Wu Jun never thought about when Fang Heng could Body Tempering.

Because the system said at the beginning, it would take at least ten years or more for Fang Heng's talent to meet the requirements of Body Tempering.

But it has only been more than two years from Fang Heng's entry to the present.

Could it be that this kid's talent suddenly changed for the better?

System: "The host may not know that Fang Heng is not talented, but he is diligent enough, so it is reasonable to shorten the refining cycle."

"What is the standard of your Body Tempering?"

Wu Jun remembered very clearly that he was just taking a strong pill at the beginning to double the power of ordinary people, and the system began to let him Body Tempering.

Fang Heng now has more than twice his physical fitness, right?

If he followed his standards, it should have been done long ago.

System: "Although his physical strength is up to standard, Mental Energy has been weak."

It turned out to be so.

This should be the barrel effect. How much water you can hold depends on the shortest piece of wood.

"Then let him Body Tempering now?"

System: "Yes."

"Fang Heng, wait a minute."

Fang Heng turned around and asked, "What else is the Master."

"Come and sit down," Wu Jun said, "I have something I want to talk to you."

Fang Heng sat down a little nervously.

Since his apprenticeship, the Master hasn't talked to him in this way.

"How do you feel about your body recently?" Wu Jun asked with a smile.

"It's okay," Fang Heng thought for a while, "common, nothing special."

This should be the effect of accumulating time and time. I make a little progress every day and feel that there is no change in myself.

But if you look back and compare, you will be shocked to find that I am so old!

I feel like my heart is getting cold.

So Gu Sage once said that one needs to examine one's body three times a day to achieve a righteous fruit...cough cough, anyway, it probably means to make a summary frequently.

"From today, I will arrange a special training mission for you."

Fang Heng's eyes lit up, and his heart thumped.

Is there finally a new training?

To tell the truth, he has been exercising for more than two years. He has been doing it all the time. He doesn't know why or when he can stop.

Had it not been for his good mentality, he might have been unable to hold on any longer.

So he asked urgently: "Master, what kind of training is it?"

Wu Jun was very satisfied with the look in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Baking in the sun."

Fang Heng:...

Bask in the sun?

Master, are you sure that basking in the sun can be considered a training task?

He runs faster than the wind, jumps higher than the wall, and can kill a tiger with one punch. Since he is going to bask in the sun?

I'm not a solar battery, it is full of energy when exposed to the sun.

Is it because your old man remembered it wrong, instead of basking in the sun, but planting the sun, right?

"You heard it right, it's just sun exposure," Wu Jun said sternly. "The longer the sun shines every day, the better. It's best to have more than ten hours a day in the sun. Can you do it?"

Although he felt a little strange, Fang Heng nodded seriously.

Master said to bask in the sun, then he went to bask in the sun.

"Then how long do I have to sun it?"

Wu Jun thought for a while, and said, "This is hard to say, it's probably going to be a few years in a row."

It could also be twenty years or longer, Wu Jun said in his heart.

Fang Heng nodded solemnly. It was really hard training. It is not easy to keep doing simple things for several years.

It seems that we must work hard in the future to not let down the Master's high expectations.

"But Master," Fang Heng raised his head and looked at the sky, and said, "We seem to have very little sun here. Can I use a sun lamp for baking?"

Wu Jun: ...Do you consider yourself a ham sausage?

But this is a problem.

The spring climate in Shu area is humid and rainy. Even if there is the sun, there are big mountains in the east and west directions, so the sunshine time will be much shorter.

He has a lot of light beads, but Fang Heng can't tell him much before he touches this level.

"No," he said, "I have seen the weather forecast. The weather has been very good recently, but your training is best done in our backyard, so try not to run around and exercise. Don't stop either."

"I know Master," Fang Heng asked again, "Can I use the sun to bake it at night?"

Wu Jun: ......Are you on the pole with the sun lamp, or are you in love with it?

But looking back, it is very rare for him to have this heart.

So he said: "Yes, but you need to use my special lamp, you can go outside and buy a light bulb."

Seeing Fang Heng happily buying light bulbs, Wu Jun was deeply moved. Fang Heng's progress really exceeded his expectations, and his hard work and diligence were even better.

It seems that you don't have to wait until you are over a hundred years old to start contacting the celestial energy.

Fang Heng returned quickly with a light bulb, the kind of transparent glass.

Wu Jun put a whole light bead in, and got some white jade fragments that were not used up last time, stored some Spirit Power and Mental Energy, and made a voice-activated switch.

In this way, as long as Fang Heng holds this light bulb, he can take advantage of the sunlight Body Tempering at night, and he does not need to stay in the backyard all day.

Even if you are going home or going on vacation, you can perform Body Tempering anytime, anywhere.

In fact, Wu Jun is also a bit eager.

Now the Universe tree has grown to the height of the moon, and the system has allowed him to start climbing the tree.

what does this mean?

Does it mean that in the near future, he may leave the earth?

Although this is just a guess, he can be sure that he can't wait for level 99 on Earth.

According to the system, level 99 is the Supreme Celestial Master, how could it be possible to leave the earth at that time?

Most of the cultivation in the latter half will go to the vast and boundless Universe.

His time on earth is probably not a few years away.

Before leaving, he still wanted to see Fang Heng's achievements, at least able to deal with discordant factors like Fengqi, so that he would have no worries.

Although the earth is not very good, it is also his roots in any way. He doesn't want any big accidents when he is away.

But no matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to come back anytime and anywhere in the boundless universe.

When the time comes, his hometown is gone, and the home is not well protected. What can he do if he is more powerful?

Therefore, the important task of world harmony can only be entrusted to Fang Heng.

But for Fang Heng, Body Tempering is a long-term process. The first layer alone will take several years, even if it doesn’t take 20 years.

It will take more than ten or twenty years for the fourth layer of Body Tempering.

He was worried that he would not be able to wait for that time, so Fang Heng was able to be so diligent and his daily performance, he was still very pleased.

"You try it."

Fang Heng took the light bulb and looked at it in his hand.

"You now have a black jade ring. You only need to release a little Spirit Power to turn on the light."

Fang Heng's eyes lit up. Isn't it so magical that he doesn't even need electricity?

He tried to release a trace of Spirit Power, and the light bulb turned on immediately.

This brightness is definitely more than two hundred watts!

The dazzling brightness is really like a little sun!

Although he was no stranger to Wu Jun's omnipotence, but at this time, he still held the light bulb and looked left and right.

If this is used at home, it will save a lot of electricity bills in a year, right?

In the future, you must protect this bulb, and don't break it!

"Master, can this be used during the day?"

"Yes." Wu Jun said, "but try to keep a low profile."

"Don't worry, Master, I know what to do."

Fang Heng happily put away the light bulb, and thought for a while and said, "Master, next week, my mom's birthday, I want to go back and have a look."

"You go back, I won't go this time, you can bring me a red envelope."

"Thank you Master."

After Fang Heng left, Wu Jun continued his tree climbing training.

Heavenly Dao pays for his work, even Fang Heng is so diligent and hardworking, how can he be lazy as a Master?


A week later.

Early that morning, Fang Heng packed up a large bag of things.

In a blink of an eye, my mother was also fifty.

I have been following the Master for the past two years, and I can't go home several times a year, so every time I go back, Fang Heng will find that his parents seem to be much older than when they met last time.

Of course, this is just his illusion, because he often takes a lot of celestial vegetables home, and all his parents are very healthy. They seem to be at least ten years younger than people of the same age in the village.

Moreover, Fang Heng took so much money for the family, and the old couple had torn down the old house and rebuilt a new one. The decoration was magnificent.

Dad also went to learn his driver's license, bought a pickup truck and drove it, how comfortable and comfortable the small life is, so that the people in the village are envious.

This time my mom’s 50th birthday, my dad originally said to go to a restaurant in town, but my mom didn’t agree. He said that he would have a banquet outside and play mahjong in a tea house after dinner. The relatives couldn’t chat. People, so I finally decided to make a banquet at home.

Fang Heng didn't buy too many gifts this time.

Because he found that whether it was the ring or the gold necklace he bought, his mother had never been reluctant to wear it.

Buying clothes is even worse. He has tried his best to buy them, but his mother still said it was too fancy.

So he decided to take the money. There is nothing more real than this.

Moreover, the Master and Brother Haoran gave a lot of gifts. He almost couldn't fit a battery car. The Master also asked Xiao Liu to contact the large fireworks, which is something you can't see in the countryside.

Of course, there is also a large package of Tianshi vegetables, which is definitely indispensable.

When I rode to the village, I saw the yard of the new house full of tables and benches all the way back. Although my mother’s birthday is tomorrow, according to their rules here, she wants to celebrate her birthday tonight.

Those who came to the house today were all relatives.

His eldest uncle, second uncle, and aunt.

"Big Brother!"

Seeing Fang Heng coming back, a little girl who was still swaying on foot, opened her hands and rushed towards him.

This is the youngest daughter of my aunt's family, and Fang Heng has always liked her.

Throwing a bag of lollipops to Little Sister, Fang Heng was about to unload the truck, but suddenly found a beautiful girl walking out of the kitchen with his mother's apron on her.


Why is she here?

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