The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 859 Who can not kneel?

At the entrance of the First Hospital, Yang Longjun and Fang Heng were sitting in the hot sun, eating their lunch.

The rice was bought by Yang Longjun, and he felt that this incident had brought Fang Heng together, so he had to take care of the rice.

But his money is not much, so the quality of the box lunch is really not very good, but Fang Heng doesn't care whether there is meat or not. When he was an apprentice in a barber shop, he didn't eat as well.

Just the amount is a little bit small, so it's better to remember the bitterness and sweetness.

After taking a sip of mineral water, Fang Heng carried an empty lunch box to look for the trash can, but Yang Longjun's side was not good, and several young people from society were fighting all the way and forced him to leave.


One of them "accidentally" suddenly ran into Yang Longjun and fell to the ground at the same time he tore off their poster.

Yang Longjun frowned slightly, and lifted the man from the ground: "What are you doing?"

"I'm asking you!"

"Oh!" The young man suddenly clutched his stomach, and fell to the ground again when his body became weak, "I hit someone!"

Several accomplices also hurriedly yelled and cursed on the side: "Dog R's, why are you hitting someone?"

"I just ran into you accidentally, and hitting someone is too unreasonable, right?"

"Call the police!"

"120 is also beaten together, everyone is beaten like this, I must go to the hospital to check it!"


Yang Longjun sneered in his heart. I'm afraid that Mrs. Li's son is doing it again, right?

Last night, he was attacked halfway, and he was beaten by him. Today, he came up with a new trick?

This turtle grandson really has no lower limit.

Since I want to go to the hospital so much, then I will fulfill you!

No, if you do it, wouldn't it be exactly what these guys wanted?

It's really fighting, it must be to alarm the police, once or twice, it's okay, he can't stand it every day.

Yang Longjun calmed himself down and quickly thought about countermeasures.

However, several young people in society kept pointing to his nose and cursing, their saliva was almost sprayed onto his face, and his unreasonable posture made him feel annoyed.

What would happen if you changed ordinary people and were entangled in this way by a few rascals?

May I ask who can do it on their own?

People who are more impulsive might fight on the spot and be sent to the police station for mediation. They might have to pay for medical expenses.

If you are a little cowardly, afraid that these people will be entangled every day, you might just swallow your breath.

It seems that the people this time have a deep mind.

How to do?

Finally he saw the key on a guy's belt and suddenly got an idea.

These people don't do it, right? It doesn't matter, he helps them do it.

So he grabbed the man's hand, and at the same time pulled off his key and stuffed it into his hand, then pinched the man's hand and thrust it into own chest.

A key to the anti-theft door pierced his chest directly, and blood dripped out.

A few young people in society were immediately confused. What is the situation?

After spending a few years in society, how can they ever see someone so cruel to themselves?

Especially the person who was grabbed by Yang Longjun's hand, his face was pale, the key belonged to him, and he held it in his hand, and he pierced it so deeply!

Maybe it's going to be stabbed to the heart!

In case of death, how could he tell the police that the key was stabbed by himself, and it has nothing to do with him?

Even if he said he was unintentional, that wouldn't work.

This is the key. Most people can't stick it into the flesh if they put it hard. Who doesn't want to stick it so deep?

"Hey, what are you doing?"

At this time, Fang Heng rushed over and saw that Yang Longjun was stabbed by someone, and he couldn't calm down at that time.

These people are also deceiving people too much, in broad daylight, they dare to commit murder and injure people?

No, this is no longer hurting, this is trying to kill!

"It's none of my business!"

Several other young people in society turned around and wanted to run when they saw that something was wrong, but where Fang Heng could make them, he rushed up with a stride, and knocked them to the ground in a few strokes.

"How are you?"

"It's okay," Yang Longjun shook his head, "Call the police."

The police arrived soon, and seeing that Yang Longjun was so seriously injured, he was taken to the hospital on the spot, and all the young people in society were taken back.

This matter is already in the category of deliberately hurting people, and the consequences are serious.


After a check-up in the hospital, Yang Longjun was admittedly hospitalized, and he was still living in a single room.

The two police officers are also familiar with him. After all, it was difficult to know him or not to make such a big deal a few days ago.

After finishing the transcript, the two of them gave a few words of comfort and left in a hurry.

"What happened just now, you are so powerful, why were you stabbed by them?"

Fang Heng had been holding back on this issue for a long time, and he couldn't figure out how, just a few gangsters, how could he hurt Yang Longjun.

"It wasn't him who hurt, it was me."

Fang Heng's eyes almost fell out: "What, did you pierce it yourself? Then you..."

"Shhh, keep your voice down!"

Yang Longjun analyzed the situation to Fang Heng, and then said, "Tell me, if I didn't do this at the time, what else could I do? I couldn't help it?"

Fang Heng thought about it seriously, there is indeed no good way.

Even calling the police was useless. The gang was there to abuse and didn't really do anything. When the police came, they persuaded the person, maybe they really wanted to check the person who was pretending to be beaten.

Sure enough, can we only use this bad way to deal with bad people?

"But you can't hurt yourself so badly!"

"It's okay, you can't die," Yang Longjun smiled, "but I can do this kind of thing, you must not do it."

He knows Fang Heng, and he is too simple to do this kind of touching porcelain.

So let him do this kind of things that are not upright and honest, and Fang Heng only needs to be responsible for the positive image.

"But it's no way to continue like this," Fang Heng said. "We always feel that we are too passive."

"Yeah, so I decided to touch it again."

"Do you want to touch?"

Fang Heng feels that his heart is not good, this person is going to die, right?

"Don't worry, I'm not that easy to die, you know." Yang Longjun smiled, "It's just a pain, but this pain is nothing to me."

He has been crushed on that mountain for decades, what kind of pain hasn't he endured?

And think about it carefully, is this not a kind of sorrow?

If he were to be replaced by an ordinary person, without the strength to use violent means, and no background to rely on, besides swallowing his breath and calming down, this might be the only way to resist injustice.

"No," Fang Heng shook his head, "this method is enough to use once, and now we have no other methods."

"Then tell me, what better way?" Yang Longjun asked, "Don't talk about looking for your Master. If you are looking for your Master every time, what use is there for us?"

Fang Heng thought for a while, and finally said: "These people must have been instigated. We will find that person."

"Then what?"

"Then, I'll go talk to him."

Yang Longjun was almost choked, how to talk?

"You go to reason with this kind of person?" Yang Longjun said, "Fang Heng, are you too naive? If this kind of person can be reasonable, they won't do bad things!"

"I'll try it first, what if it works?" Fang Heng said, "It really doesn't work. Let's think of another way."

Seeing Fang Heng insisted, Yang Longjun took a deep breath.

If Fang Heng wants to talk, let him talk. If you don't let him run into a wall, he will not understand the sinister society.

And no matter what, you must find out who is behind you.

"That's fine, I wish you luck."

Fang Heng took out the phone and called Manager Liu.

Manager Liu was also a savvy person in Xilin, and he quickly found out.

"Brother Fang Heng, this Sun Li is just a small character, should I come out to help you solve it?"

"No need, Brother Liu, this is my business, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Haha, good," Manager Liu smiled, "By the way, all the posters have been hung up, and I have sent notices to all shops. From now on, it will be Zhao Qian’s family and friends, including his company’s colleagues and colleagues. Family members, anyone who can be found, will be included in the blacklist of West Forest."

"Brother Liu, will this affect business?"

"Haha, there are only a few people here," Manager Liu laughed and said, "President Su called just now, and he said that if this doesn't work, then all the people in the community of Zhao Gan's will be blacklisted.

"If it doesn't work anymore, all of our shops in Xilin City will be closed. The reason is naturally that Zhao Qian's family has affected our mood.

"If it doesn't work, let the farm take a few days off and let Master Sun eat meat dishes for a few days."

Fang Heng:...

Yang Longjun:...

"Brother Liu, this is not good," Fang Heng said, "This will cause a big loss. You can't lose so much money because of our little things."

"It's okay, there will be no loss. Afterwards, we can add a few days to make it back easily." Manager Liu said, "So you just let it go and do what you want. Call me if you have something to do!"

Manager Liu hung up and shook his head.

This Fang Heng brother really doesn't know how much weight he has.

He is a direct disciple of the master, let alone stopping the shops in Xilin City for a few days, what if the shops across the country are closed?

Is Xizhilin short of money now?

There is no shortage at all. In this year alone, employee benefits have increased twice!

The head office has been urging him to expand his business, and now there are shops in Xizhilin throughout Xilin City and even in towns.

If you continue to expand, you won’t see other people’s restaurants in Xilin City in a few years!

So what happened to the close of business for the master’s direct disciple for a few days?

Yang Longjun listened to Manager Liu's words and sighed inwardly. How could this be described as a sledgehammer.

If you have money, you can be willful, you can't afford it, you really can't.

Zhao Gan's family may not go to Xizhilin for dinner, but what about the people in their company? Where is his friend?

There are always people who like to eat in the West Forest.

At that time, everyone's grievances will be vented on Zhao Gan alone, and even people in the city will not wait to see him, and the army will be added...

Who can not kneel?

But in this case, it seems that Wu Jun's resources are still used, right?

Forget it, if it is true, Fang Heng can be regarded as Wu Jun's resource, then there is no need to deal with this matter.

"Okay, now I'm going to find Sun Li," Fang Heng hung up and was about to go out. "Just wait for my good news."

Yang Longjun nodded, but he was actually not very optimistic.

People like Zhao Qian may be reasonable, but will Sun Li follow this set?

This kind of people are cruel, maybe they have to turn their faces on the spot.

So he thought about it, and decided to follow it up and see if Sun Li really made people do something, then he would touch it again according to the previous plan.

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