinese people learned kung fu?"

"I suspect that they have taken stimulants and strongly request the organizer to check."

"Stupid you, can stimulants keep you excited all day?"

"Dogs can't eat chocolate. Do they want to kill the Black King and the White King?"


There are all kinds of speeches, amazing, blessed, jealous, suspicious... all kinds of voices emerge in endlessly.

But in any case, the live broadcast room of the Han Meimei team is undoubtedly the most popular team in the live broadcast of this game.

After discussing and analyzing the characteristics of each person, people finally discovered the weakest person in their team, Wu Jun.

"Look at this guy. From the beginning, he didn't memorize anything, and he looked like he could barely keep up with the team, so I think his physical strength is not enough, at least not the other three people have changed too much."

"This may be the only shortcoming of this team," some people agreed with this statement. "The Han Meimei team is likely to lose and withdraw from the game because of him."

There is a very interesting rule in this competition, that is, if anyone in the team is unable to continue participating in the competition for whatever reason, then this team will all be disqualified.

This is a test of teamwork, so when selecting the players, the captains have put all their thoughts into choosing the best.

So Wu Jun slowly followed the team to make soy sauce, and it was thought that he would be the one dragging down the whole team.

And this news undoubtedly inspired many people, because in the eyes of most people, this event is hosted by the Discovery Information Company, and naturally it should be dominated by the Western world.

It is also that China has developed well in the past few years and has begun to have some say in the world, otherwise there would be no pure China team at all in this competition.

Chinese people are too eye-catching in the world, and many people have an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

"They are scared!"

Someone bluntly said in the live broadcast room, this sentence undoubtedly caused a lot of dissatisfaction and attacks.

Watching these people's meaningless quarrels on the screen, Missi sighed softly while drinking hot cocoa.

These stupid guys, you really don't know anything about power!

I don't know if these people deliberately fail to see it, or if they are deceiving themselves.

Although the master was at the end, it was because he had been watching the plants and animals in the woods, and occasionally went to get some wild fruits to eat.In other words, he didn't take this game seriously at all, it was purely out to relax!

It is ridiculous that some people think that he will drag the team down and disqualify the team from the competition, which is really funny.

Hey, it seems that there is no suspense for this game, and the time is too early. Let's wash and sleep, and continue to pay attention tomorrow.


At around eight o'clock in the evening local time, the jungle had already darkened, and Han Meimei had been exhausted and weak after a long day of running.

So everyone decided to camp.

But the tropical rain forest at night is not something ordinary people can tolerate. There are animal calls everywhere, the air is full of various mosquitoes, and the ground is full of various insects.

There are also poisonous snakes and frogs everywhere, which can bring a fatal blow at any time.

Therefore, to camp here, the best way is to leave the ground for a certain distance and take protective measures.

"Master," Han Meimei rested for a while, and finally waited until Wu Jun came, "Do you think how do we sleep tonight?"

Wu Jun: ...hehe, this girl is also true, do I have to teach you to sleep?

"Clean up an open space first," Wu Jun looked around and pointed to a place where there were no big trees. "It's more suitable over there."

Looking at a thick bush, Han Meimei was still a little big.

Although the hunting knife is very sharp, it will take at least two hours to clear this piece out, right?

Is it cost-effective to spend so much time and a lot of physical energy?

"You have been tired for a day, let me take care of this matter," Wu Jun said, "You stand a little farther away, and be careful that I accidentally hurt you."

Speaking, Wu Jun walked into the middle of the open space and first looked at a drone following from the sky.

The large team of the camera crew was still a little behind, and now he sent a drone to follow the shooting, so he released a lightning bolt slightly to get the drone out of the air.

Then no one can see it.

After getting the drone, he took out the secret stick.

Broadsword form!


A 41-meter-long big knife suddenly appeared in his hand, and he waved it a few times against the ground, and the surrounding bushes were all cut off by the root.

"All right."

Wu Jun clapped his hands and put the big knife away.

Han Meimei was dumbfounded and rubbed her eyes vigorously.

What did I see just now?

What is the master, and why is it so long?

Is it too tired today, now the light is dim, and the eyes are blurred?

Yes, it must be like this, otherwise how could such a long thing be transformed out of thin air!

Fang Heng and Qin Xiaoyu were not surprised, and immediately chopped off two big sticks, and rushed to clear the fallen bushes aside.

It's getting dark, there are still a lot of things left to do, so I have to move faster.

The empty space was cleared, and Wu Jun arranged Mental Energy so that beasts, insects, and poisonous snakes would not come to harass.

Then he took out a 1st grade Feng Shui stone and placed it on it.


A cool breeze blew, and the hot and humid air just now became extremely comfortable in an instant.

Qin Xiaoyu took out the pots and pans and various ingredients from his backpack, and began to prepare dinner, while Fang Heng looked for a lot of rocks and quickly built a large and a small platform.

One is for cooking, and the smaller one is for boiling water and cooking rice for the Master.

After all this was done, Han Meimei had already found a lot of firewood that could be burned. She was indeed a small fire expert, and the two earthen stoves quickly ignited a raging fire.

Da Hei and Jasmine were not idle either.

Although the temperature has dropped, the ground is too humid, so they and Fang Heng went to cut trees in the nearby woods, prepared to make a table, a few benches, and a few beds, otherwise they would even sleep tonight. There is no place.

When the film crew hurried over, what they saw was this hot scene.

Qin Xiaoyu was slicing vegetables. There was no known food burning in the pot, which had already exuded a strong fragrance. Fang Heng had quickly set up a row of ten-meter-long shelves.

Why is it so long? Naturally because of the four people, half are boys and half are girls. Da Hei and Jasmine have to occupy such a wide area. How can they sleep in a small place?

And Wu Jun, who seemed the weakest, was sitting at a simple small table and making tea leisurely.

When everything in front of you is transmitted to all corners of the world through the signal, everyone watching the live broadcast is a little dumbfounded.

This has only been less than half an hour, have you made so many things?

"Cheating, definitely cheating!"

"No one can make so many things in such a short period of time! It is impossible to clean up that empty space!"

"In order to win the game, I really can think of any means!"


This incident also attracted the attention of the organizers. The drone just broke down and lost 20 minutes of footage. This was a serious mistake by them.

However, there was no way to remedy the situation at that time. Even if there were helicopters in the sky, it was dark and the light was so dim, it was impossible to shoot clearly.

"Look at it." Looking at the turbulent discussion, the organizer immediately took remedial measures and immediately issued an order to the film crew, "Check if there is any possibility of cheating around."

The heads of the film crew are going to explode.

Who can cheat here? Daddy twisted his head and showed him!

This is a virgin forest. Don't talk about people around, you can't even see a ghost shadow. Why cheat?

And just to clean up an open space and cheat by doing a few benches, these people are not so stupid, are they?

If you want to cheat, you also need to rush to cheat quickly.

But the order is the order. The film crew began to carry the camera and flashlight, and carefully checked the surrounding hundreds of meters. Of course, they found nothing.

"Ed, what do you think?"

As special guests of this game, Bell and Ed also opened a live broadcast to comment on all the teams.

At this time they also noticed the abnormal situation of the No. 10 team, so Bell decided to discuss this topic.

"Ha ha ha," Ed said with a signature laugh, "Don't you know this situation best?"

Bell was teased a little, and then he laughed.

In fact, everyone knows that Bell’s show is actually followed by a large group of people.

"Then let me talk about it," Bell said. "In fact, we have been paying attention to the No. 10 team for a whole day. If I had to describe it in one sentence, this team is simply beyond my imagination."

"Yes, I suspect they are all robots," Ed chuckled. "So can the organizer check it out?"The irony of this sentence is very obvious. It means that the organizer is not doing things well, can't even do a follow-up photo, and suspects that others are cheating.

Bell also nodded and said: "Actually, with the strength that they showed during the day, there is no need to cheat in such a small place. If they are discovered, they will be too bad and no one will be so stupid."

Bell made the conclusion in one sentence, so that those who suspected Wu Jun and the others cheating shut their mouths.

But the topic about the No. 10 team did not end. Ed looked at the screen and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Oh my God, look, what kind of food do they make?"

"No, isn't this too exaggerated?"

The two stayed there just like that, watching Tan Xiaoyu bring a plate of steamed spicy pork knuckles onto a simple wooden table.

This thing is cooked food bought in Xilin City. Although it is vacuum packed, it cannot be stored for too long, so it must be eaten as soon as possible.

At the same time, the bacon in the pot was also cooked. Qin Xiaoyu picked it up with a pair of long chopsticks, put it on the cutting board steamingly, and cut it into thick slices with a large kitchen knife, and then neatly lay it on the plate.

In the pot next to it, Fang Heng picked up a freshly cooked chicken, soaked it in cold water and chopped it into small pieces, then poured a large bowl of prepared seasoning on top, and finally topped it with a large bag of red oil. , Sprinkled a handful of crispy peanuts.

At this time Ed finally came back to his senses, and asked uncertainly: "They... are actually doing the white chicken?"

"It's not a white chicken," Bell said, "this should be a slobber chicken."

"you sure?"

Bell smiled lightly and said, "I'm pretty sure."

Because I am the man at the top of the food chain!

"Ohhhhhhh..." Ed touched his forehead and kept shaking his head, "I really didn't expect that someone would actually make a big tempting water chicken in the Amazon jungle. This is really difficult. Imagine!"

Think about what he ate when he hiked the Amazon?

Dry bread, palm tree core, cactus, roasted monkey... This gap is simply heaven and The Underworld!

"They give me the feeling that they are not exploring the jungle, but hosting a grand family dinner!"

However, the busy Tan Xiaoyu did not stop, just these few dishes were not enough.

I also need to stir-fry some green vegetables to add vitamins, burn a seaweed egg soup, and the dishes of Dahei and Jasmine.

So she took out a few more vacuum bags from her backpack, removed ten hooves, put them in a big pot and boiled oil, put them in a big pot next to them, poured light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, and put a handful of them dry. Chili and various spices.

Han Meimei burned the fire very vigorously, and the flames reflected her face red.

After all this was done, the four people gathered around the table and began to eat dinner.

"The cooking skills of this little Big sis are so good, I'm hungry to see it!"

"I have eaten so much for this meal. How many days can the things they bring last?"

"I bet that the captain is an expert hunter. In the Amazon basin, they will have endless food."

"Haha, I am indeed from China!"


The people in the other teams don't know how, anyway, the crew members are fed up with it.

Except for a few photographers who can get close, everyone else can only camp 100 meters away. There is no suppression by Feng Shui Stone. The air is still hot and humid, and the mosquitoes are full of the ground, making it miserable.

Even if it is bitter, the key is the fragrance in the air, which really makes them very difficult.

Originally, the film crew had logistical support and all kinds of materials were complete. The conditions were definitely better than the competition team. It should be that they sympathized with the participating players.

But now...

Hey, why are we assigned to this team?

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