Da Hei smoothly slid down a vine to the ground. The air inside was not very fresh, exuding a musty smell.

Looking at it, this is an empty underground space, half the size of a football field, and looks like a buried house.

Leaning against the wall in front, there is a high platform of more than ten meters, some very primitive stone tools are scattered around.

Jasmine had already climbed onto the high platform, cleaned up a huge stone-carved seat, and tried to sit on it.

Huohuo, there really is a feeling like an emperor.

Da Hei didn't have time to pay attention to Jasmine's naughtiness, some ancient words on the high platform attracted her attention, but it was a pity that he couldn't understand it.

A flashlight was requested from Ivan, and Da Hei photographed the text and graphics.

Other than that, there is nothing worth noting here.

At this time, Ivan's injury had recovered a bit, and he also slid down the vines.

Compared to Da Hei, Ivan knows more about this.

"It's a pity. I thought it was a lair of those guys. It seems that this is just the ruins of an ancient tribe."

"What tribe?" Da Hei asked.

"Well, who knows?" Ivan said, "It may be a cannibal, or it may be a Yin, but now there is no way to verify it. Even if it is a research, it seems to be useless."

"What is Yin Ren?"

"Hehe, you are really a...no, a dog who loves to learn," Ivan laughed. "The Yin people refer to the late Shang Dynasty in China, about three thousand years ago. Some soldiers who flee the war left by boat. China was finally blown to America by strong winds. Of course, this is just a hypothesis and there is no substantive evidence."

Da Hei nodded, too much of the past has been submerged in the tide of history, the truth is no longer available, but when he thinks that mankind has such a long civilization, his heart is full of fascination.

I took pictures of the entire underground space, and found nothing of value again, Da Hei dragged Jasmine back to the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Da Hei asked.

"We?" Ivan looked at the injured subordinate, and finally said, "Of course we continue to participate in the competition. Although we were injured, you can't take it lightly. Now we are dozens of kilometers ahead of you."

Da Hei smiled lightly, the number one is definitely the No. 10 team, there is no doubt about this.

"Come on," the big underworld said, "the second place also has a lot of bonuses."

"Then let's compare each other seriously," Ivan said with a smile, "according to their true abilities."

Seeing Da Hei and Jasmine disappear into the jungle, Ivan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

If there were no big blacks this time, he might have to bury his bones in this woods.

But until now, he didn't know why Da Hei wanted to save his life.

Just for a robotic arm?

Of course it was impossible. Da Hei could take that arm away after he died.

It's really an incomprehensible dog, Ivan sighed in his heart, no, there should be two.

"My brother," Ivan said, touching the bear tooth necklace on his chest, as if he was talking to himself, "Do you think it's possible for me to become friends with them? Just like me and you back then?"


Back at the camp, Da Hei found Wu Jun and told what happened tonight.

Wu Jun has no interest in that underground ruin.

Whether it is an aboriginal tribe or the descendants of the Yin people, they are all the dust submerged in the torrent of history, and they can no longer make any changes to the future.

"But that may change the writing of history." The big underworld.

"Yes, it is very possible," Wu Jun said, "but you must always remember that we are not the reinventors of history, we are the creators of the future."

Da Hei was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly he felt awakened.

Yes, what about changing the writing of history?

Can those who died survive?

Does not.

So I still have to study this arm of Ivan carefully, maybe I can make something good.


Early the next morning, Han Meimei woke up in the clear air and stretched leisurely.

Today is going to start working hard again!

But when she turned on the phone and saw the message in the live room, she almost jumped out of the tent.

what's the situation?

Just slept, so many things happened.

The first is that the No. 1 team completely lost contact. The organizer sent people to look for them overnight, but only their backpacks were found, but all of them were gone!

The official has issued a statement that a joint investigation has been launched with the local police, and the news will be announced as soon as it becomes available.

But this team, which was once the most promising and most promising team, has lost the qualification for the competition, which undoubtedly makes many people feel sorry.

Fortunately, the game has not been affected too much, and it will continue today.

The second news still made Han Meimei unable to calm down. Team No. 9 hurried on the road overnight, and now it has exceeded their distance of 100 kilometers!

Han Meimei walked 200 kilometers yesterday, she was crazy enough, but she didn't expect there to be more crazy than her.

I drove 200 kilometers in one night. Are these people all night owls?

Coincidentally, the No. 2 team that did not perform well yesterday, an expedition from England, did not rest last night, and is now 80 kilometers ahead of them.

Overtaken by two teams!

Moreover, these two teams are still moving fast at this time, and there is no intention to stop and rest at all.

Crazy, all crazy!

It seems that under the magic power of money, human beings can release energy beyond imagination!


Han Meimei didn't care about changing clothes, so she rushed out of the tent in her pajamas.

"What's wrong?"

"It's not good, Master," Han Meimei said anxiously, "Two teams ran ahead of us, what can we do now!"

Wu Jun frowned slightly, still wondering why.

Isn’t that the case in the game? Everyone at Eight Immortals has shown their magical powers. You chase after me and make great progress, so that the audience will be worthy of attention, right?

"But how can they be so good that they don't rest at night?" Han Meimei asked, "But even if they don't rest at night, their speed can be faster than during the day?"

This question is a good question.

Wu Jun also turned on his cell phone and took a look at the situation of the 9th and 2nd teams.

Needless to say, Ivan is the captain of the No. 9 team. It is no surprise that the man who can survive even his heart is golden. He walks two hundred kilometers in one night.

Had it not been for one of their players to be seriously injured, it is estimated that they could go further.

But team 2 is a bit abnormal.

From his previous impression, the members of this team are adventure lovers, just a group of ordinary people.

But don’t forget that this time is a show sponsored by Discovery Information Company, and these people can be regarded as orthodox hosts.

So there is a high chance that these people cheated.

Cheating, let’s cheat. If you’re yours, what’s the point of cheating?

This is also to create a tense atmosphere for the game, otherwise it will keep them ahead and take the first place without any surprises. What else is there to watch?

Seeing him groaning silently, Han Meimei asked anxiously, "Master, what shall we do now?"

"Well, this issue must be taken seriously," Wu Jun replied, "Fang Heng!"

"Get up, Master." Fang Heng's voice came out of the tent.

"You haven't done training today, have you?"

"No, do it right away."

"Hurry up, I have to have breakfast after training."

Han Meimei:...

Everyone has run so far ahead, do you still have to train? Then make breakfast?

"Why don't we just eat something ready-made?"

Fang Heng got out of the tent and stretched out a long lazy waist. While wearing a heavy load, he said: "You can't have breakfast casually, you must be careful, and you will have energy in the morning if you are full and eat well!"

Han Meimei: ...I didn't see it, you are still such a particular person!

"Yes, if you don’t eat breakfast, it’s easy to get gallstones," Qin Xiaoyu also walked out, "Meimei, don’t worry, I will make the noodles first before doing exercises. We will steam the buns later, but unfortunately we couldn’t bring the buns this time. Come the stove, otherwise you can make cakes."

Han Meimei almost squirted out blood, and she was still making buns, right?

We are playing, should we be so grounded, should we be so leisurely?

Otherwise, let's just eat a Manchu Feast!

The film crew saw that they had all gotten up, and a large number of people also gathered around to shoot. When they saw Tan Xiaoyu starting to knead the flour, they felt an indescribable weirdness.

The picture was sent to the live broadcast room, and the audience also didn't know how to describe their own mood.

"Are they going to give up?"

"I have been overtaken so much, so I still have the mood to do Steamed bun slowly?"

"Unseen, what they make is Xiaolongbao!"


Bell and Ed, who also got up early, also noticed the situation of their team.

"Hoho..." Ed let out another signature laugh, "Bell, I think I'm watching a food show. As long as I think of the No. 10 team, I can't help but guess their next meal. What to eat."

"Indeed, the performance of the No. 10 team is really beyond my expectations," Bell said, "but their current situation is really not optimistic. Last night there were two teams that broke out of my unimaginable strength in the dark. ."

"Yes, but the game has just begun, and the road ahead will be more difficult and dangerous."

"Are you talking about the swamp?"

Ed said: "Yes, they will be here soon."

"When you say that, I'm really worried." Bell touched his chin, showing a worried expression on his face.

"what are you worried about?"

Bell smiled and said: "I'm worried about the caiman. I heard that in the recipes of Chinese people, braised crocodile meat is a very delicious dish, and the people in team 10 seem to be a group of foodies."

Ed: ......This is what you said, why does it sound a bit awkward?


The breakfast made by Han Meimei is very rich.

The staple food is xiaolongbao, fried meat cakes and Tianshi rice porridge. The dishes are red oil ear leaves, fried peanuts, shredded pork with mustard and sliced ​​sausage. For Dai Hei and Jasmine, we prepare hoof bun soup and hand-rolled noodles. There are also two fragrant hooves.

After breakfast, it was already nine o'clock in the morning, and everyone packed their bags and continued today's journey.

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