Looking at Wu Jun's words, he made the unruly little bastard become submissive. While admiring him, Yang Longjun felt a bit wrong in his heart.

In his opinion, Wu Jun's tactics are a bit opportunistic.

Moreover, he still feels that it is not good to use his family to threaten others.

"Why?" Wu Jun asked with a hesitation in his eyes, "Do you think that I use this method a bit unreliable? It's not like what a...just person would use?"

"This..." Yang Longjun was stunned, but finally nodded, "I definitely can't think of such a way anyway."

Wu Jun smiled slightly, not paying attention.

Everyone has everyone's thoughts and his own way of solving problems, and he does not require everyone to agree with his ideas and practices.

Especially this Yang Longjun. He checked his image just now and realized that this person originally came from more than 40 years ago.

It’s been a few decades, and it’s good to be able to accept this society happily. It may take some time to expect them to change their previous thinking.

It can be seen from the video that he merged Feng Qi's legs in an accident by chance.

For ordinary people who have been buried in the mountains for decades, can't move, can't see or hear anything, even if there is no Fengqi charm in his mind, I'm afraid it would have become crazy long ago.

This shows how strong his heart is and his conviction is firm.

Such people tend to become elites and strong men, and they can stand out in any place or industry and make a world of it.

But if the extreme in his heart is caused, the destructive power it causes is also very powerful.

Fortunately, Yang Longjun's mentality is fairly good so far.

"Actually, I think it's not good either." Wu Jun said with a smile.

"I don't know well, why do you still do this?"

"Because this is the easiest and quickest, and the facts have proven effective."

"Then what if he doesn't accept your threat?" Yang Longjun asked.

"Then I will think of other ways," Wu Jun smiled. "He doesn't accept threats, and I won't touch his Little Sister. I said that he is an upright person. I definitely have the bottom line. ."

Yang Longjun thought for a while and continued to ask: "Then what if... there is no other way?"

"You will feel that there is no other way. It can only mean that you are not strong enough, and you can't find a way." Wu Jun said, "If so, then I suggest you make yourself strong enough first, so that you can find a better one. The way it’s done."

Yang Longjun fell into silence, thinking about Wu Jun's words in his mind, and suddenly felt that he suddenly opened up in front of him.

Yes, the reason why he couldn't find any other way was indeed because he was not strong enough. In fact, thinking about it now, there are still many ways to make Huang Maoxun talk about it.

For example, give him a lot of money, such as direct command of Huang Mao's "Dage", or through investigations, find out who is instigating him.

and many more.

And it is not necessary to step on the bones of Huang Mao, or threaten his Little Sister.

But the prerequisite for all this is that he must have more connections, resources, more money and higher social status, and more alert thinking and vision.

"You like Spartak very much," Wu Jun continued. "You think he has the unyielding spirit, the courage to resist, and the outstanding military talent, right?"

Yang Longjun was taken aback again.He really likes Spartak and thinks he is a heroic character.

But this is his personal secret, how did this person... know it?


"Then why did his intention fail?"

"Because the pirates are not keeping their promises, he has no ships to cross the Strait of Messina..."

"No," Wu Jun shook his head. "If he had a ship at the time, wouldn't he have to rely on pirates who didn't have much credit?

"So his failure was not because of the pirate's dishonesty, but because he felt that he was already strong, but in fact it was not enough, far from enough."

Regarding Wu Jun’s comments, Yang Longjun felt that it was not very reasonable: “However, when conditions were limited, he had no time to prepare these things, and no time to develop slowly!”

"Yes, he does not," Wu Jun smiled, "but you do.

"You have the courage and ability of Spartak, but you don't have the dilemma of being forced by reality, so you have a lot of time to make yourself stronger, so powerful that you can solve problems that you can't solve now with just one sentence."

Yang Longjun thought for a while and felt that what Wu Jun said was indeed very reasonable.

However, it is too idealistic.

Waiting for him to become strong enough, and then come back to this piece of Universe Ching Ming, it is indeed a good and the most appropriate way.

But he felt that it was unrealistic.

How strong should it be?

When will you wait?

Does he have so much time?

And if he is not strong enough, wouldn't such a thing happen this time?

If he meets again, will he just watch it happen?

But because he is not strong enough, he sits on the sidelines and ignores him. He can only use words to support the victims on the Internet and use words to fight against the morally corrupt people?

How different is he from the indifferent people now?

As if seeing his inner thoughts, Wu Jun continued: "I know you still have questions, but what I want to tell you is that you are not the only one in this world."

"You mean..."

"There are still many capable people, strong enough people, who are doing the things you want to do, but you don’t know it. So you don’t have to worry. If you encounter this kind of thing, you can’t solve it. Naturally, there are Other people will solve it."

"Like you?"

"Did you see it?" Wu Jun smiled. "Your vision is still very good. This cannot be denied."

Yang Longjun:...

He suddenly understood, this guy said, just want to say that he is very powerful.

"You mean, are you strong enough?"

"Not very strong, not yet heaven-defying."

Yang Longjun:...

"Then what are you going to do next?" Yang Longjun asked, "The old lady Li, how are you going to solve it?"

"Are you sure you want me to continue shooting?"

Yang Longjun thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

Although in the words of this person, he is indeed not strong enough now, but he still has the confidence to handle this matter well, and also to use a simple and fast method that does not touch the law.

And it's not his character to rely on others for help blindly.

"No, I'll do it myself." Yang Longjun said, "but I'm still curious about how good you are."


Wu Jun thought about it seriously, and found this question more difficult to answer.

It stands to reason that he is very good in many aspects, but in some aspects... he was defeated and hard to say.

For example, when it comes to finding a girlfriend, he is still a single dog, so naturally he is not very good.

But this kind of thing can't be said, the ugliness should not be publicized, let alone the ugly one is yourself.

"It depends on which aspect you want to know," he said, "after all, no one is perfect. If you are taller than me, then I am definitely not as good as you."

"Then tell me what I am better at." Yang Longjun said, "I think I am very talented in strength and speed. Although you may think this is the courage of a man, you have to admit that the power of martial courage is also indispensable. s things."

"You are right, so in terms of strength and speed, I am also very good."


"Really," Wu Jun patted Fang Heng on the shoulder, "you should know him?"


"He is my apprentice." Wu Jun smiled, "If you want to know how good I am, then you can compare with him. If you can compare to him, maybe I can personally show off.

"But, I don't think you will have this opportunity, you may not have it in your life."

"You really don't know humility at all!"

Wu Jun: "If I say that I am already very humble, do you believe it or not?"

Yang Longjun:...

In his day, modesty was a good virtue.

But Wu Jun in front of him was the least modest and thick-skinned person he had ever seen in his life.

But I don't know why, obviously this is a type that he hates, but now he can't hate it at all.

Is it because of what he said before?

Or subconsciously, he has recognized that Wu Jun is a better person than him?

But he obviously didn't know who Wu Jun was, so why did he have such thoughts again?

In this case, he decided that it was necessary to test.

How high is the mountain, how deep is the water, how can you get the answer without going there for yourself?

"Why not," Yang Longjun was also aroused by Wu Jun. "Let's make a bet, if I can win Fang Heng, then you promise me one thing."

"Yes." Wu Jun shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and readily agreed.

"Don't you ask me what are the conditions?"

"No need," Wu Jun said with a smile, "Go ahead, how do you want to compare, anyway, I'm out tonight, so I just need to rest for a while and be a referee for you."

"Then I lost?" Yang Longjun asked, "What conditions do you want?"

"is it necessary?"

"It's necessary," Yang Longjun said, "Since it's a bet, you must bet fairly. I can't take advantage of you."

Wu Jun thought for a while and said, "Well, if you lose, you will promise me one thing."

Yang Longjun thought about it for a while this time, and finally nodded in agreement.

Answering one thing to the party, this bet can be big or small, it can be a joke, or it can affect his life's destiny.

So this time, he must be serious.

What he is best at right now is his legs.

This pair tortured him for 40 years, but the legs that he eventually adopted as his own can bring him super fast speed and strong enough strength.

He was confident that running speed alone was unmatched in this world, so he decided to compare the speed with Fang Heng.

"Are you sure?" Wu Jun asked.


"Okay, I appreciate your courage," Wu Jun said, "You live in the neighborhood, quickly put the battery car, and then we will start from here."

"Okay, where's the end point?"

"The end point is on the national highway you ran last night, but the distance is farther away," Wu Jun recalled for a moment and said, "Huazui Mountain, about fifty kilometers, has a boundary marker on the highest mountain. It ends with the boundary marker."


Yang Longjun quickly put the battery car home, and then moved his body in the alley in front of the house.

Finally, after thinking about it, he took off his shoes and stepped barefoot on the ground.

One pair was broken yesterday, but today this pair can't be broken anymore.

Fang Heng was also fully prepared at this time, and the two stood side by side just like that, and then waited for Wu Jun to issue an order.

Wu Jun waved his hand casually and said, "Prepare to run."


The two rushed tens of meters away in an instant, and then disappeared at the exit of the alley.

Looking at their backs, Wu Jun couldn't help but shook his head.

I have to admit, it's great to be young, even if these two guys are only two years younger than him.

Having said so much to Yang Longjun tonight, he felt that he was about to become a six or seven-year-old old man, and Luo Li was horrible, he himself was frightened by himself.

So he decided not to preach to others anymore. He was really worried that he was not old and his heart was old first.

But optimistically, the effect is good. Yang Longjun is not the kind of person who can't listen to persuasion.

Then go to the finish line now and see which of them is better.

At this point, he quickly disappeared in place, leaving a cool breeze on the street shrouded in darkness.

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