The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 834 Who is behind the mantis to catch the cicada?

After another hour of driving, Mikel finally came to an ancient ruin that was no longer visible.

In the dark, some stone statues that have been weathered very badly, covered with moss and vines, are scattered in the surrounding woods.

According to the survey data, this is the place.

Mikel looked around for a while, and finally came to the base of a huge statue, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As expected, the entrance of the base is here.

But behind him came a group of guys who didn't know the current affairs, so he decided to get rid of these guys first.

So he made scattered and concealed gestures to the darkness, and several teammates immediately disappeared into the darkness.

"Ohhhhh, a bunch of cowards, are you hiding now?"

Knowing that he had been discovered, Ivan walked out of the hiding place, the alloy knife in his hand, emitting a terrifying light in the dark night.

"be careful--"

Suddenly behind him, one of his men let out a scream.

"what happened?"

"Boss, Luke was attacked!"

"I was stabbed in the back!"

Ivan frowned and looked down upon these United States guys, how could they quietly attack his people?

"You stay here, be careful," Ivan said, squeezing the knife, "I will meet these United States guys."

Ivan walked out alone, moving his shoulders, and his large windbreaker fell to the ground.

He was only wearing a pair of checkered boxer briefs, his muscles were like steel, and the cross scar on his chest was still extremely hideous.

His right arm was scrapped by Wu Jun last time, and now his right arm is a mechanical arm, full of alloy beauty.

Around his neck, there is still the chain of bear teeth necklace.

Gently put the alloy knife on his shoulder, and Ivan at this time was like a wretched uncle.

"Mickel, don't hide like a mouse, come out and have a good fight with your grandpa!"

A tall and thin figure came out in the dark, his eyes glowing yellow, it was Mikel.

He was holding a sharp dagger in his hand. Just now, Ivan's men were pierced through the back by only the dagger.


Mikel's body was like a ghost, two yellow eyes pulled out two bright bars of light in the dark, and instantly came to Ivan.


As if cut on steel, a sharp dagger was drawn on Ivan's chest, and a one-foot-long wound was drawn horizontally, and bright red blood suddenly appeared.

However, Ivan seemed to have been bitten by a mosquito. He didn't care about the wound at all. With a light turn of the alloy knife in his hand, he peeled it against Mikel's scalp and directly shaved off a large piece of his scalp.

The yellow light in the eyes of the injured Mikel was more vigorous, and the figure was more bizarre and fast, and Ivan was also careful to deal with it. At the same time, he adjusted the Spirit Power in the bear tooth necklace to increase his own speed.

The two of them fought hard in the dark, watching the lively Jasmine from a big tree in the distance, but they were a little impatient.

It was agreed that the king should clean up those yellow-eyed guys, but when he got to the place, Da Hei asked him to stay still for the time being.

Why can they move, but the king can't move?

Buried these guys early, so I went back to bed early, and I have to hurry tomorrow!

"You don't understand," said the big underworld, "this is called a mantis catching a cicada, and the oriole is behind."

"This king is not a oriole!" Jasmine was even more unhappy, actually saying that this king is a bird?

Dahei: "...This is a metaphor!"

"Can't you compare it to something better?"

"What do you want me to compare to?"

Jasmine moved her ears and thought for a while and said, "The mantis catches the cicada, the master is behind!"

Dahei: ...That's not good, isn't this praying mantis a bit too miserable?

At this time, the battle under the tree has reached a white-hot stage. Ivan’s big blows, he could not exert his due power in the dark, and Mikel had cut a dozen holes in his body. At this time, it has become A blood man.

"Old Hei, this fellow is not good," Jasmine said, "If we don't do it quickly, we will be preempted."

Da Hei thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

It can obviously feel that Ivan is far worse than last time.

Although his broad sword is heavier and the speed is not slow, but he lacks the domineering and ruthlessness of the last time.

It's a pity that a rare good opponent has actually become like this.

It seems that he is dead this time.

Just as Da Hei sighed, the other four black figures suddenly violently burst from the ground beside Ivan, and four sharp knives were inserted into his waist at the same time.

Ivan snorted, sweat bursting out of his shiny head.

To the effect, when did these United States guys learn the little Japan?

"Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov," following Mickelson’s extremely cold voice, a dagger was inserted into Ivan’s left chest, "Others don’t know that your heart is on the left, but I know, so you can go to death."

Ivan, who was stabbed in the head and heart by the blade, exhausted his last strength to swipe the alloy knife, and cut off the heads of the two people on his left.

But Mikel and the other two took the opportunity to retreat quickly, avoiding his dying counterattack.

"Haha," Ivan laughed, "Do you think you can run away? Even if I die today, you have to bury me!"

Talking about Ivan, a red dot flashed rapidly on Ivan's right arm, causing Mikel's face to change drastically.

Is this a self-destructing device?

This guy is really a lunatic!


Mikel yelled, turned around and jumped behind a stone statue, hoping to avoid the power of the explosion.

He hid like a quail for more than ten seconds, but he didn't hear an explosion behind him, and got up a little embarrassed.

Is this guy scaring people?

No, what is that?

Mikel could see very clearly. In front of Ivan, a black creature was standing. He had removed Ivan's right arm and was watching carefully.

Isn't this dog the dog of the 10th team? Why is it here?

At this time, Ivan's heart also collapsed.

Daddy was about to expose himself, but in a blink of an eye, Da Hei removed his arm and the blasting device was also damaged.

I would have no face like you, do you know?

Da Hei held his arm in his hand. This is a rare industrial product that is worth taking back to study.

But this is always Ivan's thing, even if there is a feast between them, they can't just take it away.

So it used Mental Energy to transmit voice: "Give me this arm, how about I save your life?"

Evan suddenly showed a bitter smile, his heart was pierced by a dagger!

This time he no longer has a spare heart, how can he live?

"You...really can save me?"

"You promise to exchange, and I can save you." The big underworld said, "If you don't agree, I will wait for you to die."

Ivan: "...why? Why are you saving me?"

"I don't know why," said the big underworld, "it may be related to the necklace on your chest. I can feel some good breath from it."

Ivan was shocked when he heard that, this dog could actually feel Yuri's breath?

"Well, do you want to exchange?"


Fools don't change!

Da Hei nodded, and took out a Heavenly Master Pill from his backpack, which Wu Jun gave it as a spare this time.

When Jasmine saw this, she shook her head and said that she was here to bury people, but now she has become a rescuer!

I knew there was nothing good to follow the old black!

After taking the Heavenly Master Dan, Ivan's wound quickly stopped bleeding, but it will take some time to heal.

The most embarrassing thing at this time was Mikel. The loss of two talents caused a fatal blow to Ivan, but the two dogs were rescued in a blink of an eye!

And also made a deal in front of him!

Do you really think I don't exist?

Today I don’t care if you are a human being or a dog. Anyone who dares to stop him from finding a base will have to die!

So he made a gesture to the two teammates, and the three immediately rushed towards Dahei and Ivan.

As soon as Jasmine saw them moving, her eyes lit up, and she stretched out her paws.


Mickel rushed to Dahei quickly, only feeling a cold ankle, and then he wanted to lose his center of gravity, and fell to the ground with a sound.

When they saw that their own feet had been separated from their bodies, their fear instantly filled their hearts.

Hearing the movement behind him, Da Hei looked back at the three guys lying on the ground and then at Jasmine.

Jasmine hurriedly turned her head to the side, it had nothing to do with this king, he ran into it himself, really!

Da Hei sighed softly. Since it's all like this, let's bury it.

But in this way, things are troublesome this time.

If a team is suddenly lost, will the organizers cancel the game?

Jasmine didn't care about that much, she dug a hole in the ground quickly, this time she must dig a little deeper, otherwise she would be found soon.

As a result, digging, Da Hei suddenly heard a muffled sound.

what's the situation?

It hurried over and took a look, only to see pitch black under the dark hole, and Jasmine's two big eyes were emitting dim light underneath.

From the distance, it fell to a depth of at least tens of meters.

"Jasmine, are you okay?" Da Hei shouted at the entrance of the cave.

"Old Hei!" The voice came up quickly, "You hurry down, this king has found a good place!"

Mikel, who hadn't died, was heartbroken.

The reason why they have to deal with Ivan’s people before entering the base is that they don’t want others to know this secret. After all, the base is the treasure of the true god.

Originally thought they had died like this, and this base could at least be preserved intact, but he didn't expect it to be dug up by a dog!

And this dog dug a hole to bury them!

This is ironic!

Does the true God really abandon us?

Thinking of this, Mikel suddenly went black and completely lost consciousness.

"Haha, hahaha..." Ivan, who was sitting on the ground resting, almost burst into tears with a laugh.

This group of old Americans might not be reconciled if they die. The two of them fought for a long time, but they all lost two dogs.

Sure enough, it is a praying mantis catching a cicada, and the oriole is behind!

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