It was the first time Ivan went to Wangzishan, and followed Jiang Ziyan into Wu Jun's door. He heard a slight sigh from the sky all the way back.

When the two looked up, they saw a figure falling from a big tree.

This is Wu Jun?

Jiang Ziyan has quick eyes and quick hands, and Iwan's speed is full. Both of them rushed over at the fastest speed, trying to reach out and catch him.

But when she ran under the tree, Jiang Ziyan discovered that there was a big puddle there.


Wu Jun fell directly into the puddle, splashing a lot of water, Jiang Ziyan was soaked instantly, her thin clothes clinging to her body, showing a plump curve.

At this time, Ivan also rushed from behind. I don't know if it was intentional. One of them didn't brake in time and gently slammed into Jiang Ziyan's back.


Jiang Ziyan was slammed into the water, and she couldn't help falling down, completely bottomless.

As he was about to adjust his posture to move upstream, he was suddenly grabbed by his calf with a hand.

Wu Jun was also dumbfounded at this time, why suddenly there was an extra leg in the water?

However, it was too late to think too much at this time. He was exhausted now and had to get out of the water as soon as possible, otherwise he would really be drowned in this pit.

So he climbed up along this calf, crawling and crawling... suddenly felt something wrong.

Is it a woman?


Jiang Ziyan had already surfaced, screamed again, and gently opened the hand that was holding her clothes.

"No?" Ivan looked straight above, and couldn't help but ridicule: "You two, don't you need to do it as soon as you meet?"

Jiang Ziyan's blush was about to bleed. This changed too much, and she had no good words along the way, always making fun of her and Wu Jun.

At this time, Wu Jun also grabbed the ladder next to the puddle, and his wet head got out of the water.

"Ahem, why are you two?"

Jiang Ziyan didn't say a word, and climbed up the ladder: "I'll change my clothes first."

When she left last time, she didn't take anything with her, so she still had clothes left here.

Ivan looked at her back and laughed: "The clothes are left here, and I still don't admit it all the way."

Wu Jun: ...I didn't expect you to like Eight Trigrams so much too?

"Master, get up quickly."

Ivan then remembered that Wu Jun was still in the water, and quickly dragged him up.

"Would you like to change clothes or something together?"

"No, I'll get wet after a while." Wu Jun waved his hand and replied very calmly.

"It's hard to imagine that you will fall when you climb a tree?" Ivan said, "but your falling posture is still very good."

Wu Jun thought what do you think?

It has been half a year since he started climbing trees, and all the mattresses in Xilin City were broken by him!

From the beginning, I could only climb a few meters, and now I can climb to more than 30 meters. At the end of my mind, I thought of the trick of digging a puddle.

This is the experience!

"But what are you climbing?" Ivan looked up, "There seems to be nothing on the tree."

"I'm not climbing trees," Wu Jun said, "I'm practicing diving!"

Ivan: …have you dived on your back like this?

"Something?" Wu Jun asked.


When it comes to business, Ivan gets serious and tells the details of what he encountered the night before.

Jiang Ziyan had changed her clothes and walked over with her wet hair.

Wu Jun asked, "Have you ever asked if this matter is in your house? Did you find anything on the Dazhen side?"


Wu Jun frowned slightly, and Jiang Zishan was still guarding the formation, but no news was sent to him.

So he got through Jiang Yeshan's phone, but he found nothing unusual.

Now that the Great Array has sufficient Spirit Power and no interference from Fengqi’s Mental Energy, it can be turned on once a day, but it is not monitored 24 hours a day.

"According to our current monitoring frequency, it is actually quite enough," Jiang Zishan said. "That kind of fleeting vision does not belong to our monitoring scope.

"According to the experience handed down from home, this short-term Spirit Power fluctuation will not cause too much and too bad images."

"okay, I get it."

Wu Jun put down the phone and asked Jiang Ziyan again: "Have you found that kind of Mental Energy?"

Ivan and Jiang Ziyan shook their heads at the same time. They did not feel the evil Mental Energy of Fengqi, or even any residual Mental Energy.

In other words, the person they were chasing on the mountain had nothing to do with Fengqi.

"But it's not necessarily," Wu Jun said. "If he is the same as Ivan, or even more powerful than Ivan, it would not be impossible to use Mental Energy that directly obliterated Fengqi into his own use."

Ivan nodded, he knew it best.

"If this is the case, then this person is more powerful than we thought."

"It doesn't matter if a person is good, as long as the heart is not evil," Wu Jun said, "We can't think he will do bad things just because he is good?"

Jiang Ziyan thought for a while and said, "Although it is correct to say that, what if he wants to do bad things?"

"Don't we have a supernatural power research institute? I'll just let them pay attention later."

"Are you not going to find this person?"

"What am I looking for him for?" Wu Jun asked with a smile, "There are so many amazing people in this world, and every one of me has to look for them. Then where do I have time to repair... diving?"

Jiang Ziyan sighed softly, Wu Jun's words made sense, maybe she was too shocked and nervous, so she didn't think about it.

"But don't worry about it," Wu Jun said, "I will also pay attention to it a little during this period to make sure that nothing big will happen."

Jiang Ziyan nodded, only with Wu Jun's words can she be completely relieved.

At this time, Ivan took a sip of wine into his mouth, and said with regret: "It seems that this time I have been busy."

"It won't let you run in vain."

Wu Jun knew what he wanted to say. Originally, he was here to send information, but it turned out that it was useless information. He was worried that it would be of no benefit.

If there is no benefit, there will be no motivation.

Judging from Ivan's recent itinerary, he drove his car around the world.

It was just a little Spirit Power. He was so much that he instantly released the celestial energy to synthesize a strand of Spirit Power, filling his bear tooth necklace again.

Feeling the abundant Spirit Power in the bear tooth necklace, Ivan grinned openly.

It's a pity that the spirit power that Xiongfang can store is too little. It seems that we have to find a way to collect more things that can store Spirit Power.

"Well, you can go back if there is nothing wrong," Wu Jun said, "I will continue to practice diving, otherwise the next Olympics will not be able to catch up."

Jiang Ziyan:...


Ivan got the benefit, so naturally he stopped making more stops, and continued to wander around the world as he drove the car.

But Jiang Ziyan didn't want to run around anymore.

For one thing, I went to a lot of places in the past six months, and I was a little tired. I wanted to stop and rest for a while.

Another important reason is that she feels that this way of working while traveling is too inefficient.

She has a strong ability, but she is not good at part-time jobs. She is often worried and embarrassed that she will not have enough money. So she wanted to find a way to make money quickly, first save a sum of money, and then travel with confidence.

Among the people she knows, Wu Jun is undoubtedly the most profitable.

"What kind of job are you looking for?"

" doesn't matter if you work hard, but you need more money," Jiang Ziyan said, "It's best to make hundreds of thousands in a short time!"

Wu Jun smiled and said, "This is easy to say, so easy to say!"

"Really?" Jiang Ziyan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well, you go back and look through the "Criminal Law" and write it all in."

Jiang Ziyan: "...I'm serious with you."

"I'm very serious too!" Wu Jun spread his hands. "You think money is so good, it costs hundreds of thousands in one go. If there is such a good thing, it will be your turn."

"Then I think it's so easy for you to make money, so you can give 100 million at every turn."

"I am definitely different," Wu Jun said. "You can compare with anyone. Don't compare with me. I am unique."

Jiang Ziyan narrowed her mouth, can't we pretend to be serious.

"Don't tell me," Wu Jun put the tea cup back to his lips, "I really thought of a job that can meet your requirements."

"What's the job?" Jiang Ziyan asked, "couldn't it be written in the "International Law" this time?"

"No, serious work depends on whether you want to."

"really have?"


"Okay, I'm done!" Jiang Ziyan said, "Quickly talk about the job."


Jiang Ziyan thought for a while, let alone this is a really good job. Nowadays, some rich people are afraid of death and are willing to hire good people as bodyguards with high salaries.

"Yes, the bodyguard is the bodyguard," Jiang Ziyan said, "Isn't it just protecting people? I can do this!"

"Then I'll help you ask," Wu Jun said, "but what you are looking for is the kind of temporary security job. You may not have it in front of you. You may have to wait."

"Better hurry up," Jiang Ziyan said embarrassingly, "I don't want to live for nothing with you."

Wu Jun suddenly realized that the girl is really good enough, so poor that he doesn't even have the money to eat.

"It doesn't matter, how much you can eat as a girl. One bite less for Da Hei and Jasmine will be enough for you to eat for a day."

Jiang Ziyan:...Can you speak well?

Jasmine, who was lying in the cold, slapped her ears. Will Jiang Ziyan stay?

Come and come, take you to visit this king's collection, I promise to surprise you, and you can eat for a few more days!

Leading Jiang Ziyan to the room, Jasmine proudly pointed to several large refrigerators in the room.

"How do you put the refrigerator in the bedroom? Isn't it too hot?"

Jasmine said in her heart that this is my baby, don't worry if you don't put it in the bedroom!

Jiang Ziyan opened the door of a refrigerator and suddenly took a breath.

It's all chocolate!

"Please eat!" Jasmine casually took a bunch and stuffed it into her arms, "Come and get it when you're done, don't be polite to me."

Holding a heavy pile of chocolates, Jiang Ziyan suddenly thought, should I live here for a while?

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