The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 860 You Don't Want Life?

Sun Li's face was about to rot. He asked his little brother to find someone to rectify Yang Longjun, but his little brother somehow stabbed someone!

Maybe you have to go to jail!

What is this all doing!

It's all right now. Not only is it not done, but someone has to get involved.

Recently, the wind has been tight, and it is not easy to find people. It has to spend a lot of money.

There is also Yang Longjun's medical expenses. In this case, the hospital can't do it desperately. He estimates that 100,000 yuan can be done, and he has to burn incense and worship Buddha!

His money did not come from the wind!

But he still can't care about it. Something happened to the little brother, and when the boss doesn't care, will this little brother confess him? Who will help him in the future?

In this society, it's hard to be the boss.

He felt a little regretful for taking over Zhao Gan's mess.

"Brother Sun, someone outside said to want you."

Sun Li was getting angry, and frowned upon hearing: "Who?"

"Said it is a friend of Yang Longjun, he wants to negotiate with you."


The fire in Sun Li's heart came up on the spot. This guy cheated him, and even dared to let people come to negotiate. Does he really take himself seriously?

"You let him in, I want to see, what he wants to talk to me today."

Fang Heng walked into Sun Li's office, with more than a dozen eyes in the smoke, staring fiercely.

He had seen these eyes before. When he fisted in Thailand, those opponents had this kind of eyes that wanted to tear people in half.

Especially the man sitting behind the desk, his face was so gloomy that he could squeeze out water, it seemed that he was Sun Li.

Fang Heng came directly to Sun Li's table, pulled a chair and sat down and asked, "Are you Sun Li?"

Sun Li endured the urge to smash an ashtray on his head and snorted coldly.

"It seems to be it," Fang Heng said, "I'm here to reason with you today."

Sun Li and a dozen of his subordinates sighed. Isn't this person insane?

You, a young baby, came to tell me the truth about the hammer!

Fang Heng did not wait for Sun Li to attack, and continued: "You sent someone to harass Yang Longjun and stabbed him. It is wrong to do so."

Sun Li was so angry and funny, he felt that he really met an idiot today.

Does daddy know if it's wrong, and need you to be stunned to teach me?

It's really neurotic.

"Go ahead, what do you want?"

"Apologize," Fang Heng said, "Go and apologize to my friend, and promise that you will never do this kind of thing again, and we will forgive you."

"Get out! Get out of me now!"

Sun Li was annoyed, and didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

"You haven't promised to apologize yet."

"I say you ¥¥*..., would you like it?"

"It's wrong to speak bad words," Fang Heng shook his head.

"A few people here," Sun Li couldn't help it. "Get him out for me, the farther the better!"

Several younger brothers suddenly came over in a fierce manner, and Fang Heng frowned slightly. These people were really not kind, and they would act if they didn't agree with them.

He was so polite and reasonable, but they couldn't listen.

It seems that he is still far behind the Master, and Master can be subdued by a few words.

However, he felt that he still had to avoid doing it as much as possible, otherwise Yang Longjun knew that he was fighting when he went back later, and might even laugh at him.

"Wait a minute!" Then he exclaimed, "You can't do this, it won't do you any good."Sun Li smiled back and said: "What can I do if daddy did you?"

"First of all, this is what you did first, and I can fight it back," Fang Heng analyzed to him very seriously, "Of course I will not shoot too hard, but in order to ensure that you will not hurt me, I must interrupt you. Hands or feet.

"There are a total of fifteen people here, and even if you only have one broken leg, the treatment fee will cost at least one million.

"But I will definitely not pay for the medical expenses, because you are the first to do it, and I am just defensive.

"When the time comes, you will have to pay for yourself, and you will still have to apologize to us. Tell us, isn't it uneconomical?"

Sun Li's men were all stunned at the same time.

This kid is really mentally ill. Just like the bean sprouts, can you smash him a piece of tofu?

It's arrogant to even interrupt the legs of a dozen of them.

Sun Li was even more mad at him. The sky has really changed these years. What kind of cats and dogs can ride on him?

In normal times, he would at most let people give him a bit of pain, let him know what the sky was high and the earth was thick.

But today is considered bad luck for this kid, he is angry, but he has to come to the door to tease him.

"Hit me! Both hands and feet are interrupted!"

Several of his men received the order, and no longer hesitated, they raised their fists and greeted Fang Heng.

Fang Heng sighed inwardly, this is really going to happen.

If that's the case, then he's not welcome. The Master teaches him that he is not allowed to sit and be beaten.

Bang bang bang ——

There was a flutter in the office. All of Sun Li's fourteen men were beaten to the ground by Fang Heng in an instant, either holding his arms or holding his feet and wailing in pain.

Sun Li's eyes were about to fall out, and he was stunned for a moment. He didn't see much clearly just now, and all of these men fell!

From the looks of it, all hands and feet are really severed!

Let me go, what kind of evil star is this!

"Hey, I said just now, you just don't believe it." Fang Heng shook his head helplessly, then turned to Sun Li and said, "Look, things are happening like this now, what do you think?"

Sun Li: ...what else can I do? I am panicking now!

At this time, the office door was slammed open, and Yang Longjun rushed in fiercely. He heard something wrong on the stairs just now. He guessed that Fang Heng was really doing it, and he was about to come and touch the porcelain.

"Fuck, you are moving too fast, right?" Yang Longjun couldn't help but explode when he saw the person lying on the floor.

"They did it first, really."

"You tell me what's the use of this, will your Master scold you if you know it?"

Fang Heng thought for a while: "I shouldn't. Although the Master said that he couldn't fight casually, he didn't say that he couldn't justify defense."

"That's good." Yang Longjun found a place to sit down, "Have you talked about it? Didn't talk about it to continue."

Fang Heng then continued to say to Sun Li: "Well, the person involved happened to be here. You apologize to him now and promise not to do bad things in the future, so we can forgive you."

"I have to pay for my medical expenses." Yang Longjun reminded.

"Yes, medical expenses," Fang Heng said, "I'd better write a guarantee."

Sun Li even wanted to die.

Even if you apologize and lose money, he can still accept it. If you write a guarantee, are you a daddy or a primary school student?

Do you want to write a review incidentally? Will it be read on Xilin TV station tomorrow?

"Two Dages, don't you need the guarantee?"

"No," Fang Heng shook his head, "There is nothing to say, we can only feel relieved by writing a letter of guarantee."

A long list of MMPs drifted past Sun Li's heart, but facing the evil star Fang Heng, he had no room for resistance at this time.

If you don’t write, do you have to break your leg?

"Okay, I write!"

In the end, he turned his heart back, and this time he was not as good as others, and he accepted it too.

But the gentleman avenged his revenge. It was not too late for ten years. When Daddy turned around, he spent money to find someone to do these two guys.

"Look, how much do you have to pay for the medical expenses?"

"As much as you should," Fang Heng said, "we won't ask you a penny more."

How much should it be?

Sun Li gritted his teeth: "Five hundred thousand, what do you think?"

In fact, Fang Heng didn't know how much it would cost, so he looked at Yang Longjun.

Yang Longjun felt even more uncountable. He has not been to the hospital yet.

However, he knew his own business. If he wanted to, he could heal in three days at most. He didn't need injections and medicine at all.

So this half a million is equivalent to a profit in vain.

"Yes, 500,000 is 500,000, this time it will be cheaper for you."

Sun Li:……*¥##@@¥%……

Sun Li took half a million cash from the safe, wrote a review letter crookedly, and finally apologized to the two "sincerely", Fang Heng finally let go.

The result is still relatively good, but the process is a bit bloody and painful.

"Look, it would be great earlier," Fang Heng said. "These men of yours won't have any pain. They don't need to go to the hospital, let alone spend money."

Sun Li: ...Get out! Roll as far as you can!

"By the way, this brother," Sun Li asked with a smile on his face, "I don't know what your name is. Maybe we can make friends in the future?"

Making friends is fake. I want to take the opportunity to find out Fang Heng's details so that he can get revenge.

"Well, my name is Fang Heng," Fang Heng didn't think about his thoughts. "Actually, I found that you are a good person. You are more loyal, but your personality is too impatient. This must be changed or not. WeChat?"


After adding WeChat, Fang Heng and Yang Longjun left together.

After Sun Li sent his hand to the hospital, he turned on the phone to find some friends to discuss revenge.

This time he suffered a great loss, let alone say that two or three million went out and he was bleeding heavily!

Man man, revenge is never overnight!

What can I do, can I still hold the bullet?

Tonight, he will let Fang Heng know how many eyes Ma Wangye has!

But before calling, he first opened WeChat and checked Fang Heng's circle of friends.

At this point, he almost knelt directly on the ground.

In Fang Heng's circle of friends, two big dog heads, one black and one white, are huddling with him!

Fuck... Isn't this the dog of the master Wangzishan?

As a face-to-face person in Xilin City, if he doesn't know these two dogs, then he can really jump off the building.

Could it be that this guy named Fang Heng has a close relationship with that master?

So he took a screenshot of Fang Heng's photo, sent it to some familiar friends, and inquired everywhere.

It didn't take long for it to be sent, and an unfamiliar phone called.


"Are you Sun Li?" There was a middle-aged man's voice over the phone.

"Yes, may I ask if you are..."

"Just call me Lao Liu. I am the person in charge of the Xilin City Branch of the West Forest."


Sun Li took a breath from his teeth, and at the same time was secretly frightened. It seemed that his guess just now was correct.

That Fang Heng must have a close relationship with the master Wangzishan, otherwise Lao Liu would not call him.

However, his heart suddenly rose. The timing of the call was subtle, and he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Brother Liu, if you have any suggestions, please tell me."

"No advice, what you did this time is too unkind," Manager Liu said, "Fang Heng is the only personal disciple of the master, you dare to do something with him, don't you want to live?"

Disciples in person?Or the only one?

Sun Li shook his hands in fright, and the phone almost fell to the ground.

He knew before that the master had no relatives, so he concluded that Fang Heng and him would not be relatives.

As long as they are not relatives, the love is not so deep, and there is a limit for the master to help him out.

But this is the only personal disciple, the relationship is different!

Legend has it that fortune tellers leaked secret secrets, and most of them have no descendants. The only direct disciple is like a son!

"Liu...Brother Liu," Sun Li said not so sharply, "I am wrong, I am confused, I am obsessed for a while, please also ask Brother Liu to show me a clear way!"

He also knew in his heart that if the master was really angry, it would be impossible for someone to call him, instead he would send someone to the house and ransack his home.

So he felt that there must be room for a turnaround.

"Count you acquainted," Manager Liu said, "I heard that just now, you did a good job apologizing and writing a guarantee, but the compensation was a little bit less.

"Fang Heng is young and doesn't understand, you can't be a kid, just give it 500,000 and just want to settle this matter?"

"I... Brother Liu was right, I didn't want to be thoughtful."

"Looking at you being so sincere, I won't be embarrassed anymore," Manager Liu said, "You are sending another half a million in the past, but you can't say that I said it, you understand?"

"Understood, I understand!"

"In addition, I will advise you one last thing, since you have written the guarantee, then you are afraid that you can't do this business now."

Sun Li sighed in his heart, what else could he do if he didn't do the current business?

Go to the sky bridge and talk about cross talk?

"Brother Liu, this is a bit too terrific, isn't it?"

To cut people's wealth is tantamount to killing their parents. If the master's reputation were not there, Sun Li might have to turn his face on the spot.

"Don't tell me this," Manager Liu said, "I am doing this for your own good. The master's disciple is a very real person. You promise him not to do bad things. If you dare to do it, he will definitely come to you. ."

"Brother Liu, you can't kill them all, I still have dozens of brothers to raise!"

"I said, this is not something I can decide. If you don't agree, you can go to Wangzishan to find a master to judge, I'm afraid you don't have the guts."

Sun Li fainted at once, he really didn't.

Go to Wangzishan and ask the master to let him do loan sharks. Is this different from jumping into a well?

How about finding a big truck and hitting it to death, the family can still get some compensation.

"But I can give you a suggestion," Manager Liu said, "If you still want to continue doing it, you'd better go somewhere else, go a little farther, and don't stay in Xilin City."

"Brother Liu," Sun Li's face is going to be rotten. How can it be so easy to change places, go to someone else's site to make money, then you can't be beaten to death?

"No matter how accommodating and accommodating, Xilin City is my hometown, where can I go."

"Another way, in the future, your interest will be paid according to national regulations, so that although you earn less, it is at least safe, right?"


To your sister, the interest is paid according to national regulations. What kind of money does he make?

Then he won't call usury in the future, just call a philanthropist.

"Okay, that's it."

After speaking, Manager Liu hung up the phone. Although Sun Li felt uneasy, he really lost his temper this time.

This time I kicked the iron plate... No, it should be the alloy steel plate!

Who is that master, who can blow him up in one breath!

Fortunately, Fang Heng was not an ordinary person. He was able to fight and knocked down a dozen of his younger brothers.

Well played!

If this is an ordinary person, he will probably be beaten up by him today, then he will be completely finished!

No, it's not over yet!

Sun Li Yilu jumped up from the sofa, hurriedly opened the safe, took another 500,000 yuan, and prepared to send it to Fang Heng.

As for future business, let's wait and see.

If it doesn't work, just do it secretly, and it's impossible for the masters and disciples to stare at him all the time.

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