The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 836: The Champion is Hopeful!

Due to being overtaken by other teams, Han Meimei finally got serious today, much faster than yesterday's Ascension, slowly chasing the two teams in front.

Obviously, the first two teams are all night owls, and their speed during the day is as slow as a snail.

Ivan’s team needed a rest because of the injured player, and the No. 2 team was unable to cheat during the day, so by noon, Han Meimei successfully narrowed the gap to 50 kilometers.

Compared with the fact that Wu Jun and the others quickly set up a camp yesterday, the two teams that suddenly broke out have aroused even more discussion among netizens.

All kinds of cheating claims are endless, but the organizer did not explain too much about it. Instead, they released a video shot by the two teams themselves.

When everyone saw that Ivan was like a bulldozer, cutting through the thick bushes with a broad knife to open up a straight passage, everyone closed their mouths.

But the video of Team 2 is not convincing. Although they move fast in the video, the video time is only half an hour.

This doesn't explain anything at all, what about this half an hour away?

Do they use transportation, such as the helicopter of the film crew?

And after a night of trek, their spirits are still full, and their clothes are still relatively clean, which aggravates everyone's suspicion.

Not only did the officials not disqualify them from the competition, but they still focused on this group as the main team on the Discovery Channel. Even many Europeans themselves couldn't pass it.

"This is blatant cheating! Shameless guy, really Losing face!"

"How can such a show be convincing?"

"Do we already need to use this despicable method to win the game?"


But no matter how the netizens condemned, the organizers did not seem to see these remarks, and the game was still going on normally.

In the afternoon, Wu Jun and his party had already reached the edge of the swamp.

From here, you will enter the most difficult and dangerous zone in the Amazon River Basin.

The woods here are soaked by water all year round, and the ground is covered with rotting leaves and silt. Sometimes a heavy rain will cause the water on the ground to rise by tens of centimeters.

The filthy water is full of caiman, slippery electric eels, and some highly poisonous frogs, poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, and leeches.

Under the sun's rays, the air will be filled with toxic gases.

In such an environment, the average person can travel 10 kilometers a day even if it is very fast.

Han Meimei stayed in front of a foul-smelling swamp. This situation was not a problem for her, because she could climb trees and could use ropes to move quickly between trees.

What about Fang Heng and Tan Xiaoyu?

The two of them carried such heavy things on their backs, and they might sink into the deep silt every step they took.

"Why aren't you leaving?" Fang Heng almost slammed her head into her body and couldn't help asking.

"I'm thinking about how you are going to go."

Fang Heng looked at the marshland in front of him, and shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It's not difficult. You should consider how you go."

No difficulty?

Han Meimei looked at him with wide eyes.

Fang Heng was a little embarrassed by her big eyes, and his face turned red.

"Why, I didn't talk nonsense, this is not difficult at all." Fang Heng was afraid that she would not believe it, and added, "Really, you have to believe me. We didn't use any effort on the road ahead."

Han Meimei: ...If you don't use force, it's so fierce, what happens if you use force?

"Ahem," Han Meimei said, "Or you can take a walk and take a look."

"good."Fang Heng nodded honestly, and first took off the load on his body.

From here on, it’s not easy to use the load anymore, so climbing the tree will be very slow.

Then he put his backpack back on, climbed barefoot to a tree, kicked hard with his feet, and bounced to another tree like a cannonball, without stopping at all, and bounced to the next tree. .

After a dozen bounces, Han Meimei could no longer see him.

This guy is so amazing!

Fang Heng is the kind of person who doesn’t like to talk, and basically didn’t communicate with her along the way, but Han Meimei really did not expect that this silent big boy, carrying such a heavy object on his back, was even worse than her. quick!

Where is Tan Xiaoyu?

Seeing Han Meimei looking at her, Qin Xiaoyu also smiled and nodded, and soon after learning Fang Heng's appearance, he jumped up in the woods.

In order to participate in this competition, she had practiced in the woods of Wangzi Mountain for several days before. Although the speed was not as high as that of the constant, it was enough to shock Han Meimei.

It's no wonder that the master said before let her play freely, they would never be left behind, now it seems that is really the case.

Now it seems that she is the weakest in the team!

If she were not there, they should be able to reach the end sooner?

At this time, Wu Jun brought Da Hei, Jasmine, and a large group of film crews to catch up.

Han Meimei is curious, how would Wu Jun move?

"Master, how do you go?"

Wu Jun frowned, and of course he walked with his feet.

Speaking, he took out a waterproof suit from his backpack and put it on, and strode into the swamp.

Han Meimei: ...this is too common, right?

I thought you could see a more cool posture, but your old man walked in with such a big swing?

Dahei and Jasmine frowned and looked at the muddy water. Jasmine wanted to jump out of the tree, but Wu Jun thought it was too attractive, so it's better to walk from the ground honestly.

They followed without hesitation, and waved their paws at the camera.

The film crew breathed a sigh of relief. If Wu Jun and these two dogs could also jump the tree, they would be sad.

But they soon discovered that they were wrong.

Although Wu Jun was walking, he was not slow at all, and he never stopped. The crew of the film crew couldn't even catch up.

This is a bit weird.

In the end, the film crew had no choice but to use helicopters and drones to follow in the sky.

Fortunately, when it got dark, Wu Jun and the others did not rush on the road at night. Instead, they continued to clean up a dry place, began to make tables and benches, set up stoves and tents, and made a lot of delicious dinners.

"Ohhhhhhh, I really didn't guess wrong," Eddy watched their live broadcast cheerfully, smiling like an innocent child, "They really made a great dinner again!"

"I don't understand," Bell said, "Obviously they have tied the previous two teams. If they continue to hold on to midnight, they might be able to go to the forefront, but they have to waste time on enjoyment. I don’t think it’s a good time to enjoy it now."

"Rhythm!" Ed said, "You noticed Ed, this team is the one with the best rhythm of all the teams. They should eat when they should eat, rest when they should rest, and rush when they should be on their way. This is very rare for jungle exploration."

"But what about the game?" Bell puzzled. "Is it more important to control the rhythm than to win the game?"

"Yes, at least I think so. Losing the rhythm in the wilderness would be a terrible thing," Ed said. "And now I can be sure that they will win the final victory."

"Is it too early to say this?"

Ed smiled without saying a word. As a senior explorer, he believed in his own vision.


In the next few days, the No. 10 team maintained a 200-kilometer course every day, and enjoyed a hearty breakfast and dinner.

With Fang Heng and Jasmine, the two big stomach kings, their backpacks also collapsed at an extremely fast speed.

So the crocodiles and snakes lurking in the swamp are unlucky.

But to everyone's surprise, it was not Captain Han Meimei who went out to hunt, but Dahei and Jasmine who had been working as laborers.

It was the first time that Jasmine had eaten a crocodile, so she was not tired of it, and couldn't stop. Every day, she had to get a few of them for Qin Xiaoyu to help him do it in a different way.

Of course, there are huge tiger fish, which is also a rare delicacy in the Amazon River. Wu Jun hooked a big guy with a fishing rod of more than 30 kilograms and let everyone have a good meal.

This made Han Meimei quite helpless. She thought that this competition would be difficult. She was ready to lose 10 pounds, but now she doesn't look thin at all, she feels fatter!

The leather clothes and pants, which had been well-fitting, are now tightly worn, and the buttons on the chest are about to fall off.

I don’t know how to explain to the fans after I go back?

Is it to say that the food in the Amazon basin is so good to blame?

Someone has to believe it!

But what worries her is not her weight, but the No. 2 and No. 9 teams, which have always maintained the lead.

It is now the 10th day of the game and they finally arrived in Manaus.

However, the previous teams No. 2 and No. 9 had already arrived here two days ago, and made rafts, down the broad main stream of the Amazon River.

If there are no accidents on the road, they can reach the finish line in five days at most and take first and second place in this competition.

Han Meimei sighed quietly. Judging from this situation, they couldn't catch up.

The flow rate of the river is fixed, and the speed difference of the raft will not be too big, so the victory or defeat is basically divided in Manaus.

Obviously he can be the champion, but now he can only get the third place.

But being able to do this, she was already very satisfied. If it weren't for the masters, she might still be struggling in the mud like the next few teams.

So, what is there to be unsatisfied?

"What's the matter?" Fang Heng sighed when she saw her sitting on the edge of the wide river. He couldn't help but smiled and asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Seeing that Fang Heng can still laugh so happily now, Han Meimei said in her heart that I am indeed unacceptable, but I will serve you.

"I just want to ask, why are you able to maintain such an optimistic attitude at all times?" Han Meimei said, "Obviously we are going to lose, but you still don't seem anxious at all."

Fang Heng's expression changed after hearing this: "No, someone has reached the end?"

Han Meimei: ...Have you never cared about the progress of the game?

Didn't you care at all?

Don't you know where the other teams go?

"No, but they have been rafting on the river for two days and two nights!"

"Huh—then you said that we lost, it scared me!" Fang Heng patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, we will be able to surpass them immediately."

"How to exceed?"

Can you turn into a small motor?

Even if it can be changed, it won't be used, right?

Fang Heng smiled mysteriously, then pointed to a large pile of wood on the ground and said: "They make rafts, and we make ships, of course, are faster than them."


Han Meimei couldn't help but blinked. Can this thing be made casually?

"Don't worry, leave it to me," Fang Heng patted his chest. "When I was at home, I already tried to make one. I tried it in the pond and it worked well."

Speaking, Fang Heng took out a pack of tools used by carpenters, and began to chop and chisel the wood. A keel was inlaid after a meal.Next, planks were inlaid around, glue was filled in the gaps, and finally two huge water wheels were built.

Not only Han Meimei and the film crew, but everyone who watched the live broadcast was stunned by his fast and superb technology.

"This is really an ancient ship!"

"If the two water wheels can rotate, their speed will reach 20 kilometers per hour!"

"No, at least 25 kilometers!"

"No wonder they are not in a hurry, the killer is here!"


"Ohhhhhhhh..." When Ed saw a wooden ship a few meters long finally take shape, the wrinkles on his face were squeezed together with a smile, "Look at Bell, we are not wrong, I know them. It works!"

"To be honest, this Chinese boy, no, the whole team surprised me too much," Bell said. "I decided to invite them to my show. Maybe we can become friends."

"I'm not sure if I can be friends," Ed said, "but I can be sure if one of them is there, no matter where you are, you won't have to eat those disgusting bugs!"

Bell smiled happily and said: "It's all protein, and it tastes like chicken."


Fang Heng pushed the ship into the water, and Han Meimei couldn't wait to sit on it.

A boat a few meters long looks like a small leaf on the main stream of the Amazon River that is several kilometers wide.

"You can name this ship!" Wu Jun said with a smile looking at Han Meimei's happy face.

"Really? I named it?"

"You are the captain."

Han Meimei thought for a while, and said, "Then it will be called the champion number, and take us to win the championship!"

Well, the name is very down to earth.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Han Meimei couldn't wait, "Come up now, let's go!"

"Don't worry," Fang Heng exclaimed from the shore at this time, "the tables and benches have not been made yet, and the platform has not been made yet!"

"Also prepare enough firewood," Tan Xiaoyu walked over carrying a large bundle of dry firewood, "Dahei, you go to catch some crocodile, there is not much food to eat!"

"By the way, I have to make a sail so that we can also relax."

Han Meimei:...


After another busy day, the preparation work was finally completed.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Han Meimei shouted at the ocean-like river: "Victory, let's go!"


Fang Heng and Qin Xiaoyu stepped on the pedals at the same time, driving the two huge water wheels to rotate, and the Victory began to sail downstream at a very fast speed.

Wu Jun sat on a chair exuding the smell of fresh wood, making tea while looking at the deserted land on both sides of the bank.

In the past, these places were covered with dense forests, but now only some shrubs and weeds remain.

In fact, slash-and-burn cultivation is not impossible, but he does not understand that after people here have cut down a lot of forests, they leave the land vacant to grow grass, do not grow crops, and do not plant trees for regeneration.

If this continues, this beautiful tropical rainforest will no longer exist in a few decades.

It's really sad.

But he can only sigh.

Han Meimei couldn't help her heart beating faster as she watched the fast retreating scenery on both sides of the strait and felt the oncoming wind.

At this rate, the championship is expected!

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