The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 855 I'm an Honest Person

After Lin Xue blushed and corrected his mistake, Yang Longjun realized that he had misunderstood.

He actually is not deliberate. After all, he has only recently integrated into this society, and there is too much knowledge to learn and accept, so it is really not clear what exposure means.

He thought that the nurse was cruel, and actually gave him such a detrimental trick.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, I really... don't understand."

"Are you from the mountains?" Lin Xue asked with a smile, "Who doesn't know what exposure means now?"

"I really don't understand."

"Forget it, I don't care about this with you," Lin Xue said, "Anyway, you listen to my advice. It's useless to stay here. It's better to find a We Media, they will be interested in this matter."

What is self-media?

It seems that there are still many things to learn.

However, Yang Longjun felt that the suggestion of nurse Lin Xue was not good.

What is the use of exposure for people with a certain degree of thick-skinned skin?

Stripping naked in the street may not help.

"But thank you, I will take care of it myself."

Looking at the back of him leaving, Lin Xue couldn't help sighing in her heart.

When she was very young, these two words seemed to be a compliment.

But I don’t know when it started, and it slowly became a derogatory term.

If a girl is looking for a boyfriend, if she knows that the other person is very real, she doesn't have to continue talking at all.

So people like Yang Longjun are really rare animals.

Some people say that they should be calm and calm. This is indeed a correct attitude to deal with things, but sometimes these two sentences are just giving themselves an excuse for not having to work hard.

I hope he doesn't do stupid things.


Yang Longjun never returned to the old woman's ward.

It is conceivable that it is difficult to expect a person who can climb the benefactor at will to apologize. He felt that he was too naive to think before.

However, what the nurse Lin Xue said just now made him feel a little bit, and it also triggered some of his inspiration.

He doesn't know what self-media is, and he doesn't know where to find it, but he has knowledge and culture, can write, and writes well.

So he went to buy a piece of red cloth, and bought a few bold black fountain pens, and soon a big "poster" was completed.

Two hours later, outside the door of the First Hospital, he put up the large poster on two shelves, and instantly attracted dozens of onlookers.

"Li XX, you owe me an apology!"

"What's this?" the onlookers whispered.

"I thought it was a medical malpractice again, it seems not."

"Don't say that this word is really well written."


Amidst everyone’s discussion, everyone quickly read the words written on the red cloth and understood what had happened.To be honest, as long as there are people with good intentions in their hearts, seeing this kind of thing will definitely be filled with righteous indignation.

"This dead old woman is too not wanting face, why didn't she kill her at the time?"

"There are a lot of people like this now. Didn't somebody go to the traffic police a few days ago? They frightened her down by saying where the police car had been. Daddy has never seen such a brazen person."

"No way, this kind of thing is low cost, it can be ruined to make a profit, it is not a big deal, it is educated, and it can't really do anything to them."


There were more and more onlookers. This matter passed through everyone's circle of friends and quickly spread in Xilin City, and soon the news spread to the middle-aged couple.

The leaders of their unit even called to ask about this, which made him ugly.

"This man is so deceptive! I'll go down and find him!"

"you come back!"

The middle-aged man stopped his wife, what could he do?

The truth is indeed on Yang Longjun's side, and he is very clear in his heart.

But his mother refused to speak, what can he do?

"What do you mean?" the woman asked.

"It doesn't mean anything, what can you do if you go to him?" The man was also a little distressed. "It's really arguing then, who is embarrassed on his face?"

"Then it's up to him to toss like this?"

"That's it. I don't believe how long he can hold on. It will naturally stop after two days." The man said, "It really doesn't work, I will find a solution again."

The woman waved her hand: "Well, it's not my mother. You can figure it out by yourself. Anyway, I won't accompany you to lose this person here."

After speaking, she glanced at the old woman on the hospital bed with dissatisfaction, and walked away angrily.

The middle-aged man looked at a large number of people in front of the hospital from the window, his face growing gloomy.

It didn't take long before a large group of people squeezed into the ward, holding cellphones, cameras and microphones one by one, saying they wanted to interview them.

How could these media turn a blind eye to such a small place in Xilin City that can cause such a big event?

For a while, the door of the ward was almost squeezed. In the end, the hospital dispatched security guards to let everyone go.

But although there was no interview, various news was reported, and the whole Xilin City knew about it before evening.

Looking at Yang Longjun who was still sitting in front of the hospital, Lin Xue couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile.

This guy seemed to be more real than she thought, and it really made him come up with this method, which directly attracted a police car to park nearby, worrying about an accident.

This is much better than directly looking for something from the media.


Towards the early morning, Yang Longjun put away the red cloth poster, riding a battery car and preparing to go home.

Until now, Mrs. Li has not come to apologize to him, so he decided to continue tomorrow.

Mrs. Li didn't apologize to him one day, so he kept putting this poster down.

When she was hospitalized, it was placed at the entrance of the hospital, and when she went home, it was placed at the gate of her home community.

He still has a few thousand dollars now, which saves a bit, enough to last for three or four months.

If Mrs. Li still doesn't apologize by that time, then he will think of other ways, the big deal is to do odd jobs for two days, and then go for a few more days.

Until the end of her life.

And after the past few days, he has understood a lot.

Although the society in front of him is not as simple as it used to be, he firmly believes that there is still a great righteousness between the world and the earth, but it is blocked by something and can't be seen clearly.

For example, the fortune teller, the nurse Lin Xue, and the person running with the watermelon.

From them, he can feel the existence of righteousness.

Even if it doesn't, then he has to rely on his own strength to find it back!

Anyway, his life was picked up, and even if he ran out of life to do this kind of thing, he felt it was not a loss.

Feeling the oncoming evening breeze, Yang Longjun remembered his favorite "Song of Righteous Qi" before.

There is righteousness in the world,

Miscellaneous giving manifolds,

Below is Heyue,

The upper part is the sun star,

Yu Ren said Haoran,

Pehusai Cangming,



Suddenly in the darkness, a brick flew across and hit his battery car heavily. Several other bricks also followed, hitting his head and body from the left and right sides.

Yang Longjun's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he leaped to the ground in a volley, dodge the bricks, and then coldly stared at the people hiding in the darkness who attacked him.

Just now he was still reciting "Song of Righteousness" in his heart, but in a blink of an eye, a group of young people appeared, which was extremely ironic.

It is precisely because of the existence of these people that this society has become so smoggy, and there is no righteousness!

"Give it to me!"

I don't know who screamed, and a dozen people carried steel pipes and wooden sticks, and rushed up with a hula.

Yang Longjun's eyes were cold and sharp, and the blue veins on both fists were exposed.

Since they did it first, don't blame him for being rude.

Bang bang bang ——

There was a trembling of figures in the alley, and dozens of fierce youths in society were quickly knocked down to the ground and grunted.

Yang Longjun grabbed a person's collar and asked sharply, "Say, who made you come?"


Unexpectedly, this person is also a ruthless character, and he opened his mouth and spit blood on his face.

"Daddy Yi Bo Yun Tian, ​​I will never betray a friend!"

Yang Longjun wiped the drool from his face, feeling funny in his heart.

A young man, on the contrary, made him look like a righteous and awe-inspiring strong man. It made people laugh and made him feel slightly angry.


So he slapped a resounding backhand, which made the bastard's face bloom.

"Say, who made you come?"

"do not know……"


Yang Longjun slapped another backhand.

"Who sent you here?"

The bastard has been beaten into a dizzy head, but he still refuses to say anything.

Yang Longjun was irritated by his attitude, and there was an urge to kick him with a kick, and he even lifted his foot.

But he resisted it, and he decided to give this bastard one last chance.


"I said... I said NMLGB!" The bully said viciously, "You wait for me, daddy won't just let it go!"

Seeing the gangster's eyes cracking, Yang Longjun smiled back.

The anger accumulated in my heart these few days suddenly turned into a devil, and all of it broke out at this time.

"Since you have such a backbone, then it will fulfill you!"

As he raised his foot, the muscles on his calf were tight, like steel.

As long as he stepped on it gently, this bastard would have to break at least ten bones!

This is what he deserved!

How can you remember the lesson if you don't let them hurt?

Not only these gangsters, but also those who secretly instigated them, all must be punished tonight.

The punishment of justice.

Only by eliminating these smoky things, can the Universe be cleared!

"If you step on this foot, you have nowhere to go."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Yang Longjun turned his head abruptly and saw a young man in his early twenties, and Fang Heng, who had only met yesterday, standing there at some point.

"Then what do you say?" Yang Longjun looked at Wu Jun tightly, his muscles tight.

Intuition tells him that this person is very dangerous.

"There are often many ways to solve a problem, and you choose the most unwise one," Wu Jun said. "Most of the time my advice is, if you can use your brain, don't do it."

"Haha, it's easy for you to say," Yang Longjun said, "I have already used a lot of brains, but things still have become like this."

"That means your brains are not enough," Wu Jun smiled, "Well, do you want me to try it?"

Yang Longjun blinked, his heart calmed down, and he felt that own was a bit impulsive just now.

So he put down his raised foot and said: "Okay, I think you can think of any good way."

Wu Jun smiled and nodded, walked to the gangster, and said: "Your name is Wang Er. You live at No. 1, 5th Floor, Unit 1, Building 8, Qinghe District. There are parents at home, and there is a Little Sister named Wang Xiaomei, who is in the city. In the second and third classes of middle school, I go to school at 4 o'clock every Sunday, and take the 19 bus home after school at 6 o'clock every Friday."

Hearing this, the gangster trembled, and his heart felt cold: " did you know? What are you going to do to me, Little Sister?"

"No, I just tell you this fact," Wu Jun smiled, "I am an upright person, and I will never do anything inferior to you Little Sister. I can use my personality as a guarantee."

"I said! I said it's okay?" The bully was numb with his laugh, like seeing a sinister and cunning devil, "Old lady Li's son paid me to come and gave him 20,000 yuan!

"I'll give you all the money, don't do anything to me, Little Sister!"

"Hey, I said no, why don't you believe it?" Wu Jun said helplessly, "Is it that the most basic trust between people is gone?"

Yang Longjun also felt hairy on one side, it was more cruel than breaking his legs!

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