Seeing Fang Heng holding two big watermelons, Yang Longjun didn't say a word for a long time.

He did see someone running behind him just now, and he was still a little surprised. His speed at that time had already exceeded one hundred kilometers per hour.

I was surprised, in fact, he was still a little interested in Fang Heng. After all, the master was lonely. In the society of ordinary people, he was actually a strange species.

The so-called daughter is easy to get, but hard to find a confidant.

This feeling of being able to meet the same kind is beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

The key is to look at Fang Heng's age, he seems to be about the same, and may have a more common language.

But when he saw Fang Heng holding two big watermelons, it was no longer as simple as surprise.

Two watermelons are not heavy, but the key is that they can’t run fast.

But Fang Heng was still able to keep up with him, so how could he not be frightened?

"Hello, my friend!"

"Okay," Fang Heng asked, "what are you doing?"

"It's a small matter," Yang Longjun's heart at this time has not been placed on Zhang Tao at all. "This man ran into someone and escaped. I found him today, and I am going to the police station."

It turned out to be like this, Fang Heng understood. No wonder this person is chasing the motorcycle.

"Then you guys should be busy, I'm going to send you the watermelon."

"Wait a minute." After finally bumping into it, how could Yang Longjun miss this opportunity, "Can you leave a phone call so that we can also communicate in the future."

"Communication what?"

"Communication...running," Yang Longjun said, "I haven't met anyone who can run like you."

"Yes, add a WeChat, let's communicate if we have the opportunity in the future."

Fang Heng put the watermelon on the ground and took out his mobile phone happily.

Like Yang Longjun, apart from the Master, he has never seen anyone who can run so fast.

But Master doesn't talk to him about running, he is only busy diving now.

After the two added WeChat, Fang Heng left with the watermelon again, and Yang Longjun took Zhang Tao to the police station.


After returning to Wangzishan, Fang Heng kept thinking about Zhang Tao.

He had never thought before, that Xilin City actually had someone as good as him.

When chasing him just now, he found that Zhang Tao did not use his full strength, so the speed should still be ascension.

How can such a person be trained?

"Fang Heng, what are you doing?"

Seeing that he was thoughtful, he seemed to be absent from walking, Wu Jun couldn't help asking.

"Master, I met someone just now." Fang Heng said.


"A man who ran very fast and blocked a motorcycle with both hands."

Wu Jun frowned slightly, and Fang Heng used Tianji Eye to look at the image just now.

This is called Zhang Tao, and it seems that he is not an ordinary person.

This reminded him of what Jiang Ziyan said last time. Is it such a coincidence that the person they were looking for also went to Xilin City and was met by Fang Heng.

"Master, he said he wanted to talk to me," Fang Heng continued, "but I don't know if I should go, because you keep saying that we should keep a low profile and don't easily show too much strength in front of outsiders."

"Go, it's okay," Wu Jun said, "This person should be fine, but you should also pay attention to it. If he asks you to do dangerous and bad things, don't go."

Sometimes people are like this, one is as timid as a mouse, the other is as strong as an ox, and the three are as bold as a cow.

If one person is afraid to do things, if someone is with him, he will be more courageous.

Zhang Tao has great power. If you add Shangheng Heng, the two young people get together. After a long time, it is hard to guarantee that they will want to do something.

Fang Heng is a little better, his character is destined to not be too outrageous.

But from the video, Zhang Tao should be a person with a sense of justice. With the blessing of power, it is easy to go to extremes.

The so-called Kanglong has regrets, and it is not enough to go too far. No matter what, going to the extreme will not be a good thing.

"I know Master, I will pay attention."

"By the way, tomorrow night..." Wu Jun thought for a while, then shook his head, "Forget it, I'll go by myself."

"where to?"

"I'll go see the person you said." Wu Jun said, "Are you going?"


Fang Heng nodded. He still has a good impression of Yang Longjun. If possible, he hopes to be a friend with him.


The next morning, the police station.

Zhang Tao was caught by Yang Longjun, so he pleaded guilty obediently and paid 80,000 yuan in compensation on the spot.

Yang Longjun was in a good mood, but the matter did not end there.

Looking at the middle-aged couple with a smile on their faces when they got the money, under the reminder of the police officer, they transferred the medical expenses advanced by Yang Longjun to him.

"Police officer, can we go now?"

"Well, it's okay, you can go now."

"Wait," Yang Longjun said suddenly, "have you forgotten something?"

The woman was taken aback for a moment and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yang Longjun said: "Your mother-in-law insisted that I hit her before, and now it is proved that she is framing her, are you going to just forget it?"

The woman was very upset when she heard that, frowning and said, "Isn't that clear before?"

"Can you talk nonsense without finding it out?"

"This..." The woman's face changed, "Why, do you still want to ask us for compensation?"

"No, I don't want your money, what I want is an apology." Yang Longjun said, "and your mother-in-law apologized personally!"

"Young man," the middle-aged man said bitterly, "Don't be so serious, don't you suffer any losses?"

"It's my business whether you have suffered any loss," Yang Longjun said. "But if you did something wrong, you should apologize and apologize publicly."

"No, you see it like this, my mother is old, her eyes are not good, her mind is a little confused, she is still in the hospital now," the middle-aged man continued, "so big brother, so apologize for it. , Do you think I represent my mother..."

"No, one person should do something, the other person, whoever did something wrong should apologize."

The middle-aged couple looked at each other and finally looked at the police officer next to them.

An apology cannot be apologized. Doesn't this apology just admit that the old lady was really arrogant?

This kind of thing is small and small. At this time, most people are eager to solve the problem quickly.

But there are also more serious people like Yang Longjun who really want to accuse them of framing others, so there must be a saying.

"Police officer, can you please tell me something?"

"What are you talking about?" The police officer rolled his eyes at them. Although they were victims, the police were very unwilling to see such people. "This is your own business, and we don't care."

"Humph," the woman said with a cold snort, "go, I don't think we apologize, what else can he do?"

Saying that the woman was pulling his husband and was about to leave, Yang Longjun watched that the two of them really left like this, and didn't say much, and rode the battery car to follow.

When he arrived at the hospital, Yang Longjun strode into the old lady's ward and said loudly, "Auntie, do you know me?"

The old lady stayed in the hospital for a few days, and her spirits improved a lot, so she naturally recognized him.

"who are you?"

"Before you said that I ran into you, you have now checked it out," Yang Longjun said, "so you have to apologize to me now!"

"Hey, what are you doing?" At this moment, the couple rushed in from outside, "Who asked you to come here? My mother is undergoing treatment. What are you doing?"

Yang Longjun ignored them at all and continued to say to the old woman: "You apologize and I will leave."

The old woman was expressionless, she closed her eyes as if she hadn't heard.

"Why are you so unreasonable?" The middle-aged man suddenly became angry. "You have nothing to lose. Why do you want to make trouble so unreasonably?"

The women also agreed, shouting like a shrew: "That's right, it's not that we have to say that you hit someone, but the police said. If you have the ability, you can ask the police to apologize to you?"

Yang Longjun didn't say a word, didn't even look at the two of them, just standing in front of the old woman's bed like a door god.

He didn't care about losing a job because of this, and he didn't care about finding out the truth, which was delayed for three days.

But he couldn't accept that someone did something wrong, and he was able to feel so at ease without even a word of apology.

To be a man requires the most basic moral bottom line!

"Hey, are you leaving?" The middle-aged man saw that he was motionless, his voice even louder, "I will call the police if you don't leave! If my mother gets angry with you again, you will be liable for legal responsibility." !"

"Whatever." Yang Longjun said lightly.

He just came to find someone to apologize, and he didn't violate the law or discipline, and he didn't beat anyone. Even if the police came, he couldn't do anything to him.

"What are you arguing about?" At this moment, nurse Lin Xue frowned and walked in from the door, "This is the hospital, pay attention to the influence, and don't disturb other patients!""Nurse, someone is making trouble here!" The wicked woman filed a complaint first, "Hurry up and call the security guard to come and drive him away!"

Lin Xue frowned and asked, "What's the situation?"

"It's him," the woman said, pointing to Yang Longjun, "He is pestering my mother-in-law here!"

Lin Xue almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

Such a young man pestering you an old woman?

So she took a close look at Yang Longjun, and looked at it from the side, this handsome guy looked quite handsome.

And the muscles exposed on the arms, tusk...looks as hard as iron, and the figure is wrapped in a tight T-shirt, showing an inverted triangle.

Must have eight pack abs, right?

When was the last time you felt this kind of heartbeat?

It seems that he was still the guy whose legs were broken by the car, but he is now the richest man in Shu.

Ahem, I'm thinking a bit far away.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I'll let her apologize to me." Yang Longjun said.

"Oh!" Lin Xue understood. "You are the one who hit him, right?"

"It's not me, the man has found it."

"Found it?" Lin Xue's eyes lit up and said, "Did you find it yourself?"


Not bad, not only are people handsome, they can also investigate cases, and they are so persistent and principled.

"Then apologize," Lin Xue said with a shrug, "isn't it normal to apologize for something wrong?"

"Just so," the person in the same ward also followed, "I have helped you find the real culprit. Not only do you have to apologize, but also thank you so much!"

"Isn't an apology just one sentence?"

Listening to everyone's voices, the face of the middle-aged couple became very ugly, and they all looked at the old woman on the hospital bed.

But the old woman closed her eyes and didn't move. If she could not hear the faint breathing, she thought she was gone.

"Come on," Lin Xue saw that the old woman didn't mean to apologize at all, so she beckoned to Yang Longjun, "You come with me, I have something to tell you."

Yang Longjun thought for a while, and followed her to the stairwell at the end of the corridor.

Looking around no one, Lin Xue said in a low voice, "It's no way for you to go on like this. I see a lot of people like this, and the skin is so thick.

"If she doesn't say anything, you can't beat her."

Yang Longjun furrowed his brows: "Is that what it is?"

"No, I mean you have to know how to be flexible," Lin Xue quietly said, "To deal with people with not wanting face skin, you should let them be exposed in front of everyone!"

"This...Is this not so good?" Yang Longjun said a little embarrassedly, "She is an old woman, if she strips naked..."

Xue Lin: Puff——

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