Qian Xinying led Xiao Nizi outside to wait for the cradle. Fang Heng also wanted to follow, but Yuwen Hao called her down.

"Fang Heng, if you don't mind, take me around the mountain."

Fang Heng frowned slightly, wondering what he wanted to do.

Do you want to get his favor by chatting with him?

In fact, Fang Heng could already see that everyone was very satisfied with Yuwenhao.

Just now in the yard, he heard his auntie say that Qian Xinying is really lucky to find a boyfriend who is tall, handsome, and rich.

I haven’t graduated from university yet, so I’m driving millions of cars!

At that time, Fang Heng noticed that there was indeed a white car parked in the yard, and it had a foreign license plate.

I didn't think about it at that time, but now it seems to be Yuwenhao's.

The typical tall, rich and handsome!

It's not the kind of tall, handsome and rich who can't see the arrogance and domineering at all.

Looking at the appearance of Big sis, I am even more satisfied with him, and even boiled eggs for him personally. He has never had such a blessing.

But looking back, wouldn’t it be great?

It should be a good thing that Big sis can find such a good boyfriend. Will you be able to live a comfortable and good life in the future?

So why is he still worried here?

"Okay," Fang Heng said with a smile, "but there is really nothing good about the mountains here."

The two followed the curved mountain road towards the top of the mountain.

The sun is very good today, Fang Heng can enjoy the warm sunshine without the help of light bulbs.

Although he recognized Yu Wenhao a little, Fang Heng still didn't take the initiative to speak because he didn't know what to say to a stranger.

"Fang Heng, I heard that you are learning fortune-telling, aren't you?"

Fang Heng nodded, but his heart was tight, because this was not a good topic.

The relatives in the family heard that he was learning magic tricks with a fortune teller, and they were all more excited than their own sons jumping into the river.

Saying that it is absolutely unreliable, what kind of magic to learn from fortune-telling, it is deceptive to make it clear!

It wasn't until Fang Heng made money and changed his house that everyone gradually stopped mentioning this topic.

In today's society, making money is the kingly way.

Yuwenhao asks this now, does he want to say this too?

"Fortune-telling is good," said Yu Wenhao with a smile. "The so-called existence is reasonable. This profession is very old and has gone through countless generations. Even now that the technology is so advanced, it has survived tenaciously. Unique and desirable."

Fang Heng was stunned for a moment. It was the first time he heard someone talk about fortune-telling so fresh and refined.

He didn't know how to answer the call anymore.

"How are you learning now?" Yuwen Hao asked again, "Can you be your own?""This..." Fang Heng just said casually just now. He didn't know any fortune-telling at all, so he had to say with a dry smile, "I'm still far behind."

"Haha, don't worry," Yuwen Hao said, "The knowledge of fortune-telling is extensive and profound, and it is difficult to achieve any results without a few years of research.

"But since you have chosen this career, you still have to endure loneliness. I believe you will be able to succeed."

Suddenly being poured a bowl of chicken soup, Fang Heng felt really uncomfortable.

But he now understands why everyone thinks Yuwenhao is good.

"Brother Yu," Fang Heng decided, he still wants to inquire about Yu Wenhao's family situation, "what do you do?"

"Me?" Yuwen Hao smiled and said calmly, "Your sister and I are both taking the postgraduate entrance examination. If we can pass the exam this year, we can continue to take the doctorate exam."

Wow, I feel so high-end, Fang Heng praised in his heart, and at the same time he felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

He doesn't even know the concept of a graduate student now, and he has no chance to get in touch with this aspect of things on Wangzi Mountain.

"Of course, it would be bad if you don't pass the exam," Yuwen Hao showed a heavy expression. "If he doesn't pass the exam, I can only go back to my hometown and help my dad manage the factory. I hated the factory since I was a child, and it smells like oil."

Fang Heng: "...What kind of factory? What is it for?"

"It's just a small factory," Yuwen Hao said, shaking his head, "The annual output value is only a few hundred million, which is really not a big deal on our side."

He has tried his best to be humble, and the output value of his factory is more than a few hundred million.

But he was afraid to say too much to scare people, so now even Qian Xinying doesn't know how rich his family is.

Fang Heng has never been in contact with a factory, and does not know what the annual output value is in the hundreds of millions.

However, he compared this factory with the Master's West Forest... It seems to be really small, so small that it can be ignored.

So he nodded and said sincerely: "It's really small."

Ahem... Yuwen Hao almost choked to death by own saliva.

I'm just humble, why do you take it seriously?

Even if it was him, he would not think that the annual output value is several hundred million yuan, how can the net profit be twenty to thirty million yuan!

It is estimated that this future brother-in-law has never seen anything in the world.

Qian Xinying said before, let him have a good chat with his family, especially Fang Heng, and make the relationship better, maybe it will be of great help to him.

As a person with high EQ and IQ, Yuwen Hao knows that Qian Xinying's purpose is not what Fang Heng will help him at all.

What can a child who has not graduated from junior high school help him? Can he tell his fortune?

Sorry, he knows his fate very well, it's very good, no one needs to count it.

Qian Xinying asked him to talk to Fang Heng, but to show him his own strength.

She was given to someone else's house by her biological parents since she was a child, so can she be free of grievances in her heart?

She will come to participate in the 50th birthday of Fang's mother this time, but it is just to show them that she is living well now, far better than staying in this home a hundred times better!

Although I think this is a little childish, as Qian Xinying's boyfriend, he is naturally toward her.

And he also felt that the Fang family had done too much, because he gave it away just because he was a daughter. This value is simply disagreeable.

Can only say, stupid.

So he resolutely accepted Qian Xinying's request.

However, he has a relatively good personality, he is not too deliberate and public, just casually revealing the true situation of own.

As for the effect, it's pretty good, and the Fang family are very envious.

Until just now.

The lethality of Fang Heng's phrase "really small" is too strong, so strong that a person with a very good personality feels that Fang Heng is too arrogant and too defiant.

"It seems that you have followed your Master and have been in contact with many big bosses."

Fang Heng thought for a while and shook his head.

In his opinion, everyone around the Master, except Wei Donghai, doesn't seem to be very rich.

"Then how do you feel that a factory with an annual output value of several hundred million is small?"

Fang Heng frowned slightly, and he heard a hint of displeasure in Yu Wenhao's tone.

But he didn't talk nonsense, he was obviously very young.

Su Haoran said at the annual meeting last year that the total output value of Xizhilin last year exceeded one trillion!

There are also tens of billions of dollars in the clothing factory. Even Wei Donghai, I heard that he did a business of billions of dollars last year. He also went to watch football with the Master and made a lot of money.

Even Dahei and Jasmine have a billion in deposits, and they are still in the bank under his name!

Compared with these, the annual output value is hundreds of millions, is it not comparable?

Is it because every man is the same and doesn't like being called small by others?

Yeah, why did he forget this!

I just said that I need to have a higher emotional intelligence, but I offended people in a blink of an eye.

This is very bad. Fang Heng thinks he should be remedied, but how to remedy it, say he is big?

It seems a bit unwell, it will appear too deliberate, and it may be counterproductive.

Hey, Fang Heng scratched his head, this way of life is too complicated.

The truth cannot be told, neither can the falsehood be told, the difficulty is almost as fast as solving the equation.

Finally he thought for a while and said, "Brother Yu, don't mind, I was just talking nonsense."

Yuwen Hao:...Are you comforting me?

"Really, I actually don't know anything, and I don't even know what the annual output value is," Fang Heng added, "I follow the Master every day to feed fish and grow vegetables. I have no idea about making money."

Yuwen Hao felt very heartbroken, you are showing off in Chi Guoguo!

Forget it, he felt that talking to this future brother-in-law was like talking with ducks.

This is the inevitable result of dialogue between people of different social status and education level.

He felt that he had said so much, and it was in units of 100 million, so the effect of buying a rocking car just now is not as strong as that.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable that some people like to show up in front of others and use money to hit others.

Because in this world, most people eat this set!

"Are you free on Saturday?" Yuwen Hao decided to change the subject.

"Yes, I'm free anytime."

"That's good," Yuwen Hao said, "I am engaged to your sister on Saturday, you must go."

got engaged?

I'm going to get engaged!

He just woke up suddenly now, Big sis is about to graduate from university soon!

the time passes so fast.

But this guy, it's obviously intentional, right?

Don’t you just say that your factory is very small?

Damn it's thing is that this wave of counterattack is really effective, making him feel 10,000 points of harm in his heart.

"Where should I do it?"

"Jiangnan Province, Gusu City." Yuwen Hao said, "In Xilin City, it will be a simple one, but it is mainly for classmates and friends. Family members should be more formal."

"Does my sister let me go?" Fang Heng asked.

"Look at what you said," Yuwen Hao smiled, "How could your sister not let you go? How do you say, you are also sisters and brothers, right?"

Fang Heng thought for a while, and finally nodded.

As long as Big Si has no objection, he must go.

What if she marries so far alone and is bullied?

So when Little Brother's, you must go over and support him.

He hooked his finger to the final decision. Today, Wednesday, and Friday at the latest, he will fly by plane. Time is too late.

I don't know if my parents are going.

I shouldn't go. Big Sister's adoptive parents will definitely go. It would be too inappropriate for parents to go again. When the time comes, the two father-in-laws and mother-in-law will be embarrassing.

Then go alone, but first ask for leave from the Master.

So he called Wu Jun and talked about the matter a little bit.

Wu Jun frowned when he heard that Fang Heng was going to Qian Xinying's engagement ceremony.

He knew about the affairs between Qian Xinying and Fang Heng. At that time, they almost broke off their relationship because of their apprenticeship.

Is it reconciled now?


Although the girl Qian Xinying likes to be greedy for a little bit of cheapness and a little vanity, this is all normal. Who hasn't been so careful about it?

So if the two can reconcile as before, like a pair of real brothers and sisters, Wu Jun thinks it would be good.

So he flipped through the image of Heng Future, and his brows were slightly frowned.

It seems that things are not what he imagined.

I was thinking of a few words to remind me, but I just thought about it and let it go.

It is impossible for Fang Heng to live his entire life under his protection. Many things must be experienced and faced in person before he can grow up.

And this time someone should help Fang Heng secretly, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

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