The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 851 Where is the justice that belongs to me?

In a remote small mountain village dozens of kilometers away from Xilin City, Yang Longjun carried a simple backpack and stood at the entrance of a familiar and unfamiliar village.

It has been almost forty years since the blink of an eye.

The original old mountain village has completely changed its appearance long ago.

The old adobe tiles in the village were gone, and they were all replaced with small western-style buildings.

Those who are familiar are either old or can only show the epitaph. Even the cutest little Sister of the neighbor's parents pushed his grandson to start the square dance.

The small river in front of the village has also dried up, and the small bridge in memory has also become a wide cement bridge.

Only the green hill behind the village is still green.

According to his memory, he came to his home, but Yang Longjun discovered that it had become a vegetable field.

Parents should have passed away for many years, right?

Thinking of this, Yang Longjun couldn't help feeling a little sad.

That year, he did not heed his parents' dissuasion. In the winter, Tou Tie and a group of classmates went to climb the mountain, only to be trapped in a cave by heavy snow.

This difficulty is forty years.

Forty years, things are not humans!

But he still looks the same, and he has got an extraordinary ability.

But what about it?

No one can remember him anymore.

There are still a few relatives in the next room in the village, but he doesn't plan to see them anymore. Instead, he can't explain clearly when they meet, which adds to the trouble.

Maybe he should be treated as a monster.

Sitting on the rock by the side of the road, Yang Longjun looked at the vegetable patch for a long time, and finally got up and left the place where he was born and raised.

It's useless to sit here to hurt the spring and sad autumn, since you are still alive, then live well.

On the way back, he saw that the world had undergone tremendous changes. Compared with decades ago, it was earthshaking and changing with each passing day. There were so many things he hadn't seen before.

He used to be a high-achieving student and had already gotten a place in university, but now he found that the knowledge he had learned at the time was completely inadequate now.

So he plans to find a livelihood first, learn while earning money, and adapt to this era as soon as possible.

But after moving in Xilin City for a few days, he also failed to find a suitable job.

He does not have an ID card, so he is afraid to use him in a slightly more formal place, even on construction sites.

Finally, under a flyover where migrant workers gathered, he finally found an organization and took a few temporary jobs with a group of temporary migrant workers, earning a little life expense.

But the place where he lives is not settled, so he can only live on the flyover like a tramp, eat and sleep on the street.

But he has no complaints about this.

If you want to compare it to the time when the accident happened, this is not a bitter at all, and now you can eat rice and meat at least every day.

And he believes that through his continuous efforts, one day he will live a normal life.

The suffering in front of us is just to pave the way for a better future.


Two months later.Yang Longjun has adapted to the rhythm of modern life, learned to use a smart phone, learned to surf the Internet, and relying on his whole body strength to become the most famous... brick mover in this movie.

A brick clamp in one hand, against the fiery sun, both arms kept shaking.

Thousands of bricks are just an appetizer for him.

So this month he made a lot of money, got an ID card, bought a mobile phone, a battery car, rented a house, and replaced two suitable clothes.

Last night, I also invited a few familiar workers to have a hot pot meal in return for the help he had been doing during this period of time.

Walking out of the rental house, the early morning sun fell on his face, looking so confident.

Starting today, he does not plan to move bricks.

Yesterday he went to interview for a job as a security guard. He beat the crowd and was successfully admitted. Today is his first day to go to work.

Riding a battery car through an alley, a young man riding a motorcycle suddenly rushed over. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and the two did not collide.


The motorcyclist turned around and cursed, because of this, he bumped into an old lady in front of him.

The old lady fell down with a sound, all the vegetables she bought fell to the ground, tomatoes and potatoes rolled everywhere.

Seeing the bad situation, the motorcycle man ran away as soon as he turned on the accelerator.

"Hey! You stand!"

Yang Longjun hurriedly stopped. He wanted to chase the man on the bike, but saw the old lady lying on the ground looking sad, so he turned around and helped her up.

I can only blame him for knowing too little about this society.

In the past two months, he has been supplementing common sense, understanding the world pattern, and caring about national affairs.

The workers who worked with him were all very nice and took good care of him, making him mistakenly believe that the world is still as pure as it was decades ago.

So he dared to help.

"Old man, how are you?"

"Oh... my leg hurts..."

Yang Longjun saw her in pain and was almost unconscious, so he helped her to the battery car without thinking too much.

"Hold it up, I'll take you to the hospital now."

The old lady rushed to the hospital, and some expenses were paid in advance. When the old lady was undergoing the examination, her family members finally came.

"It's fine if you are here," Yang Longjun said enthusiastically, "then I will go to work now."

"Wait!" said a middle-aged woman, frowning, "you wanted to leave like this when you hit someone?"

"I hit someone?" Yang Longjun explained quickly, "I didn't hit it, it was a motorcycle rider. I just sent her to the hospital..."

"Hehe, it's true," the woman sneered three times. "If you didn't hit her, why would you want to help? Are you so kind? What a joke!

"If you don't figure this out today, you absolutely can't leave!"

Yang Longjun was a little confused.

He just kindly helped others, so why did he fall upon him?

"Big Sister, I really didn't hit him," he said patiently. "It was really hit by the motorcycle rider."

"Do you have evidence?"


"But you have no evidence to prove that I hit it!"

"Why not?" the woman said, "You sent my mother-in-law to the hospital, this is the evidence!"

Yang Longjun was completely speechless this time.

Can this be called evidence?

Wouldn't you believe the police when they came?

"Okay, okay, don't make a noise," a middle-aged man said at this time, "this brother, what is going on, we haven't seen it, and it's not easy to qualitative now.

"So, after my mother's filming comes out, we will ask her, and the matter will be clear," the middle-aged man said, "if you didn't hit it, we would naturally thank you."

Yang Longjun felt a little more comfortable after hearing this. It seems that not everyone is so unreasonable.

But after the old lady checked it out, she insisted that he had hit it.

"Auntie, you have to think about it before you say it," the sweat on Yang Longjun's head was anxious, "At that time, you were facing my back in the direction, how can you be so sure that I hit it?"

"It's you." The old lady said with her eyes closed.

"Then you say, what color car am I riding?"

"I didn't see it, you hit me."

"Aren't you unreasonable?" Yang Longjun said, "You have to have a conscience as a human being. I kindly sent you to the hospital and paid you medical expenses in advance. How can you rely on me tenderly?"

"It's you."

Yang Longjun:...

"Now, my mother said it was you," the middle-aged uncle said with a sullen face, "then tell me, how can you compensate?"

"I didn't hit, why should I pay?"

"Okay, I won't argue with you either," the middle-aged man took out his cell phone, "In this way, we can call the police and let the police handle it."

Yang Longjun nodded. It is best to call the police. He believes that the police will give him a fair deal.

But in this way, his work is ruined.

I was absent from work on the first day of work. I was busy with errands just now and I forgot to call for leave.

But a job, compared to his innocence, is a trivial matter.

You can find a job again, but if your innocence is gone, you will never come back.

To be a man must be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, have a clear conscience, and insist on justice.

The police arrived soon and after inquiring about the situation, according to Yang Longjun's confession, they sent people to investigate near the scene to see if they could find any witnesses, or whether there was monitoring.

While Yang Longjun anxiously waited, the results of the investigation came back.

"We visited," a police officer said, "but no witnesses were found."

"No," Yang Longjun said, "it was not very early at the time, and many people around saw it, and several shops were open! They must have seen them all!"

The police officer glanced at him. Is this man stupid or naive? In this society, who would take the initiative to testify for you?

However, he did not say it, but continued: "The old town is nearby, and it is very remote, and there is no surveillance."

Yang Longjun knew what surveillance was, so he nodded.

"So this matter is not easy to handle," the police officer said, "we mean, you try to mediate yourself."

Yang Longjun frowned: "What do you mean?"

How to mediate by yourself?

"Are you not advocating justice?"The police officer looked into his eyes again, and didn't know how to answer his question.

"Just look at the evidence," the police officer said, "now there is no evidence at all. We can't make a judgment just based on the confession of your client."

"Then you just look at her and rely on me like this?"

"How do you say it?" The police officer frowned. "We have no evidence to prove that she was hit by you, nor can it prove that it was not you.

"If you feel dissatisfied, you can not mediate.

"When they are sure of the above, the matter will be resolved through the courts.

"If you still can't show evidence by then..."

"What will happen?" Yang Longjun asked, "Will the judge convict me?"

"How the judge decides that is the judge's business, I don't know," the police officer said, "but I've said everything I should tell you. You can do it yourself."

"I see it?" Yang Longjun couldn't understand it. "Isn't it your duty to investigate the evidence? Why should I do it?"

"We have done our best to investigate."

"But didn't you find nothing?" Yang Longjun said, "If the matter is not checked, you will not continue to check it?"

The police officer wanted to give him a roll of his eyes. Did this man travel over the past century?

They have tried their best to investigate and collect evidence, but there is no monitoring and no witnesses. What can they do?

Could it be possible to turn back time and go back to the scene at the time to see it?

"Okay, that's it," the police officer said. "We have done all the work that should be done. If you are willing to accept mediation, now the family members of the parties are in the next room."

Yang Longjun thought for a while in silence, and finally nodded.

"Well, I accept mediation."

Because his ID was fake, he used the name of a nephew in the next room. The two looked alike, but they got confused here.

But if the lawsuit is really upset, he will definitely disturb his nephew's house, and he will show up at that time.

But the middle-aged couple's appetites were not small, they cost 500,000 to open their mouths, which really shocked him.

He thought that the old lady fell and lost a thousand dollars at most.

Half a million, have you sold him enough?

Of course, 500,000 yuan is impossible. The old lady has a slight bone fracture, and the treatment cost is only tens of thousands of dollars.

In addition to the miscellaneous food expenses, the couple finally agreed to compensate him for RMB 80,000.

Although it was very small compared to 500,000 yuan, Yang Longjun couldn't take out 80,000 yuan, not 8,000 yuan.

After moving the bricks for two months, he earned only a few thousand yuan. After all, moving bricks is not a daily life. He now has less than one thousand yuan on his body.

Looking at the mediation book in front of him, Yang Longjun suddenly woke up.

Why did things turn out to be like this, when he obviously did a good deed, but on the contrary, he had to pay others 80,000 yuan?

Why did that old lady, who obviously didn't see anything, insisted that he hit him?

Why doesn't the police believe what he said, obviously what he said is true?

Why was there clearly someone at the scene, but no one wanted to testify for him?

In this matter, he asked himself to be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, and he had a clear conscience.

But what about the justice that should belong to me?

Where did you go?

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