In the urban area, Yang Longjun and Fang Heng both deliberately suppressed the speed, but after reaching the national highway, Yang Longjun began to accelerate slowly.

His two bare feet stepped on the aging asphalt pavement, making a thumping sound, as if every step could leave a deep footprint on the pavement.

In a twinkling of an eye, they had already ran past the top of the hill last night.

Yang Longjun was a little surprised, because his speed was already very fast, and his current speed was at least 120 kilometers per hour. Many vehicles were left behind by him, but Fang Heng steadily kept pace with him.

It seemed that the person didn't talk nonsense, Fang Heng was indeed very powerful.

Well, I have to be serious.

With a single thought, Yang Longjun increased the strength on his feet again, ascensioning to about 170 kilometers per hour again, like a violent wind, and quickly threw Fang Heng down a certain distance.

He looked back at Fang Heng's many figures, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Fang Heng is already very good at reaching his 60% speed.

But since it was a formal competition, he had no reason to give way, so instead of slowing down, he kept moving on at a high speed.

With a distance of 50 kilometers, there are two-thirds of the distance left, which is only about ten minutes for him.

Fang Heng was also very surprised at this time. He didn't expect Yang Longjun to be so fast. It seemed necessary to show some strength.

So he quickly increased his strength and ran after him little by little.

After Yang Longjun ran for a while, he looked back and saw that Fang Heng not only hadn't been thrown away by him, but had caught up with him a lot, he was surprised and inexplicable.


He didn't believe it. With his best effort, Fang Heng could continue to keep up!


In an instant, he had already used all his strength, and the speed of Ascension was over 200 kilometers per hour!

Fang Heng was thrown away again, his brows frowned slightly.

This person has repeatedly exceeded his expectations, and he deserves to be someone who even the Master has to come forward to order.

But he can't lose today. As the Master's apprentice, if he loses, where will the Master's face be placed?


He tore off his clothes and shook off the heavy load on his body, feeling the whole person lighter.

Overtake him, we must overtake him!

Fang Heng sullen his head and ran wildly, the rest of the world whispered in his ears.

He didn't know how fast he was now, or if he had caught up with Yang Longjun, he just ran as hard as he could anyway.

Suddenly Yang Longjun heard dense footsteps behind him, and his eyes fell when he looked back.

No, Fang Heng is catching up again?

If you chase it, if you take off your clothes and pants, what is the situation if you only wear a pair of boxers?

Is it because you want to reduce the resistance of the wind?

Yes, he only felt a flash of light in front of him, why didn't he expect it?

Didn’t he learn it before, the faster the speed, the greater the resistance of the wind? How could he forget all the knowledge he learned?

So he tore off his clothes and trousers twice, not to mention that it was really effective.

Not only the resistance is reduced, but it is also very cool.

Fang Heng quickly tied with him, and the two went head-to-head again.

Yang Longjun gritted his teeth, and tried to use the Spirit Power in his body several times, but finally resisted it.

He knows that this kind of power is a consumable, and a little bit will be used less, and it cannot be wasted on this kind of communicative comparison.

But he didn't want to lose either, so he also followed Fang Heng's appearance, without distracting thoughts, and ran madly.

So that when they arrived at the boundary monument Wu Jun said, neither of them found it, and rushed over like a smoke.

Wu Jun sat on the rock by the side of the road, looking at the two guys wearing only underwear, feeling that his heart was not good.

How come these two guys lost their clothes and pants?

And the end is here!Keep going, is this running addicted?

Are you still planning to go to the ends of the world and be a good pair of friends?

No, absolutely not. If Fang Heng finds a friend, his parents won’t be able to come and look for him desperately?

"Hey, it's over!"

Hearing Wu Jun's shout, the two of them recovered and stopped abruptly.

"Has the end point passed?" Fang Heng asked.

"It seems to be over," Yang Longjun is not sure, "but someone said it just now."

"Oh, that must be over."

"Then...Who of us won?" Yang Longjun asked.

"I don't know," Fang Heng said, "I didn't pay attention just now. I won't know if I ask the Master."


The two of them walked back together, but after a few steps, Yang Longjun suddenly stopped.

its not right!

"What's wrong?"

"Your Master, why is he here?"

"It should be here." Fang Heng said.

Came here?

Yang Longjun thought carefully, he felt that when he was on the road, no one surpassed him.

If someone runs faster than him, he must have known it a long time ago.

"My Master runs fast." Fang Heng said.

"How fast can he run?"

"I don't know," Fang Heng shook his head, "I can't run him, so there is no way to know how fast he can run."

Yang Longjun: ...This feels so reasonable.

But he still couldn't believe that Wu Jun could run away in front of him quietly, and waited at the finish line calmly.

So he and Fang Heng walked up to Wu Jun and looked again at this person who was not much older than him.

"Master," Fang Heng is more concerned about the result of the game, "How about, who of us won?"

For the result of the game, Wu Jun also had a headache.

From the image, Fang Heng was the first to reach the boundary marker, but the boundary marker was 15 centimeters thick. Within this 15 cm distance, Yang Longjun achieved an overtake, passing through the boundary marker one centimeter earlier than Fang Heng.

So it was a bit difficult for him to judge who won fairly.

It stands to reason that Fang Heng should be judged to have won, but this also feels a bit partial to Fang Heng.

It can only be a tie.

Sometimes a draw is also good.

If the winner is divided, it may give motivation to the loser, but a tie can give motivation to two people.

"Is it a draw?" Yang Longjun was not surprised by this result, and said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that there would be a tie with me in this world, let alone someone who ran faster than me.

"Master, did you really come here?"

Wu Jun: ...I want to come here by car, but the problem is that there is no such fast car.

"you guess?"

Yang Longjun:...

No need to guess, the apprentices are so good, and the Master must be even better.

"Actually, I lost," Yang Longjun said, "Fang Heng should be carrying a heavy load."

"It doesn't count." Fang Heng said quickly, "You didn't use all your strength in the beginning."

"Did you see it?" Yang Longjun smiled. "Actually, let me tell you. Not only did I not use all my strength at the beginning, I actually didn't use my strength all the time."

Fang Heng thought for a while, and said, "Yes, me too."

Yang Longjun: ...Sure enough, there must be disciples if you have a teacher.

I said that I didn't use my full strength. It was because I didn't use the mysterious power in my body. How about you?

"Otherwise, shall we run back again?"

"Yes," Fang Heng replied after enjoying the run today, "Then I will end at the top of Wangzi Mountain this time. After the run, I will ask you to eat watermelon."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

This time Yang Longjun felt that he could no longer hide himself. Spirit Power emerged from his body, and Fang Heng was not to be outdone at all, releasing a large amount of Spirit Power from the black jade ring.



They both stepped on the ground at the same time, and disappeared in an instant.

Wu Jun frowned and looked at the two footprints left on the ground.

Young people nowadays, really don’t know how to take good care of public property, is it easy for the country to build some roads?

He stepped on the ground a few times, turning the footprints into two small pits, and then slowly walked towards the house.

So far, he can basically rest assured.

When Yang Longjun saw someone more powerful than him, he would naturally have concerns in his heart, and it would not be easy for him to act so extreme.

Becoming good friends with Fang Heng, the two can also complement each other in character, which is good for both of them.

His goal tonight has been achieved.

As for what will happen in the future, that is the future.


"Haha, refreshing!"

On the top of Wangzi Mountain, Yang Longjun stood on a raised rock, holding half of a watermelon in his hand, with a hearty appearance.

"You know what," he said while eating watermelon, "since I knew I became so powerful, I was actually very scared in my heart."

"Why?" Fang Heng asked, "When you become more powerful, you will be afraid?"

"Yes, because I am afraid that in this world, I alone is such a monster," Yang Longjun said, "I am afraid that others will be afraid of me, afraid that others will reject me because of my ability, so I dare not use me lightly. Even when I moved the bricks, I deliberately pretended to be very tired."

Fang Heng thought for a while, but didn't quite understand his thoughts, because he didn't need to move bricks, and the people around him were also very good, and he was not outstanding at all.

"But now I am not afraid," Yang Longjun smiled, "It turns out that there are monsters like me in this world."

"are you talking about me?"

"Yes, it's you," Yang Longjun said, "I have used 60% of my power just now, and you still ran a tie with me, so you are also a monster."

"You only used 60%?"

"Ahem, it may be a little more, but certainly not more than 70%."

"Then I should be able to be faster than you," Fang Heng carefully estimated and said, "I only used 50% of the speed just now."

Yang Longjun:...Can you not blow?

But Fang Heng's ring is indeed very powerful, and it seems to contain a lot of mysterious power.

So he asked: "Where did your ring come from?"

"Master gave it."

"Then you Master must value you very much. I have given you such precious things."

"I don't know," Fang Heng said, "but this ring doesn't seem to be very valuable, he has several."


Yang Longjun was almost choked by the watermelon water, how many such powerful treasures are there?

At this moment he was a little bit envious and jealous.

"Can you tell me, who the hell is your Master?"

"Hmm..." Fang Heng thought about it seriously, "My Master is a fortune teller."

Yang Longjun didn't even eat watermelon this time, and opened his eyes wide and asked, "The fortune teller of Wangzishan? The boss of Xizhilin?"


"So it's really him!"Yang Longjun didn't expect that the person the breakfast shop owner asked him to find would actually appear in front of him.

He originally thought that a fortune teller was at least a middle-aged person.

I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it.

From the bottom of his heart, although he was more convinced of Wu Jun just now, he was only convinced.

It's better than him, it should be persuaded.

But now it's different.

Through the words of the breakfast shop owner, he knew that Wu Jun was not only a very powerful person, but also encouraged employees to do good things and do what is right.

Rich, capable, and responsible.

This kind of person is his ultimate goal.

No wonder he will preach to him so much tonight, because he is qualified to say those things!

"Fang Heng," he said to Fang Heng, "I suddenly had an idea."

"what idea?"

"Although your Master makes sense, I don't want to wait any longer," Yang Longjun said, "I will continue to work hard to become stronger, but if I encounter this kind of thing again, I still have to take care of it."

"Then control it," Fang Heng said disapprovingly. "My Master didn't say not to let you control it, just pay attention to the method."

"Then do you want to be with me?"

"Me?" Fang Heng asked unexpectedly, "Am I suitable?"

"Why are you not suitable?" Yang Longjun continued to invite Fang Heng to join, "Think about it, you are so powerful and capable, are you willing to sit at home every day? This is a waste!"

"But I think I'm still far behind," Fang Heng said, "I don't seem to be much better."

"Don't belittle yourself," Yang Longjun said, "You are already very good. Using our abilities to contribute to this society is exactly what we should do. Are you right?"

Yang Longjun said in his heart, the key is that something happens, Master, you can carry it around.

If you can’t handle things yourself, find someone who is better at it. This is also a good way to solve the problem!

Simple, fast, effective, nothing wrong!

Fang Heng thought for a while: "Why don't I go back and ask Master?"

"Don't ask." At this time, an old voice suddenly came from behind the big stone, "Fang Heng donor, this donor is right. People with ability should contribute to society.

"Since the little master asked you to come here with him, he has acquiesced, so you don't have to ask anymore."

Yang Longjun was stunned again by the sound.

They have been sitting here for so long, and they have eaten half of the watermelon. They didn't notice that there was a monk sitting behind the stone!

"Master Jinglin, you are out," Fang Heng said, "Would you like some watermelon?"

"Thank you, let's have a piece."

While biting the watermelon, the old monk turned to Yang Longjun and said, "This little benefactor, the old monk has a word to tell."

"Master, please say!"

"You just said that people can't be arrogant, they are indeed rational," the old monk said, "but at the same time I hope you can remember that people can't be arrogant.

"There is a god who raises the head three feet, and only with a heart of reverence can you achieve the right result."

After speaking, the old monk put the watermelon peel on the stone, and Fang Heng said, "Help me tell the little master that the old monk is going to travel far, so he won't say goodbye."

"Know the master."

Seeing the old monk's thin back under the stars, Yang Longjun was deeply moved.

This old monk looked skinny, but just now he felt a sense of no enemy of Magic power.

It seems that there are so many monsters in this world.

Fortunately, he encountered these monsters, otherwise he really didn't know that he would eventually embark on that path.

"How about Fang Heng, have you thought about it?"

"Since Master Jinglin said so, then I'm fine."

"Okay," Yang Longjun's spirit lifted, "Then let's think about how to solve the problem with Mrs. Li, do you have a good way?"

Fang Heng thought about it seriously: "I think the best way is to find me Master."

Yang Longjun: ...It feels so reasonable.

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