Fang Heng could be considered to have seen a lot of big scenes, but he was still amazed by the scene in front of him.

Behind him is a wide, flat and brand new street, with tall buildings on both sides of the street.

In fact, this is not surprising. He has followed the Master to Yangcheng, Paris, Las Vegas, and many places in China and the world.

In terms of the urban environment alone, the city in front of you is not the most prosperous.

But in front of him was an ancient stone bridge. The flowing water under the stone bridge was very clear, and there were groups of koi carps swimming happily.

Opposite the stone bridge is an antique garden. He doesn't know which era it belongs to, but he can still clearly feel the historical charm, hidden in every brick and red lantern under the eaves.

Across the stone bridge is a parking lot filled with all kinds of high-end cars, and even farther away there are people in luxurious clothes, who can tell that they are celebrities at a glance.

The waitresses in classical robes shuttle through it, giving people the illusion of going back in time.

This is where Yuwen Hao and Big Sis got engaged, a private garden.

In the city center full of reinforced concrete, such a garden is like a clear spring in the desert or a green emerald among the gravel piles.

Unexpectedly, Yuwenhao's family is so rich. It seems that he was really humble before.

Standing on the stone bridge, Fang Heng sent a message to Yuwen Hao, and soon the waitress who thought she was pretty came over to greet him.

Follow the waitress into a wide meadow, this is the place where the ceremony is held.

A live band was playing beautiful music. The guests were standing in twos and threes on the grass chatting. Fang Heng was in the crowd, but he did not find any familiar figure.

Maybe they are all busy.

It's just that he doesn't know any of the people around him, which makes him feel uncomfortable no matter where he stands, just like there is an invisible barrier between him and the world.

I originally thought that following the Master cultivation, he has a very high salary every month, and he can get some stratification from Wangshan Fish Village. His life is already perfect.

But now Fang Heng suddenly realized that he really seemed a bit out of place with this world.

This made him laugh a little bit self-deprecatingly, and also said to support Big sis, but it was a bit difficult depending on the situation, and no one paid him any attention.

It would be great if the Master was there.

The Master can always be the center of attention, even though he himself is not very happy.

After walking alone on the grass for half an hour, Fang Heng looked at the time.

According to Yuwenhao, today's engagement ceremony was based on the time, at 11:18.

In ten minutes, he felt a bit silly to stand here, so he quietly left the crowd and wandered in the garden alone.

As a result, I just went around behind a small house and saw Big sis in a white dress, walking hurriedly across a long corridor.

She was dressed beautifully today, but Fang Heng found that her face was not so good.

Just when he wanted to go up and ask what was going on, Yu Wenhao chased him up from behind.

"Xinying, don't be angry, what can you say well!"

Qian Xinying stopped and suddenly turned her head back: "How can I say something? Isn't my attitude bad? Did I ask too much? I just said a word casually, and it came to your mother's mouth. , I'm just a countryman who doesn't understand etiquette?"

"That's not what she meant!" Yuwen Hao hurriedly took her hand to persuade him, "But the customs are different in each place. My parents and their requirements are also our habit here."

"Did I say that I won't change my mouth today?" Qian Xinying broke away from Yu Wenhao's hand. "I just said that it is not like this in our place. I have to wait until the wedding day to change my mouth. Turning my eyes, what did she say to me?

"I know that your family is rich, and my status is really wrong with you. It's normal for your mother to look down on it, and I can totally understand it.

"But if you look down on it, why do you agree to it? If you agree, why do you want to look down on it again?"

"No, they really didn't mean that..." Yuwen Hao explained anxiously.

"Really not?" Qian Xinying smiled, "Do you really treat me as blind?

"Yesterday when your parents received my parents, they didn't even look directly at them. They didn't have the most basic courtesy and politeness. At that time, I felt very uncomfortable in my heart, but my dad stopped them.

"Today I just said a little bit, your mother said what country rules I am, what happened to the country rules?"

Yuwen Hao: "No, you must have heard it wrong, she didn't say that."

"It seems that you not only treat me as blind, but also deaf," Qian Xinying said. "But you don't know, Yuwen Hao, I am not only not blind or deaf, but my eyesight is terrifying, and my hearing is even more yours. Unimaginable good!"

Yuwen Hao sighed lightly, showing a helpless expression.

Since ancient times, he now has a deep understanding that matters between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are the most difficult to deal with.

"Xinying, the time is coming soon, so please stop making trouble, okay," Yuwen Hao said in a low voice, "No matter what, they are my parents. Even if there is something wrong, should we tolerate it as a Junior? ?"

Qian Xinying glanced at him, but didn't say a word.

"And you see, we are getting engaged now and getting married in the future. It is the two of us who are living, right? The old man has something to say, just say a few words occasionally, if you don't hear it, can you?"

Speaking of Yuwenhao once again grabbed Qian Xinying's hand, Qian Xinying earned a bit but didn't, so she stopped earning.

It seems that after a while of venting just now, Qian Xinying's anger has disappeared a lot, and the addition of Yu Wenhao's words made her quite heart-warming.

Just then, Yuwenhao's cell phone rang.

He hurriedly pressed the answer button, put it to his ear to listen, and said quickly: "I know Mom, it's okay, we'll be here right away."

After hanging up the phone, Yuwen Hao smiled and said to Qian Xinying: "Let's go, my mother is urging us to go there."

Said that he was holding Qian Xinying's hand and was about to go there, but found that Qian Xinying didn't mean to go with him.

"What's the matter?" Yuwen Hao asked with a smile, "Don't be angry. After today, we will go to the beach for a few days to travel together. When I pay you, it won't be enough."

Qian Xinying's face was cold, and she withdrew her hand: "You tell me the truth, what did your mother say on the phone just now?"

Yuwen Hao Weiwei was taken aback for a moment: "That means the time is almost up, let us go there quickly, or it would be bad if we don't miss the time."


"Really, absolutely true! I swear..."

"Yuwenhao," Qian Xinying said with a serious face, taking a step towards retreated, "I will give you another chance. I promised you, just to say what you just said, I don't care what your mother said, I really look down on it. I'm still something else, I won't care.

"Even if the two of us elope and live the lives of ordinary people, I will not leave you.

"But the premise is that you must tell me the truth, and you must honestly tell me what your mother said on the phone just now.

"If you can't even do this, then there is no need for us to get married."

"I really didn't say anything," Yuwen Hao also looked a little anxious, "she just let us pass..."

Qian Xinying sighed slightly, and Fang Heng, who was not far away, also shook his head.

His hearing is very good, and he can hear Yuwen Hao's voice very clearly.

His mother didn't say something to make them go there quickly or what time to miss, but said: You will come back to me, today this marriage is uncertain!

Hey, what a good thing, how did it happen in a flash?

Fang Heng had never encountered such a troublesome thing before, and he didn't know who was right and who was wrong.

Judging from the previous conversation between the two, it seems that Big sis is a bit too much, but from the phone call just now, Yuwen Hao's family does not seem to be very kind.

What to do, do you want to persuade them now?

But how should I persuade?

When she was undecided, Qian Xinying sat down on the bench in the promenade, two lines of tears slid across her face, washing away the light makeup on her face.

"You told me before that your family has a small factory, and its annual output value is only several hundred million, right?" Qian Xinying's voice also became a little choked and hoarse. "The result? I didn't have it until last night. You know, your family is richer than you said, more than ten times that?

"Yuwenhao, do you think this is fun?

"Do you think I'm going to be stunned on the spot with happiness like other girls?

"If that's the case, I'll tell you, you have misunderstood the wrong person! If I am for the money, I need to come to please you?

"You have talent, dreams, gentleness and kindness, these are the reasons why I will be with you.

"But I never thought that you are still a rich second generation, or a hypocritical rich second generation."

Yuwen Hao frowned slightly: "What do you mean by this? I'm not what you think."

"No?" Qian Xinying said, "When I was in my biological father's house, I asked you to have a good chat with my brother. Maybe it would be of great help to you.

"What did you do in the end?

"Isn't it like other rich second generations, went to him to show off?"

Yuwen Hao: "...Isn't that what you meant?"

"What do I mean?" Qian Xinying said grimly, "I mean literally, not the messy things you understand!

"You will do that because you want to do it in your heart, and subconsciously want to satisfy your own vanity."

Yuwenhao really didn't understand this time, is it that the little brother-in-law who doesn't look very good is really amazing?

But until now, he hasn't noticed it at all!

No, this is not the time to think about this.

Yuwen Hao rubbed his forehead, his lips closed tightly, and his smiling face had become a little cold.

"So you admit it, Yuwenhao," Qian Xinying continued, "you are still full of arrogance and domineering in your bones. Your respect for women and love is only because you need to use it to make a layer of hypocritical packaging. "

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