The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 841 You are a master!

Spring is here and everything is reviving. As the only natural tourist attraction on the outskirts of Xilin City, Wangzi Mountain is in the season of surging people.

At the door of Wu Jun's house, there seemed to be an endless stream of people from morning to night.

In order to prevent his appearance from being watched by everyone, Wu Jun asked Lao Niu to close the door tightly, and he could only open the small door unless he had an acquaintance or a particularly important guest.

But it may be because the New Year has just passed, so everyone is busy with work. Even Sun Ling, who used to like to come to Cengfan, hasn't visited for a long time.

That morning, Sun Ling set off from the station in the provincial capital early in the morning.

Similar to Wu Jun, he had been in the jungle in the south before the new year, accompanied by two leaders to review the team.

It has been more than half a year since the beginning of purchasing a large amount of vegetables from the Nishinobayashi Farm. The physique of the soldiers who ate the vegetables has reached a stage of ascension.

This time in the dense forests of the south, they showed their super strength. The soldiers were 1.4 to 1.6 times the overall physical fitness Ascension, which made the two leaders very satisfied.

But for modern warfare, pure physical Ascension doesn't seem to be enough!

So of course, while praising Sun Ling, he also gave him a more difficult task.

Can you think of a way to ascension a bit more?

In this regard, Sun Ling can only say his best.

Judging from Wu Jun's young apprentice, this should be okay, but whether Wu Jun is willing to teach or whether he has any objective requirements is unclear.

But he must try it.

Even if it can only help a small number of fighters to become like Fang Heng, it will be a huge combat power for the country.

So he just came back in the middle of the night last night, and he didn't care about taking two days off, so he hurried to find Wu Jun.

"Uncle Niu," Sun Ling knocked on the door politely when he saw that the door was closed, "It's me, Sun Ling!"

"Oh, Master Sun is here." The old Niu opened the small door and smiled, "Come in quickly."

Seeing his appearance, Sun Ling couldn't help but mumble, is this master doing something at home? Why is it so mysterious during the day?

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Wu Jun in the middle of the yard, making a starting position.

What is this for?

Sun Ling's curiosity was immediately attracted. Is it to exercise?

As I was thinking about it, Wu Jun's figure was like a black lightning, rushing over a run-up distance of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye, and then swooned... he jumped up to a big tree, used his hands and feet together, and quickly climbed up.

All the movements were completed in one go, and they climbed more than ten meters in a blink of an eye!

Sun Ling's eyes almost fell out.

What's happening here?

In his impression, Wu Jun was a person who liked being quiet and not moving, and could sit all day in that cottage.

As a result, after a year, he became a monkey?

But what made him Didn't know whether to laugh or cry was that Wu Jun rubbed a few times on the trunk, and suddenly fell straight from the tree more than ten meters high, and fell under the tree with a bang. On a mattress.

Sun Ling couldn't help taking a breath from between his teeth. This was the experience he had already fallen, and he was even ready to put on the mattress.

This mattress should be sore, right?

Wu Jun, who fell on the mattress, lay motionless, as if his body was hollowed out.

Sun Ling hurried over, seeing Wu Jun still breathing, and then relieved his heart: "Master, what are you doing?"

Wu Jun opened his eyes slightly and said, "Climb a tree."

Sun Ling: ...I am not blind, thank you, I just want to ask why you want to climb a tree!

No, I wanted to ask why you suddenly fell off!

"Anything?" Wu Jun asked.

"It's a little thing."

"Are you in a hurry?"

"It's not too rush..."

"Good," Wu Jun stood up from the mattress, "Then you sit down for a while, and I will crawl a few more times."

Sun Ling:...

Wu Jun talked and walked to the starting position.

Climbing a tree is much harder than he thought.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has encountered the most difficult task so far.

Because while touching the Universe tree, the Universe tree will absorb his physical strength, etc., and the speed is extremely fast, so it will soon fall from the tree due to physical strength and mental energy exhaustion.

But if you don't touch the trunk, it's not called climbing, it's called flying.

Fortunately, there is progress. From the day he came back, he has been climbing trees almost without stopping. Up to now, he has only climbed five or six meters high from the beginning to a height of ten meters.

However, there is a saying that goes well, the higher you climb, the harder you fall. In the past few days, more than ten mattresses have been broken, and a big hole has been smashed on the ground.

But he knew very well in his heart that although the system in the sea of ​​knowledge was funny, it would never talk about human favors in terms of tasks.

Even if it was only one millimeter away, it would not let Wu Jun pass this mission.

This made him sigh again that it is not easy to practice, and there is a long way to go.

Waved away these extra emotions, he took a deep breath, his muscles tightened, and both feet exerted force at the same time.


As soon as the wind rang in his ears, he had once again come to the Universe tree and used all his strength to jump.


The moment his left hand touched the Universe tree, he only heard a buzz in his head, and his strength poured out like a mountain torrent.

But he didn't stop there, clenching his teeth, using his hands and feet together, staring at the mark left on the tree trunk, and struggling to climb upward.

He firmly believed in his heart that even if he climbed 0.1 millimeters more each time, he would reach a height of 100 meters one day.


Finally, when he touched the mark left before, his physical strength was finally drained, and he was planted from the tree.

This time, he climbed at least 1 millimeter higher than before!

This is just like life. As long as you work hard and persist, you will be able to reach unprecedented heights as long as you keep working hard and dripping through the stones!

But the premise is not to fall to death in the process of hard work.


Sun Ling stood aside, not knowing how to describe his own mood.

Wu Jun's behavior was really hard for him to figure out, and he couldn't help his curiosity: "Master, why are you having trouble with this tree?"

Wu Jun frowned and said, "It's not that I want to make trouble with him, it's because it makes trouble with me, it won't let me climb!"

Sun Ling:...

But even though he was strange in his heart, Sun Ling still felt deep in his heart at this time.

A young man with huge wealth does not go to travel all day, go to bars, pick up girls all day, and have no extravagant life. Instead, he hides at home every day and exercises in this way. This is absolutely unique in the world. Have a copy.

No, Sun Ling suddenly woke up, this is not as simple as exercising.

He is exercising his own willpower in this way!

Only with a strong, unyielding, indomitable will, can you obtain such an achievement and status!

Behind the successful are the hardships and sweat that others can't see!

Once upon a time, he also had this kind of spirit, and he had never trained day and night to exercise his own physique.

But now?

Since becoming the head of the regiment, although he has maintained a rigorous style, there are more and more things that he cares about, and he has no longer had the desperate enthusiasm at the beginning, and the courage that he will not be afraid of when the sky falls.

So until now, I have not become a teacher!

The more Sun Ling thought about it, the more excited he felt that his soul was going to be sublimated!

He decided that after going back today, as long as nothing else is delayed, he will go to train with the soldiers every day to find the courage to go forward again!

Thinking of this, Sun Ling straightened up and said in a very small voice: "I'm not afraid of being broken into pieces..."

Unexpectedly, before finishing his reading, Wu Jun casually took it up: "Leave your loyalty and history!"

Sun Ling almost carried it back in one breath, and heard that the master did not graduate from high school, this is simply Chi Guoguo's slander!

He simply didn't graduate from junior high school. Those people who spread the rumors are too Damn it.

"What's wrong, isn't it?" Wu Jun couldn't help asking when he saw him look weird.

Sun Ling laughed: "It's a bit wrong."

Wu Jun frowned, and he was fluent in reading, why is it wrong?

"But it's okay, as long as the meaning is in place."

Sun Ling listened for a moment, and suddenly realized that this is the master reminding him tactfully, to keep his original aspirations!

Yes, it must be so!

"Don't stand here, go have tea."

Following Wu Jun to the Caolu, Sun Ling casually talked about the current situation.

Hearing that all fighters across the country have the Ascension physique, Wu Jun felt very happy in his heart.

"But master," Sun Ling said when Wu Jun was in a good mood, "Although the soldiers are much stronger than before, they are still far behind your apprentice!"

When Wu Jun heard this, he knew what he wanted to say next.

No one wants to make himself a little better, just like no one will dislike his own money, including himself.

Now he is at level 44, and he wants to quickly rise to level 45.

After reaching level 99, maybe he still wants to reach level 100.

It's just that the heavenly master sugar cane can be digested by ordinary soldiers if they are allowed to eat it?

Fang Heng only started to eat Tianshi sugar cane after two years of body refining, and he had to crush the sugar cane very finely.

He looked at Sun Ling, then let him try first.

As a leader, you must set an example and dare to be the first, right?

Moreover, the validity period of the Tianshi sugarcane is relatively long. He has eaten it for half a year, and it is estimated that it will be effective if an ordinary person can eat it for a year or two.

So after waiting for Sun Ling to show the effect, it was almost half a year or even a year later.

So he called Fang Heng and asked him to get a sugar cane from the ground in the backyard.

"Come, try our specialties."

Looking at the green sugarcane leaves, Sun Ling also felt drunk.

Isn't this the green sugarcane? It's really not a special product, and basically no one grows this variety anymore.

Fang Heng quickly cut the sugarcane into small pieces, and looked at Sun Ling with a smile.

Sun Ling's scalp was numb when he was seen. In this young man's smile, it seemed that he had no good intentions!

Isn't this sugar cane sweet, but bitter?

So he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, crunching it.

Suddenly a clear and sweet taste filled his mouth.

It's delicious, much better than ordinary sugarcane.

But why is the smile on Fang Heng's face growing stronger?

After swallowing all the juice, Sun Ling drew a paper towel and was about to spit out the bagasse. As a result, Wu Jun said, "Don't spit, swallow it."

Sun Ling stiffened and felt her throat dry.

Master, you remember correctly, this bagasse is swallowed, but it must be dense!

"The effect of this kind of sugarcane is better than that of vegetables," Wu Jun explained, "but the effective part is in the residue, not the sweet juice.

"Well, your goal for today has been achieved, and I spend too much time with you," Wu Jun continued, "Wait later, let Fang Heng chop a little bit more for you to take it back and eat it slowly in the refrigerator."

Soon, Fang Heng was carrying a bunch of sugar cane to Sun Ling. Seeing him leave unsteadily, Fang Heng was deeply moved.

If you eat scum and scum, you will be a master!

Master just eats a lot of bagasse, so it's so amazing!

Brother Sun Ling, come on, I am optimistic about you!

Just when he wanted to go back to feed the fish, the system's voice suddenly sounded in Wu Jun's sea of ​​knowledge: "Congratulations to the host, your apprentice has reached the Body Tempering requirements."

Wu Jun listened for a moment, Fang Heng could Body Tempering?

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