The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 853 Do you want to eat watermelon?

In the chaotic billiard room, Zhang Tao threw the cue heavily on the billiard table with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Stop fighting," he said with some annoyance, "I'm lucky these days, drinking cold water is going to jam between my teeth."

"Brother Tao, there is someone looking for you with your photo over there." At this moment, a yellow hair ran over to him quietly and said, "It doesn't look like a good stubble!"

"Who?" Zhang Tao frowned, "What does it look like?"

"It looks young, I shouldn't be twenty years old," Huang Mao said, "but that's muscular."

Under Huang Mao's guidance, Zhang Tao glanced at Yang Longjun from a distance.

Who is this? I have no impression.

However, as an "old Rivers and Lakes", Zhang Tao now has an extra heart.

No matter who it is, it is better to be careful.

So he said to Huang Mao: "Sixth, wait for you to help me find out what he is looking for, and I will ask you to skate later."

"Hey, Brother Tao is polite," Huang Mao replied with flying brows, "Don't worry, leave this to me, don't worry!"

Zhang Tao nodded, and silently left the billiard room from another exit.

But he didn't go far, but quietly behind the door, paying attention to the movement inside.

Yang Longjun took a printed picture, asked around in the billiard room, and finally came to Huang Mao.

"Do you know this person?"

"Who are you?" Huang Mao replied calmly.

"I'm his friend, it's a small matter to find him."

Huang Mao looked at Yang Longjun up and down, and finally waved his hand: "I don't know."

Yang Longjun smiled and said solemnly: "But your eyes tell you that you know him."


Huang Mao felt that he was getting more weird today.

"Daddy's eyes told you? Did it tell you that my six are not easy to provoke..."

Yang Longjun grabbed his throat, his hands were like iron tongs, Huang Mao struggled twice without breaking free, suddenly he was a little panicked.

"You... what do you want to do?"

"Tell me where he is."

"I have no idea……"


Yang Longjun slapped Huang Mao's face with his backhand, and Huang Mao's nose bleeds suddenly.

After looking for it all day, he has no patience anymore.

It's already more than nine o'clock in the evening. If you can't find that person, tomorrow's affairs will be difficult to handle.

Moreover, a little ruffian like Huang Mao, with a glib tongue, a glib tone, and not doing business properly... is the type of person he hates most.

So this slap, he slapped it without any psychological burden.


Huang Mao was slapped and dizzy, knowing that he had encountered a ruthless character today.

"Big... Dage, what do you want me to say!"

"What's his name?"

"Zhang Tao."

Yang Longjun knew that he had found the right person this time, and continued to ask: "Where is he now?"

Huang Mao swallowed hard.

Although Zhang Tao didn't dare to provoke him, the person in front of him seemed even more afraid to provoke him.

Dead fellow daoist is not dead, so he pointed to another door very unrighteously: "Go, just left!"

Yang Longjun threw Huang Mao on the ground and chased directly towards the door.

Zhang Tao from outside scolded Huang Mao for not talking about loyalty, but there was no place to hide here, so he could only run downstairs quickly.

But he was not in a hurry, his motorcycle stopped downstairs, and he was fine as long as he got on the bike.

Under this circumstance, there is no one who can catch up with a motorcycle!


As soon as Yang Longjun chased downstairs, he heard the roar of the engine, and then he saw Zhang Tao's back from a distance, riding a motorcycle speeding away.

It's him!

found it!

Yang Longjun looked around. There were still many people on the street at this time. He couldn't run too fast.

However, Zhang Tao is not very quick to ride a motorcycle, after all, there are many cars on the road.

So he easily chased after Zhang Tao, intending to stop him by surprise when he stopped.

Zhang Tao rode his bike across the street, then looked back and saw that no one was chasing him, so he slowed down.


He spit on the side of the road, whispering Huang Mao for not being loyal, and turning his face to sell him, while trying hard to think back whether he has provoked someone recently and why someone came to him inexplicably.

I just saw that the kid’s skills were definitely practiced before, otherwise Huang Mao wouldn’t be able to use it, and he wouldn’t be able to easily control it with one hand.

But after thinking about it, he never thought of which Dage he offended.

Could it be the old woman who bumped into that day?

Impossible, is the old woman so powerful?

But anyway, Xilin City may not be able to stay for the time being, he decided to go to the provincial capital to avoid the limelight.

At this time, a strange smell penetrated his nose, and when he turned his head, he arrived at Xiaoyu Cake Shop.

So he decided to buy some cakes. It happened to be a while before he came over. He was afraid that he would not be able to eat them in a short time.

So he parked the car at the door of the store and walked in carelessly, but the cakes on the counter were all sold out.

"What did you guys do," Zhang Tao said very dissatisfied. "How come you are out of stock at any time when you open such a big cake shop?"

"Sorry sir," a clerk replied with a smile, "we sell rations every day, and it's very late now."

"Is your boss crazy? What kind of quantitative sales? Isn't it good to do more and make more money? Nervous!"

"Hey, please clean your mouth."

At this time, Fang Heng walked in from outside with a big watermelon in one hand.

Hou Yongping planted some watermelons in the backyard, and they were all cooked recently. He chilled a few in the well in the afternoon. Qin Xiaoyu said just now that he wanted to give it to the store staff to try.

Of course, as a man, Fang Heng naturally couldn't let her take a trip.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the door of the store, I heard someone with a dirty mouth.

Zhang Tao took a look at Fang Heng, and he had to make this kid suffer a bit, but because of bad luck in the past few days, he felt that he still had to leave without a word.

Fang Hengzheng wanted to go in to deliver the watermelon, suddenly a shadow swished past him, brought a cool breeze, and instantly disappeared into the dark corner in front of him.

Huh, was that a person just now?

It's so fast!

Fang Heng was aroused in an instant, someone who can run so fast, he has seen the Master.

Of course, this person did not run as fast as the Master, but it still shocked him very much.

Why don't you follow along and have a look?

As soon as Fang Heng thought moved, he turned and chased after him.


Zhang Tao didn't buy the cake and was extremely upset. He rode out of the city quickly and went on the national highway to the provincial capital.

At night, the national highway was relatively quiet. Zhang Tao twisted the throttle all the way to the end, swiftly turning, and soon came to the top of the hill where the racing party gathered.

At this moment, he suddenly realized with horror that there seemed to be a figure chasing up from behind.

No, Zhang Tao looked at the stopwatch. Although he is uphill now, his speed is over eighty. How could someone run so fast?

Did you meet a ghost?

This thought frightened him so much that all the hairs on his body stood up. Looking back, he saw the figure behind him, less than 20 meters away!

My mother, Zhang Tao can't wait to twist the accelerator two more turns.

Hurry up, hurry up!

There is a drag racing party on the top of the mountain, just get there!

There are so many people there, maybe this ghost won't look for him?

As a result, as soon as he turned a corner, he saw a person standing in the middle of the road. Yang Longjun took the shortcut and went straight to Zhang Tao and waited.


Zhang Tao frowned. With the light of the car lights, he could see Yang Longjun's face clearly.

Isn't this the person looking for him tonight?

This guy is so powerful, he treated Huang Mao so hard in the billiards room, and chasing him like this now is probably no good thing.

In the hands of such a person, he still has room to struggle?

Suddenly, several thoughts flashed in his heart, and finally evil came to the guts.

Anyway, stopping is also dead, so I just ran into it. No one saw it here. He drove this guy into flight. Maybe he could break through!

So instead of slowing down, he adjusted the front of the car and bumped into Yang Longjun.

Yang Longjun didn't expect this person to be so fierce, he was indeed the kind of guy who would run away if he hit someone.

But a motorcycle is nothing but a pediatrics for him.

He opened a lunge and stretched out his hands towards the motorcycle.


With a slight muffled noise, Yang Longjun grabbed the handlebar of the motorcycle between the electric light and flint, and the strong inertia pushed him back quickly on the asphalt.

Yang Longjun's muscles bulged, especially his two legs, like steel.

The brand-new sneakers on his feet were quickly worn out, exuding a burnt smell, but the soles of his feet were still on the road, leaving two obvious marks.

After slipping more than ten meters away, the motorcycle stopped steadily. Zhang Tao was completely stunned at this time, and he was so scared that he was about to commit a heart attack.

Is this really human?

This is simply a monster!

He fell out of the car and knelt down in front of Yang Longjun: "I'm sorry, Dage, I didn't mean it, you suddenly rushed out, I really didn't react!"

Yang Longjun frowned, threw the motorcycle aside, and looked at the shoes on his feet.

This is a new pair of shoes he bought specifically for work, and now they don’t even have the bottom. Hey, what a pity.

"Dage? Dage?"

"Your name is Zhang Tao, right?" Yang Longjun took off his shoes and threw them to the side of the road.

"Yes Dage, what can you do with me?"

"Did you hit an old lady that day and then ran away?"

Zhang Tao's eyes turned so fast that he guessed right. Is this guy really sent by the old lady?

What to do, do you want to admit it?

Since the other party came to the door, he must have some evidence. If he doesn't admit it, he may suffer from flesh and blood.

Why don't you admit it happily, maybe you can do it with a little loss?

"Yes, it was me. I was in a hurry at the time. My mother was hospitalized, and I was in a panic." Zhang Tao lied and did not need to write a draft at all. He opened his mouth and came, "I went back and looked for it, but I didn't find it..."

"Don't talk so much nonsense," Yang Longjun said, "Since you hit it, then you go to the police station with me and clarify the matter."


Zhang Tao was really taken aback this time.

This guy came to him so fiercely, just for this bit of trouble?

Looking at his murderous look just now, he thought he would have to peel off if he didn't die this time, so you asked me to go to the police station to admit my mistake?

If he knew this was the case, he still ran a P?

"Yes," Zhang Tao felt that today was a survivor, and quickly nodded, as if Yang Longjun suddenly changed his mind, "I'll go, I'll go now! How about... Let's take you together?"

"Don't worry."

Yang Longjun turned his head and looked at the woods next to him, "This brother, since he is here, don't hide and come out."

Fang Heng, who was hiding behind a tree, couldn't help but froze. No way, he was found?

He was already very careful just now, how did this person find him?

But now that he has been discovered, let's go out. He plans to get to know this person anyway.

So he held two big ice-cold watermelons and jumped from the woods onto the road in one step.

"Do you...want to eat watermelon?"

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