The nine bends of the Yellow River, ninety-nine bends, the first bend, is on a beautiful prairie.

In the northern part of Shu, it is June.

On the vast and boundless grassland, overnight, like a goddess, blooming with wild flowers of various colors.

This is a piece of sea, a piece of heaven's gift to mankind.

Jiang Ziyan was walking along a crooked river, letting the dew on the blades of grass and petals wet the embroidered shoes on her feet, covering her white calves.

Looking into the distance, the snow-capped mountains in the distance are majestic, and the nearby is boundless.

A few clouds floated in the blue sky, and the air was as fresh as a sweet spring.

Standing between this piece of heaven and earth, feeling the ubiquitous breeze, Jiang Ziyan had a very strong feeling. If she was not a little fat, she would surely be able to fly gently like those butterflies at this time.

Ahem, but this little regret did not disturb her appreciation of the beauty.

No way, the food provided by the boss is too good.

And the scenery here is really beautiful!

In order to see this scene before her, she has been a waiter for two months in a nearby small county.

But the hard work paid off, and two months of patience and hard work resulted in the endless beauty of today.

Worth it.

So she stretched out her white fingers, gently stroked the black jade ring on her chest, and decided to be extravagant today.

A wisp of Spirit Power was quietly released from the ring, and instantly scattered around her, centering on her.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the surrounding flowers and plants, under the nourishment of Spirit Power, gave out more vigorous vitality, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Numerous flower buds bloomed and the fragrance of the flowers overflowed, attracting a large group of colorful butterflies to dance.

She wanted to make a beautiful garland, but finally gave up the idea and only gently extended her finger to let a colorful butterfly stop in between.

At this moment, her heart really melted.

This is a gift of nature.

So she lay flat on the grass and closed her eyes lightly, letting her mind fall into a boundless emptiness, forgetting the time, forgetting to go to work today, forgetting everything, and greedily enjoying the fairyland in front of her. Shengjing.

I don't know how long it took, but a soft engine sound disrupted the silence on the grassland.

Jiang Ziyan looked up and saw an off-road vehicle approaching from far away, crushing the grass and the blooming flowers.

This made her frown slightly and she was dissatisfied.

Who is so unethical, such a beautiful grassland, how can you drive in such a big car?

While thinking about it, this black Hummer swiftly stopped not far from her, and braked sharply on the green grass, leaving two long trailing marks.

A burly big man jumped from the driver's seat, and when it landed on the ground, the turf shook.

Seeing this person's clothing, Jiang Ziyan frowned even deeper.

A long black trench coat was open, revealing the strong muscles of the chest and a big cross-shaped scar, shaggy thighs and checkered boxer briefs.

What Jiang Ziyan cares about is his right hand, which is obviously not a normal human hand, but a mechanical hand with a delicate nozzle on his arm.

I don't know if it is used to spray flames or spray water.

A pair of wrinkled boots was still stained with greasy stains that I didn't know the day.

Standing there carelessly, it really doesn't fit in with the surrounding scenery!

In fact, the nozzle was not used to spray flames, but Ivan used to spray wine.

Vodka, the cheapest kind.

When seeing Jiang Ziyan, Ivan was visibly stunned: "Why are you?"

This sentence actually asked Jiang Ziyan.

The last time Ivan raided the big formation, although she was also there, the two did not meet and were intercepted by Wu Jun.

So Ivan knew Jiang Ziyan, but Jiang Ziyan didn't know him.

But just on the surface, this guy shouldn't be a good person.

How can a good person dress so much?

"Who are you?" Jiang Ziyan shouted sharply.

"Hmm..." Ivan tilted his head, as if his brain was a little unresponsive because he had drunk too much, and said after thinking for a while, "We should be opponents before, but now we should be allies."


What ally?

Jiang Ziyan didn't remember having such a rude ally.

So she raised her arm, and immediately there was a large amount of Spirit Power covering her hand, and a few Spirit Power spurs were entangled with faint electric light.

"Quickly say, who are you! Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!""Don't get excited, don't get excited!" Ivan took a sip of water and hurriedly took a half step on his hind legs. "I don't want to have any conflict with you. I am really your ally, if you are the master's woman."

Master's woman?

Jiang Ziyan's face suddenly flushed to her neck, and Ben Miss is not someone else's woman.

This person is full of nonsense, maybe he deliberately deceived her?

The key is that he looks too much like a change, where is there a person running around in a trench coat wearing only a pair of boxers?

"It's true," Ivan said, "I'm helping the master to find the ancient corpse. Are we allies? Can you put away your lightning first, I watched my scalp numb."

Ivan did not dare to underestimate Jiang Ziyan's combat effectiveness, because he felt a lot of Spirit Power from her.

This has always been something he pursued, but it was a pity that Wu Jun didn't give him much last time.

"How do I know if you lied?" Jiang Ziyan still did not relax her vigilance.

"It's simple, you call him now." Seeing Jiang Ziyan didn't move, Ivan asked tentatively, "No, you don't even have his phone number?"

Jiang Ziyan sighed, it's not that she doesn't have Wu Jun's phone, but that she doesn't have a phone herself.

Without the family's financial support, her life is not very prosperous, and she has been relying on part-time work for most of the year.

I have changed several cities and traveled while earning money. As a result, I spent more than I earned. Up to now, I have not bought a mobile phone.

"It seems that you are bankrupt." Ivan joked a little funny, "I don't know what you think, the master is obviously so rich..."

"To shut up!"

"Okay, I'll shut up." Ivan opened the car door very interestingly, took out a mobile phone from the inside, and threw it away. "It's a meeting ceremony. Now you can make a call."

Putting the phone in her hand, Jiang Ziyan hesitated for a while, but in the end she still didn't dial the number deep in her memory.

From Ivan, she did not feel the cold and evil Mental Energy, so this person should not be an enemy, at least not that kind of enemy.

As long as it has nothing to do with that kind of Mental Energy, then it has nothing to do with her, and she doesn't want to worry too much about it.

"Forget it," she threw the phone back again, "what are you looking for?"

"No, I didn't come to you," Ivan smiled, "I happened to be passing by, and then I detected Spirit Power fluctuations here, so I came to check it out. I didn't expect to meet you. This is just a coincidence. "

It turned out to be so.

It seems that this person should really help him find the ancient corpse.

"Are you going to be a Fairy for the rest of your life here?" Ivan saw that Jiang Ziyan was no longer hostile to him, and began to cheat again. "I have to say that this is a good choice. I also hope that one day, I can return to the ice and snow. Raise a group of polar bears."

Jiang Ziyan frowned and raised a polar bear. What kind of hobby is this?

"you can go now."

"Yes, that's right, I do have a lot of things to do before raising a polar bear," Ivan said as he got into the cab, then put his head out of the window and said, "Are you sure you don't need a mobile phone? I have Many, I can give you one, just as an apology for crushing so many wild flowers."

"You go quickly!"

Not to mention the flowers, Jiang Ziyan was angry when she said it. The flowers were crushed, and the mood was ruined in a mess.

If the noise continues, she can hardly be able to bear it.

"All right."

Ivan shrugged and couldn't understand this beauty. Didn't she just crush some wild flowers? As for being so fierce?

Well, but the women around the master seem to be very powerful.

The weakest "female Mount Tai" can wander around in the woods. The professional cook is more powerful than him.

And the one in front of him was even more fearful. Using Spirit Power so superbly, he didn't dare to get within ten meters.

If he hadn't braked in time just now, he would have taken a few punches.

That fist with spikes and lightning is not easy to provoke.

So he started the car, and just about to turn around, suddenly felt an unusual wave of fluctuations coming from a long distance.

And an instrument installed in DV suddenly screamed frantically.

What a powerful Spirit Power fluctuation!

Ivan quickly jumped out of the car and looked into the distance.

Jiang Ziyan also felt this unusual Spirit Power fluctuation, and looked up at the distant mountain.

The Spirit Power fluctuation came from that direction, but she couldn't judge where it was.

"Haha, it turned out to be there!" Ivan smiled at this time, "Hey, are you going to see it?"

Jiang Ziyan was silent.

It stands to reason that this level of Spirit Power fluctuation is enough to be considered an abnormal situation.

Before the change, she would definitely rush to check it out as soon as possible.

But now that she has been evicted from the house, it is no longer her duty.

Big Sister and my brother, they should also know, right?

They will definitely send someone there, so what else is she going to do?

"Whether to go or not, give me a word!" Ivan patted the car door, "I can take you for a while."

"Don't go."

Ivan shook his head regretfully, stepped on the accelerator, and drove quickly in the direction he came.

Bypassing a swamp, Ivan has been paying attention to the data on the instrument.

The Spirit Power fluctuation just now continued, and it got stronger and stronger, which made him faintly excited.

Spirit Power is a good thing, it can form a strong combat power and slow down aging.

He is 104 years old now, but his body is still in his thirties. This is the benefit that Spirit Power brings him.

Of course, this was the reason he only understood after attacking the ancient battlefield.

That time, the Spirit Power remaining in the bear tooth necklace saved his life.

Before that, he didn't know what Spirit Power was, only that the Mental Energy of the ancient corpse could be absorbed by him.

Later he realized that Mental Energy and Spirit Power are two completely different things.

And Spirit Power seems to allow him to gain power more quickly than refining Mental Energy.

But Spirit Power is very small, almost non-existent in this world, only the ancient corpse, which contains abundant Spirit Power.

But the ancient corpses are scattered all over the world, and they are controlled by Mental Energy, which are extremely hidden. In the past few decades, he has only found two parts.

Strictly speaking, he only found one right arm, the heart, which he brought out from the underground base.

But now these are all gone.

That's why he was so weak when he was at Amazon. He was successfully attacked by a few old Americans and almost killed him.

Now that such a powerful Spirit Power fluctuates, how could he miss this opportunity?

On the one hand, you may be able to get Spirit Power. On the other hand, if you can find what Wu Jun wants, you can also get a lot of Spirit Power from Wu Jun.

So no matter how you look at it, he won't lose money this trip.

When he was thinking about it, there was a sudden bang from the roof of the car, making his brows frowned.

What the hell?

He just put his head out of the car window, and just saw a corner of the skirt, when he was slapped back by a white, tender, chubby little hand.

"Don't peek, drive!"

Ivan was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. Am I peeking at you?

Sister-in-law, grandma, you can call me grandfather grandfather, okay?

And if you didn't sit in the car, how could you get to the roof?

Is the air on the roof good?

But with such a strong teammate, Ivan is also very happy.

"Formally introduce yourself," he said loudly, "My name is Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov!"

Jiang Ziyan frowned. The name was strange. Was he playing mahjong when his mother gave birth to him?

But she was not in the mood to joke at this time.

After Ivan had left just now, she thought about it again in the same place.

Although she has been kicked out of the house now, the blood of the Jiang family is still flowing in her body, and she is still a member of the Jiang family.

And monitoring and eliminating a state of the world has been their family's duty since ancient times.

So she decided to go take a look.

What if the situation is urgent and there is no time to send someone over at home?

The most important thing is, maybe that person will come?


In the vast mountains, clouds and mists are lingering.

Although it has been early summer, the cold wind is still raging in this place more than 5,000 meters above sea level.

On the back of a large mountain, messy rocks stand out abruptly, and in some gloomy trenches, there is still unmelted snow.

A group of wild goats traversed the steep cliffs leisurely and slowly, and the weeds halfway through the mountain have begun to grow young leaves. This is their most delicious food.

BAA Baa baa……

The leading male goat stood on a raised rock facing the team behind him, and sent a safety signal to his companion behind him.

But just halfway through its cry, the rock under its feet suddenly burst, and the ram's body flew into the sky like a tattered sack, and a large amount of bright red liquid spewed out of the torn body.

The flock was frightened and fled, but a lightning-fast figure suddenly appeared in front of the largest female goat like a teleport, and its big black hand crushed its neck.


As night fell, the air was even colder.

A burly man covered in red fruits, with stray hair, sitting in the clearing, gnawing the leg of lamb in his hand while turning the other half of the goat on the fire.

By his side, a pile of bones had already been thrown.After the whole goat was eaten, the burly man stretched out contentedly, stood up and moved his body, and then looked at the vast grassland in the distance.

"I don't know how long I slept."

While muttering to himself, the man dug a rock wall with both hands.

The seemingly ordinary pair of big hands, at this time, it seems to be made of the best steel, and the rock that should have been extremely hard has become like a large mass of tofu.

A few minutes later, he dug out a cave that was not deep, and then took out an oil paper bag.

After unpacking the layers, there is an old notebook inside. Under the firelight, carefully identify the fuzzy writing on it.

"Well, it seems that this thing is useless," the man flipped over the notebook and threw it into the fire. "The memory is there, and nothing went wrong."

Throwing all the greased paper on the ground into the fire, the man would not stay for a long time after it was completely burnt to ashes.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had come to the bottom of the mountain, and then disappeared into the deep valley.

Soon after he left, two bright lights approached from far away, and finally stopped on a piece of gravel ground.

Ivan got out of the car and looked up at the majestic mountain in front of him: "It seems we are really late."

"Are you going up?" Jiang Ziyan asked.

"What are you going to do?" Ivan said, "Spirit Power fluctuations have already stopped..."

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Ziyan ran up the mountain quickly, and with the support of the Spirit Power of the black jade ring, she disappeared into the vast night in a blink of an eye.

Ivan shook his head helplessly, the girl was too impatient, and he didn't say anything.

It's just that his Spirit Power storage is not so rich, and he dare not use it like her, he can only climb the mountain with pure physical strength.


Before a spot of ashes, Jiang Ziyan touched the rock that was still warm, and finally fell on the pile of goat bones.

What is it that actually ate a goat at a time?

Is it a big beast?

Probably not, I haven't heard that beasts can make fires.

After looking around again, Jiang Ziyan didn't find much useful things except for the corpse of a goat that was blown apart.

At this time, Iwan panted and chased after him, looking at Jiang Ziyan like a monster.

She has a calm complexion, her face is not red or heartbeat, she can splurge with Spirit Power, she is so selfish.

"How about it?"

Jiang Ziyan shook her head and said, "I'm a step late."

"Hey, it looks like this trip was in vain again." Ivan felt fortunately, but fortunately he didn't use Spirit Power to climb the mountain just now, otherwise he would lose a lot.

"Do not."

At this moment, Jiang Ziyan suddenly stopped by the fire just now, her face turned a little ugly.

"Come and take a look."


Ivan strode over, and when he saw something on the ground, his heart trembled.

It was a pair of footprints, left on a solid rock, a pair of big footprints!

And judging from the distance between the two footprints and the depth of the front and back, someone should have just started here...?

Ivan's eyes widened. Isn't this too much?

Just one start can make two such deep footprints out of the rock?


As Jiang Ziyan said, she walked down the mountain.

"where to?"


Jiang Ziyan mentioned the fastest speed, and she was very worried at this time.

This pair of footprints gave her too strong shock, this is not an ordinary force!

What would be the result if their owners were allowed to go to the world?

Ordinary people are just a piece of tofu in front of him!

But under the mountain, Jiang Ziyan quickly stopped.

The footprints are gone here!

This made her feel more urgent.

"I said..." Ivan chased up from behind, "Let's call the master."

Jiang Ziyan sighed inwardly, and that could only be the case.

Thanks to her and this big man becoming too big, it is no longer possible to find the trace of that person.

Just thinking of meeting Wu Jun again, an indescribable feeling faintly rose in her heart.

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